ub : ^ 2 D«gfi#ti3 PT / *r\tfy i v re POSITORY S. R. A.— B. B. 22. Issued August 21, 1918. United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. E. W. Nelson, Cftie/ o/ Bureau. SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS, REGULATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF GAME IN CERTAIN LOCALITIES IN ALASKA. By virtue of the authority conferred upon the Secretary of Agri- culture by section 2 of the act of May 11. 1908 (35 Stat., 102; Com- piled Law- of Alaska, section 331), entitled. "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act for the protection of game in Alaska, and for other purposes.' approved June 7. 1902," the following regulations for the protection of game in Alaska are made and published to take effect August 1, 1918: REGULATION 1.— OPEN* SEASON FOR DEER. The killing of deer in southeastern Alaska east of longitude 141° is hereby limited to deer having horns not less than 3 inches long, and the season for killing such deer is limited to the period from August 15 to October 31, both dates inclusive. REGULATION 2.— LIMITS. The number of deer killed by any one person during the open season in southeastern Alaska east of longitude 141° is hereby limited to three. REGULATION 3.— THE KILLING OF FEMALES AND YOUNG OF CERTAIN ANIMALS. The killing of female mountain sheep, female deer, mountain sheep lambs. mountain goat kids, and fawns of deer and caribou, south of the Arctic Circle is hereby prohibited. REGULATION 4.— DEER ON CERTAIN ISLANDS. The killing of deer on Kodiak Island and Long Island; on the Islands of Hawkins, Hinchinbrook, and Montague, in Prime William Sound; and on the following islands in southeastern Alaska: Duke Island, near Dixon I i Gravina Island, near Ketchikan. Kruzof Island, west of Sitka. San Juan Island and Suemez Island, ne.\ r Klawak. and Zerembo Island, near Wrangell, is hereby prohibited until August 1, 1920. 74116 - — 18 REGULATION 5.— SALE OF DEER MEAT IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. The sale, directly or indirectly, of deer meat in southeastern Alaska east of longitude 141° is hereby prohibited; and no deer meat shall be procured for serving and served in any boarding house, cafe, cannery, eating house, hotel, mess house or restaurant by the proprietor thereof or his agent, in southeastern Alaska east of longitude 141°, and no deer meat or caribou meat shall be received or served on board any steamer or other vessel in the waters of the South Coast of Alaska between Unimak Pass and Dixon Inlet. REGULATION 6.— MOOSE IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. The killing of moose in southeastern Alaska east or south of the Lynn Canal is hereby prohibited until August 1, 1920. REGULATION 7.— SALE OF MOOSE MEAT BETWEEN LATITUDE 62° AND THE ARCTIC CIRCLE. The sale, directly or indirectly, of moose meat in Alaska between latitude 62° and the Arctic Circle, between December 25 and August 19, both dates inclu- sive, is hereby prohibited; and no moose meat shall be procured for serving and served in any boarding house, cafe, cannery, eating house, hotel, mess house or restaurant by the proprietor thereof or his agent, in Alaska between lati- tude 62° and the Arctic Circle, between December 25 and August 19, both dates inclusive. REGULATION 8.— SALE OF MEAT, CARCASSES OR PARTS THEREOF, OF MOOSE, CARIBOU, MOUNTAIN SHEEP AND MOUNTAIN GOAT SOUTH OF LATITUDE 62°. The sale, directly or indirectly, of the meat, carcasses or parts thereof, of moose, caribou, mountain sheep or mountain goat in Alaska south of latitude 62° and between longitude 141° and the western outlet of Lake Clark in longi- tude 155°, and the shipping of the meat, carcasses or parts thereof, of said ani- mals for sale from Anchorage, Seward or other points on the Kenai Peninsula, is hereby prohibited; and no meat, carcasses, or parts thereof, of said animals shall be accepted for shipment to other points in Alaska unless accompanied by affidavit of the owner that they were not purchased and are not intended for sale. The meat of moose, caribou, mountain sheep or mountain goat shall not be procured for serving and served in any boarding house, cafe, cannery, eat- ing house, hotel, mess house or restaurant by the proprietor thereof or his agent in Alaska south of latitude 62° and between longitude 141° and the western outlet of Lake Clark in longitude 155°. REGULATION 9.— HIRING HUNTERS PROHIBITED. The hiring of any person, directly or indirectly, to kill or capture game birds or game animals for any boarding house, cafe, cannery, eating house, hotel, mess house or restaurant in Alaska south of the Arctic Circle is hereby prohibited. REGULATION 10.— OPEN SEASON FOR MOUNTAIN GOATS. The killing of mountain goats in southeastern Alaska east of longitude 141° and on the Kenai Peninsula is hereby limited to the period from September 1 to October 31, botli dates inclusive. REGULATION 11.— KILLING OF CARIBOU AND MOUNTAIN SHEEP ON THE KENAI PENINSULA. The killing of caribou on the Kenai Peninsula is hereby prohibited until August 1, 1920. The killing of mountain sheep in the eastern part of the Kenai Peninsula east of longitude 150° (the location of which is indicated by a north and south line passing through the Stalter Place on Kenai River) is hereby prohibited until August 1, 1920. REGULATION 12.— KILLING GAME TO FEED DOGS OR FOXES. The killing or permitting the killing of deer, moose, mountain sheep, moun- tain goat, or any game bird, for feeding dogs or foxes or for baiting traps of any kind in Alaska south of the Arctic Circle is prohibited. REGULATION 13.— PREVENTING DESTRUCTION OF GAME BY DOGS. Killing or permitting the killing of moose, deer, caribou, mountain sheep, or mountain goats with dogs, permitting any of the said animals to be killed by clogs, or permitting dogs to hunt moose, deer, caribou, mountain sheep, or moun- tain goats, in Alaska south of the Arctic Circle is hereby prohibited. On the Kenai Peninsula no dogs shall be allowed to run at large or, unless accom- panied by or under the immediate control of their owners or custodians, shall oe allowed outside the immediate vicinity of the towns of Hope, Kenai, Roose- velt, Seldovia, Seward, and Sunrise. For the purposes of this regulation the immediate vicinity of the towns shall be considered to mean one mile in any direction from the post office. REGULATION 14.— GAME KILLED BY NATIVES, MINERS, AND EXPLORERS. Game killed by natives for food .or clothing, or by miners or explorers in need of food, shall not be sold directly or indirectly, nor served in any boarding house, cafe, cannery, eating house, hotel, mess house, or restaurant. On and after August 1, 1918, all regulations for the protection of game in Alaska made and published by the Secretary of Agriculture under authority of the Alaska game law prior to the regulations hereby made and published, except the regulations of August 1, 1908, relating to the collection of specimens for sci- entific purposes and the capture or shipment of live animals and birds for exhi- bition or propagation, and the export of specimens from Alaska, shall be and are "hereby revoked. Ill testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal in the District of Columbia, this 24th day of July, 1918. [seal.] D. F. Houston, Secretary of Agriculture, WASHINGTON \ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1918 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ilillillllll 3 1262 09218 4828