rf/O'^'/'T » *■ /^ lU ~ £> A- /?/>*- £- / U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin MADISON, WISCONSIN DOCUMENT^ DF List of Publications on WOOD-USING INDUSTRIES AND TIMBER MARKETING AS ISSUED BY VARIOUS STATES June, 1931 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/listtioOOfore List of Publications on Wood-Using Industries and Timber Marketing as Issued by Various States The following list of publications deals with wood- using industries and the marketing of forest products in the various states as compiled by the Forest Products Laboratory. The first named publication under each state is the latest bulletin on either of the subjects. Earlier publications are included in order that the references may be complete. For many states these early publications are not available for distribution. They can be found, however, in many of the larger public libraries. Publications starred (*) are in that class. Publications double starred (**) can be had upon application to the U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. , if they are not available from original sources. Those not starred may be obtained from the sources shown. Some of the publications listed deal exclusively with wood-using industries and marketing of forest products; others deal only in part with the above subjects; while still others contain only lists of consumers of various wood prod- ucts. Investigations of wood-using industries or marketing of forest products have not been made by the states not listed, so far as is known. Alabama **Wood-Using Industries of Alabama. Lumber Trade Jour- nal, New Orleans, La. May 1, 1912. Arkansas Report of the Bureau of Mines, Manufactures and Agri- culture, Little Rock. 1924. (includes a list of wood-using industries). *Wood-Using Industries and National Forests of Arkansas. U.S. Forest Service Bulletin 106, Washington, D. C. 1912. California *Wood-Using Industries of California. Bulletin 3, State Board of Forestry, Sacramento. 1912. R926 Connecticut Uses of Lumber and Wood in Connecticut. State Park and Forest Commission, Hartford. 1928. **Wood-Using Industries of Connecticut. Bulletin 174, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs 1913. Florida **Wood-Using Industries of Florida. Department of Agri- culture, Tallahassee. 1913. Georgia Uses of Georgia Woods. Georgia Forest Service, Atlanta. 1930. **Wood-Using Industries of Georgia. Lumber Trade Jour- nal, New Orleans, La. March 15, 1915. Idaho Idaho Forest and Timber Handbook. School of Forestry, University of Idaho, Moscow. 1927. *Wood-Using Industries of Idaho. Pacific Lumber Trade Journal, Seattle, Wash. July, 1912. Illinois List of Markets for Illinois Forest Products. Ex- tension Service, University of Illinois, Urbana. 1931. Marketing Illinois Forest Products. Extension Service, University of Illinois, Urbana. 1931. **¥ood-Using Industries of Illinois. Department of Horti- culture, University of Illinois, Urbana. 1914. Indiana Marketing Indiana Timber. Bulletin 335, Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University, Lafayette. 1930. R926 -2- Indiana (continued) List of Timber Buying Industries of Indiana. Mimeo- graph list. Agricultural Experiment Station, Pur- due University, Lafayette. **Wood-Using Industries of Indiana. Hardwood Record, Chicago, 111. March 1, 1916. Iowa **Wood-Using Industries of Iowa. Bulletin 142, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Sta.tion, Ames. 1913. Kentucky ♦Wood-Using Industries of Kentucky. Department of Agri- culture Labor and Statistics, Frankfort. 1908. Louisiana ♦Wood-Using Industries of Louisiana. Lumber Trade Jour- nal, New Orleans. January 1, 1912. Maine Maine Hardwoods. Bulletin 4, Maine Forest Service, Augusta. 1927. **Wood-Using Industries of Maine. Forestry Commission, Augusta. 1912. Maryland *Wood-Using Industries of Maryland. Maryland State Board of Forestry, Annapolis. 1910. Massachusetts Wood-Using Industries of Massachusetts. Harvard Forest School, Petersham. 1928. **Wood-Using Industries of Massachusetts. Department of Conservation, Boston. 1910. Michigan **Wood-Using Industries of Michigan. Public Domain Commission, Lansing. 1912^ R926 -3- Minnesota Lumber Production and Wood Utilization in Southeastern Minnesota. Bulletin 271, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, St. Paul. 1930. ♦Wood-Using Industries of Minnesota. State Forestry Board, St. Paul. 1913. Mississippi ♦♦Wood-Using Industries of Mississippi. Lumber Trade Journal, New Orleans, La. March 15, 1912. Missouri ♦♦Wood-Using Industries of Missouri. St. Louis Lumber- man, St. Louis. March 15, 1912. Montana Montana Forest and Timber Handbook. School of Forestry, State University, Missoula. 1926. ♦Wood-Using Industries of Montana. Timberman, Portland, Ore. Nov. 1, 1912. New Hampshire Wood-Using Industries of New Hampshire. New Hampshire Forests, Concord. Dec. 1927-Dec. 1929. (Accounts of representative plants). Marketing of Lumber in New Hampshire. Harvard Forest School, Petersham, Mass. 1925. Biennial Reports, Forestry Department, Concord. (Lists of wood-using industries). ♦Wood-Using Industries of New Hampshire. Forestry Com- mission, Concord. 1912. New Jersey ♦♦Wood-Using Industries of New Jersey. Forest and Park Reservation Commission, Trenton. 1914. New York Wood-Using Industries of New York. Technical Bulletin 27. New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse University, Syracuse. 1928. R926 -4- New York (continued) ♦Technical Bulletin 14 (same title and source as above) 1921. ♦Series XIV, No. 2 (same title and source as above) 1913. North Carolina Wood-Using Industries of North Carolina. Department of Commerce and Development, Raleigh. 1923. **Wood-Using Industries of North Carolina. North Caro- lina Geologic and Economic Survay, Economic Paper No. 20, Chapel Hill. 1910. Ohio Lumber Production in Ohio. Bulletin of Ohio Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Wooster. June, 1931. ♦♦Wood-Using Industries of Ohio. Ohio Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Wooster. 1912. Oregon Report of Bureau of Labor, 1929-1930, Salem. (includes a list of the wood-using industries). Oregon Hardwood Industries. Studies in Business No. 4, University of Oregon, Eugene. 1929. ♦Wood-Using Industries of Oregon. Oregon Conservation Association, Portland. 1911. Pennsylvania ♦♦Wood-Using Industries of Pennsylvania. Department of Forestry, Harrisburg. 1914. South Carolina Yearbook, 1930. Department of Agriculture, Commerce and Industries Columbia (List of woodworking plants, sawmills, etc. ) ■"♦Wood-Using Industries of South Carolina. Department of Agriculture, Commerce and Industries, Columbia. 1913. R926 -5- ' ' ' ■ > . r Tennessee Marketing Woodlot Products in Tennessee. Vol. VII, No. 3, Resources of Tennessee, State Geological Sur- vey, Nashville. 1917. (List of wood-using in- dustries) . **Wood-Using Industries of Tennessee. Southern Lumber- man, Nashville. May 25, 1912. Texas **Wood-Using Industries of Texas. Lumber Trade Journal, New Orleans, La. June 15, 1912. Vermont Annual Cut, Consumption and Value of Forest Products in Vermont, Forestry Pub. 32, Vermont Forest Service, Montpelier, 1928. Wood-Using Industries of Vermont. Extension Service, University of Vermont, Burlington. 1928. **Wood-Using Industries of Vermont. Vermont Forestry Publication No. 11. Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Montpelier. 1913. Virginia Marketing Woodlot Products in Virginia. Bulletin, Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg. 1930. Wood-Using Industries of Virginia. Engineering Ex- tension Bulletin 21, Virginia Polytechnic Insti- tute, Blacksburg. 1929. *Wood-Using Industries of Virginia. Department of Ag- riculture and Immigration, Richmond. 1912. Washington The Forest and the Wood-Using Industry of Washington, (six parts) West Coast Lumberman, Seattle. Issues of May 1, 1927 to July 15, 1927 inclusive. **The Wood-Using Industries of Washington. Pacific Lumber Trade Journal, Seattle. Nov. 1911. R926 -6- . ■ ■ ■ ■ . -1 -, I ■ ■ ' West Virginia West Virginia Forests and Forest Products. Bulletin 74, West Virginia Department of Agriculture, Charleston. 1928. **Wood-Using Industries of West Virginia. West Virginia Department of Agriculture, Charleston. 1915. Wisconsin ♦Wisconsin's Wood-Using Industries. Bulletin 67, Wis- consin Department of Agriculture, Madison. 1924. *A Study of the Wisconsin Wood-Using Industries. Forestry Department, Madison. 1910. Rather complete lists of secondary wood-using in- dustries and manufacturers of dimension stock for each of the southern and southeastern states are published in Southern Lumberman, Nashville, Tennessee, issue of December 15, 1929. The states for which lists are published are: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. R926 -7- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08926 9525