E2 /Mexico UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural [Research Administration v Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. STATE PLANT BOAR November 25, 19^7 B» E. P. Q.--1+11, Supplement No. 5 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS REPUBLIC OF MEXICO RESTRICTIONS ON ACCOUNT OF THE WESTERN GRAPE SKELETONIZER (Earrisina brillians B„ & McD.) Partial Exterior Quarantine No. 13 signed by the Secretary of Agriculture and Development September 28, 19^6 requires fumigation with methyl bromide for grapevines, and parts thereof, including grapes, from San Diego County, California. Pertinent articles follow. Article 1. A partial quarantine is ordered against plants of the grape, parts thereof, and the natural products, originating in San Diego County, California, U.S. A., as well as those from other foreign localities where the insect Earrisina brillians B. & McD., western grape skeletonizer , may appear. Article 2. In order to import plants, cuttings, rooted vines, fresh and dried fruit coming from the locality mentioned in the preceding article, a special permit is required issued by the Direccion General de Agricultura or designated personnel. Article 3, Permits will be issued when the grape plants, parts thereof or the products, have been fumigated with methyl bromide at atmospheric pressure with the following dosage and time of exposure: For fresh fruit: 2k grams per cubic meter with an exposure of 2 hours at a temperature of not less than 21°C (Approximately l| lbs. per 1000 cu. ft.) For cuttings, rooted vines, etc.: ^0 grams per cubic meter with an exposure of "2 hours at a temperature of not less than 26°C. (Approximately 2^ lbs. per 1000 cu. ft.) Article h. Shipments must be accompanied by certificates issued by the Federal Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantines 2 - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Ililiill 3 1262 09241 8184 showing that they have been subjected to the required treatments Article 5. Shipments from other localities require only a certificate of origin visaed by a Mexican consul. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine