/^iu^ B. E. P. Q. 59*S Amended Effective March 13, 1953 UNITED STATES DEPAKEMEHT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL KftSEAHCH AIMINI3TRATI0N BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE DOMESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES AMENDMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS AUTHORIZING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE FUMIGATION AS A CONDITION FOR CERTIFICATION OF MANGOES UNDER PUERTO RICAN FRUIT AND VEGETAELE QUARANTINE NO. 58 Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine "by sc 301,58-2 and 301,58-3 of the regulations supplemental to Puerto Rican Fruit and Vegetable Quarantine No. 53 (7 CFR 301.58-2 and 301.58-3), issued under section 8 of the Plant Quarantine Act cf 1912, as amended (7 U, S. C. l6l), paragraph (b) (l) of administrative instruc- tions appearing as s 301.58-34 in Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations, effec- tive October 1, 1951, is hereby amended to read aG fellows: s 301.58-3d Administrative instructions authorizing tho movement of ican g oes from Puerto Rico after a;.p roved fumigation. (t>) Approved treatment , (l) The approved treatment shall consist of fumigation with ethylene di bromide in an atmospheric fumigation vault, which vault and its equipment have been approved for that purpose ty tho Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, The dosage shall be applied at the following rates : 6 ounces of ethylene di bromide per 1,000 cubic feet of spaco for 2 hours at 80° F. 8 ounces of ethylene di bromide per 1,000 cubic foot of space for 2 hours at 7O F. Cubic feet ef space shall Include the lead. The 2-hour period of exposure begin when all of the fumigant has been Introduced into the clamber, rhe quired temperatures apply to both air and fruit. Tho ethylene di "brood be applied in tho liquid state and volatilized within the sealed fta ' chamber by direct contact with a highly heated metal surfaco ovor an oleotrio hot plate or other suitable heating medium. The gas shall be circulate til© clamber continuously for the 2-hour period by an electric fan or blow (Sec. 8, 37 Stat, 313, amonded, 7 U. S. C. - This amendment clall be effective !:>. cL Li, 1J53. The purpose ef 1 adment is • the dosage scheiulos auth for tho fumigati n of mangoes a3 a w rtifioati m prior to tl interstate movement from Puerto Rico. The pres 1 schedule for pheric fumigation is pr< :■'. or aho\ involves no oosontiJ. ohange in actual fumigation procodur' 1 . Lnc I II llll II III 3 1262 09314 8541 of 80 F, or above normally prevail during the mango harvesting season in Puerto Rico. The £0° dosage schedule in the amended instructions parallels the 50° schedule in the present instructions , The amended instructions will also bo consistent with the latest experimental data and with the 70° schedule for ethylene di bromide fumigation in Hawaii of certain fruits and vegetables pre- scribed in 7 CFR 301.13-Ub (B. E. P. Q, 592, effective February 18, 1953;~l8 F.P. 9^7 ) • Accordingly, it is found for good cause that notice and public pro- cedure under the Administrative Procedure Act are unnecessary and contrary to the public interest, and good cause is found for making the effective date hereof le3o than 30 day3 after its publication in the Federal Register. Done at Washington, D, C, this 5th day of March, 1953. [SEAL J u , Pu rcau of Enyomology and Plarit/Quarantine ) -(Sou \J )\/-vpkf~ i of Enfomology and Pla'nyQuaran