Registry No. 1702—14 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE COMMERCIAL DUPLICATING AND MAILING INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 29, 1933 wedoourp*t UNlV . OF FL LIB. PPPWtfNTS PE?T,, U.S. DEPOSITORY The Code for the Commercial Duplicating and Mailing Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mentioned industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are to be regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Administration • as applying to this industry UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. -------- Price 5 cents Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation TENTATIVE CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION SUBMITTED BY THE COMMERCIAL DUPLICATING AND MAILING INDUSTRY Application to the President of the United States for a Code of Fair Competition for the Commercial Duplicating and Mailing Indus- try, under the provisions of Section 3, Title I, of the Act entitled "An Act to Encurage National Industrial Recovery, To Foster Fair Com- petition and To Provide for the Construction of Certain Useful Public Works for Several Purposes." To effectuate the policy of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, the following provisions are established as a Code of Fair Competition for the Commercial Duplicating and Mailing Industry : 1. Labor Code 1. Collective Bargaining. — In conformity with the provisions of Section 7a of the National Industrial Recovery Act, the attitude of this industry with respect to the labor of employees shall be as follows: (A) That employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and shall be free from interference, restraint, or coercion of employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such representatives or in self- organization or in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection; (B) That no employee and no one seeking employment shall be required as a condition of employment to join any company union or to refrain from joining, organizing, or assisting a labor organization of his choosing; and (C) That employers shall comply with the maximum hours of labor, minimum rates of pay, and other conditions of employment, approved or prescribed by the President. 2. Child Labor. — On and after the effective date of this Code, no person under the age of sixteen years shall be employed in a Com- mercial Duplicating and/or Mailing establishment, except that persons between fourteen and sixteen may be employed for not to exceed three hours per day, and these hours between 7 A.M. and 7 P.M. in such work as will not interfere with hours of day school. 3. Maximum Hours and Minimum Wages. — (A) On and after the effective date of this Code no individual or organization producing and/or selling Commercial Duplicating and/or Mailing Service shall work any office worker or assistant supervisor an average of more than forty hours per week for any six months' period; not shall they work any production worker an average of more than forty hours a week for any six months' period; and the maximum hours of work for any one week for any production worker shall be forty-eight hours. 8956—33 (1) (B) Exemptions. — The following shall be exempt from the maxi- mum hours of work provisions: (1) Outside salesmen. (2) Traveling representatives. (3) Executives and members of the managing staff receiving $35.00 or more per week, if paid time and a third for all hours over 48 hours. (4) Owners, copartners, or corporate officers. (C) Emergency Work. — These limitations shall not apply to em- ployees when emergency orders must be produced, provided that such extra hours beyond eight hours in any one day shall be paid for at the rate of not less than one and a third times the regular hourly rate. (D) On and after the effective date of this Code Commercial Dupli- cating and Mailing Service producers and/or sellers shall establish minimum rates or wages for the employees specified in Section 3a, as follows: (a) For experienced office workers the minimum wage scale shall be not less than $14.00 per week. (b) For experienced production workers the minimum scale for all duplicating-machine operators shall be not less than forty cents per hour; and for all other employees (except messengers) shall be not less than thirty cents per hour; for all messengers, shall be not less than 25 cents per hour. Except, that since it is the desire of the President of the United States for each industry to absorb its own experienced employees before undertaking to train beginners and others, it is provided that until December 31, 1933, learners and junior assistants shall not exceed in number twenty percent of the experienced employees; and shall receive not less than eighty percent of the minimum wage scale for experienced operators or office workers, and that in not less than six weeks' time such learners and junior assistants shall be advanced to the minimum scale of pay for experienced operators in their cla<-. 4. Not to reduce the compensation for employment now in excess of the minimum wages hereby agreed to (notwithstanding that the hours worked in such employment may be hereby reduced). 5. Not to use any subterfuge to frustrate the spirit and intent of this Code which is, among other things, to increase employment by a universal covenant, to remove obstructions to commerce, and to shorten hours and to raise wages for the shorter week to a living basis. 6. Not to increase the price of any sendee sold after the date hereof over the price on July 1, 1933, by more than is made necessary by actual increases in production, operating, replacement, or invoice costs of services, or by taxes or other costs resulting from action taken pursuant to the Agricultural Adjustment Act since July 1, L933, and, in setting such price increases, to give full weight to prob- able increases in sales volume, and to refrain from taking profiteering advantage of the consuming public. 7. To support and patronize establishments which have signed the President's reemployment agreement and are listed as members of (National Recovery Administration). 8. To cooperate to the fullest extent in having a complete Code of Fair Competition submitted by this industry at the earliest possible date and in any event before September 1, 1033. 9. Administration. — (a) To effectuate further the policies of the Act, under Section 2a of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery- Act, the Mail Advertising Service Association International is nereby appointed the agency to administer the full purposes of the Act inso- far as they apply to the Commercial Duplicating and Mailing Industry such Association being the only National Association in the industry and having been the only National Association in the industry for the past fourteen years. Membership in the Mail Advertising Service Association International is open to all employing concerns, with no restriction as to size or location. (b) The general duties and powers of the agency in administering this Code, restrictions on the administering functions of such agency, the method of organization of the Code Committee, supervisory control over the Code Committee, specific duties and powers of the Code Committee, are all to be provided for by a fair method in the complete Code of Fair Competition to be submitted by this industry to the President of the United States not later than September 1, 1933, to be approved by the Administrator. (c) Such agency is also set up to cooperate with the Administrator in making investigations as to the functioning and observances of any provisions of this Code at its own instance or on complaint of any person affected, and to report the same to the Administrator. (d) This Code and all the provisions thereof are expressly made subject to the right of the President in accordance with the provision of Clause 10(b) of the National Industrial Recovery Act, from time to time to cancel, or to modify any order, approval, license, rule or regulation, issued under Title I of said Act, and specifically to the right of the President to cancel or modify his approval of this Code or any condition imposed by him upon his approval thereof. (e) Such of the provisions of this Code as are not required to be included therein by the National Industrial Recovery Act may, with the approval of the President, be modified or eliminated as changes in the circumstances or experience may indicate. It is contemplated that from time to time supplementary provisions to this Code or additional codes will be submitted for the approval of the President to prevent unfair competition in price and other unfair and destruc- tive competitive practices and to effectuate the other purposes and policies of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act consistent with the provisions thereof. 10. Effective Date. — This Code shall become effective September 1, 1933, and shall remain in effect until December 31, 1933, unless and until superseded by the complete Code of the industry, which will be submitted not later than September 1, 1933. H. W. Osborn, President, M.A.S.A. Intnl. By H. C. Bates, Vice-President and Director, and Authorized Code Representative for the M.A.S.A. Intnl. o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08853 8342