STATE PLA 3ARD B.E.P.Q. 558, 2d Revision Effective September 20, 1%9 UNITED STATES. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PUNT QUARAiTTINE DOMESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES ADDITIONAL METHODS OF TREATING COTTONSEED FOR CERTIFICATION UNDER PINK BOLU'.'OPJ: REGULATIONS On August 23» 1%9, a notice of rule making was published in the Federal Register (1/4. F. R. 5231) regarding a proposed amendment to administrative in- structions authorizing methods of treating cottonseed (B. E. P. 0. 558, Revised; 7 CFR 301»52-4a)« After consideration of all relevant matters presented, in- cluding the proposals set forth in the aforesaid notice, pursuant to the author- ity conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by the second proviso of the Pink Boilv/orm Quarantine (7 CFR 301.52), the said administrative instructions are hereb} r amended by revising paragraph (a) (3) of such instructions to read as follovs: § 301.52-Z4.a Administ rative i nstru ctions authorizing add itiona l methods of treating cottonseed. — Ta) Cot to nseed from lightly infested area . * • * * "' : ' * * (3) Dosage . The dosage of methyl bromide shall be as follows: Average seed temperature 60° F. or above Bclo-v 60* F. Dosage ra-.e (lbs. per 1,000 cu. ft.) Exposure period (hours) (4 (6 2k 12 . (5 (7.5 , ... 2K 12 The dosage shall be introduced as a spray into the return duct at sea point beyond the blov; The circulatory system shall be operated at the beginning for a period to be designated by the inspector in charg . (Sec- 8, 37 Stat. 31S, as amend- i; 7 U. S. C. l6lj 7 CFR 301.52) 3 1262 09313 6777 This amendment provides for additional schedules for fumigating cotton- seed by using increased dosages of methyl bromide for shorter exposure periods vrithin each cf two temperature ranges. Since it thus relieves restrictions it is vdthin the exception in section 4 (c) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U. S. C. 1003 (c)) and may properly be made effective less than 30 days after its publication in t'.^e Federal Register. This amendment shall be effective September 20, 1949- Done at Washington, D. C, this 8th day of September 1949. /"£• U-^^y^&S* Chief, Bureau of Fntomoloey and PlLnt Quarantine