A *?• *:/4- U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF CHEMISTB1E IS. — --— BULLETIN EECOED OF EXPERIMENTS AT FORT SCOTT, KANSAS, IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR SORGHUM AND SUGAR-CANES, IX 18 8 6. PI. YV. W I LEi, CHKMIST. WASHING T O N : GtOVERNMENT PRINTING OFF I OB, L 8 8 7 . U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY. BULLETIN No. 14. RECORD OF EXPEKBIENTS AT FORT SCOTT, KANSAS. IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR FROM SORGHUM AND SUGAR-CANES, 18 8 6 H. A\r. WILEY, cm:. mist. WASH I XC.TON: GtOYEBNMENI PRINTING oil- ICE. L 8 8 7 , L1330— No, ll United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, Washington, />. ('.. December 21, 1886. Sir: I beg leave to submit herewith a report of the work done at Fort Scott during the present year under authority of Congress in •• Bx- periments in the manufacture of sugar from sorghum and sugar-cane by the processes of carbonatatiOD and saturation." The conduct of this work yon placed in my hands, and throughout the whole of it I have had your earnest support. The results of the work are now presented foryour inspection and ap- proval. Very respectfully, 11. \\ . WILEY, Chemist Hon. Norman J. Colman, Commissioner of Agrieultun . 3 EXPERIMENTS IX THE MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR FROM SORGHUM. The results of tue experiments made at Ottawa last year gave en- couragement to the friends of the sorghum sugar industry, and led to the undertaking of a new series of experiments at Fort Scott. The Department of Agriculture entered into the following agreement with the Parkinson Sngar Company at Fort Scott : Washington, D. C-, August ?. 188 AGREEMENT BETWEEN un. COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE AND THE PARKIN80B GAR COMPANY «»l PORT SCOTT, KAN-. The Commissioner of Agriculture agrees to erect at the works of the Parkinson Sngar Company of Fori Scott, Kans., one diffusion battery with all its appliances; three cane-cutters, one of which shall hare a horizontal cutting disk, with appliances for feeding the cam' to the same, and elevators for delivering the chips to the cells. He further agrees to erect one carbonatation apparatus, to consist of a lime-kiln, carbonic- acid pump, four carbonatation tanks, and four filter-presses, with all their connections: also one sulphur apparatus, consisting of two sulphur furnaces, three saturation-tanks, three filter-presses, one air-pump, and all necessary connections. He further agrees to prepare the whole of the above-mentioned machinery for prac- tical work, and to provide all accessary labor and material for a thorough experi- mental trial of the same, ami when this trial is finished to allow the Parkinson Sugar Company the free Qse of the apparatus for the rest of the manufacturing season of 1 — « "» . without any charge for rental to the Parkinson Company aforesaid. It is expressly agreed ami understood that all machinery furnished bythe Depart- ment of Agriculture, ami all fixtures and appliances therewith connected, shall remain the property of the Department, and the Commissioner reserves the right to make such disposition of all of it alter the end of the present manufacturing season as may seem to him best suited to pi mote the public interest. The Parkinson Sugar Company agree to furnish bo i table buildings in which to erect this machinery , to supply steam for dri\ ing it and for use in the calorisal. the battery, ami to allow the Commissioner of Agriculture as much time as he may Lesire, not exceeding ten daj - from the commencement of the manufacturing season, for the purpose of making the experimental trials before mentioned; provided that lining thoe experimental trials the Commissioner of Agriculture shall pay for all coal ■onsiimed for supplying the steam mentioned above, and for all limestone, coke, sul- phur, filtering-cloths, and other mat. 'rials used in the experiments. The said company also agree to furnish a suitable o > for the chemical laboratory be erected bj the Department and nsed bj the Department ohemists during utinuaoce of the manufaoturinj [t is further agreed on the part of the said Parkinson Company that during the •nod (,fiii.- experiments mentioned the accredited representative of the Department t Port Scott, namely, the ohemisl of the Department, or snob other person atthe Commissioner may designate, shall have sole control and direction of the work, in so far as the extraction and purification of the sngar-juices are concerned. Further, on the part of the Commissioner of Agriculture, it is agreed that during the entire manufacturing season In- will supply the services of one superintendent, namely. Prof. M. >w enson, and one sugar-engineer, namely, Mr. G. L. Spencer, or some other persons of eqnal experience and ability, and also a competent corps of chemists; provided the company aforesaid give to said agents of the Department every facility for studying the processes employed, and supply them with full and accurate data of the amount of cane entering into manufacture, the quantities of sugar and sirup made, and all other information which will help the Commissioner to make a full and ac- curate report of the whole work: provided further, that after the experimental work above mentioned has been finished and during the time the said Company operate the machinery for the purpose of manufacturing sugar ami sirup for profit, the Depart- ment of Agriculture shall not be responsible for any other expenses than those which relate to tin- employment of the agents of the Department above mentioned. NORMAN J. COLMAN, Commissioner of Agriculture, PARKINSON SUGAR COMPANY, By C. E. DRAKE, President. The Congress having made an appropriation of $94,000 for the cou- ti nuance of the experiments, the following contract was made between the Commissioner of Agriculture and The Pnsey & Jones Manufactur- ing Company of Wilmington, Del., for the construction and erection of the necessary machinery. Washington, D. C, April '21, 1886. Deab Sib: I desire to secure, for the experimental sugar station which the Depart- ment will establish in connection with the Parkinson Sugar Company, at Fori Scott. Kans., a diffusion battery. Will you kindly send me estimates of the cost of the battery, in conformity with the following general requirements! (1) The battery to lie of a capacity to work 200 tons of cane in twenty-four hours at a mean rate. (2) The battery to consisl of fourteen cells, arranged in a straight line, with valves, caloHsators, and connections complete. Ihc cells to be cylindrical, and have a discharge-gate at the bottom of the area of the cross Bection of the cell. The valves to be so arranged thai the water can be introduced at top or bottom of each cell at the pleasure of the operator. (5) Th<- joint of the uischarge-gate to be made by hydraulic closure. (to The last charge of water in each cell to be removed by compressed air. (7) Apparat us for the automatic charging of t lie cells with fresh chips. Apparatus for removing the exhausted chips. (0) Calorisators to i»e furnished with thermometers, with face like steam-gange. Measuring tanks for withdrawing juice, with accurate float-gauge. (11) Two caue-cnttcrs, with vertical disks, and forced i\-n\. with cane-carriers and chip-elevators complete; these to besimpl) those alreadj ai Ottawa, with a modifi- cation <»f ile- forced feed, to prevent choking. i j An compressor and resen oir for discharging w ater from cell next to be emptied. In the above apparatus all the valves, piping, shafting, pulleys, elevators,&c, which were used at Ottawa areto '•»«• incorporated in the new machinery where it is possible without disadvantage, and to !><■ valued at their original cost price. In your proposals, which I hereby ask for, please give all the details of the apparatus which must be guaranteed t<» work and give satisfaction to the Department. Since the proper erection of this machinery is also essential to its success, I will ask you to submit a proposal to erect said machinery at Fort Scott and deliver it to the Department in proper working order on or before the 10th of August, 1886 Respectfully, NORMAN J. COLMAN, Commissioner. Wm. G. Gibbons, President, §c, Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del., May 8, 1886. Dear Sir: Replying to your favor of 21st ultimo, received three days ago, we offer to build the machiuery therein specified, to say — A diffusion battery, consisting of 14 cells, cylindrical in form, 44 inches in diameter, 7 feet 4 inches lon<;, with door at bottom of full diameter of cell, and baring counter- balance and hydraulic-joint packing; valves arranged so that the water can be in- troduced into cells at either top or bottom at pleasure. An air-compressor and reservoir so arranged that the water in each cell can be removed by compressed air ; apparatus for automatic charging of the cells with fresh chips and removing the exhausted chips to a comfortable distance from the battery. Calorisators to be furnished with thermometers. Unfortunately those made in this country with face like steam-gauges are so slow of operation, that they would be use- less. We are forced, then, to supply mercurial thermometers ; will select the plainest dials to be had. Proper measuring-tanks for withdrawing juice with floating gauge. Alter the two cane-cutters now at Ottawa, Kans., so that the forced feed shall not choke, and supply cane carriers and chip-elevators. Price, $14,125. In this it is proposed to use such portions of the valves, pipes, and other tilings pertaining to the apparatus at Ottawa built by us as may be adaptable to tin' above. We also propose to transport all of the above t<> Port Scott, Kans., and erect at the works of the Parkinson 8 agar Company and have in operation on or before the 10th day of August, 1886, for the further sum of 82,500. Soliciting the order, which shall have prompt dispatch, we are, Yours, truly, THE PUSEY A JONES COMPANY, By WILLIAM G. GIBBONS, President. Hon. Norman J. Colman, Commissioner of Agriculture, Washington, IK C. Washington. 1>. C. /«iyS6, 1886. Gbntuemsn: t hays received your communication of 85th Instant in respect of the cmounl which you offer as in exohange for tin- machinery specified in mj letter of 28d instant, and your offer is satisfactory tome, l therefore accept your proposition Of 8th of May, last, viz: '•A d illusion batter} consisting Of fourteen cells, cylindrical in form. 1 1 i indies diam- eter. 7 feet l inches long, with door at bottom of fall diameter of cell, and having conn t erl »a la nee and h \ d ran lie joint packing; ralves at ranged BO that the w at. i can he introduced into the cells .it either lop or bottom at pleasure. (< An air-compressor and reservoir, so arranged that the water in each ceil can be re moved by compressed air ; apparatus for automatic oharging of the cells with fresh ships ami removing the exhausted chips i,, ;1 comfortable distance from the battery. 14 Calorisators to be furnished with thermometers, Unfortunately those made in this country, with face like steam gauges, are so slow of operation that they would he useless. We are forced, then, to supply mercurial thermometers. Will select the plainest dial to he had. " Proper measuring tanks for withdrawing juice, with floating gac 3 "Alter the two cane-cutters now at Ottawa, Kaus., so that the forced feed will not choke, and supply cane-carriers and chips elevators. Price. $1 1,125. "In this it is proposed to use such portions of the valves, pipes, and other things pertaining to the apparatus at Ottawa built hy us as may he adaptable to the above. " We also propose to transport all of the above to Fort Scott, Cans., and erect at the works of the Parkinson Sugar Company, and have in operation on or before the 10th day of August, 1886, for the further sum of $2,500. Replying further to your letter of 25th instant, I will say that the cane-cutters and battery now at the "Hermitage" plantation of Mr. D. F. Kenner, iuLouisiana, will be delivered alongside the Cromwell Wharf, in New Orleans, before the 1st of Septem- ber next, in accordance with your desires. In further preparation of the work at Fort Scott, I desire you to submit to me your estimates of the cost of four filter presses and a Bufficienl number of carbonatation tanks, to he used in the experiments in the manufacture of sugar at Fort Scott dur- ing the coming campaign. I desire this proposition to include the freight to Fort Scott ; in other words, I ask you to deliver the apparatus just mentioned to the Department at Fort Scott, Kans., at the earliest possible moment. Very respectfully, NORMAN J. COLMAN, Commissioner. The Pdsey & Jones Company, Wilmington, Del. A contract was also made for a part of the apparatus for treating* the diffusion juice with lime and carbonic acid in the following terms: Wilmington, Del.., August 3, 1886. Dear Sib: We owe you an apology for so much time having been allowed to elapse since the receipt of your favor of 26th ultimo, and its reply. Illness in the family of the writer has prevented his attention, and hence the delay, which please excuse. The diffusion machinery referred to in your letter is now being erected at Port Scott, Cans., al the works of the Parkinson Sugar Company. Of the date of its start- ing we shall advise yon later. The four filter presses von inquire for will cost, delivered at Fori Scott, complete, all allready for sen ice, $1,100 each. Four carbonatation tanks, each «s feel 6 inches long, •1 IV, t 6 inches wide, and 6 feel 6inohes high at front, and 6 feel high at back, with receiving and discharge pipe and valves, gas-pipe, and distribution, oopperooil heater, and vapor pipe, all complete, delivered si Fori Scott, Kans., $350 each. Soliciting your order, we are yours, truly, The Pusei & Jones Company, Bj WM. G. GIBBONS, President, Hon. Norm w .1. Colman, Commissioner of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. The battery erected bj the Pusey & Jones Company, consisted of I f cells, arranged in Bingle line, with calorisatore and apparatus for use of compressed air in discharging the water from each cell before drop- ping the exhausted chips. The working ol the battery was entirely sat- isfactory. Each cell had a capacity of 75 cubic feet, and would hold 1,900 pounds of sorghum chips, moderately packed. Each celljwas constructed from the drawings obtained from the Fives-Lille Company, and the de- tailed description may be found in Bulletin No, 8. The cutters used were those employed at Ottawa last year. Thecon- tractors made no attempt whatever to rebuild the forced feed attach- ment, and this failure was the cause of the chief delay we experienced after the apparatus was in regular use. With very sharp knives, and with cane fresh and green, they did reasonably good work, but after a frost bad killed the leaves of the cane it was found almost impossible to make the cutters work. It often required half an hour to till a single cell. When it is remembered that the rest of the apparatus could easily have worked a ton of chips each eight minutes, the disastrous effects of this delay can be appreciated. From this cause great trouble was experienced in working the bat- tery. When all the cells were in use each one was often under pressure three or four hours. The cane was unusually acid, and from this there followed a huge inversion of sucrose in the battery. If, to avoid this, the temperature of diffusion was lowered, fermentation would set in. There was nothing left for us to do but to work a smaller number of cells. Often only six or seven cells were under pressure, and conse- quently the degree of extraction was far less perfect than it would have been otherwise. The style of cutter used furnished a chip well suited to diffusion, but I am convinced that these cutters are more costly and require more power for operation than is necessary. With a viewof collecting these detects I purchased a beet root cutter, formerly used by the Portland Beel Sugar Company, and had it rebuilt by the Colwell Iron Company of New York, tor an experimental cane cutter. This apparatus had a horizontal disk, and \\ as so modified as to take a multiple feed, the cane being delivered to it through Bis hoppers in- clined in degrees to the vertical. With perfectly clean canes this cutter gave promise of success, bul with the sorghum -cane as it came from the held it proved a total failure. This leads me to believe that the cutters used at -lava and other places so successfully with sugar-cane would not serve the purpose ol slicing sorghum for the battery. An\ question of cleaning the canes before delivering them to the cutter niuM be negatived on the score of economy. Tor the further Stud? of the problem 1 ti ied t he >\ stem ol 'cane slicing invented i>\ Mr. II. A. Hughes, of Rio Grande, N. J. The principle of this system consists in first cutting the canes into lengths of three or four inches by means of :tn en8ilage*CUl ter, and after passing them through a cleaning apparatus deliver them to a shaving' machine constructed on the principle of a board planer. 10 This latter part of the apparatus was kindly loaned to the Depart- ment by Mr. Hughes. The canes were first cut by a Belle City ensilage-cutter into pieces about 2.25 inches in length. These pieces were run through a Panning- mill and nearly all the blades and sheaths were thus removed. The clean pieces of cane were next delivered to a sheer built on the princi- ple of an ordinary board-planer. The cylinder was 6 inches in diameter and 30 inches in length, and carried twoknives projecting one-eighth to one sixteenth inch beyond the surface. This was driven at a high rate of speed, over 3,000 revolutions per minute. The canes were shredded rather than sliced by this process, so that the extraction of the sugar was rather a maceration than a diffusion. Even with this small machine it was found possible to prepare nearly as much cane for the battery as with the three ponderous cutters de- scribed. It was found, however, that the ensilage-cutter was not strong enough to do the work, and hence this most promising system of cane- cutting, practiced successfully at Rio Grande, was discontinued. The experiment, however, led me to believe that the principle was the right one; especially is this so because it permits of the easy cleaning of the canes by first cutting them into small pieces. This seems to be the only practical way of accomplishing what is of prime necessity to diffusion, viz, the removal of all deleterious substances from the chips. Having demonstrated the practicability of cleaning the cane in the manner already described, my attention was next directed to the con- sideration of the best method of cutting the short pieces of cane into chips suitable for diffusion. For this purpose I had constructed by the Fort Scott Foundry a centrifugal slicer. The theory of this apparatus was that the knives, being carried in a revolving frustum of a cone, and the short pieces of cane being fed from the inside of this cone, the chips, as soon as (nit, would fly off by centrifugal force. A trial of this appa- ratus showed that the liber of the cane would clog the knives and thus Stop the work. The close of the season prevented any modification of the apparatus. I think the principle of the apparatus is promising enough to warrant further trial. A.88 result of the experiments with cutters the following conclusions can be drawn : (1) Whatever the form of the cutting-machine employed may be, it is necessary that tin* cane be cleaned. This cleaning should not consist of the removal of the blades alone, but also the sheaths. (2) The slicing of the canes obliquely by means of a vertical cutting- machine with a forced \vc<\ is not an economical method of procedure. (3) The use of a cut t ing machine with a horizontal disk and multiple feed is Impracticable forsorghum canes unless they are perfectly clean. (4) The preliminary cutting of the canes into short lengths promises the easiest BOlutiOD of the problem of cleaning the cane. (5) The subsequent slicing of these sections by some form of appara- tus is a mechanical problem which can be solved. 11 THE APPARATUS FOR DELIVERING THE CHIPS TO THE BATTERY AND REMOVING THEM THEREFROM. The working of the chip elevators and the apparatus ..or removing the exhausted chips was exceedingly unsatisfactory. The chips falling into the pit below the cutters were carried by a screw conveyor to a bucket elevator. Thence they were dropped onto a belt conveyor, which delivered them to the apparatus for blowing out the leaves, &c. The screw, the elevator, and the belt frequently became choked and occasioned a great deal of trouble and delay. The apparatus for removing the exhausted chips gave still greater trouble. In discharging a cell the whole contents, weighing a ton, were thrown at once on the conveyor. This load was too great, and many days' delay were experienced in making the alterations necessary even to moder- ate efficiency. The elevator for taking the exhausted chips from this conveyor was a very complicated and inefficient piece of apparatus, and many tedious changes had to be made before it would do the necessary work. Fi- nally its use was abandoned altogether. The lessons taught by these unfortunate delays show that the proper method for removing the ex- hausted chins from the battery is by deans of a tramway and dump- cart, as practiced at Aimeria and described in Bulletin No. 8. A great deal of apparatus and power will be saved by this method of disposing Of the chip-. Tht' conveyor for filling the cells worked in marked con- trast with the rest <>t the chip handling machinery, and gave perfect satisfaction. This conveyor extended the entire length of the battery, and was placed directly above it. Over each cell was a door in the floor of the conveyor. When a cell was to be filled the door above it was Opened ami the chips tell through onto a funnel which directed them into the cell. The bottom of the conveyor at fort Scott was too Dear the top of the cells. It should be not less than con d i ict the Operations at the kiln we had no trouble with its manip- ulation. It furnished an abundant supply of gas, and an amount of lime in large excess of the quantity required. The limestone at firs! furnished contained a huge quantity of cement and was unlit for use. In all. several da\s"dela\ was caused by this imperfection. Alter reasonably good Limestone was obtained all worked well. The analyses of the limestones employed will be found among the analyti- cal data. The drawings and detailed description of the lime-kiln are found in Bulletin No. 8. i in; PUMP. The pump was delivered to as in that state of imperfection which three months of very haul usage and six years of disuse produce. 13 Nevertheless, after a proper adjustment it worked with perfect satisfac- tion. In all not more than half a day's delay was caused by the ad- justment of this apparatus. THE CARBONATATION TANKS. These tanks were built by the Posey and Jones Company, according to the drawings and specifications in Bulletin Xo. 8, and gave perfect satisfaction. J can suggest no improvement in them unless it be the insertion of revolving paddles to keep down the foam. THE FILTER-PRESSES. These, four in number, and of thirty chambers each, were constructed by the Pusey and Jones Company, on the general plan of the Kroog filter-press, but with certain modifications suggested and patented by Mr. Swenson, Their work gave perfect satisfaction. The only fault discovered in them was the weakness of the plates, a great number of them breaking under the ordinary pressure. THE SULPHUR APPARATUS. This apparatus consists of an air-compressor, two sulphur furnaces, three sulphuring-tanks, and three Kroog's twin filter -p The whole apparatus was built by the Sangerhanser Maschinenl'abrik, and its work gave entire satisfaction. The apparatus La described in detail in Bulletin N«>. 8. The whole of the machinery, with the unimportant changes noted, was constructed according to the drawings and specifications printed in Bulletin No. 8. Their reproduction is not considered necessary here. A NAM TICAL DATA. The analyses of canes, chips, waste-waters, purified juices, &c, were made at the factory chiefly by Dr. 0. A. Crampton, assisted l>\ Mr. X. J. Pake. The limestones. mas8e-cuites, press-cakes, &&, were exam- ined in the laboratory at Washington. The analyses of the gases from the lime-kiln were made by Mr. (i. L. Spencer. 14 Limestones, $c. Serial 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4598 4599 4638 4651 10 Xo. P.ct. .20 .05 4652 4662 4663 .10 .04 CO*. P.ct. 43.10 30.90 41.84 37.82 40.07 37.56 41.70 41.70 42.70 BiO* 41. i 40.00 41.20 P.ct. 1.55 23.03 3.10 3.00 5.92 10.01 2.50 2.81 1.68 5.40 3.47 P.ct. .97 3.85 1.40 1.48 1.07 1.56 1.82 1.42 .93 72 3.14 2.02 CaO. MgO. P. ct. P. ct. 54. 70 . 04 42.05 53.55 51. 3C 51.53 .07 .04 49.26 . 63.84 I 54.08 55.40 52. 02 52.26 57.83 53.72 54 54 SO3. P.ct. .03 . 03 .02 37 PaOs. P.ct. .01 03 Sums. P.ct. 100. 40 100. 16 100. 03 98.51 94.87 100.68 Index to limestones. 100. 22 101.03 100. 99 Selected from 150 cords of limestone on hand at tbe beginning of the season. Do. Do. Core of limestone burned in mill, doesn't burn. Limestone brought in wagons from Fort Seott Lime Works. Duplicate sample. Selected from 150 cords of limestone on band .it tbe beginning of the Do. Duplicate sample. Limestone in use Ootobei 17, surface rook from a point 2 miles south of factors . Limestone in use October 17 deeper in quarry. Do. Do. Burnt lime. Slag. Spent bone black. 4,587 4,588 4,600 "Water . Per cent. 9.60 0.00 4.36 3.70 81.40 .09 Undetermined .. Per (■• nt. 0.00 Traces 39.30 31.50 38.60 Per cent. 1 15 1 L8 72 Fe2 O3 Ah O3 MO Si). P2O6 *3"> 80 17.24 99.15 99.40 99.88 Equivalent to Ca (P04)3, 79. 46. t Contains N. 15 Mill juices before October 1. Date. Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 3 Sept. 15 Sept 10 Sept 17 Bept 18 Sept. 18 Sept, 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 21 Sept 22 Sept. 22 Sept 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. '-'4 Sept. 25 Sept 25 Sept 28 Sept 29 Sept 30 Index to mill juices. Aver. 55.79 L0723 Coeffioieni parity. .. Early amber cane from west held. Early amber cane from east field. Link's hybrid. Early orange. Early amber cane, juice extracted by hand. Early umber cam- from east held, cut two days Early amber ( am, cut time days. Orange cane from wagons. Cane from carrier. Do. Amber cane from carrier. Amber cane from carrier, cut yesterday. Orange cane from carrier. Amber cane from carrier', cut two da vs. Amber cane from carrier, cut one day. Amber cane from carrier, cut three da\ S. Cane from carrier. Link's hybrid from field. Cane from carrier. Cane like preceding, except badly lodged. Cane from carrier, (from lodged iot). ( Grange cane, cut today. Cane from carrier. Do. Do. Mill juices after September 30. 281 80.71 Su- Glu- crose. cose. P.ct. /'. ct. 8. :r, 4.95 14.50 1.77 14.87 2. 1-. 10.50 2.60 12.39 1.92 10. 65 2. 87 2, 1 1 3.11 li 46 3.03 9. in 4.38 8.07 •J. 20 7.72 8. :5s 7. 22 LOO 7. 82 7.74 8, 13 10.51 M 11 4.56 5.71 11. 11 ft. 17 10.08 2. 18 l. 15 Oct l Oct 2 Oct i Oct i Oct 5 Oct 7 Oct. 7 Oct Oct Oct ii. t 1 1. i Oct 10 Oct ii Oct n Oct ii net 12 Oct 12 Oct L2 Oct 12 o.t. 12 Oct 12 Index to mill juices. M. t id ia Oct 18 Oct 13 Oct 18 Oct ia Cane from carrier, stripped. Cane from carrier. Cane brought in cars from Hammond. Amber cane from carrier. Orange cane from carrier. Cane from earlier. Cane, amber, on OttT from Hammond. Same, 01 Amber cane from Hammond. Same, 01 Cane from car, >aiue as two preceding, but better ged samples taken from center of ear, while the first samples were taken from the outside, amber. Same, orange. cane from carrier (juice retry red). Cane Prom carrier, p. m. < '.iin- ti nin carrier, a. tu. (Old OHM). Link's liybt id from field. from held. Ambei from field. Cane from carrier, cut several days. First fresh wagon load lot m to-day. Link's bvbt id cane from Profi D and not hurt by frost om carrier, freshly cut, a. m. Cane from oarrier, p. m. • 'am- ft oat i lane on oai from Hammond, ot • 1 1 om Hammond, amber. iber, lot from Hammond by Dr. WUaj and Profi n. Berne ot Same, 01 < 'a ne for expei Imentalrun, orange, taken from same Same amber. Sample from other two can from Hammond o Same, amber i line from Profi First mill Juioe from experimental run, tfirting sample i i at j bour, ot • 16 j/ill juices after Septeynber 30 — Continued. No. Ex- ii, it - tion. Sp. £T. Solids. Su- | crose. Glu- Date. Index to mill juices. P. rt. P.ct. P.ct. I 62. 50 1. 0608 14.9 4.04 7. 25 Oct. 13 Same, aruber, taken at same time as above. 1.0021 15.2 5.83 6.07 Oct. 13 Second sample orange. 50.00 1.0626 15.3 9.51 2.44 Oct L3 Second sample. Link a hybrid, from Swenaon'a. 290 60. 00 1. 0078 10. 5 8. 77 3.75 Oct 13 Third sample, orange, from Hammond. 50. 52 1. 0084 16.6 8. 51 4. 12 Oct. 14 Cane from i arrier, amber. 1. 0629 15.4 7.88 4.38 Oct. 14 Cane from carrier, orange. 310 1.0580 14.3 7.45 4.50 Oct. 15 Denton " cane, analysed for Mr. Parkinson. 311 LO4O0 ! 10.0 3.66 3.31 Oct. 15 ( hreen cane from wagon. 442 1. 0560 : 13.8 5.87 4. 98 Oct 28 Cane from field across railroad, amber, still greeu. 458 60. 00 1. 0550 ■ 13.6 7.60 1.97 Oct. 25 Cane fiom field this side railroad track, amber. Ay. 58. 01 1. 068 16.6 8.70 4.15 Coefficient purity . . 52.41 ('hips from first of season to October 1 , 1886. Uncorrected. Corrected. No. Date. Sucrose. Glucose. Sucrose. Glucose. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent 10 Sept. 8 5.63 8.34 5.91 8.02 11 Sept. 9 10.21 3.90 10.72 3.39 12 Sept, 9 9.08 2.15 9.53 1.70 14 Sept. 10 5.86 5.94 6.15 5.65 15 | Sept 11 9.57 2.17 10.05 1.69 17 Sept. 11 9.90 1.91 10.40 1.41 19 Sept. 13 9.30 1.24 9.76 .77 24 Sept. 14 1.94 8.96 1.51 36 Sept. 16 10.32 3.13 10.84 2.61 43 Sept. 17 9.50 3.34 9.97 2.86 49 Sept is 10.81 2.73 11.35 2. 11) 65 Sept 20 8.28 4.98 8.69 4.57 74 Sept 21 7.94 3.11 8.32 2.73 86 Sept 22 5.12 7 14 5.38 6.88 90 Sept. 23 7.39 4.31 7.75 3.95 105 Sept. 25 5.74 3.89 6.03 3.60 107 Sept 28 8.51 2.45 8.93 2. 03 115 Sept 29 11.18 1.97 11.71 1.41 121 Mean Sept 30 7.26 6.44 7.62 6.08 8.43 3. 72 8.85 3 32 ( 'hips from October 1 to close. 1 29 Oct. i 4.03 135 Dot 2 a 7.-. 9.19 3. 13 161 Oct 4 :(. o<; 7. 88 3.62 l-:, Oct 7 1.22 8 B] 206 Oct. 8 o. -ri 6. 58 •;. :i;» 211 Oct '.i 0. 77 o. 66 7.11 8, 88 •i-r, Oc1 ;• 10.78 :;. 79 11.27 3. 25 238 Oct in 7.21 7.57 210 Oct n 3. 1)3 - u B. 58 270 Oct. 12 3. 20 L0.84 2. 77 Oil. i:; 3. 01 7.50 4.11 7. 30 Oct LS ti l - 2! 17 Oct U 1 71 <;. 88 B09 Oct i:. 7.-1 BIS Oct. L6 7.31 325 Oct. n; 7. 1- 3.01 3. 23 84J Oct 17 J. 99 6.88 !•',.', :\:a Oct 18 6. 56 1. 11 375 Oct 18 8. L6 4. 20 891 20 413 Oct 21 :.. 77 I. 19 431 o, i 2 'J l.::i 447 0< i. 28 o. . 86 ■i.r.i 5. 47 474 .», i 27 2. 89 6. 08 1. 4h 7.01 4. 15 17 ANALYSES OF JUICE OF CHIPS FRO^I CUTTERS. These chips were taken from the cells of the battery as they were fill- ing. A handful was taken from each cell until ten had been sampled. The determinations were made by passing these chips through the mill and then subjecting the juice to examination in the usual way. Mill juices from chips taken from circuit of cells. Number. Date. Specific gravity. Solids. Sucrose. Glucose. 308 Oct. 15 1 nfi*>4 Per cent. Per cent 1 r> 3 ft 02 Per cent 2.61 3. 4€ 3.35 3.68 3.31 3.31 3.48 3.31 4.18 4.44 312 326. 340 355 372 390 412 429 445 Oct. 16 1. 0G10 14.9 Oct. 16 1.0G70 16.3 Oct. 17 1.0648 15.8 Oct. 18 1.0584 14. 8 Oct 18 1.0596 ! 14. G Oct. 20 1.0G48 15.8 Oct 81 1.0590 14.5 Oct 22 1.0618 15.1 Oct 28 l- 0510 7.84 8. 88 8.17 T.21 7.69 8.82 7.48 G. 17 5.77 460 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 1.0580 1 14.2 5.42 4.85 1.0578 14.2 4.50 4.95 473 1. 0605 3. 74 13.17 Purity coefficient of .juice, 49. Glucose per 100 sucrose in juice, 51. 07. Chips exhausted in botths with and without neutralizing. Number. 8M Oct 18 Oct. 21 875 391 415 431 447... 461-2 #61-2 Without addition of a neutralizing -■ d juice from same. Glucosi- (ilucose. Percent. Per Neutralised by— Gives — 5.77 4.62 4.14 4. 1'0 4. 18 5. 42 5.42 r>. 12 6.00 6.10 4.10 4. 72 5. i: :.. 86 12 cc. fr, alk. . . alk... alk .. l cc. bisulphite : alk .. - 6.60 7.31 G. 71 5. 17 5.11 Per cent 3.41 3.23 3. G5 .76 too 5.03 5. 11 4.95 Number. mic- tion, - Mill Juice 0 lips. < \ . 181 . 181 . 181 ,164 JH Dtral- malic , Inoose, - 1 7.-J1 • 1 It IS. l it 1 it 1 : ' Nolle ' .088 Ill < hips 6.41 , 4.27 3.94 14.4 11330 N". i I 3 18 Diffusion juices to October 1. Number. Date. Solids. Sucrose. Glucose. 13 16 23 25 27 29 32 38 46 51 57 64 69 77 91 94 98 101 104 108 114 118 122 Sept. 9... 11... 13... 14... 14... 15... 16... 17... 18... 18... 19... 20... 20... 21 . . 23... 24... 24... 25... 25... 28... 99... 29... 30... Per cent. 6.8 8.5 9.3 11.7 11.2 12.6 10.8 10.4 11.9 11.7 11.8 10.8 12.3 11.8 11.8 9.2 10.7 9.6 8.9 9.7 12.6 12.0 14.8 Per cent. 3.29 3.94 6.50 7.47 6.17 6.36 5.71 5.62 6.59 6.94 5.66 4.37 5.59 5.76 6.78 4.81 4.53 6.06 4.13 5.68 6.76 6.37 7.22 Per cent. 1.39 1.99 1.66 1.53 1.42 2.84 1.82 1.66 3.18 1.82 2.85 3.36 3.46 2.89 2.19 1.84 2.23 1.52 1.28 1.67 2.92 2.65 4.16 11.77 5.75 2.32 Purity, 48.93. Diffusion juices October 1 to close. Number. Date. Solids. Sucrose. Glucose. 128 132 189 134 L39 140 111 149 152 1 .">."> 160 hi:; L66 171 IT'.t 1 82 L83 1st. 201, 205, •J if, 217 'J.'!) 287 244 'J J 7 254 L'»il 262 271. 290 :;iin 818. B27 828 839 350 857 871. :i7:s :;-'.) 104. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Ocl (i, i <»■ t Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Ocl. Oct. Oct, Oct. Ocl. Per cent. 14.8 13.7 13.9 13.2 12.9 12.7 12.9 9.8 9.6 11.5 L2.8 13.0 12.2 12.2 13.8 12.7 12.2 12. 2 12.6 ll.s 12.2 11.8 10. s 1 1. 2 L0.8 10.3 10.9 18.1 12. 2 11.9 VI. 7 11.6 !t. 1 n.r, 11.2 11.7 10. 8 '.. !t in 1 10.9 7.2 9.5 Per cent. 8.60 7.01 7.68 7.18 5.89 6.51 6.47 4.80 4.71 5.42 0. 21 6.44 5.78 6.03 6.13 5. 46 5. 19 4. 50 .-,. In 5.29 4.04 4.08 4.06 4. K(J I lo 32 58 7(i 82 44 B0 92 .'!. 24 B ii 4.96 5. 51 4. :ih 4. OH 4. 88 3. 72 2. 38 Per cent. 3.25 3.32 3.10 2.75 3.96 3.65 3.52 2.38 2.47 3.28 3. :u 8, 58 3.40 3.23 4.41 I. 83 4. 211 4.41 4. 12 3. «.ts 1. <;:» 1.07 3. 45 3. 30 3.43 3. 15 8, Of :i. ;iti 4.06 3.41 2. 14 3. 54 2. n 2. 88 2. !<4 3. OK 2. 90 2. 51 2. 94 B.91 19 Diffusion juices October 1 to close — Continued. 410 Oct. 21 417 Oct. 21 428 0 430 Oct. 22 435 Oct. 22 441 Oct. 22 444 Oct. 23 Oct. 23 468 Oct. 26 478 Oct. 27 Average 11.2 3. 97 3.98 11.8 ! 3.77 4.44 10.6 ! 4.41 3.31 1 ). 1 3.95 3.37 10.3 3.91 3.43 10.3 3.76 lo. 1 10.1 3.41 3.63 2. 93 2.97 7.8 2.91 2.55 1LM 4.90 3.39 Filtered oarbonatated juices before October 1. Number. Sucrose. Glucose. Solids. 18 33 41 47 67 78. Ave ' Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Sept. 11 4.06 1.28 8.8 Sept. 13 li. !I4 1.04 10.5 Sept. 16 ."-. 'JO 1.50 1L1 Sept. 17 .94 11.4 Sept 18 2.39 10.9 Sept 20 1.82 1H.7 Sept.'Jl 4.59 1.24 9.9 5.56 1.46 10.47 Filtered oarbonatated juia lemberSQ. 194... 210... 826. .. 848... 252... 301 .. . 847 .. 42H. . 451.... 489.... Oct Oct (i. i O.I M, t Oct Oct. Oct Oct O, r. Oct. Oot 7 5.07 A. 7.". 4. 72 5. '.»:> I. 7!» ». 4i» 3. 11 3.(17 2. so 2. 42 3. 22 2.17 8.31 2. H< i :! ti 2.94 13.0 12.4 12.0 10.6 11.9 12. t; 12.7 11.8 11.6 in. -J 11. 1 11. 4 11.2 11.80 Sitljjliiu i il inn > \obi I I . Efamber. Saoroee. Olaooee. Solid*. 1 1 I.7H ll.C. Sept 17 12 7 .... Sept 18 11 J Sept. 20 in. 7 Sept 21 1.24 10.6 1.65 11.15 20 Sulphured juices after September 30. 195 Oct. 9 211 Oct. 8 225 Oct. 9 236 Oct. 10 253 Oct. 11 264. Oct. 12 302 Oct. 14 336... Oct. 16 344 Oct. 17 362 Oct. 18 383 Oct. 19 401 Oct. 20 421 Oct. 21 440 Oct. 22 452 Oct. 23 470 Oct. 28 Average 6.73 3.11 13.2 5.89 :;. 17 12.6 5.09 3. 12 12.2 4.78 2. 03 10.6 4.78 2.54 11.0 6.20 2.97 12.7 5.87 3.50 13.2 5.89 2.57 12.5 6. 18 2. 44 12.4 5.12 2.35 10.8 4.58 2.14 9.7 4.12 3.54 11.2 4.54 3.53 11.7 4.89 3.04 11.4 3.90 3.48 10.8 3.23 2.31 7.8 5.11 2.90 11.5 Waste waters, before October 1. Number. Date. Sucrose. Glucose. 20 Sept. 13 Sept 19 Sept. 21 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Sept, 30 Per cent. 0.00 .24 .16 "".67 .31 Per cent. 0.00 58 76 99 111... 117 .10 .25 .26 .14 124 .27 .15 waters, after September 30. 136 142 145... 153 156 161 164 167 172 186 187 188 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Ool Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. O. t. Oct Ol 1 Od Oct. n. i on o, t 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 9 '.' 10 11 11 12 12 VI 14 11 15 15 16 17 IK 10 22 a .17 .43 .15 .91 .43 .30 .35 .48 .21 .14 .08 .08 .11 .21 .19 Trace. .15 .11 Tl.lCC. .10 . 20 .10 .10 in . 11 .62 1 I.I. .'. Tl.UT. None. 1 1 .1. ■' Trace. 189 202 208 . 218 21!) 230... 248... 250 266 266 299 . 808 818 .'{.'(0 881 B48 :ihi .. mi. A \ .-i , 1 1 .ic. .17 21 Waste chips, before October 1. X umber. Date. Glucose. Per cent. 26 .. Sept. 14 .15 35 t. 16 .20 40 . Sept. 17 .10 52 pt 18 .10 56 . Sept 19 .10 81 . . Sept. 21 .23 1 92 .. Sept a .20 ; 106 pt 25 .38 i 110 it 28 .29 116 . Sept 29 .63 .24 Waste chips, after Septemfo 137 143 144 L54 157 162 165 168 173 190 191 192 203. 220 221 251 256 272 Oct 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 8 Oct. 4 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct 7 Oct 7 Oct. 7 Oct 8 Oct 8 Oct. 9 Oct 8 Oct 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 11 on. i-' OCt 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct 15 o.t. L6 Oct. 17 Oct. \» Oct. lit Oct. L'O Oct. 2] Oct 22 .40 1.20 .71 .79 1.11 1.52 .70 .85 .65 .65 .40 .34 .30 .:j5 22 .41 .42 . 22 . 62 .30 .41 .39 .18 .24 .30 . 1 J »1 274 275 298 804 814 3% 418 436 454 .52 Si mi-sirup. Number. Solids P< f . . ' Sept. 20 23.02 Oct 7 60.1 82.10 17 1 •■ : lo 5L 1 27.60 l.v o.t. 11 80.0 I Oct 14 11 . o.t. 15 I 27.90 17 819 f. i 8 81.70 12 Oct 17 IK •',! I" 111, Ocl 12 Oct i- (i,i L0 i, 11.94 18 '.Ml 90 1. 1660 1. 2910 l |6< i 22 .Vasse-cuites. Number. Wal Solids. Ash. Sucrose. Reducing Din Inversion. sugar. 12 40 Pi /• cent 18.98 19.41 19.34 16.69 35. 14 17.77 22. 21 14. 58 10.94 Per cent. 80.59 81.91 80.66 82.40 64.86 82. 83 77. 79 85.42 83. 06 Per cent. 04.35 05.09 04.6 08.4 04. 94 05, 40 04.45 05. 03 05. 43 03.16 /'. /• cent. 40. 20 40.00 43.60 44.40 44. 20 42. 60 Per cent. 41.14 45.82 16. 92 14. Bfl I 22, 72 2L 51 45 24. 94 24, 75 92 21.93 21 98 :;:;■' 47.10 18.73 45. 7d 46.97 40.92 17. 50 - - 50.42 19.53 350 20.83 20. 33 21. 19 10. 50 19.75 80. 35 5. 07 44. 45 46. 26 21.39 Molasses. 4G83 26.42 73.58 .0539 32.80 32.60 35. 10 33.50 30.3 34.48 21.33 42. 87 18.07 36. 72 23.12 81.93 63. 28 .0540 . 0502 36.94 37. 17 33.41 20.83 28.10 Sample of sugar : Sucrose, 98.16; glucose. .<>7. Acidity in juices. [Calculated as malic acid.l Mill juices. Diffusion ju No. Date. Per cent. No. Date. Per cent 179 Oct. 8 . 280 Oct 7 180 Oct. 8 . 255 201 Oct. B .174 213 Oct. 9 .21)1 210 Oct. 9 232 Oct Hi 229 Oct. 10 . 273 212 Oct 11 . 188 211 Oot 11 . 205 'lit. 12 . 147 327 Oct. 10 Oot io 356 Oct 18 355 Oct. IS 371 Oot 1'.' .147 372 Oct. 19 . 120 417 Oct 21 . 161 412 Oct. 21 .134 Oct -J-' 429 Oot 22 . 134 . 117 453 Oct 2:: 272 Means. .189 Aciditi/ in 1 Per .•lit Oel. Ill Per cut. 1-1 10.-, Sept 25 2:: 1 107 Sep! ..•>•! Oet. I!! pi 115 Sept Oct if 101 S.pl 210 :;il 0,1 17 . 173 129 Oct 1 211 Oet. IS . 197 1:::, Oet. 2 197 Oet. l'.l . 164 151 u. , 4 181 891 197 ...1. 7 101 11:; O.I. 21 . 197 Ocl 181 1:1 L8I Oel. 9 117 Oel. 23 Ocl 104 161 oei. ■_■•; 101 0.1 10 2:01 47 1 Oct. 27 211 Oct. 11 270 Oet. 12 2 If, ' 23 Moisture in chips anc bagasse Fresh chips. Exhausted chips. Freshbagas.se. ™tod No. Per cent, moisture. 1 Ho. Percent, moisture. -.- Per cent. " moisture. No. Per cent, moisture. 206 234 71.59 74 18 203 89.58 99R 88 35 238 75. 82 1 239 89. 68 246 77. 80 251 89. 76 270 73 67 286 74. 53 289 75. 33 297 74. 60 308 73.70 325 73. 58 341 73. 10 354 7G. 37 876 77. 57 391 78. 15 413 71.77 401 76. 36 298 88. 94 314 88.62 329 90. 43 345 88.86 359 87. 57 379 84.89 396 86. 41 419 86.73 367 402 422 57. 79 368 62. 91 385 56. 94 42:; 67.73 66.57 63.74 63.06 4:il 76.15 454 87. 71 447 Means. 74.95 88.31 58.73 65.28 Table skewing weight of tun -cakes. No. Pounds. No. Pounds. 1 26 7 21 2 24 8 9. 24 3 24 24 4 24 10 23 5 25 11 24 6 25 12 24.3 Moist ,i, m cake. No. 278 MS 842 349 Per cent MH»i-t 111 .-. 4:.. 71 - ' moisture. 369 411 421 41.. M. U 41. 11 [ in dry rata Sit i:il Ho in. lit. -i < '.u In. 11 11 .1. id 1 '• l insoluble and silica. 2. 1 - L0] l.tiT I M.u ami alumina. :> hi :s. 15 in: 1..V, Lime. 48. :n 41.90 Phosphoric acid r 0 Sulphuric and SOi. Vrrct Total 19. 14 11..-- .71 .76 i'.rct. 1.20 4647 .90 1. 14 ...... m W 1.25 1" 1 24 [In the organic matter.] Number. 1 Sucrose. Nitrogen albumen. Water in original 4589 4650 464G 4647 4648 4649 4660 4687 4657 4658 4639 4675 Perct. .00 .00 1.90 2.20 2.43 Per ct. Per ct. . 74 2. 66 .83 2.83 4.65 3. 77 2. 15 3.08 Per ct. 39.07 " 'is.' 24 45.61 47.06 45.63 52.84 45.98 44.54 48.88 44.11 •_'. 41 .93 .07 3.12 2.21 1.50 2.41 5.02 5.70 . 83 1. 08 Trace. . 90 3. 00 . 91 4. 56 1. 59 3. 50 1. 08 4. 05 . 33 DISCUSSION OF THE DATA. It is evident from the foregoing analyses of limestones that, with few exceptions, the quality of stone used was exceedingly poor. The impor- tance of good stone is at once evident, since bad stone is liable to "hang- up" in the furnace, give a poor quality of lime for the defecation, and a weak gas for the carbonatations. The quality of the gas employed during the season was fairly good. At first, by feeding too much coke with the limestone, large quantities of carbonic oxide were produced. The carbonic dioxide formed at the bottom of the furnace was reduced to CO by the white-hot coke above. After the laborers learned the proper manipulation of the kiln no far- ther trouble was experienced from this cause. The carbonic oxide was always accompanied by a peculiarly unpleasant odor, and made the la- borers about the carbonatation pans dizzy and ill. One of them tainted from the effects of the gas on the day it contained the largest quantity of carbonic oxide. The percentage of C02 in the gas from time to time during the manu- facturing season is shown by the following analyses: No. Date. CO*. Remarks. 1 S. ],t. 28 1I.IM) 2 Sept 29 L8.00 3 Sept :;<' L5.50 4 Oct 2 L0.06 Horning. 5 Oct 2 Noon. 6 o.t. 2 u 0 Night 7 o. t :; 21.0 8 Oct 4 Mel ning. !> Oct 4 20. 22. B 13 ()(•(. Ill 14 Oct M L5 « >, i L8 i:.. ii It is seen thai When the men bad learned I lie proper use oi' the furnace the percentage of <'<>. *as kept pretty constantly above 20. The an- 25 alysis No. 15 was made a day after the tires in the furnaces had been stopped. It showed that when internal combustion alone was practiced the percentage of C02 rapidly decreased. A gas containing from 20 to 25 per cent. 0O2 is well suited to carbonatation. VOLUME OF GAS EMPLOYED. The double-acting pump for supplying gas to the pans had the fol- lowing capacity: Inches. Diameter of cylinder IT. 5 Length of stroke 21.25 . The mean rate of motion for the pump was 40 per minute ; hence the total quantity of gas delivered per minute was 236 cubic feet. The volume of C02 furnished per minute is obtained by multiplying the above number by the mean percentage of 0O2 in the gas, viz, 23G X .20 = 47.2 cubic feet. In metric terms 47.2 cubic feet are equal to 1.33G liters. With gas of a good quality, say 25 per cent. CO*, a pump of the ca- pacity described would easily furnish gas for working 200 tons of cane per day. DOUBLE CARBONATATION. A few experiments were made to determine whether or not double oarbonatations could be practiced with sorghum juices. It was found that if from two to four tenths grains of lime per liter were left in the juice of the first carbonatation the nitration took place more readily, and the juice was somewhat purer. In double carbonatation some additional lime is added to the hot juice from the filter-presses, and the injection of C02 continued until the liquid is neutral. Pans were put up and this method given a trial, lint with a sugar-juice as rich in glucose as that afforded by sorghum, this procedure is not applicable. For convenience, and to note the effects ot'a hea\\ frost, the analytical data relating to the juices. &c., arc given in two parts, viz, those obtained before October l in the first part, and those after September 30 in the second. It is believed that every analysis made has been recorded, since in the circumstances arising from the result of the experiments even those which seem to have do value have been considered worthy of finding a place. MILL-. JIM I The samples of cane expressed by the small mill were taken without any purpose of illustrating an\ theory. Tin- object in selecting them was to gel as fair an idea as possible of the character of the cane enter- ing the factory. A study of the tables reveals the most surprising variations in the com posit inn of the canes, van ing from a quality «>l hi I produc- ing value t«> one worthless for this purpose. As has already been pointed out. the generally poor character of the 26 cane is due to much of it being overripe, especially in the case of the Amber variety. But the chief trouble arose from delay in handling the cane due to defects in the machinery already pointed out. In some cases, however, canes cut for two or three days, when kept, for ex- ample, in the middle of a car-load, from changes of temperature, pre- served their sugar contents remarkably well. In general, however, the results of the work emphasized the importance of a prompt handling of the canes after they have been cut. With such canes as arc indicated by the analyses of the mill-juices it would be hopeless to expect to manufacture sugar profitably by any process whatever. The amount of glucose per hundred of sucrose in the first series of analyses is 3S.HI ; after September 30 it is 47.72. DIRECT EXTRACTION OF THE CHIPS. The determination of the sugars in the expressed juice of the cane is not a satisfactory method of determining the sugar in the cane itself. Did all canes contain the same percentage of juice, and were all the juice both that expressed and that remaining in the canes, of the same coin- position, no other method of analysis would be necessary. Since neither of these conditions obtain, however, in actual experience, I was led to try some other process. The one finally adopted is described in full in the Bulletin de FAssociation des Chimistes, and published in Paris No- vember 15, 1884. Fresh sorghum-canes were cut into fine chips and treated for an hour in a closed bottle with water at the boiling temperature. The analyses of the liquid obtained showed that the chips had the following composition : No. Sucrose in cane, by din ( 1 tiination. Sucrose i n cane, calcu- lated from composition of the juice, 89 per oent. Glucose in cane, direct Glucose m cane, 08 Lo U- lated 1 2 *8. 71 (7. 7 i. 96 1 • Mean of Bis :in \A i Mean of four anal j n It is seen by these analyses thai the results obtained by the two meth- ods agree very closely. A Large Dumber of experiments has also shown that equally as satis- factory results are obtained with sugarcane. When, however, in the ease of sorghum, the canes have already begun to deteriorate, and the sucrose is already partly inverted, it is found thai this method of analysis causes a considerable inversion. A similar in- version, although to a less extent, ta^es place in the cells of the battery. After the Close Of the season a comparative Study was made of the amount of this inversion, and the results of these studies show clearly 27 that the trouble is due to the acids of the caue chiefly to those formed by the partial fermentation which has produced the inversion of the sugar, or else the increased susceptibility of the sucrose remaining to the inverting action of the organic acids. The results of these analyses are given under "analytical data.77 DIRECT ESTIMATION OF SUGAR IN CHIPS. The samples were taken as before described. Since only a small quantity could be used in each analysis (50 grams, circa), single results are not strictly mean indications of the content of the whole in sugar. The means, however, will give a fair idea of the composition of the chips. The extraction of tin; sugar was made in the following way : The weighed sample of fresh chips (48.9 grans) is placed in a strong extraction-llask and water added until the total volume (marked on neck of flask) is 305 cubic cent i meters. The live cubic centimeters in excess of 300 is the allowance made for the liber of the cane, which, for the quantity taken, amounts to live grams, and occupies a volume of about 5 cubic centimeters. The bottle is then tightly stoppered and heated at 100° for an hour, being frequently shaken. The method is based on the supposition that by this treatment complete diffusion has taken place, and that the free liquor and that in the pores of the pulp have the same composition. The liquor is then filtered, 100 cubic centime- ters representing 16.3 grams of the original chips, treated witli acetate of lead, made up to 110 cubic centimeters, and polarized. After adding one tenth the reading gives the percentage of Sucrose present. A discussion of the errors attending this method of analysis will be given further along. Following are the numbers obtained by this method of analysis, and also the provisional correction which has been adopted. This method rests on the assumption that the liquor within and with- out the chips has the sa constitution. This assumption is probably incorrect when the canes have deteriorated. Subjected to an analytical test the following data were obtained : m Olw. . B liquor. chips. ■ i 7 81 6. Ifl 7.31 li. 71 I -I ;>. 17 :.. (ii Grltiooec i" liquor. -i 4. 10 8.81 I li :t. 41 1.20 :t. 28 obips. i 8.07 i. n M. 5.78 ■Ill tllr . hip 28 It is seen from the above data that the mean total sugar in the free liquor equals 9.44 per cent, and in the juice expressed from chips from same equals 0.43 per cent. This method of extraction with sorghum chips is, therefore, open to the objection of inverting a portion of the sucrose when the canes are not fresh. It is seen that 4 per cent, of sucrose present has been changed into reducing sugar. As the second of the analyses shows, this change has taken place entirely without the cell, the composition of the juice remaining in the cells being sensibly the same as that of the normal juice of the cane. These results are of extreme interest. They show most conclusively that in the process of diffusion at a high temperature there is a notable inversion of the sucrose when the canes are not in proper condition. Further than this, it is shown that this inversion takes place in the sugar in the free liquor and not in the sugar remaining in the liber of the cane. In nearly every case the free liquor was poorer in sucrose and richer in glucose than that in the pnlp. To correct the acidity in the battery, and thus avoid inversion, the following methods were tried: (1) The limed juice used in the carbonatation-tanks was added to the cell of fresh chips little by little until enough was used to neutralize the acid. Two serious objections were found to this procedure : (a) The proper control of the quantity to be added was impossible. The juice would at times become strongly alkaline and highly colored; (/>) the lime seemed to prevent the extraction of the sugar. The total solids of the diffusion juice under this treatment ran down rapidly from 11 per cent, to 4 per cent. This was due either to the coagulated albuminous matters preventing the osmotic action or to the formation of an insolu- ble lime sucrate, which remained in the chips. The method, therefore, had to be abandoned. (2) Lime-water was added to the tank supplying the diffusion battery in such proportions as to furnish alkali enough to nearly neutralize the free acidity of each cell Of 'chips. This water entered the cell next to be emptied of exhausted chips. All the lime in suspension was at on< e filtered out, and that in solution was not sufficient to neutralize the acidity in tin' cells in advance. Addition Of lime bisulphite. To test the efficiency of lime bi- sulphite in preventing inversion during extraction it was added to the water in the feedtank for the battery in quantities equal to one-half gallon lor each diffusion. It was also used in the extraction llask with the results to follow . (J) The addition of lreshl\ precipitated carbonate of lime to the ex- traction bottle This method was suggested bj Prof. M. Swenson. The analyses show that the acidity was diminished by two thirds, and tin- inversion of the sucrose largely prevented i>.\ the treatment, if a few pounds of such a carbonate could be evenly distributed in the 29 chips, it appears reasonable to suppose that this inversion would not take place. Analytical data obtained in above experiments. Exhausted Sucrose. Glucose, chips, total .ars. Diffusion juice with lime in cells of fresh chips.. Compare analyses of same day of diffusion juice before the addition of lime chips used same day : Ordinary method. Expressed juice from above With alkaline extraction, NaO I Expressed juice from same Mill juice from fresh chips same day. C.C5 t;. <;:. (i. 71 8.82 3.9] 3.93 3. G5 lost. 3.48 ■iit. 2.58 .57 Per cent. The diffusion juice from diffusion before treatment had of total sugars 7. 03 Exhausted chips 51 Total sugar 8. 14 The diffusion juice from chips treated with lime: Total Bngars 4. 41 In exhausted chips 2. 58 Total sugar G. 1)9 Whence it appears that by the coagulated albumen occluding the pores Of the cells there was a loss of about 2 per cent, of sugar and in addition a small loss due to the formation of a lime Bucrate. In the extraction bottle, when the alkalinity was produced by lime instead of soda, this loss of sugar did not appear. The lime, however, diminished the percentage of glucose in a marked degree. This is shown by the following analyses: Sucrose. Glucose. Per cent. • nt. ted with watej .". 77 4.19 Juice from the chips 0. lo ted with lime water .76 Juice from the chips (i. tin nut determined. Diffusion juice made h\ adding lime to supply tank ol batterj : 3.31 nd 1.41 Third. Diffusionjuia with bi-sulphite added t<> aupplj tank, half gallon for each < ( U :;. K 3.43 1 bi-sulphite in extraction ilask the follow mil; data were obtained : Mill juice from ti. sh chips .:. 17 Ordinal j •I u i < • above :, i;i 1. II ii u nh addition of l oo. in >ul|iii!t« tn cnh bot ii"' Juii i .in chips of Usual inel o ' • 30 Id these two cases there was an apparent inversion of 20 per cent of the sucrose. Another trial with better chips gave the following re- sults : Sucrose. Glucose. Chips treated in tbe usual way Treated alter addition of 20 cc, one- tenth alkali (In this case the inversion -was only 1 per cent.) Another trial with very poor and sour chips: By direct method. With 1 ccCaCos Sulphite Means (Showing an apparent inversion of 10 per cent.) Same chips with an excess of CaCo3 (Showing an apparent inversion of 3 per cent) Per cent. 6. 65 G.7J Per cent. 3.93 3.65 4.51 5.11 5.11 5.11 4.68 5.47 5.68 4.95 5.33 5.03 Taking all the data into consideration, it appears to be fair to assume that the inversion during the extraction in the flask was not more than 5 per cent, of the sucrose present, while during the first of the season it was doubtless much less. A strong corroboration of the justice of this allowance is found in the fact that the purity of the chipsanalyzed up to October 1, with the correction noted, is nearly exactly the same as that of the mill juices. In the diffusion battery, where the temperature was kept at about 70° C, the inversion was not so great. In any case, however, these analyses can only be accepted provis- ionally. The reliable analyses are those of the mill and diffusion juices. Since the results for the chips, however, agree so closely with those known to he correct, they can be accepted for all practical purposes. Since the extraction in a flask does not afford ;i direct method of de- termining the t<»t;il soluble solids in the chips, this must be done by cal- culation. For this purpose the same ratio between glucose and other sub Stances not sugar in solution is taken as thai existing in the corre- sponding mill juices. Applying this principle, we find that up to October 1 the following data are accessible. l'rr i int. Glucose in mill juices 4.01 Solid* ii hi sugar in mill juices 3,06 Ral Loj 1 glucose to .76. Glucose in t. 'it loUfil in ship! 14,69 31 After September 30 the numbers are as follows: Per cent Glucose in mill juices 4. 15 Not sugars in mill juices 3. 75 Ratio 1 glucose to .90 uot sugars. Glucose in chips 4. 15 Not sugars in chips (calculated) 3. 74 Sucrose 7.01 Total solids 14.90 Purity of chips before October 1 60. 5 Purity of chips after September 30 47. 1 SAMPLES OF CHIPS — CORRECTED NUMBERS. A full discussion of the data obtained by the analyses of the chips entering the battery has already been given. Per hundred parts of sucrose the glucose was as follows: Per cent. Before October 1 37. 52 After September 30 59. 18 A comparison of these ratios with those of the mill juices affords a con- firmation of the supposition already expressed that as the canes deterio rate the rate of inversion on heating in a closed flask is greatly increased. The analyses, therefore, of the mill juices after September 30 give the only fair idea of the character of the cane worked up to October 15. Alter that date the analyses of t lie juice of the chips pressed out by the experimental mill gives the best results possible. Sampled as the chips were, by taking an eqnal portion from each cell and mixing these sub- samples from ten cells together, the juice expressed therefrom is a fair representation of the character of the chips entering the battery. JUICE PEOM chips PASSED IHBOl Gffl EXPERIMENT \l. Mil l.. Prom the analyses of the juices it is seen that the chips entering the battery from < October 15 to the close of the season contained ■ Pi i (. nt. Sucrose i i- Qlacoee :;. :;i Glucose per hundred of sucrose 51. (W Leaving out of the computation the analyses of the chips in closed bottles, the following mean character of the earn for the entire Season is obtained : Total suii.u. 11 77 1.:. 17 Sn. rose. 1 7.71 i ,1ik ..*..•. Befoi i < »• tober l ... ah. i Ootobei n M a 14 r,o 7. SB per hundred suen a v. libit.;. • •*!!-.. i calculated bi taking diflVrei cent. = 2'J noumU p 32 It will be interesting to compare these numbers with those obtained at Magnolia Station, La,, in 1885, and recorded in Bulletin No. 11, pp. 11, 12. Per cent. Total solids in cane 14. 22 Total sucrose in cane 10. 90 Total glucose in cane 92 Mean purity ?('>.(; Mean glucose per 100 sucrose 8. 44 Available sugar calculated as before, viz, 7.58 per cent. =151.6 pounds per ton. It thus clearly appears from a careful study of the analytical data that the sorghum canes entering the battery at Fort Scott were totally unfit for sugar-making. Those who are disposed to find fault with the experiments because more sugar was not made would do well to con- sider these facts. No known process, save an act of creation, could have made sugar successfully out of such material. If nothing better than this can be obtained, then it is time to declare the belief in an indigenous sorghum-sugar industry a delusion. This subject will be mentioned again in the summary. A general review of the data connected with this interesting problem shows that with fresh chips of fine quality, the natural acidity is capa- ble of producing no appreciable inversion during treatment in an ex- t raction flask or while under pressure in the battery. With the dete- rioration of the cane, however, and consequent increasing acidity, this inversion becomes very ureat. In other words, the natural acids of the caue, such as malic and aconitic, are incapable of producing any appre ciable inversion; but the accidental acid (acetic) which comes from de- terioration may cause an inversion of the sucrose in a most marked degree. The most practical method of avoiding this danger appears to me to be a mechanical contrivance which will sprinkle evenly over the entering chips 2 or 3 pounds of fine slaked lime or double that quantity of fine calcimn carbonate to each cell of chips. As has already been noted, every Other attempt to neutralize the dangerous acids of the cane in a practical way has failed. DIFFUSION JUICES. The ratio of glucose to sucrose (per hundred) in the diffusion juices was as follows : I'd- ( nit. Before October 1 39.95 Alter September 30 <;~- ':> These results show thai before frost the inversion of the sucrose in the battery was nil, hut that after frost this inversion was very marked. This fact is also emphasized by another, viz, that before frost the lull iv mi 14 cells was used, bu! that afterwards 8, 10, and [% ceils only 33 were employed. Thus before frost the chips in the battery were longer under pressure than afterwards, and I may add that the temperature was also higher. These facts corroborate the statement already made that when once the process of inversion has commenced it goes easily and rapidly forward under the combined influence of time and an ele- vated temperature. Before such deterioration begins a temperature of even 100° C, can be maintained for an hour without notable injury. A further fact which is illustrated by the analyses of the diffusion juices from uninjured canes is that the diminished parity is produced solely by the extraction of gum and chlorophyll, chieliy from the blades and sheaths, and that this injury can be avoided by a proper cleaning of tin canes. With clean canes and those in which the sucrose is still uninjured no alkaline substance will have to be used in the battery. When, how- eve]', deteriorated canes are used, some such application will be neces- sary to save the sucrose from further inversion. As has already been pointed out, finely powdered lime or calcium carbonate evenly distrib- uted over the chips offers the simplest solution of the difficulty. CARBONATATED JUICES. The ratio of glucose to sucrose (per hundred) was as follows: Per cent Before October 1 26.28 After September 30 57.40 In both cases we find a marked decrease in the quantity of glucose. This produces a corresponding increase, usually reckoned at twice the quantity of glucose destroyed, in the rendement of crystallized sugar. If the resulting molasses could be preserved — and this can be done, as will be pointed out later — this increa.se in yield could be used without any deleterious effect whatever. The analytical data confirm the opinion already expressed, and agree with the experience of sugar-makers Wherever the process has been tried, that the process of cai ■limitation gives a larger yield of crystallizable BUgar than can be obtained by any other known method of defecation. si LPH1 RED .M Hi Comparing again the glucose per hundred of Bucrose, the following data are obtained : i'. i .-.nt. Before October l After Septembei 30 5.84 In the first part of the season the treatment with sulphurous acid shows 8 \ eiy Blight m>\ ersion of the sucrose. This \\ as accomplished bj long treatment of the juice with the acid, in the hope that a lighter- colored sir up might be produced [n the second balf of the season no Inversion took place from thin source. As I will point out further BjQ&g, tin- 1 1 eat men t of the juice ..i M.330— No. ll 3 34 this point by sulphur should be replaced by the addition of phosphoric acid. The sulphurous acid should be applied afterwards, but in the double effect and strike pans. WASTE WATERS AND EXHAUSTED CHIPS. The amount of waste water was very small, compressed air having been uuiformily used to drive the water from the cell next to be dis- charged. In the estimation of the sugar the sucrose was lirst inverted and the whole sugar estimated as glucose. The mean percentage of both sugars in the waste waters after September 30 was .17 per cent. Since the mean glucose per hundred of sucrose for the season was nearly 44, the respective quantities of sucrose and glucose were as follows : Per cent Sucrose 11 Glucose 00 In the exhausted chips before October 1, by the same method of cal- culation, there was of— Per cent. Sucrose 10 Glucose 08 After September 30 the numbers arc as follows : Per cent. Sucrose ,35 Glucose .17 This increase in the sugar left in the chips was due to cutting out a large portion of the battery, especially during the first week in October. At this time often only six cells were under pressure, but the result is seen in the large quantities of total sugar left in the chips, amounting in one instance to 1.52 per cent. After the 0th of October nine or ten cells were kept under pressure, and the content of sugar left in the chips was correspondingly dimin- ished. Sorghum, however, hauls itself to diffusion more readily than any other sugar-producing plant, and a battery of ten cells properly man- aged would give good results as far as extraction is concerned. PRESS OAKBS. The mean weight of the press cakes was 111. 3 pounds. The mean content of moist lire w;is Hi. !."» per ecu t . Since considerable time elapsed from the time of sending the cakes from Fori Scott until they were analyzed :it Washington, a considera- ble inversion of the sucrose toos place. The mean total sugar in the twelve press-cakes examined was 4.43 per cent. 35 Dividing this, as before, between the two sugars, we find, of- Per < ant Sucrose 2.97 Glucose 1.4") When extra care was taken in washing the cakes, as in the case of the Louisiana experiments, to be later described, only a trace of sugar was left in them. A glance at the composition of the cake will show its value as ;i fer- tilizer. The quantity of lime used was nearly 1£ per cent, of the weight of the cane entering the battery. RESULTS OF WORK. The average weight of chips in the cells was 1,900 pounds. From the beginning of the first attempts to run the machinery (Sep- tember 13) until it was found possible to save the product (September l>(.)) t!)0 diffusions were made, amounting to 948,100 pounds. After be- ginning to save the product (September 29) until suspension of work (October 20) 1,945 diffusions were made, amounting to 3,095,500 pounds. The total weight of cane, seed, and blades received from the field after September 19 was 3,120 tons. The weight of chips diffused was 2,322 tons. The weight of seed. tops, blades, and cleanings (by difference) was 798 tons. Following is the number of cells of chips used each day after Sep- tember 19. Before that date no separate daily account was kept: Date. Number "I - cut. Date. Number of cells out Date. Number of cells out Sept. 20 80 21 60 n 28 67 24 68 26 66 27 41 88 29 75 go 60 Oet. i 67 Oct Oct w - 16 7."> if, 160 17 18 55 18 86 HI 21 102 '_''_' mo 28 •jo 4 "J Total 2,418 About one-third of the cane received was partly stripped of its blades. It appears from 1 1 1 « - above figures that the seed tops, blades, and sheaths <>f" the cane will a nam nt to ne;u ly 30 per cent, of the entire weight. It must also be remembered that much of the blades, sheaths, v\<\. was oof removed by the very imperfect cleaning apparatus employed] and this weight is included in that of the " clean chips.'1 36 STATEMENT SHOWING RATIO <>! SEED HEADS TO WEIGHT OF I IlNE, RATIO OF CLEAN- INGS FROM BLOWER, AND QUANTITY 01 CLEAN CANE < HIPS PER CELL. Weight of cane taken pounds.. 11-. 180 Weight of Beed tops do 21, 875 Weight of cleanings do 7,580 Weight clean cane chips do 89, 025 Weight of each cell fall of clean chips do 1. 89 \ Seed In ads to total weight of cane per cent.. 18. 4? Cleanings total weight of cane do 6.40 Clean chips on total weight of cane do 75.13 The cane used in the above experiments was stripped in the fit-Id. The "cleanings'1 comprised the blades not removed and sheaths, &c, blown out by the fanning- machine. Much of these impurities was not removed. The sugar obtained was of a fair marketable kind and found a ready sale. The molasses was of a dark color and a poor quality. The weight of masse-cuite was determined on a portion of the product by Mr. Swenson. He placed it at a mean of 11' percent, of the weight of the chips entering the battery. The weight of inelada obtained from the 2,322 tuns was, therefore, 557,280 pounds, or 46,440 gallons. At the .present writing (November 15) all of the sugar has not been swung out, but the product will be about fifty thousand pounds. This is indeed a discouraging yield and quite in contrast with the phenomenal quantity obtained from sugar-cane from Louisiana, to be mentioned further along. If a proper crystallizing room had been provided by the company the yield of sugar would have been much larger. On Novem- ber 2 the different parts of the crystallizing room were found to be of the following temperatures: Deg] i Northeast corner B I North center 84 Throe feel above door, under aorth steam-dram ',-' North weal corner ~:' In upper Layer of sirup in wagon, under south steam drum 105. 8 Bottom of same wagon ~~ Booth center 79 Booth west corner, over office 79 Between steam-drams B0. l Temporal are of air outside in shade 64.4 At such a low temperature a masse-cuite poor in sucrose and boiled to string proof cannot crystallize to advantage. Before beginning the experiments with sugarcane about to be de- scribed I obtained permission of the company to provide a special hot room. With such material and with such unfavorable conditions of crystallization the yield of over 20 ponnds of sugar per ton is a con vine ing proof of the efficiency of the process employed. DISPOSITION OF Tin: i:\ii\i STED <'im\s. The prpblew Of the disposition of the exhausted chips is one of great Importance, By the failure of the niaobiuery which was designed tore« 37 move the cbips to a considerable distance from the building, the chips had to be taken away by scrapers. WheD it is remembered that these chips have slightly increased in weight in passing through the battery the great expense of this proceeding is at once apparent. The percentage of wTater in the discharged chips was found to be as follows: 1 Number. Per cent. Number. Per Gent. 84. 89 II 90 43 2 ... 3 .... - - 10 .. Mean .... .... .... 8R 097 4.... .... 86. 41 5.... Since the mean of former experiments shows that sorghum contains about 11 per cent fiber and matters insoluble in water, the composition of the waste chips as indicated by the above determination is: Per cent. Fil.cr 11. mi Water 88.10 ( >t her substances 90 Total 100.00 After passing the waste chips through the mill they had the follow ing per cent, of water: Number. I'« r cent 66. 57 63. 74 67. 7:j l ■; 4 65. 28 At 70 per cent, extraction the bagasse therefore contains one part of fiber to two of water. By a short preliminary drying this bag would readily burn. At any rate it presses so readily, requiring so lit- tle power, thai in my opinion, it would be a matter of economy to pass it through a three-roll mill. The percentage of extraction obtained with the spent chips in small experimental mill will be seen bj the following numbers : The first column represents the per cents, calculated from weighing the bagasse and the second from weighing the expressed water: N'umbei From I i Prom water. r,r 72. 16 38 Since it is difficult to accurately collect and weigh the fine bagasse which the spent chips afford, the mean of the second column will be found to represent more accurately the real extraction. It is certain that with a good three-roll mill each 100 pounds of the spent chips can be reduced to 30 pounds, one-third of which is combustible material. Even if no attempt is made to use the bagasse as a fuel the pressure is to be recommended on the score of economy. There appears to be no difficulty whatever in passing the chips through a three-roll mill, and their soft and pulpy state renders the pressure exceedingly easy. Further reference to this point will be made in that part of the report devoted to sugar-cane. THE CHARACTER OF THE CANE USED SEPTEMBER 27 TO OCTOBER 6, INCLUSIVE. A considerable amount of interest has been excited by comparisons made of the cane worked during the time above mentioned and that used subsequently. MILL JUICES. The mill juices analyzed during this time had the following composi- tion : No. Date. 106* Sept 28 1 1- Sept. •_■!• 119 Sept. 30 126 Oct. 1 1*1 Oct '-• Oct. 3 147 Oct. 1 150 Oct I 159 Oct. :. 109 Oct. :. in o.t. :. Bxtrac- Specific tittn. gravity. Per cent. 53.00 51.51 56 10 61.76 :»4. 54 1.0726 1.0684 1. 0764 1.0634 1.0842 1.0800 57.70 1.0778 Solids. Sucrose. Olncose. Percent Percent Percent 5L72 l 1 680 51.85 1.6740 51.85 l.oTlii :,t;. mi 17.6 lti. 0 17.8 15.5 •Jo. 2 '_'(). 7 16.0 17.9 17.2 19. 7 18.8 12. 40 io. n 12. 39 14. 50 14.37 10.50 12.3!) 10.65 18 Jo 2. 00 1.92 3. 27 2. 37 Remarks. Cain- from carrier. Do. DO. Do. (stripped). Cane from earner. Cane brought in cars from Ham- mond. < lane, amber, from oat rier. Cane orange, from carrier. Can.- from carrier. Cane, amber, on oara from Ham- mond. Cane, orange, on cars troin Ham- mond. Mean IS. 1 11.74 .eie made on September 27 dot Ootobei t; Mean purity of juice dm in- lime mentioned Mean purity of joioe after October 6 Mean glucose per bundr< d aucroa during time mentioned M. ui gln< ose pei hundred sucrose a tier Octotx i t; cent. 19. 7 26. "7 Total solids, 16.2 pel cut., sucrose, B.0S pei oenl glucose, 1.41 pei cent 39 Diffusion juices. Number. Dat s. - lids. Sucrose. Glucose. cent Per cent. I'- r cent. 108 Sept 2S 9.78 5. 68 1.67 114 Sept 12.4 fi. 76 2.92 U8 29 12.0 6.37 2. 65 123 Sept. :,o 14.6 4. 16 128 Oct. 1 14.8 - • 3. 25 122 Oct 2 13.7 7.01 133 Oct 2 13.9 3.10 134 Oct. ;_> l :i. •_' 7. IS 2. 75 139 Oct. a 12.9 & .-9 3. 96 140 Oct 3 12.7 6.51 3.65 141 Oct 3 12. 9 6.47 ::. 52 149 Oct 4 9.8 4. P0 152 Oct 4 9.6 4.71 2. 47 155 Oct 4 11.5 5. 42 3.28 Hii* Oct. 5 12.3 6.21 3.34 163 Oi i 5 13.(i & 44 166 5 12.2 3. 40 171 Oct. 12.2 6.03 3.23 Mean . 12.4 6. 04 3. 15 M.nn parity of joice daring time mentioned 48.7 'Mean parity <>t juice after October 7 40.0 Mean glucose per honored sacroee daring time mentioned .v_\ 13 Mean glooose pet hundred sucrose after October 7 77.77 The mean purity of the mill juices during tbe interval named was 04.8 and of tbe diffusion juices is.7. a loss of 16.1 points. During the rest of the season the mean purity of the mill juices was 4!>.7 and of the diffusion juices 40.0, a loss of only 9.7 points. The glucose per hundred of sucrose, during interval noted, in the mill juices was 26.07. In the diffusion juices it was 52.13, an increase of 26.06 points. During the rest of the season the glucose per hundred of sucrose iii the mill juices was 54.68; in the diffusion juices 77.77: an increase of 23.09 points. The most Striking point about these comparisons during the interval named is the enormous difference between the mill juices and those ot diffusion. In no other part of the season does the deterioration of the juice in the battery show itself to such an alarming extent. There is only one explanation of this which appears satisfactory, and that is the tact that during this time the temperat lire of all the cells under pressure except the two central ones was kept within the limits of fermentation. The cane during this period, as a glance at the analyses will show, was by far the best worked during the entire season. The analyses ot' the chips made during this time shows the following mean results: Ducoi acted hi / '- r Glu< ■• • ('•n H « ted Jin oec pel hundred ol Total loUdi i" B pei i ant m aroeal . 14 per < ami 40 Thus, compared directly with the chips, the inversion in the battery was great. Judged by the same standards, there was at no other time during the season so great an inversion of sucrose in the battery as during this period of few cells and low temperatures. Nevertheless the character of the cane was so good that the yield of sugar was large. Had, how- ever, the cane been worked without the inversion spoken of, the yield of sugar would have been twiee as large. During the same period the percentage of total sugars left in the exhausted chips was .SO, while before this time it had only been .17. It is therefore seen from the data given that the attempt to work the battery with few cells and at a low temperature increased the sugar left in the chips more than one-half, and caused a greater inversion of the sucrose than was experienced at any other time during the entire season. I call especial attention to these facts, because during the period mentioned I was absent from Fort Scott. On my return I ordered the battery to be worked with nine or ten cells under pressure and at a uniform temperature of 70° C. This I believe to be the best method of operating a diffusion battery for sorghum, at least until some method is invented of distributing over the chips some substance which will neu- tralize the acids of the cane and thus entirely prevent inversion. The methods by which I attempted to accomplish this desirable result have already been described. A further fact, which is illustrated by the analyses of the diffusion juices from uninjured canes, is that the diminished purity is produced solely by the extraction of gum and chlorophyll chiefly from the blades and sheaths, and that this injury can be avoided by a proper cleaning of the canes. With (dean canes and those in which the sucrose is still uninjured no alkaline substance will have to be used in the battery. When, how ever, deteriorated canes are used some such application will be necessary to save the sucrose from further inversion. As has already beeu pointed out, finely powdered lime or calcium carbonate e\eni\ distributed over the chips offer the simplest solution of the difficulty. MODIFICATION <>r THE PROCESS OF OARBONATATIOJfc In order to avoid the discoloration of the sirup, which is the cliiet <>l> jection to carbonatation, the following modification of the process was adopted : The juice used was obtained from sugar cant- scut from Tort Scott to Washington, and the experiments were made after my return from Kan s;e>. To the cane juice was added i per emit, of its weighl of freshly burned lime, and the carbonatation was continued until the juice was almost neutral. After raising to the boiling point bo decompose Bucro- carbon- 41 ates the juice was Altered, and then enough phosphoric acid added to precipitate the lime remaining in solution. Since a slight excess of the acid will redissolve the precipitate and form acid phosphate, sodium phosphate was substituted for the phos- phoric acid. Much of the red color of the carbonatated juice was discharged by this process. After the precipitation was complete the juice wis again boiled and filtered. It was then bleached with sulphurous acid and evaporated to 40° B. In every instance the sirup made in this way was very light in color, perfectly transparent, and of the finest flavor. So pure was it, indeed, that it was found unnecessary to use any acetate of lead or any other defecating material to prepare this sirop for polarization. The quantity of phosphate of soda required to precipitate the lime in 5 liters of juice (11 pounds) was 100 cubic centimeters of a 10 per cent, solution. There- fore 10 grams of the sodium phosphate are sufficient for 5,000 grams of juice. Abont t pounds of sodium phosphate or 3 pounds of phosphoric acid would be sufficient for working a ton of cane. The whole cost of treating cane juices with phosphoric acid or sodium phosphate will not be over 15 cents per ton of cane. The phosphoric acid, however, is not lost. It will reappear in the press cukes, having lost only half its value. Hence the actual cost of using this method of removing the lime is not probably over half of the estimate given above. I made every effort to get phosphoric acid at Fort Scott, but could not succeed in time. 1 believe the modification of the process here suggested will make a noted improvement in the molasses over any other procedure now in use. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. In a general review of the work, tin- most important point suggested is the absolute failure Of the e\ periments to demonstrate the commer- cial practicability of manufacturing sorghum sugar, 'flic causes of this failure have been pointed out in the preceding pages, and it will only be i ecessarj here to recapitulate them. They were: (1) Defective machinery for cutting the canes and for elevating ami cleaning the chips and for removing the exhausted chips. (l'j The deterioration of the cane due to much of it becoming over- ripe, bui chieiU to the fact thut much lime would generally elapse after tin- canes were cm before they reached the diffusion battery. The heavy frost which came the 1st of October also injured the cane some what, but not until ten days or two weeks utter it occurred. (.'>) The deteriorated cane caused a considerable inversion of the su- crose iii the battery, an inversion winch was increased b\ the delay in furnishing chips, thus causing the chips in the battery to remain ex« posed under pressure fora much longer time than was necessary. The mean time required for diffusing one cell was twenty one minutes, three times as loll- as it should ha\ e been. 42 (4) The process of carbonatation, as employed, secured a maximum yield of sugar, but failed to make a molasses which was marketable. This trouble arose from the small quantity of lime remaining in the fil- tered juices, causing a blackening of the sirup ou concentration, and the failure of the cleaning apparatus to properly prepare the chips for diffusion. A modification of the process which will prevent this trouble has al- ready been explained; but, although an earnest attempt was made to introduce this method, it was found impossible to accomplish it before the end of the season. I doubt whether any other industry has ever been the object of bo much misrepresentation as this one. In the preceding report I have endeavored to lay before you all the facts noted in the recent experiments. If I have not interpreted them correctly, I have, at least, given the data for a correct interpretation. I should, indeed, be glad to leave this industry in a more promising condition. All admit that the process of diffusion has been success- fully worked out, and to this opinion I subscribe, with the reservation that a proper mechanical method for distributing over the chips a sub stance to prevent inversion of the sucrose has not yet been discovered. Honest differences of opinion still exist in respect of the best method of treating the diffusion juices, but it has been shown at Bio Grande that the diffusion juice from clean cane can be worked without any pu- rification whatever. Whether this purification is to be accomplished by carbonatation, til tering with brown coal, or in some other way, can easily be decided without menacing the future of the sorghum industry. The problem of successfully cutting and cleaning the canes docs hot appear to me to be incapable of solution. It should have been solved the first thing, without leaving it for the last. Last of all, the chief thing to be accomplished is the production of a surghum plant containing a reasonably constant percentage of crystal- lizable sugar. 1 cannot emphasize this point better than by quoting from some of my previous reports. In Bulletin No. 3, pp. 107-108, the following words are found: [MPROVKMENT HV 91 ED 8EU CTION. I am folly convinced that the Govern meo1 should undertake the experiments which have in \ ii-w the increase of t be ral i<> of sucrose t<> t he t>i her substanoes in the juice. These experiments, t<> i>«- valuable, must continue under proper scientific direction i'» r a number of years. The cost will be so great that a private oitizen will hardly b« willing to undertake the expense. The historj <>f the improvement io the sugar-beet should be sufficient to encourage all similar efforts with sorghum. The original forage beet, from which the sugar-beet has been developed, ooutained only & or 6 per cent, of sucrose. The sugar-beet will now average 10 per cent, of sue 43 rose. It seems to me that a few years of careful selection may secure ;i similar im- provement in sorghum. It would be a long step toward the solution of the problem to secure a sorghum that would average, field with field, 1*2 percent, sucrose and only 2 per cent, of other sugars, and with such cane the great difficulty would be to make sirup and not sugar. Those varieties and individuals of each variety of cane which show the best analytical re- sults should be carefully selected for seed, and this selection continued until acciden- tal variations become hereditary qualities in harmony with the well-known principles of descent. If these experiments in selection could be made in different parts of the country, and especially by the various agricultural stations and colleges, they would have addi- tional value and force. In a country whose soil and climate are as diversified as in This, results obtained in one locality are not always reliable for another. If some unity of action could in this way be established among those engaged in agricultural research, much time and labor would be saved and more valuable results be obtained. In Bulletin No. 5, pp. 185-6-7, are found the following conclusions: A careful study of the foregoing data will not fail to convince every candid investi- gator that the manufacture of sugar from sorghum has not yet proved financially suc- sessful. The men who have put their money in these enterprises seem likely to lose it. and intending investors will carefully consider the facts herein set forth before making final arrangements. The expectations of the earlier advocates of the industry have not been met, and the predictions of enthusiastic prophets have not been verified. It would be unwise and unjust to conceal the facts that the future of the sorghum-sugar industry is somewhat doubtful. The unsatisfactory condition is due to many Causes. In the first place, the difficulties inherent in the plant itself have been constantly undervalued. The success of the industry has been based on the belief of the pro- duction of sorghum with high percentages of sucrose and small amount of reducing sii^ar and other impurities. Bui the universal experience of practical manufacturers shows that the average constitution of the sorghum-cane is far inferior to that just indicated. Taking the mean of several seasons as a BUM basis of computation, it can now be said that the juices of sorghum as t hey come from t he mill do not contain over 10 per cent ■ of su- crose, while the percentage of other solids in solution is at least 4. It is needless to say to a practical sugar- maker that the working of such a juice is one of extreme difficulty, and the output of sugar necessarily small. The working of sorghum juices will be found as difficult as those of beets, and brae success cannot be hoped fur until the processes used tor the .me .uv as complete and scientific as for the other. It is not meant by this that the processes and inachinei\ a le to be ideill leal. The chemical as well as mechanical treatment of the two kinds of juice w ill doubt- less differ in man] respects, and this leads to the consideration of the third diffi- culty, \ i/. the chemical treatment of sorghum juice. It has taken nearly three-quar- ters of a cciitiiiA in develop the chemistry of the beet-sugar process, and even now the progress in tins direction is great. The chemist ry of the sorghum-sugar process is SCaroel] yet B science. It is only an imitation of what has been done in other fields of work. Sorghum will have to develop ;i ehemistrj of its own. Tins will not be the work of a da j or a year, but it will be accomplished sooner or latei Careful stndj of .limate and soil, joined with experience, will gradually locate t hose a leas most ta\ orahle to the growth of this ] dan t and its ma nil tact ure. This is an all-important point in the problem, and is u..w occnp\ ing ■eriouslj the attention of the though tful advocates of the sorghum-sugar industry. < >ne thin- is already clear. /'. -.. thai I he ana of successful BOrghum culture is not nearly SO ei tensive as it was thought tobeafe* years ago. I would urge a further invea 41 tioii in this direction as a work peculiarly within the province of the Department, and one which would prove of immense benefit to the country. Five million acres of land. Bnitable to the purpose, will produce all the sugar required for this country lor several years to come. It is therefore certain that the su^ar industry will he eon- fined to the most favorable Localities. If a thorough, scientific study of all the soil and climatic conditions does not point out this regiou, hitter experience and the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars will gradually fix its boundaries. Last of all, the sorghum industry has suffered from the general depression which has been felt by tin- sugar industry of the entire world. Low prices have caused loss where every Other condition hasheen favorable. It is hardly probable that the price of sugar will rise again to its maximum of the years passed. Only war, pestilence, or disaster would produce this effect. It is best, therefore, for the sugar-grower to accept the present price as final and make his arrangements accordingly. But low prices will produce increased consumption, and thus, even with a smaller profit, the sugar-grower, by increased production, may find his business reasonably remunerative, if not as en- riching as before. The sorghum-sugar grower will he injured or benefited with the growers of other kinds of sugar by these economic forces. Hence there should he no enmity between the grower of the sorghum, the sugar-beet, and the sugar-cane, hut all should work in harmony for the general good. It is true the present outlook is discouraging. But discouragement is not defeat. The time has now come lor solid, energetic work. Science and practice must join improved agriculture, and all together can accomplish what neither alone would ever be able to achieve. It is not wise to promise too much, but this Bureau would fall short of its duty were it either to suppress the discouraging reports of this industry or fail to recognize the possibility of its success. The future depends on the persist- ence and wisdom of the advocates of sorghum. The problem they have to solve is a most difficult one, but its solution is not impossible. It must be confessed finally Unit the chief object of this last series of experiments, viz, to place the industry where private capital would see its way clear to its extension over a large area has not been attained. It is now seen that much of what has been done is useless, and were the work to be gone over again these necessary mistakes of a first at- tempt would be avoided. Time, labor, and money could be saved. What encouragement is just is offered to those who are willing to take up this work here and extend it. The great difficulties in the way of extracting the sugar from the cane have been removed. The fact that sorghum, in certain oircnm stances, becomes a tine sugar producing plant has been incontestahly estab- lished. A suitable soil and climate have been found for growing the crop and manufacturing the sugar. Remaiuing difficulties in the way of success have been fairly and candidly pointed out. Since the present appropriation was made for continuing and con- cluding these experiments, I consider that my connection with the de- velopment of the industry has ended. I leave the work with only one regret, and that isthat the future of the sorghum-sugar industry is still in doubt. EXPERIMENTS WITH SUGARCANE. On the 1st of October I received instructions from you to purchase a few tons of sugar-cane in Louisiana and make some experiments with it at Fort Scott, The managers of the Daily City Item newspaper of New Orleans, having learned of your intention, made arrangements with the Texas Pacific Railroad to transport this cane from Louisiana to Fort Scott for (4 per ton. The general freight agent of the Mississippi Valley Kail- road offered to deliver the cane on the same terms. I requested lion. Edward J. Gay to purchase the cane, which lie kindly consented to do. The cane was cut early in the season, viz. October 25 to 30, and was brought as quickly as possible to the factory. PRELIMINARY TRIAL. On November 2, three car-loads of cane having arrived, a preliminary trial was made. The weight of cane used in this trial was G3.75 tons. CUTTING-MACHINE. The cutters which worked so poorly with sorghum did well with sugar cane, and no trouble whatever was experienced in producing chips suita- ble to diffusion and at the rate of six tons per hour. CHIP ELEVATOR. The same trouble was experienced with the elevator that we had had to contend with so long with sorghum, and to an increased extent. The chips being heavier than sorghum, easily overweighted the elevator and caused it to clog. Considerable delay was caused by these annoyances. tin; DIFFUSION. it was found at once that the temperature used for the diffusion of sorghum, viz, To ('., was entholy too low to effect the extraction of sugar from sugar-cane. The temperature was gradually raised to 90 centigrade before a sal isfactory extraction was obtained. The chips lying closer together in the cell caused the circulation <>t ihe liquid in The batten to take place 46 more slowly. It was clearly evident that the pressure afforded by the feed-tank of the battery, viz, two-thirds of an atmosphere, is not great enough to work a battery rapidly when twelve cells are under pressure. ANALYSES OF THE CANES WORKED. Samples of chips were taken from each cell until twelve wrere tilled. These samples were then passed through a small mill and the juice ob tained subjected to analysis. The juices thus obtained had the following composition : 2S2&. s»crose- Glucose. First sample — Second sample . . . Third sample Fourth sample . . . Fifth sample Means Per cent. Per cent. 14. 6 10. 52 13. 3 10. 10 14. 6 10. 89 14. 4 Dl 82 14. 4 10. 04 Per cent. 1.79 : 2.08 2.28 2. 02 14. 26 10. 28 2.08 WEIGHT OF DIFFUSION JUICE. From each cell were drawn off 1,000 liters of juice, or 1,040 kilograms. The number of cells filled with chips was GO ; the weight of each cell of chips was 2,125 pounds; weight of juice drawn off from each cell was 2,280 pounds, or 103 pounds more than the weight of cane used. ANALYSES OF DIFFUSION JUICE. The samples were taken from each charge of juice drawn. When twelve were taken the mixture was analyzed : Total s.ihds. Sucrose. Glucose. First sample Second sample . .. Third sample ... Fourth sample . .. Fifth -ample Means Percent 7.2 10.4 111 s 10.8 11.1 5.01 7. :.i 7.72 7.47 7.73 /'< r cent. i. 15 l. 18 1.56 1.60 1.77 10.1 7.06 1.51 BKHAUSTED ('HIPS. Four samples Of exhausted chips were taken. The first one was from the first five cells only. No samples were taken from the next nine cells, and after that the samples were taken regularly as before. Following are the analyses : Total Bolide. Saorose. Glu I'n si lampb Second sample Third sani|)l. 1 <>lll tfa sample M..ms /*. r tent 9 l l.fl 1.8 •J. 84 Lost 1 U •J. 3 47 The samples of carbonatated and sulphured juices were not taken with regularity. Nevertheless I give below their analyses : CARBONATATED JUICES. 8T0Mt SnC1°8e- GUlC08e- First aample Second sample . .. Third sample Fonrth sample . .. Means Per cent. 7.0 11.1 11.5 10.3 Per cent. Per cent. 4.57 .84 8.05 1.20 7. 76 1. 30 7.70 1.32 9.98 7. 02 1. 17 SULPHURED JUICES. Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. First sample - . Second sample Third sample . Fourth sample Heana •-- Percent. Percent. Percent. ti. 7 4. 48 . 86 11.0 8.12 1.30 11.3 8.20 1.35 11.0 8. Go 1.36 10.0 7.21 1.22 COMPOSITION OF SEMI-SIRUP FROM ABOVE JUICES. Per tent. Total soli. Is 55. -I Sucrose \\\. \\ Glucose. 36 FIRST SUGAKS MADE. The masse <->«t ton do 1 15. 8 Sugar <>n weighl of cane per cent .. ."». 79 en: (i\ i . Of rOTAl -i < i:< >S1 OBI US ED. The expressed juice contained 10.88 per oent. sucrose. Beckoning the juice a1 1»0 ]>cr cent, of i lie weight of the cane, ^ives percentage Buorose in cane ... '.*. 25 Per cent, sugar obtained 5.79 Per cent. «»t* total sugar obtained - < & «'» AN \l VSIS -.1 I IKS I SI/OARS Pet oent ,96 I Moisture Ash Glucose 1.06 Undetermined 3 1 Sucrose 48 SECOND TRIAL. On November 6, all the cane having arrived, the second trial was made. The experience of the first attempt had shown how the greal loss of saga* in the chips, especially in the beginning, might be avoided. The second run was, therefore, made with an initial temperature of nearly 90° C. The quantity of juice withdrawn at each time was also increased by 100 liters. Weight of cane used. — The weight of cane used in the second trial was 83.25 tons. LNALYSBS OF THE CANES. The samples of chips were taken as described before: Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. r,t. Per cent. Per cut. Pil st sample 15. 0G Second sample 14.68 Third sample 14.93 Fourth sample 13. 47 Fifth sample 14.58 Sixtli sample Means 14. 'iS 11.30 1.89 10.88 1.62 10. 40 1.66 lo. 43 1. Ml 10.62 I. - 10.05 1. 75 10.62 L™ ANALYSES OF DIFFUSION JUICES. The samples were taken as before described : Ilia's. SuCr08°< (i!' Per First sample , 10. 11 Second sample : 10. 15 Third sample 10, OS ,.;. Percent. 7. :s:t 7.!).". l.?0 7.15 1.17 Fourtb sample 10.05 Fifth sample !>. 83 1 . 29 1 . •_".» Sixth sample 6.55 1.28 0. 86 7. it; 1.21 EXHAUSTED CHIPS. The samples were taken as described in the preliminary trial unple Second Third saraple Foui tb saropli l iii h sample . •inple . solids. I 56 1.21 l n l.n l.il rluoose. .38 Pi :<7 .VI .07 . Oil . 10 ii.-. 49 CARBONATATED JUICES. The samples were taken in such a way as to represent the same body of juice corresponding to the same numbered samples of diffusion juice. Each carbouatation tank held three charges of diffusion juice. A meas- ured sample after carbonatation was taken from each series of four tanks. Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. Per cent. Per cent First sample 10.11 7.27 Second sample 10.25 Third sample 10. 14 Fourth sample 9.72 Fifth sample 9.72 Sixth sample 9.55 Means 9. 92 7.91 7. 25 7.00 7.10 6.50 I 1.09 1.14 1.11 1.21 1. 22 l! 12 7.17 1.15 SULPHURED JUICES. The samples of sulphured juice were taken in a way to represent as nearly as possible the same body of juice as indicated by the corre- sponding numbers under carbon atated juice. Since, however, the juices alter carbonatation had to fall into a receiving tank before being sent to the filter presses* some mixing of the different bodies of juice was unavoidable. Thus the analyses below are not strictly comparable with the same numbers under diffusion and carbonatated juices : Total solids. Sucrose. (Uucose. /'. / ft ut. I', r ,. i,t. I ■ First sample ]. 09 Second sample 11.12 lit Third sample 10. 35 7. :vj l 28 Fourth sample 0 7. 02 1. 26 Fifth sample 10. US l. 28 Sixth sample 9. :;i <; -14 l. 17 10.12 7.18 1.20 SEMI-SIR1 PS. The semi-sirup from the above juices was pal in two tanks. Samples were taken from each tank : Total BOlldB. Sucrose, Glucose imple S.i | -,iiii|»1< i. /•- /• eetU. /'(•/• .-. at 82. o w 0 The first sample represents the first third of the run, and the second samples the second two thirds. L1330— No, M- 50 FIRST SUGARS MADE. The masse-cuite stood in cars two days. On drying it yielded pounds.. 11, 185 The yield of " seconds" was do. .. B05 Total weight produced do. . . 11, WO Sugar per ton do. .. 144 Sugar to weight of cane per cent.. 7. 2 I'Kli CENT. TOTAL SUGAR OBTAINED. Per cent The juice contained L0. 62 And the cane 9.56 Percentage sucrose obtained 75.3 COMPOSITION OF THE FIRST SUGARS. The sample was taken from each barrel as it was tilled. The samples were all mixed well together and placed in a tight buttle, which was not opened until the sample for analysis was taken. It is, therefore, as fair a sample of the product made as could possibly be obtained. It gave of— Per etui. Moist ure .73 Ash 14 Glucose . 58 Undetermined 61 Sucrose. .. 98. on Compare this result with the work on Magnolia plantation last year, as found in Bulletin No. 11, p. 20: Pounds. Weight f "i i - — T BOgarfl per ton lli> Weight second sugars per ton 29. 75 Total first and second 148.75 Per < () Difference 1.34 The increase in tin- yield per ton at Magnolia, had the cane been worked l>\ diffusion, would have been, therefore, 26.8 pounds. The yield of seconds al Fori Scotl was surprisingly low. The mo- lasses as it came from the Centrifugals Wa8 full Of crystals. About one third its volume Of warm water was added to t his molasses and the cr\ s tals all dissolved before boiling. This maj have diminished the yield. The "thirds" have been placed in cars and set away until next fall. 51 The " thirds" fill five wagons, each containing 23 cubic feet, or in all 125 cubic feet, weighing approximately 10,000 pounds. Of this amount, 6,189 pounds are from the second run. Pounds. The total product, therefore, is, sugar 11,990 Thirds, manse cuite 6, 189 Total 18, 179 Or 218.3 pounds per ton of cane worked. This is nearly 11 per cent, of the weight of cane used. But calculated on the original masse cutte, which filled 9 cars, there would have been 9 x 23 =207 cubic feet, or 18,837 pounds = 22G pounds per ton, or 11.3 per cent. But the method of reckoning the increased production which has just been used is not a fair one, since it rests on the assumption that the sucrose in each case is equally available. But a moment's consideration will show that this is not the case. The term " available sugar" is not a precise one. It may have many interpretations. In France, for instance, the rendement is calculated by deducting from the total sucrose twice the glucose and from three to five times the ash. This is a good rule for beet sugar, but in cane-juice tin* ash, being mostly calcium salts, is far less melassigenic than that of the beet juice, made up chiefly of potassium compounds. Another method of calculating "available sugar" is to diminish the percentage of sucrose by the difference between it and all the other solids in .solution. This method is apt, however, to give results too low. In this uncertainty the term "available sugar" should always be accompanied by an explanation of the manner of making the calculation. The yield of sugar obtained at Fort Scott, being the highest ever got from sugar-cane may be taken as the true amount of "available sugar" until some better yields are reported. Notice, for a moment, the relation of this yield to the respective quantities of sucrose and glucose present: Per cut Buerose in juice 10.62 Sucrose in oane field of sucrose 7.30 Difference between sucrose in cane ami yield •!. 36 Glucose in jnice 1.78 Glucose in oane l. 60 Ratio of per cent, of glucose to per cent, of sucrose lost i..~> nearly. It appears, therefore, that the rational waj t<> calculate "available sugar" when the quantities of sucrose and glucose in the canes are known is to diminish the percentage of sucrose i>\ one and a half times the glucose. 52 Applying this method we have the following results: AT FORT SCOTT. Sucrose in oane per cent . . 9. 56 One ami a hall' times glucose in cane do 2. 40 Theoretical available sugar do 7. 1<5 Pounds per ton 14;?. '2 Pounds per ton obtained 144 AT MAGNOLIA. Sucrose in cane per cent . . 10, 90 One and a half times glucose in caue do 1.38 Theoretical available sugar do. . . 9. 52 Pounds per ton 194. 1 Pounds per ton obtained 148.75 Difference , pounds.. 11 .65 This shows in the most convincing manner that by the process of diffusion and carbonatation the yield of sugar from sugar-cane can be increased fully 30 per cent, over the best milling and subsequent treat ment of the juice which has ever beeu practiced in this or in any other country. If this be true of the best milling, it is easy to estimate the increase over the average milling of Louisiana. It is not extravagant to sup- pose that this increase will be fully 40 per cent. But the problem may also be approached in another way. It has just been shown what the product would have been had the Part Scot! process beeu applied at Magnolia. It may now be asked, il What would have been the yield had the .Magnolia process been applied at Fori Scott?" The process used at Magnolia produced 148.75 pounds sugar from cane in which the available sugar was 190.4 pounds. The percentage of available sngar obtained was 1 18.75 x loo -J- loo. I = 7S.1 per cent. The available sugar in the cane at Fort Scott was T.io percent. Multiply this by .78 and the product, 5.58 will be the yield of sugar which the Magnolia process would have given at Fori Scott, or 11 l.G pounds per ton. Deduct this from the quantity obtained and the re mainder will represent the Increased yield, viz, 32.4 pounds. Thus in whatever way the calculation is made it is seen that the processes of diffusion and carbonatation give a largely increased yield. A not her important quest ion which arises is t his. " 1 toes t his increased yield come wholly from the increased extraction, or is it partly due to the method of purifying the juice \" I will try to give a rational answer to this question based on the data of the analyses and the respective rendements given b\ the two processes. The percentage of extract at Magnolia was 78. Reckoning the 53 juice at 90 per cent., the loss in juice was 12 per cent. The percentage of juice, and consequently of sugar extracted, was 86.6 per cent. The mean loss of sugar in the chips at Fort Scott was .38 per cent., and the quantity of sugar present was 9.56. The percentage of extraction was therefore 96 per cent. The gain in extraction by diffusion is therefore 9.4 per cent. It is thus evident that the large gain in yield, as estab- lished at Fort Scott, cannot be due wholly to the increased extraction of the sugar. It must therefore be largely due to the processes of de- puration employed. The process of carbonatation tends to increase the yield of sugar in three ways : (1) It diminishes the content of glucose. This diminution is small when the cold carbonatation as practised at Fort Scott is used ; yet, to at least once and a half its extent, it increases the yield of crystallized sugar. (2) By the careful use of the process of carbonatation there is scarcely any loss of sugar. The only place where there can be any loss at all is in the press cakes, and when the desucration of these is properly at- tended to the total loss is trifling. The wasteful process of "skimming" is entirely abolished, and the increased yield is due to no mean extent to this truly economical proceeding. (3) In addition to the two causes of increase already noted, and which are not sufficient to produce the large rendement obtained, must be men- tioned a third, the action of the excess of lime and its precipitation by carbonic acid on the substances in the juice, which are truly melassi- genic. Fully half of the total increase which the experiments have demonstrated is due to this cause. It is true the coefficient of purity of the juice does not seem to be much affected by the process, but it is evident that the treatment to which the juice is subjected increases in a marked degree the ability of the sugar to crystallize. This fact is most abundantly illustrated by the results obtained. Not only this bat it is also evident that the proportion of first sugars to all others is largely increased by this method. This is a fact which may prove of considerable economic importance. It thus appears that the yield of sugar would be greatly increased b\ the application of carbonatation to mill juices. Since a complete carbonatation outfit can be erected for about $4,000 it would be well if some planter or syndicate of planters should give the process ;i trial. These facts are worthy of closer consideration, inasmuch as the process of carbonatation has been fiercely and maliciously assailed as one which destroys both Bugar and molass* 3. WEIGHT OP Ml li sn»\ JUICE COMPARED WITH WEIGHT OP CAKE WORKED. Number of cells filled, Sli. Weight chips in each cell = 86 -J- 83.25 = 1.033 tons = 2,060 pounds. 54 Weight juice drawn from each cell of chips 1,100 liters. Specific gravity 1.04 = 2,516.8 pounds. The weight of normal juice in 2,000 pounds of cane is 1,859.4 pounds. The additional weight of water added by diffusion is 657.4 pounds. The percentage of increase over normal juice 057.4-^ 1,859.4 = 35.4 per cent. This increase represents what is often called the " dilution" of the juice. The quantity of water to be evaporated to produce a given quantity of sugar is, therefore, 35.4 per cent, greater for such a diffusion than for a normal mill juice. In practice this amount could easily be reduced to 25 per cent. COMPOSITION OF PRESS CAKE. The defecation and nitration of the juice from 83.25 tons of cane gave 197 press cakes. The mean weight of these cakes was 24 pounds each, and the total weight 4,728 pounds. A sample of the cake taken directly from the press and dried contained of moisture 45.37 per cent. The total weight of dry matter obtained in the press cakes was, therefore, 2,582.9 pounds. Analyses of the dried cake gave the following results: Per cent. Albuminoids '.», 585 Sucrose Tract'. < iliico.se Traec Other organic matter IT. 45 QUANTITY OF LIlttE USED. As is seen under sorghum experiments it required 1.5 per cent, lime to produce a good filtration. I felt sure that the juice from the sugar-cane would not require as ^reat a quantity. At the preliminary trial 1 per cent, of lime was used and the cakes formed were perfect, firm, and hard. In the second run only .75 per cent, of lime was used, and the cakes were equally as good. There is little occasion for using less lime than this, lor witli this quantity the carbonatat ions were easily finished in fifteen to twenty minutes. roil i i< n:\ i I >i PI l;i \\ i \ SEI <>\ l> TRIAL. Per cent. Of the mill juioes the coefficient vraa 73. 8 Of the a illusion juices the coefficient vras 72.6 Of the carbonatated juices t In- ooeffloienl was 72, :> Of the sulphured jnioea the ooeffloienl was 70. 9 Of the first semi-sirup the ooeffloienl was 74.6 Of the second Bemi-sirup tin- ooeffloienl was — 73.6 In both trials it u;is seen that the coefficient of purity was increased daring the process of evaporation. This was, donbtless, caused by the precipitation of some of the lime salts held in solution by the. juices. 55 DEGREE OF EXTRACTION BY EXPERIMENTAL MILL. Fresh chips per cent, juice ob- tained. Exhausted chips per cent, water extracted. First sample Second sample . . Third sample Fourth sample. . .. Fifth sample Sixtli sample Mean 54.64 58.88 57. 0] 55.85 60.00 51.48 63. 73 62.68 63. S» 62.01 69. 65 60.83 58.41 63.72 DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED. A number of unfavorable conditions was encountered during the pros- ecution of the experiments. The water supply was from a stagnant pond. The water had been greatly improved by the application of lime a few days before the experiment was made, but it was still black and putrid, emitting a nauseating stench. The strike-pan used was quite unsuitable for boiling to grain. Its base was once the bottom of a much smaller pan, and a shelf several inches deep had been added to support the enlarged top. All the large steam-coils were above this shelf, and it took eight hours to bring the contents of the pan above this point. We had no sugar-boiler, but my assistant, Mr. G. L. Spencer, took charge of the pan and did remarkably well. The sugar dried slowly in the centrifugals. These were not well set and could not be run at a very high speed on account of shaking. It took nearly forty-eight hours with three machines to dry the sugar from the 83.25 tons. This difficulty in drying was due either — (1) To the process of diffusion; (2) to the process of carbonatation ; (3) to the line grain produced in boiling; (4) or to the poor quality <>t the cane. Which one of these causes was most potent only future experiments will decide. I am not wise enough to place it, as has already been done by some premature critics, on one of them alone. It seems most reasonable to suppose, however, thai the poor quality of the cane and the extreme fineness of the crystals were the chief causes of the difficulty mentioned. The process of carbonatation has been pi act iced lor ten years in Java on mill juices and no complaint has ever been heard of difficulty in purging the Bugar. With the fresh, ripe canes of Louisiana worked promptly as they come from the field, and with the juice in i he hands of an experienced sugar-boiler, I do not believe this difficulty would be encountered. With the improvements in the process of carbonatation already pointed out in the discussion of the experiments with sorghum even better re- sults may be expected. 56 BAGASSE. The disposition of the exhausted chips is a question of great economic importance. Three uses appear to be possible : (1) For paper stock; (2) for manure ; (3) for fuel. A good article of both wrapping and print paper can be made of the fiber of the cane. The economic discussion of this use, however, can only be properly given by a paper-maker. The value of the bagasse for a manure is undoubtedly great. This problem has already been discussed in Bulletin Xo. 8, page 46. By referring to the table of analyses of the chips it will be seen that with a small hand-mill 03.72 per cent, of water was extracted from the exhausted chips; on the same mill the percentage of extraction of the fresh chips was only 50.31 per cent. Thus in similar conditions the percentage of extraction with a given mill will be 7.31 per cent, higher for exhausted chips than for fresh canes. A mill, therefore, which will give a 78 per cent, extraction with cane will give 85 per cent, with ex- hausted chips. The exhausted chips contained 90 per cent, water. Of this quantity 03 71' per cent, were extracted, leaving 26.28 per cent, water to 10 liber. A given quantity of the bagasse, therefore, contained 7iM) per cent, water and 27.8 per cent, fiber. A mill which would give 80 per cent. extraction with the exhaused chips would furnish a bagasse composed of equal parts of water and fiber and this would prove a most excellent fuel. The power required to drive such a mill would only be about one- third as great as for the same weight of cane. The attempts to dry cane chips on the presses used for beet cuttings have proved failures, but the experiments made at Port Scott show that a properly arranged mill will solve this problem at once. It must be remembered, however, that even if the exhausted chips be made as dry as ordinary mill bagasse they will not afford so much fuel. They contain little but the fiber of the cane, while mill bagasse still holds Large quantities of sugar, whioh itself is a most excellent fuel. The loss of the bagasse as a fuel has been the principal objection to the introduction of diffusion into tropical sugar districts. It now remains to continue these experiments at some favorable sta- tion in Louisiana. Such a station should be provided with a lirst class double or triple effect and other apparatus tor evaporating the juice and separating t lie sugar. It should also be a station purely experimental. The attempt to cany on experiments and manufacture a large crop of cane at the same time would only end in the disastrous manner, economically considered, of the sorghum work just concluded at Fort Scott. These experiments can only be successful at a station where perfect freedom of action and plenty of time are at the director's command. 57 It is the proper province of the Department to demonstrate in Lou- isiana just how much increase in sugar yield can be produced by the application of the methods named in the act making the appropriations. This*done, and all the processes for doing it accurately pointed out and logically discussed, it will not be difficult for the intelligent planter to determine the economic value of the new methods. To this task should be brought a careful study of the chemical prob- lems involved, and the best apparatus which this country or Europe can afford*. From this task should be eliminated all prejudices for or against any particular process, and especially all tendency to misrepre. sent or misinterpret facts. At least the Department will be able in subsequent experiments to show the Southern sugar-raiser whether the promises which these pre- liminary experiments have made shall really be performed, or whether the practice of the process of diffusion for sugar-cane is a mistake and the prospects it has ottered of aiding the sugar industry a delusion. It is certain that with the tierce rivalry between the European beet and the tropical cane industry, producing an enormous surplus of sugar and sending the prices down almost below the cost of production, the indigenous sugar-cane industry of this country will languish unless the Department of Agriculture be able to lead it into a life of renewed vigor. INDEX Page. A. Acidity in battery, correction of 28 chips 22 juices 2*2 Albumen, coagulation of 29 Analyses of burnt lime 14 carbonated juices before October 1 19 after September 30 19 carbon a rated juices 49 chips, first season to October 1 16 from October 1 to close 16 chips in closed bottles 26 chips exhausted in bottles, with and without neutralizing 17 diffusion juice 46 diffusion j uices 48 to October 1 18 October 1 to close 18,19 exhausted chips 46,48 ti ret sugars 50 gases, by G. L. Spencer 13 juice from chips 31 juice of chips from cutters 17 limestone 14 masse-cuite 28 mill juices before October 1 l"> after September 30 15,16 molasses 28 press cakes 29 semi-sirups 21, 47, 49 slag 14 spent bone-black 14 Bnlphur juices before October] 19 alter September 30 20 sulphured juices 47, 19 waste ohips before October] 21 after September SO 21 iraste iraters before October 1 20 after September 30 20 Analysis of Brsl sugars 17 sample sugar 89 Appropriation 6 Available sugar, meaning of. calculation of 60 Page. B. Ba gasse, disposition of 56 mi tist ure in 2:> Battery, acidity in, correction of 2H inversion in 26 pressure in 46 Beet root cutter 9 Belle City ensilage cutter, description of 10 Blades, per cent, of :'».").:{<; Brown coal, filtration with IS Bulletin No. 3, quotation from 42 No. 5, quotation from 43 No. 8, reference to 56 No. 11, quotation from 32,60 Burnt lime, analyses of 14 C. ( lanes, analyses of 46, 48 character of, September 27 to October 6, inclusive 3d cleaning of .• 10 delay in working 26 delivery to cutters L2 deterioration of 41 used, weight of 48 Cane-cutters, description of 9 conclusions from experiments with 10 cutter, centrifugal, description of 10 Carbon dioxide, percentage of, in the gas 24 reduction of 24 Carbonic oxide, formation of 24 odor of 24 toxic effect of 24 Carbonate of lime, use of, in battery 28 Car lion a tat ion apparatus 12 proposals for 8 cost of 53 employment of 42 experiments with double 28 i ne reuse of yield by -">^ i nod ideation of 40, II yield of orystallizable sugar by 33 banks 13 Carbonatated juices, analyses of 47, 49 before October 3 W after September 30 19 ratio sucrose to glucose in 33 (ells, number of oat 36 Centrifugals :,:* (hips, analyses <>r, from firs! season to October i 16 October 1 to close 16 in dosed bottles 26 juice from :'i acidity in ** direct estimation of sugar in 27 direct exl racl ion of 80 61 Page. Chips, exhausted in bottles, with and withoui neutralizing, analyses of 17 from cutters, analyses of juice of 17 glucose, per hundred, sucrose in 'M moisture in 23 purity of - 31 removal of 11 sampling of :>>1 total solids iu '. 30,31 weight of, in each cell 35, •">:'■ Climate and soil, study of 43 Closed bottles, inversion in 2G Comparison of results at Fort Scott and Magnolia 52 Competition of beet-sugar with cane-sugar 57 Colwell Iron Company '.» Cramptou, Dr. C. A., analyses by 13 Crystallization, unfavorable condition of 36 Crystallizing room, temperature of 36 D. Data, discussion of 'J 4 genera] review of 32 Defective machinery 41 Delivering chips to battery, apparatus for 11 1 'illusion, fermentation during 9 temperature of , :• 15 time of 'J. -41 battery, description of cell, capacity of '.» juice, analyses of 46 juices, analyses of I- to October 1, analyses of 1 - October 1 to close, analyses of 1-, 19 September vJ7 to October 6 inclusive ">'.» juice, treatment of, at Rio Grande 12 juices, rat io sucrose to glucose in 32 juice, weighl of 46,54 Difficulties encountered .">."» Dilution, percentage <>f .". i 1 trying the sugar, difficulty of E. Exhausted chips, analyses <»f 16, IS disposition of :;■;. :;: drying of 56 percent a g( o! BUgST in ::i water in Experiments, continuance of r, in Louisiana, proper functions of Bxtra< i ion in closed bottles, errors of degree of, bj experimental mill r. Pake, N. J., analyses by Pilter presses 13 62 First sugars, analysis of 4? analyses of 50 made, weight of 50 I ives-Lille Company, drawings of 9 Fori Scott Foundry 10 G < ..i-. analyses of 13 sn pply of 18 volume of, employed 25 Gay, Hon. Edward J 45 General conclusions 44 Glucose, percentage of, diminished by 9 2i> H. Hallesche Maschinenfabrik 12 Handling cane, machinery for 12 Horizontal cutter, capacity of 10 Hughes, H. A., cane-cutter of y I. In\ ersion, avoidance of, in battery 38 Item, Daily City 45 J. .Juices, acidity in '. 22 K. Kroog, filter-press of 13 L. Letter of transmission i Lime, quantity of, used. . 54 bisulphite, use of, in battery 86 acetate, formation of 89 water, use of, in battery 86 Lime juice, use of, in battery 86 Lime- kiln, working of 12 Limestone, importance of good quality 21 quantity and quality of 12 Limestones, analyses of 14 Louisiana station, apparal as for ; 56 M. Machinery, contract for 0 Magnolia plantation, (Comparison with -~>n >t;ition at 98 Ifasse-cuites, analyses of 88 total freight of >r>l Helada, weigh! of, obtained 36 Mill juices, variations in 86 glnoose, per hundred, sucrose in 86 analyses of, before ( totober 1 15 i tier September 30 16,16 63 Pag.. Mill juices, index to 15, 16 September 27 to October 6, inclusive 38 Moisture in cliips and bagasse 23 Molasses, analyses of 29 character of 36 P. Parkinson, W. L. apparatus designed by 12 Sugar Company, agreement with 5 Phosphoric acid, nse of 41 Portland Beet Sugar Company 9,12 Preliminary trial 45 Press cakes, analyses of 23 composition of 54 organic matter of 24 moisture in 23 total sugar in 34, 35 value as a fertilizer 35 weight of . 23 Proposals of Pusey & Jones Company, acceptance of 7 Pump 12 Purity, coefficient of 51 Pusey & Jones Company 13 contract with 6 proposals of 7 K. Railroad, Mississippi Valley 45 Texas Pacific 45 8 Sample sugar, analysis of 22 Sangerhaoser Bfaschinenfabrik 13 Second trial 4.*< Semi-sirups, analyses of 21. 47, 49 Sheaths, per cent. <>f 35,36 Hag, analyses of 11 Sodium phosphate, use oi 11 Sorghum, ease of diffusion of :'. I insoluble matter in :17 improvement of 12 13 cane, character of, at Fori Scott :V2 .juice, chemical treatment of 13 Spencer, <;. L 12,13 analyses of gases by L3 spent bone-black, analyses of 1 1 Strike-pan, constant t ion of Sucrose obtained, total per cent . of 17 inversion "f. in the battery 10 inversion of 90 Sugar, total yield of per ton, weight ol 50 obtained total per cent, of Sugars made, weight <>f j7 b4 Pag& Sugar-cane, experiments with 45 Sugar, direct estimation of, in chips "J? character of 36 available in cane 31,32 Sulphur apparatus 13 working of 13 juices before October 1, analyses of 1£| after September 30, analyses of "i i Sulphured juices, analyses of 47,49 ratio sucrose to glucose in 33 Sulphurous acid, replacement of, by phosphoric 34 Swenson, Prof. M., filter-press of 13 suggestion of 28 T. Tops, per cent, of 35, 36 W. Waste chips before October 1, analyses of 21 after September 30, analyses of 21 composition of 37 percentage of water in, alter pressure 37 Waste waters before October 1, analyses of 20 after September 3D. analyses <>f 20 percentage of sugar in 34 Water supply, character of 55 Work, results of 3,"> Y. Yield, increase of 59 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09216 6536