;> i-, iB. A. I Onlor 801) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGEIfiTTTiTTTRE TORY BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE IMPORTATION OF DOMESTIC LIVESTOCK AND OTHER ANIMALS INTO THE UNITED STATES Effective on and offer May 1, UKil U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, February 3. 1921. Under authority of sections 6. 7, 8. and 10 of the act of Congress approved August 30, 1890. entitled "An act providing for an inspection of meats for exportation, prohibiting the importation of adulterated articles of food or drink, and authorizing the President to make proclamation in certain cases, and for other purposes" (26 Stat. 414). as amended June 28, 1026 (44 Stat. 774) : and of the act of Congress approved February 2, 1903, entitled "An act to enable the Secretary of Agriculture more effectually to suppress and prevent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases of livestock, and for other purposes" (32 Stat. 701). the following regulations, which for the purpose of identification are designated as B. A. I. Order 301. are issued, superseding previous regulations on the same subject known and designated as B. A. I. Order 281. and all amendments thereto, and shall become and be effective on May 1, 1927. W. M. Jardixe. Secretary. GENERAL PROVISIONS Definitions Regulation 1. Whenever in these regulations the following words, names, or terms are used they shall be construed, respectively, to mefin — Department. — The United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau. — The Bureau of Animal Industry of the department. Animals. — Cattle, sheep, goats, other ruminants, swine, horses, asses, mules, and dogs, and it may include, when so ordered by the chief of bureau, any domestic animals which may be offered for importation. Cattl^. — Animals of the bovine species. Sheep. — Animals of the ovine species. Goats. — Animals of the caprine species. Ruminants. — All animals which chew the cud. or regurgitate a portion of their food for a second mastication in process of digestion, such as cattle, buffaloes of various kinds, sheep, goats, deer, antelope of all varieties, camels, dromedaries, alpacas, llamas, and giraffes. Swine. — The domestic hog, and wild boar, the wart hog. the water hog. and other varieties of wild boss. Horses. — Horses, mules, and asses. Contagious diseases.- — Glanders and farcy, dourine. distemper or strangles, epizootic and ulcerative lymphangitis, anthrax, contagious pleuropneumonia, splenetic or Texas fever, tubercuh sis, foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, surra, variola, foot rot. scabies, hog cholera, swine plague, swine erysipelas, and other contagious, infectious, or communicable diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, other ruminants, swine, horses, and other animals, 88533°— 27 Cati Tlcki thai are carriers of the Infection of splenetic, southern, ■ r At. Inspector of 1 1 1 * - bun nined by an Inspector of the bureau, tni of origin. The countrj in which the animals offered for Importation Into the United States have been kepi for 80 days Immediately preceding their men! t<> the United state-. District <>f origin. The district In which the animals offered for importation Into tl have been kept for »'.<» days Immediately preceding their movement to the Uniti d Che premises on which the anlma orta- tion Into the United state- have been kepi for 60 days Immediately preceding their movement to the United States, General Prohibition EtaouLAXiois - No person, firm, or corporation shall import or bring into the United States any of the animals covered by these regulations except In a< ance with the provisions thereof: nor shall any such animal or animals be handled or moved aftei physical entry into the United state- and before final release from quarantine or any other form of governmental detention ei in compliance with these regulations. Prohibition Upon Sea Stores Livestock -el having on hoard, as sea stores, cattle, sheep, other ruminants, or swine, which originated in a region in which foot-and-mouth disease or rinderpest exists, shall enter any port of the United Stat< Ports Designated for the Importation of Animals i.vho.n 1. Paragraph I. With the approval of the Secretary of the Treas- ury the following-named ports and subports are hereby designated as quaran- tine stations, and all ruminants and swine except those from Canada and those transported by land from Mexico shall Ik 1 entered through said Stations, viz: on the Atlantic seaboard: Boston, Mass.; New York. N. v.: Baltimore, Md. ; Jacksonville, 1 "la. ; San Juan. Porto Rico; New Orleans. La.: and Galv< Tex on the Pacific seaboard: San Francisco, Los Angeles, ami San D Calif.; Astoria, Oreg.; Port Townsend, Wash.: and Honolulu, Hawaii. Par. .'. The following-named stations, in addition to those specified in para- graph l of this regulation, are designated as quarantine stations for the entry of animals from Canada and animals transported by land from Mexico, viz: Brownsville, Hidalgo, Bio Grande, Laredo. Eagle Pass, Del Rio, and El : Tex.: Nogales, Ariz.; Calexico and San Ysidro. CaJ port, Calais. Y hero, Houlton, Monticello, Bridgewater, Mars Hill, Fort Fairfield, Limestone. Van Buren, Madawaska, Frenchville, Port Kent. Jackman, and Holeb, Me.: Beecher Foils (Canaan), island Pond. North Troy, Newport. Richford, St. Albans, Swanton, am 1 Alburg, Vt.: Rouses Point, Mo« i: rs Junction. Chateaugay, Malone, Fori Covington, Hogansburg, Nyando, Louisville Landing, Waddii osburg, Morristown, Alexandria Bay, Clayton, Cape Vincent. Charlotte, ra Fall . and Buffalo, N. Y.: Detroit. Port Huron, and Sault Ste. Marie. Midi.: Pembina and Portal, N. Oak. Mont.; Eastport and porthill. Idaho; Spokane, Northport, Laurier, Danville. Perry. Oroville, liolson, Chopaka, Sumaa, Blaine, Seattle, and Tacoma, Wash.: Portland. and Juneau and Skagway, Alaska. In spedal cases other stations may he designated under this paragraph by the chief of bureau with the concurrence of th- customs authorli Permits for Ruminants and Swine 1 B For ruminants and swine Intended for Importation into the United States from any part of the world except Canada, ami except by land from M ;•:! tir-; be I from the Secretary of Airri- ra or certificates for ruminants and - Intended rtatlon to the United States only apon with date of probable Bhipment and • l permits, find for a number in oxc.ss <>f that such «liii : in the interior of a foreign countrv • the consul <>f that district and through the forward log agent h it at the p«>rt <>f embarkation. culture by the Importer a permit In two sections, one for presents tion to the American consul at the port of shipment, the other tor presentation to the collector of customs at the port oi entry specified therein, providing for reception of the s.-iui animals at the specified port <>n the date prescribed for their arrival or at any time during three weeks Imme- diately following, alter which time the permit shall he void. A permit shall In HO ease be available for the landing of animals at any port of entry other than the one mentioned therein, nor shall such animals he eligible for entry if shipped from or through any other foreign pert than that designated in the permit. Permits will be issued for entry at such port BS the importer may elect, so far as quarantine facilities are available, hut in no case shall permits for importation be granted in excess of the accommodations provided at any port. Certificates for Ruminants and Swine Regulation 6. AH ruminants and swine offered for importation into the United States from any part of the world except Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies, shall he accompanied by a certificate from the chief government veterinary officer of the country of origin statins that such animals have been kept in said country for 60 days immediately preceding the date of movement therefrom and that said country during such period of 60 days has been entirely free from foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pleuropneumonia, and surra : Provided, however, That in the case of sheep, goats, and swine the certificate, so far as it relates to contagious pleuro- pneumonia, may specify the freedom from such disease of the district of origin only: And provided further, That certificates for wild ruminants and wild swine for exhibition purposes, may specify freedom of the district of origin only from foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pleuropneumonia, and surra. The certificate shall also show in the case of swine that for 60 days next preceding the date of movement from the premises of origin no hog cholera, swine plague, or erysipelas has existed on such premises or on adjoin- ing premises. Tuberculin Test for Cattle Regulation 7. All cattle offered for importation into the United States shall be accompanied by a satisfactory tuberculin-test certificate of an official veterinarian of the national government of the country of origin : Provided, That the testing of cattle from Canada. Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies shall be governed by the regulations hereinafter specifically provided for those countries: And provided further, That in the case of cattle offered for importation from the Channel Islands the tuberculin-test certificate of the official veterinarian of the island from which such cattle were shipped will be accepted. A subsequent tuberculin test of cattle from any part of the world except Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies shall be made by an inspector at the port of entry during the last 10 days of the quarantine period as specified in regulation 12. Tuberculin tests at ports of entry may be applied by one or more of the methods approved by the chief of bureau. Presentation of Papers to Collector of Customs Regulation 8. The certificates and affidavits required by these regulations shall, upon arrival of the animals at the port of entry, be presented by the importer to the collector of customs at said port. Inspection at Port of Entry Regulation 9. Except as provided in regulations 27, 28, 37, and 41, all horses, ruminants, and swine offered for importation into the United States shall be inspected at the port of entry, and all such animals found to be free from dis- ease and not to have b?en exposed to any contagious disease shall be admitted into the United States subject to the other provisions of these regulations. Animals found to be affected with a contagious disease or to have been exposed thereto shall be refused entry and shall be dealt with thereafter in accordance with the provisions of section 8 of the act of August 30. 1890. (See page 13 of this order.) Such portions of the cargo of the vessel, or the vessel itself, on which such animals arrived as have been exposed to those animals or their d, under the direction of t; i or in charf the port of entry, to disinfection In Buch manner as m tisidered □ aid Inspector before the cargo li allowed t«» land. Article* Accompanying Animal- •imk'n in. No Utter, fodder, or other aliment, nor any crates, b girths, blankets, poles, buckets, or other tl <»r about the aninui rerned by tl ilationa, and no manure siiaii be landed from anj vessel except under such restrictions as the insi ut the port of * dI ry > l • ; » 1 1 direct Movement from to Quarantine Station ion 11. Platforms and chutes nsed for ii odling Imported rum: and swine shall be cleaned and disinfected under bureau supervision after so used. The Bald animals -hall not he unnecessarily moved over any bight nor allowed to cone in contact with other animals, hut shall he nan- • from the wharves to the quai rounds In boats, ear-, or vehicles approved by the Inspector in charge at the port of entry, which ear-, boats, • • shall he cleaned and disinfected under bureau supervision by tl moving BUCh ears, boats, or vehicles immediately alter such use. The rail- shall he either cars reserved for this exclusive use -r box cars not i transportation of animals or their fresh product-. When movement of the aforesaid animals upon i the public highway is unavoidable, it shall be under such careful supervision and restric- tions as the Inspector In Charge at the port Of entry and the local authorities may direct Period of Quarantine ■ • \iim\ 12, Paragraph /. All cattle Imported into the Unit from any pari of the world except Great Britain, Ireland, the Channel Islands. Can- ada. Mi xifo. Central America, and the West Indies shall he quarantined for a period of not l< 60 day-, counting from the date of arrival at the ]xirr of entry. Cattle imported from Great Britain, Ireland, ami the Channel ; !- -hall he quarantined for a period of oot h- days, counting from the date of arrival at the ]>ort of entry. Par. :. Swine and ruminants, other than cattle, from any part of the world except Canada. .Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies shall he quaran- tined fOT a period of not less than IT, days, counting from the date of arrival at the port of entry. During their quarantine, wild ruminants and wild swine shall he subject to such Inspections, disinfection, blood tests, or other tesl may he required by the chief of bureau to determine their freedom from dls- ad the infection <>f disease. Par, .',. The period of quarantine for animals from Canada. M utral Indies -hall he .;< hereinafter provided tor animal- from those specific countries. Horses and dogs -lull \ ■ . to qnarantii hereinafter provided for those specific animals. Feed and Attendants for Animals' i LTIOH I.".. Importers of animals: subject to quarantine under these regu- lations shall arrange for their care, feeding, ami handling from the time of unloading at the port of entry to the time of release from quarantine and at wheie facilities are not maintained by the bureau they shall provide 1 Im| animals for breeding i>u: -poses Intended ' duty nnder the provisions of paragraph 1506 ol the tariff not ot Beptember 21, \u-2-. will ;. tipulation for the production of registry certl ■ ■us until tlic cud of the quarantine period, in order that i period to procure from the Department of Agriculture • l certificates <>f pur- breeding. Upon relet |uarantine 1 1 1* ■ inspector in .a" the quarantine station shall furnish each owner a certil fulfill- ment "f quarantine requirements Animals will not !>«• released from quaranl Hi.- collector >>\~ customs thai all requirements <>f the customs regula- thelr entry hfl mplled with by the import pquired by law i,. bear expenses of quarantine (section . suitable facilities for the quarantine of such animals, subject In all cases to the approval of the Inspector at the port of entry. Bach owner, or his agent, shall gire satisfactory assurance to the Inspector at the time of quarantine that such provision will he made. Owners shall keep clean, to the satisfaction <>f such Inspector, the sheds and yards occupied by their animals. If for any cause owners o( animals refuse or neglect to supply feed and attendants, the said inspector will furnish the same. The feed and care so furnished shall he at the expense of the owner of the animals, and the Charges therefor shall he a lien on the animals. After the expiration of one-third of the quarantine period, if payment has not been made, the owners of the animals will be notified by the inspector that if said charges are not immediately paid, or satis- factory arrangements made for payment, the animals will he sold at public auction at the expiration of the period of quarantine to pay the expense of feed and care during that period. Notice of the sale will he published in a newspaper published in the county where the quarantine station is located. The day of sale will be after the expiration of the quarantine period, and the sale will he made at such place as may be designated by the said inspector. From the proceeds of the sale an amount equal to the charges for feed and care of the animals and the expense of the sale will be covered into the United States Treasury, and the remainder, if any, will be held for the owners: but if not called for at the end of six months from the date of sale, this balance will be likewise deposited in the United States Treasury. Restrictions Upon Visitors and Sales at Quarantine Stations Regulation 14. Visitors shall not be admitted to the quarantine inclosure during any time that animals are in quarantine: Provided, however, That an importer, his accredited agent, or veterinarian may be admitted to the yards and buildings containing his quarantined animals at such intervals as may he deemed necessary, and under such conditions and restrictions as may he im- posed, by the inspector in charge of the quarantine station and on the last day of the quarantine period, owners, officers of registry societies, and others hav- ing official business or whose services may be necessary in the removal of the animals may be admitted upon special written permission from the said in- spector. No exhibition or sale shall be allowed within the quarantine grounds. Disposal of Milk Regulation 15. Milk or cream from animals quarantined under these regu- lations shall not be used by any persons other than those in charge of such animals, nor fed to any other animals than those within the same lot without permission of the inspector in charge of the quarantine station, and subject to such restrictions as he may consider necessary in each instance. No milk or cream shall be removed from the quarantine premises except in compliance with all State and local regulations. Disposal of Manure Regulation 16. No manure shall be removed from the quarantine premises until the release of the animals producing the same. Appearance of Disease in Quarantine Regulation 17. If any disease of a contagious nature shall appear among animals during the quarantine period, especial precautions shall be taken to prevent spread of the infection to other livestock in the quarantine station or to those outside the grounds. The affected animals shall be slaughtered or otherwise disposed of as the chief of bureau may direct, depending upon the nature of the disease and the gravity of the affection. Horses, Accompanying Forage, and Equipment Regulation 18. All horses imported into the United States from any part of the world except Canada. Mexico. Central America, and the West Indies shall be accompanied by the certificate of a veterinary officer of the national ament of the country of origin to the effect that the animals described in the certificate have been In the said countr) during the preceding and that bo Car m it has be* n possible tain m> case of dourine, glai farcy, episootlc lymphangitis, 01 ulcerative Lymphangitis has occurred In the locality or localities where the hone or boraet have been kept during such period. Horses arriving at b port of entrj onaccompanied by the certificate .lid. If otherwise eligible for importation, may upon permission secured from the chief of bureau be entered subject to such quarantine blood or other tests as be may direct, and even though accompanied bj certificate other borses, when denied necessary by the chief of bureau, may i>c bo quarantined and tested. Upon Inspecting al the port of before permitting them i«» land, the Inspector may require their disinfection and the disinfection of their accompanying equipment as a precautionary meas- ure against the Introduction of foot and mouth disease or ether disease danger- eus to the livestock of the United state-. When no disease \- discoverable In an Importation of horses, the hay, straw, or other forage accompanying them may remain on hoard the Ship to he returne Inspection at the port of entry. If accompanied by a certificate signed by a salaried veterinarian of the Canadian Government stating that they have met all requirements of tin 1 Canadian regU- lations governing their importation into and quarantine in Canada. Animals for Slaughter iiation 22. Animals imported from Canada Into the United States for slaughter shall he consigned from the port of entry to some recognised slaugh- tering center and. there slaughtered within two weeks from the date of entry or upon special permission Obtained from the chief of bureau they may he consigned to other points and there Slaughtered within the i>eriod aforesaid. Cattle L'.".. Paragraph 1. Cattle from accredited herds. — Cattle from Canadian tubercUlOSls-free accredited herds offered for importation from Canada into the United States shall he accompanied hy a certificate signed by a veterinarian in the employ of and receiving a salary from the Canadian Gov- ernment Bhowing that the cattle are from such herds which have heen b for tuberculosis within one year from the date of Importation. The certificate shall give the date of the last tuberculin test applied to said cattle, place of testing, and the description of the cattle with ages and markings. Par. ... Dairy and breeding cattle from other than accredited herds.- -Bxcepl as hereinafter provided in this regulation, dairy and breeding cattle from other than Canadian tuberculosis-free accredited herds offered Cor Importation from Canada into the United States shall be accompanied by a veterinarian's certili- cate Showing that he has inspected the said cattle and found them free from any evidences of contagions disease 4 and that, so far as it has been possible to determine, they have not been exposed to any such disease during the preceding GO days. They shall also be accompanied hy a satisfactory certificate of tubercu- lin test, which test shall have been made within 60 days next preceding the date of importation. The daie and place of testing and a description of the cattle tested showing their ages and markings shall he given in such certificate. The aforementioned certificates shall be signed or indorsed by a salaried veteri- narian of the Canadian Government. Cattle herein described when not accom- panied hy the aforementioned certificates shall be detained in quarantine at the port of entry for a period of not less than three days and be subjected to a tuberculin test hy an inspector and such other tests as may be deemed necessary to determine their freedom from disease. Par. 3. Grazing, feeding, and slaughter cattle. — Cattle offered for importation from Canada into the United States for grazing, feeding, and slaughter shall be accompanied by the certificate of a Canadian official veterinarian or by a cer- tificate signed or indorsed by a salaried veterinarian of the Canadian Govern- ment, showing that the cattle have been inspected by him and are free from any evidence of contagious disease and that, so far as it has been possible to determine, they have not been exposed to any such disease during the preceding 00 days : Provided, however, That such cattle arriving at the port of entry un- accompanied by either of the aforesaid certificates may be allowed entry subject to such conditions as the chief of bureau may prescribe. Cattle of a dairy or breeding type, even though entered for grazing or feeding, may be detained in quarantine for such period as within the discretion of the inspector at the port of entry may be necessary, not less, however, than three days, and during such detention shall be tuberculin tested by an inspector. Par. //. Cattle from the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. — Cattle from the United States which have been exhibited at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, at Toronto, Ontario, and have not been in Canada in excess of 30 days, may be returned to the United States within a period of 10 days from the close of said fair without the certificates specified in this regulation : Provided, They are accompanied by copies of the tuberculin-test certificates which were accepted by the Canadian authorities at the time of entry into Canada : And provided further, That they are accompanied by a signed statement of the shipper or his agent to the effect that the cattle presented for entry are the identical cattle covered by the said tuberculin-test certificates and showing the date upon which the cattle entered Canada, and that they were shipped direct from the Canadian port of entry to the said fair and returned therefrom direct to the the United States port of entry. When especially ordered by the chief of bureau the pro- visions of this paragraph may be extended to include cattle exhibited at other recognized expositions in Canada. Placarding Cars and Marking Waybills Regulation 24. Transportation companies shall securely affix to and main- tain upon both sides of all cars carrying shipments of cattle which are imported from Canada for slaughter durable placards not less than 5^ by 8 inches in size, on which shall be printed with permanent black ink and in boldfaced letters not less than V/ 2 inches in height the words " Canadian cattle for slaughter." Each of the waybills pertaining to such shipments shall be plainly marked on the face thereof by the transportation company with the words " Canadian cattle for slaughter." If the placards are removed, destroyed, or rendered illegible, they shall be immediately replaced by the transportation company. If the cattle are transferred en route to other cars, or the cattle are rebilled, the cars to which the cattle are transferred and the new waybills shall be placarded and marked in the same manner by the carrier which further transports the cattle or rebills the same. Sheep and (ioatH 4 Paragraph i. Breeding, feeding, ssible t<» determine, thej have i * « » t !•■ such disease common to animals of their kind during the »■>'> days immediately ding the date tion. Bucb certificate shall be dian official veterinarian or signed or Indorsed by a salaried veterinarian of the Canadian Government when not accompanied by the certificate specified In this regulation, said sheep and g U be held in quarantine for :i ; of ix >t leaa than i<> day- and shall be dipped and subjected to such te other treatment as may be ordered by the chief of bureau. Par. .. Slaughter. Sheep and goata for slaughter maj be imported from Canada into the United States without the certiflcatea specified in paragraph l «.f this regulation, but shall be Bubject t<> the provisions of regn ami 22. Swine R qulation 26, Paragraph /. All swine imported from Canada into tin* United States shall be accompanied by a certific i or indorsed by a salaried veterinarian of the Canadian Government certifying to th< forth in either paragraphs < a I or (ft) foilowii cm That the swine have been Immunised by simultaneous inoculation with anti-hog-cholera serum and hog-cholera virus; that no hog cholera or swine plague ha- existed on the premises on which the swine were kept during the period of go days Immediately preceding tin' .late of movement therefrom; and that the Bwine were disinfected after immunization with a 'J pet cent tion of a permitted saponified cresol solution. < u i That no Bwine plague or hog chohra has existed within a radius miles of the premises on which they have been kept for a period of 00 days immediately preceding the date • •!' movement therefrom. Par. 2. Swine imported from Canada into the United States unaccompanied by a certificate as specified in this regulation will he quarantined at of entry for a period of two \\eek<. Horses i i.ation 27. When so ordered by the chief of bureau, lerses Imp* from Canada into the United States shall be accompanied by actory c« rtificate of mallein test signed by an official Canadian veter aarian or si or Indorsed by a salaried veterinarian of the Canadian Government, or shall he presented by the importer at the port of entry for such test by an inspector. Those used in connection with st. ck raising (cow ponies) or mining and those for other purposes, whether for pleasure, driving, or teaming, may be admitted into the United Slates without inspection for a temporary -lay at iw>rts along the border, not exceeding a period Of 10 days, and the same provision BhaU apply to horses returning to the United states from Canada after a stay in Canada of not to exceed 1(1 days. In-Bond Shipments i i vriox 28. Cattle and sheep in bond for export, if accompanied by the certificate required by paragraph :i of regulation 23 or by regulation 25, n tiveiy. showing freedom from disease, and also horses in bond for export, may hi- admitted into the United state- from Canada without inspection at any of the ports named in regulation 4. in transit to and for export from Portland. Me., Boston, Mass., and New fork, N. V .. subject to inspection at the port of exp n. provided, however, that such animals shall be Inspected at the port of or at any points at which the bureau has inspector- stationed, if directed by the chief of bureau. tlflcatea wilt n«.t i.. | Bheep, deer, and other wild ruminants itlng in and shipped Mi,, u from Cai MEXICO Importations Prohibited Regulation 29. Owing to the existence of foot-and-mouth disease In live-lock in Mexico and because thai country adjoins the United States, do cattle, sheep, goats, other ruminants, or swine originating in that portion thereof situated southeast, east, or northeast of the Tehuantepec National Railway which e Isthmus of Teiinantepec. or shipped vi t and unloaded within said described area, shall be imported into the United States. Declaration of Purpose Regulation 30. For all cattle, sheep, goats, and swine offered for importa- tion into the United States from Mexico there shall he presented to the collector of customs al the time of entry a statement signed by the owner or importer Showing clearly the purpose for which .-aid animals are to be imported. Animals for Slaughter REGULATION 31. Animals imported from Mexico into the United States for Slaughter shall he consigned from the port of entry to some recognized slaugh- tering center and there slaughtered within two weeks from the date of entry, or, upon special permission obtained from the chief of bureau, they may be consigned to other points and there slaughtered within the period aforesaid. Permits Required Regulation 32. A permit as required by regulation 5 of these regulations shall be secured for ruminants aud swine to be shipped by water from Mexico to the United States. Cattle From Other Than Tick-Infested Areas Regulation 33. Paragraph 1. Certificate of official veterinarian. — All cattle, except as provided by regulation 34, offered for importation into the United States from Mexico shall be accompanied by the certificate of a salaried veteri- narian of the Mexican Government showing that he inspected the said cattle at the time of movement to the port of entry sind found them free from any evidence of contagious disease and that so far as it has been passible to deter- mine they have not been exposed to any such disease, including splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, during the preceding 60 days, and if shipped by rail the certificate shall further specify that the cattle have been loaded into cleaned and disinfected cars for transportation direct to the port of entry. Par. Z. Certificate of the importer. — All cattle, except as provided by regula- tion 34, offered for importation into the United States from Mexico, shall be accompanied by a certificate of the importer or his agent supervising the ship- ment stating that said cattle while en route to the port of entry have not been trailed or driven through any district or area infested with cattle ticks. Par. 3. Dairy and bretding cattle. — In addition to the certificates described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this regulation, all dairy and breeding cattle offered for importation from Mexico into the United States, excepi strictly range cattle, shall be accompanied by a satisfactory certificate of tuberculin test signed by a salaried veterinarian of the Mexican Government, which test shall have been made within 00 days next preceding the date of importation. The date and place of such test and a description of the cattle tested showing their ages and markings shall be given in such certificate. Such dairy and breeding cattle, when not accompanied by the certificates specified for said animals in this regulation, shall he detained in quarantine at the port of entry for a period of not less than 3 days in order to determine their freedom from disease, and. in the absence of a satisfactory certificate of tuberculin test, shall be tuberculin tested by an inspector during the quarantine period. Par. .'/. Grazing, feeding, and .slaughter cattle. — Cattle offered for importation from Mexico into the United States for grazing, feeding, or slaughter shall be accompanied by the certificates specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this regulation, and, in the absence of such certificates, they shall be admitted only under such conditions as the chief of bureau may prescribe. Cattle for grazing and feeding, 10 when «»f ■ dairj or breading tyi*-, oven though accompanied by the certificate! specified onder paragraphs 1 and 2 of this regulation, may be detained in quar- antine for such pei Ithin the dlacretloii of the Inspector al the port of entry maj be necessary, not Leas, however, than three days, and during such detention shall be tuberculin tested by an Inspector. Cattle From Ttek-Infested Areas i. \ riD n :;i. Cattle which hare been Infested with or exposed to . ticks may be Imported from .Mexico into the st a u* of Texas, provided the fot< luwing conditions are strictly observed and complied with: (o) The cattle shall be accompanied by the certificate of ■ salaried r« iii.iiian of the Mexican Government showing thai be ha-; Inspected the cuttle and found them free from cattle ticks and any evidence of contagious dl und thai bo far as it has been possible t<» determine they have not been ax- to an\ such disease, except splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, during the 60 days Immediately preceding their movement to the port of entry, it' for dairy <>r breeding purposes (unless strictly range cattle) they shall also be accompanied by a satisfactory certificate of tuberculin test as described in paragraph :*, regulation 33, of these regulations. i b) The cattle shall he shown hy affidavit Of the owner or his agent to have been dipped twice, with an interval of from 7 to 12 days, in an arsenical solu- tion which at all times showed a minimum of 0.22 iiwenty-two hundredths » per cent of arseniOUS oxide in solution. (o) The importer, or his agent duly authorized thereto, shall first execute and deliver to an inspector at the port of entry an application for Inspection and supervised dipping wherein he shall agree to waive all claims against the United States for any loss or damage to the cattle occasioned hy or resulting frbm dipping or resulting from the fad that they are later found to he still tick infested, and also for all subsequent loss or damage to any other cattle in the possession or control of sueh importer which may come into contact with the cattle so dipped. i d i The cattle, when offered for entry, shall receive a chute inspection hy an inspector. If found free from ticks they shall he given one dipping in a per- mitted dip under the supervision of an inspector 10 to 14 days after the last dipping required by paragraph {b) hereof. If found to he infested with cattle ticks, the entire lot of cattle shall be rejected and will not be again [nsp for entry until 10 to 14 days after they have again been twice dipped in the manner provided hy paragraph (b) hereof. i< i The cattle shall he imported through a quarantine station designated in regulation 4 of these regulations equipped with facilities necessary for proper inspection and dipping (/"> The conditions at the port of entry shall he such that the subsequent movement of the cattle is made without exposure to ticks. (g) Cattle otherwise eligible for importation, if unaccompanied hy the cer- tificate specified in paragraph l (a) of this regulation, may he allowed entry Subject to such conditions as the chief of bureau may prescribe. Thosi breeding, except strictly range cattle, and those for dairying, when not accom- panied hy a satisfactory certificate of tuberculin test, shall be detained in quarantine at the i>ort of entry for a period of not less than 8 days and be tuberculin tested by an inspector. Cattle of a dairy or breeding type, except steers and spayed heifers, subject to the provisions of this regulation, even though entered for grazing or feeding, may he detained in quarantine for such period as within the discretion of the Inspector at the port of entry may be wary, not less, however, than 3 days, and during such detention shall be tuberculin tested by an inspector. Sheep and Goats* Bm i.ation :%.">. Paragraph l. Breeding, feeding, and grazing. — sheep and goats offered for Importation from Mexico Into the United states for pur] other than slaughter shall be accompanied by the certificate of a salaried veterinarian of the Mexican Government showing that as a result of a careful 'Certificates will not be required for wild sheep, deer, and other wild ruminants originating in and shipped direct from Mexico. 11 physical examination by him of such sheep and goats on the premises of origin no evidence of contagions disease was found, ami that, so far as ii has been possible to determine, they have qo1 been exposed to any snch disease common to animals of their kind during the 80 days Immediately preceding their move- ment to the port of entry. Notwithstanding such certificate, such sheep shall be detained at the port of entry until they have been dipped once under super- vision Of an Inspector, and, in the absence of such certificate, said sheep shall be held in quarantine for not less than 10 days and at the discretion of the Inspector shall be again dipped under his supervision. Goats unaccompanied by such certificate shall be detained at the p >rt of entry for a period of not Less than 10 days, during which time they shall be subjected to such inspections and tests as may be deemed necessary by the chief of bureau to determine their freedom from disease. Par. 2. Slaughter. — Sheep and gnats offered for importation from Mexico into (he United States for slaughter shall be accompanied by a statement of the owner or vendor shewing that no disease communicable to animals of their kind has existed on the premises on which they have been kept for 60 days immediately preceding their movement to the port of entry. Such sheep and goats, when not accompanied by the statement specified, shall be detained at the port of entry for a period of not less than 3 days in order to determine their freedom from disease. Swine * Regulation 36. Paragraph 1. Breeding and feeding. — All swine offered for importation from Mexico into the United States for breeding and feeding shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by a salaried veterinarian of the Mexican Government showing that no swine plague or hog cholera has existed within a radius of 5 miles of the premises on which they have been kept for a period of 60 days immediately preceding the date of movement therefrom. In addition all such swine shall be immunized against hog cholera under the supervision of an inspector at the port of entry at the owner's expense in accordance with one of the methods recognized by the department for preventing the spread of this disease. In the absence of the certificate as herein specified such swine shall be detained at the port of entry for a period of not less than two weeks and in addition to immunization against hog cholera be subjected to such in- spections and tests as may be deemed necessary by the chief of bureau to deter- mine their freedom from disease. Par. 2. Slaughter. — All swine offered for importation from Mexico into the United States for slaughter shall be accompanied by a certificate of the kind specified in paragraph 1 of this regulation. In the absence of the required certificate such swine shall be detained at the port of entry for a period of not less than two weeks and shall be subjected to such inspections and tests as may be deemed necessary by the chief of bureau to determine their freedom from disease. They shall be handled and shipped as specified under regula- tion 31 of this order. Horses Regulation 37. Paragraph 1. When so ordered by the chief of bureau horses offered for importation from Mexico into the United States shall be subjected to such quarantine and blood or other tests as may be deemed necessary by him to determine their freedom from disease. Horses admitted from Mexico into the United States in bond for export therefrom shall be subject to inspec- tion at any point at which the bureau has inspectors stationed. Par. 2. Tick-infested horses. — Horses offered for importation from Mexico into the United States, if infested with cattle ticks, shall be prohibited entry until they have been first dipped in a permitted arsenical solution or otherwise treated in a manner approved by the chief of bureau. Par. 3. Horses for temporary stay. — Horses used in connection with stock raising (cow ponies) or mining, and those for other purposes, whether for pleasure, driving, or teaming, may be admitted from the tick-free area of Mexico into the United States without inspection for a temporary stay at ports along the border, not exceeding a period of 10 days, and the same provision shall apply to horses returning to the United States from Mexico after a stay in 8 A certificate as specified in this regulation will not be required for wild swine for exhibition purposes, and such animals will not be required to undergo immunization against hog cholera. 12 no! to exceed 10 days: P That any such b< fr< in m ; I"- requirements of i his 1 1 [ ni.it Ion. 001 NTRIES OF CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE WEST IND1 Permits Required Ri i \ p. rmll as i tions shall be secured for the importation of rumlnai the We* Provided . That no permits shall ands Infested svith cattle ti mti 39. Rominantf ortation Into the I ' n i t « ■* l S from « "ii itries of Central America and the West Indies shall be accompanied iiy b certificate of the Importer or his agent stating that the animals have in the country from which directly shipped to the United States for u • I of ii"i less than 80 days Immediately ; - the date of snch ship- ment and that daring snch time qo contagions disei i among them or among animals of their kind with which they have come in contact All Buch animals shall be quarantined at the port of entry for a period <>r no than one week, and In the absence of the aforesaid certificate the animals shall be quarantined for not less Mian two weeks. All animals described In this regulation -hall be subjected during the quarantine period to such di] blood teats, or other tests as may be ordered In each Instance hy the chief of bureau in order to determine their freedom from dises Swine EtEQUi iu<\ 40. Paragraph /. Swine offered for Importation Into the Dnited States from countries of Central America and the West Indies for pur] other than slaughter shall tx by a cerl rter or his agent stating that th said animals have been in the country from which directly shipped to the Dnited States for a period of n<>t less than 60 days Immediately preceding the date of such shipment and that during Buch time no contagious disease has existed among them <>r among animals "t* their kind with which they have conn 4 in contact. In addition, said swine shall be quaran- tined at the port of entry for not less than 1 week, and in the absence of certificate shall be quarantined not less than 2 weeks. While under quaran- tine said swine, with the exception of wild swine, shall be immunized against bog cholera under the supervision of an inspector at the port of entry at the owner's expense In accordance with one of the methods recognized by the rtment for preventing the spread of this disease, and wild swine shall be subjected to such blood or other tests as may be ordered by the chief of I ureau in each instance in order to determine their freedom from disc: Par. !. Slaughter. — All swine offered for importation into the United States from countries of Central America and the West Indies for slaughter shall he accompanied hy a certificate of the kind specified in paragraph l of this lation. In the absence of the required certificate such swine shall he detained at the port of entry for a period of not less than two weeks and shall he sub- jected to such Inspections and tests as may he deemed necessary hy the chief of bureau to determine their freedom from disease. They shall he handled and shipped as specified under Regulation 31 of this order. Hoi Kiel lation 11. Paragraph i. When so ordered by the chief of bureau, l offered for importation Into the United States from c< unifies of Central Amer- ica and the West indie- shall be subjected to such quarantine and blood or other teats as may be deemed necessary by # him In order to determine their fre dom from disease. Race horses returning to the Dnited States from the Indies, in lieu of Inspection at the port of entry as specified in regulation !>. -hall he inspected at BUCh point as the chief of hureau -hall direct. Par. '- Horses offered for Importation into the United states from con: <»f Centra] America ami the Weal Indies, if Infested with cattle ticks, shall not enter th" United States until they hive been first dipped in a permitted treated in B man:. \ed hy the chii bur< i APPENDIX LAWS UNDER WHICH THE FOREGOING REGULATIONS ARE MADE Extracts from an act of Congress entitled "An ad providing for an Inspection of meats for exportation, prohibiting the importation of adulterated articles of food or drink, and authorizing the President to make proclamation in certain cases, ami fur other purposes." Approved August .*><>. L890 (26 Stat. L. 414), as amended June 28, 15)2(5 (44 Stat. L. 774). SEC. 0. That the importation of moat, cattle, sheep, ami other ruminants, and swine, which are diseased or infected with any disease, or which shall have been exposed to such infection within (50 days next before their importation, is hereby prohibited: Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture within his discretion and under such regulations as he may prescribe, is authorized to permit the admission from Mexico into the State of Texas of cattle which have been infested with or exposed to ticks upon being freed therefrom. Any person who shall knowingly violate the foregoing provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding $5,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding three years, and any vessel or vehicle used in such unlawful importation within the knowledge of the master or owner of such vessel or vehicle that such importation is diseased or has been exposed to infection as herein described, shall be forfeited to the United Stales. Sec. 7. That the Secretary of Agriculture be, and is hereby, authorized, at the expense of the owner, to place and retain in quarantine all neat cattle, sheep, and other ruminants, and all swine, imported into the United States, at such ports as he may designate for such purposes, and under such conditions as he may by regulation prescribe, respectively, for the several classes of animals above described ; and for this purpose he may have and maintain possession of all lands, buildings, tools, fixtures, and appurtenances now in use for the quar- antine of neat cattle, and hereafter purchase, construct, or rent as may be necessary, and he may appoint veterinary surgeons, inspectors, officers, and employees by him deemed necessary to maintain such quarantine, and provide for the execution of the other provisions of this act. Sec. 8. That the importation of all animals described in this act into any port in the United States, except such as may be designated by the Secretary of Agriculture, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, as quarantine stations, is hereby prohibited ; and the Secretary of Agriculture may cause to be slaughtered such of the animals named in this act as may be, under regula- tions prescribed by him, adjudged to be infected with any contagious disease, or to have been exposed to infection so as to be dangerous to other animals; and that the value of animals so slaughtered as being so exposed to infection, but not infected, may be ascertained by the agreement of the Secretary of Agri- culture and owners thereof, if practicable ; otherwise by the appraisal by two persons familiar with the character and value of such property, to be appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture, whose decision, if they agree, shall be final ; otherwise the Secretary of Agriculture shall decide between them, and his decision shall be final ; and the amount of the value thus ascertained shall be paid to the owner thereof out of money in the Treasury appropriated for the use of the Bureau of Animal Industry ; but no payment shall be made for any animal imported in violation of the provisions of this act. If any animals, sub- ject to quarantine according to the provisions of this act, are brought into any port of the United States where no quarantine station is established, the col- lector of such port shall require the same to be conveyed by the vessel on which they are imported or are found to the nearest quarantine station, at the expense of the owner. Sec. 10. That the Secretary of Agriculture shall cause careful inspection to be made by a suitable officer of all imported animals described in this act, to ascertain whether such animals are infected with contagious diseases or have been exposed to infection so as tb be dangerous to other animals, which shall then either be placed in quarantine or dealt with according to the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture ; and all food, litter, manure, clothing, utensils, and other appliances that have been so related to such animals on board ship as to be judged liable to convey infection shall be dealt with according to the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture; and the Secretary of Agriculture (13) 14 may i be made of all animals described in this act int. ,. : 1 11*1 provide for the disinfection of all vessels engaged in the transportation thereof, and of all barges or oth< used In 'in- conveyance . li animals Intel ded for export i<» th< teamer or othe and of ail head rope and other appliances oaed In tion, by snch orders and regulations a- be may pre cribe; and if. apon roch Inspection, any Bnch animals shall i»' adjudged, under tin- regulations of th< [culture, I infected or to have been exposed to Infection so as \<> be dangerous t<> other animals, the] Bhall not be allowed to he placed upon :portatton; ■ •• of ail Ha* inspection and disinfection provided for in tin- section to be borne bj the owners of the vessels <»n which such animals are exported. An ad t.. enable the Secretary of Agriculture to more effectually ouppress and prevent the spread of con agious and Infectious d I livestock, and f<«r other i urposes. Approved February 'i. 1903. (32 Stat \.. 791.) //'■ il • i 'ich d b\l (Ik >'- ,nit< m il Hoi. of America in Congress assembled. That in order to enabli Agriculture to effectually suppress and extirpate i ffi pleuropneumonia, fool and mouth disease, and other dangerous, contagious, Infectious, ;md com- municable diseases in cattle and other livestock, and to prevent tin such diseases, the powers conferred on the secretary of the Treasury by tions i and 6 of an act entitled "An act for the establishment of a Bureau of Animal Industry, to prevent the exportation of diseased cattle, and to pro- vide means for the suppression and extirpation of pleuropneumonia and contagious diseases among domestic animals," approved May l".*. 18S4 i i 1 .: I . B Stat. p. 31), are hereby conferred on the Secretary of Agriculture, to be cised exclusively by him. He is hereby authorized and directed, from time to time, to establish such rules and regulations concerning the exportation and transportation of livestock from any place within the United States where he may have reason to believe such diseases may exist into and through any state <>r Territory, Including the Indian Territory, and into and through the District of Columbia and to foreign countries, as he may deem necessary, and all such rules and regulations shall have the force of law. Whenever any inspector or tanl inspector of the Bureau Of Animal Industry shall issue a certificate showing that such officer had inspected any cattle or other livestock which were about to he shipped, driven, or transported from such locality to another, as above stated, and had found them free from Texas or splenetic fever infec- tion, pleuropneumonia, foot-and-mouth disease, or any other infect tagious, or communicable disease, such animals so inspected ami certified may Ipped, driven, or transported from such place into and through any state or Territory, including the Indian Territory, and into and through the i>istrict of Columbia, or they may he exported from the Tinted States without further • tion or the exaction of fees of any kind, except such as may at any time i rdered or exacted by the Secretary of Agriculture; and all such animals shall at all times he under the control and supervision of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Agricultural Department for the purposes of such inspection. 2. That the Secretary of Agriculture shall have authority to make such regulations and take such measures as he may deem proper to prevent the ; duction or dissemination of the contagion of any contagious, Infection! communicable disease of animals from a foreign country into the United S or from one State or Territorj of the United state- :»if any hay. straw, similar material, or am meats, hides, or other animal products coming from an reign country to the United States, or from one state or Territory or the District Of Columbia in transit I I another State or Territory or the district of Columbia whenever in his Judgment such action is advisable in order to guard against the introduction or spread of such contagion. i h;it an] person, company, or corporation knowingly violating the pro- visions of this a<-t <»r ti • r regulations made in pursuance thereof shall he guilty of i misdemeanor, and on conviction shall he punished by a fine of not I nor more than $1,000, or hy imprisonment not more than one or hy both bucd tine and Imprisonment i irM prin NlVERSlTv ISP J