. ■ a i* THE BONDING EORCE €f CELLLLCSIC MATERIALS EOR WATER (FROM SPECIFIC VOLUME AND THERMAL DATA) October 1937 SCHOOL Of FORESTRY HOT OF FLORIDA HUM UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin THE BOITDIHG FORCE OF CELLULOSIC MATERIALS FOR !v r ATER (FROM SPECIFIC VOLUME AID THERMAL DATA)1 By A. J. STAMIi and L. A. HAIT3SI7 An attempt was made in a previously reported research (lU) to determine the volumetric contraction occurring in the water adsorbed "by cellulosic materials. Apparent density measurements of wood and cellulose containing various amounts of adsorbed water were made in "benzene. Ben- zene causes no swelling of cellulosic materials', indicating that its affinity for cellulosic materials is small. This, together with the fact that the internal surface of contact is relatively small, would make the adsorption compression of benzene negligible. It is question- able, however, that benzene penetrates the void structure of the dry cell walls completely. For this reason the benzene can be relied upon as a displacing medium only when the moisture content of the cellulosic material is sufficiently high for water to have opened up or itself filled all of the void structure. It was shown that the volumetric con- traction occurring in the adsorbed water could be calculated down to a moisture content of about 6 percent from the measurements in benzene. Below this point accurate data for the true density of the cellulosic materials are required to make the calculations. Howard and Hulett (6) have determined the density of carbon in helium and have shown that at room temperatures the helium is practically nonadsorbed. Davidson (3) similarly concluded that helium is nonadsorbed on cellulose. Because of its low molecular weight it should further penetrate the void structure completely. Hence, measurements of the density of the same cellulosic materials used in the previous investiga- tion were made in helium. The essential features of the apparatus used for making the density measurements are shown in figure 1. A and B are two Pyrex glass bulbs of about 200-cc. capacity, separated by a stopcock S-j_. The sample bulb A can be removed at the ground-glass joint J and f Tiled with the cellulosic material by removing the stopcock. S-, , So, and J are provided with mer- cury seals to prevent leaks. M is a"~mercury manometer, which was read with a cathetometer to 0.005 cm « L is a 200-cc. bulb used to keep the mercury level in the right-hand arm of M at the same point for all the —Presented at the l^th Colloid Symposium, Minneapolis, Minn., June 10-12, 1937 • Published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. ^1, Ho. 7, Oct. 1937. RI23U measurements "by adjusting the pressure ever L with stopcocks S3 and SU. This made unnecessary any volume corrections. The whole apparatus was immersed in a thermostatically controlled water "bath at 3^° "• + 0.01°. The volume of A was determined by calibration with I r. With A empty the apparatus was completely evacuated, helium was admitted to B, the pressure determined, and then the pressure was again determined after expansion into A. The volume of 3 plus the connecting tubes could then be calculated from the volume of A and the two pressures, using the perfect gas law. The same procedure was followed in determining the vc I space in A when filled with a sample of wood or cellulose. The material was oven-dried at 105° C. prior to filling the bulb and then vacuum- dried, at 105° C. for about 2- hours after assembly of the apparatus by surrounding' the bulb with a heating coil jacket. A final vacuum of about 10" mm. of mercury was- attained. The system was then brought to 30° C. and held for about half a day before making the measurements, to insure thermal equilibrium. Weighings of. the sample bulb were made at atmospheric pressure just after the vacuum drying and again after a series of expansions. Density measurements were also made in water and benzene in 200-cc. plate-top pyenometers. The air was removed from the submerged ..-.aterials in the half -filled pyenometers by carefully applying a vacuum and releas- ing until no sign of air bubbles was obtained up to a vacuum which cause boiling of the liquid when the pyenometers were immersed ir. an ice ba1 . The densities of the following materials determine! in helium, water, and benzene, are given in table 1: benzene-alcohol extracted spruce sawdust of Uo to oO mesh; the same in the expanded aerogel form (8); standard cotton linters alpha-cellulose; a normal spruce sulfite pulp and the same after beating for 20 hours; and spruce and ma lignin prepared by the modified sulfuric acid method of the Jcrest Products Laboratory (l_l) . The expanded aerogel was prepared accordir. to the method of Kistler (_3) , using methanol and acetone as intermedi replacing agents. Measurements on control blocks showed that a large proportion of the normal shrinkage occurred in the final expansion step, regardless of the technic used. Because of this shrinkage the densi: value for the expanded wood determined in benzene, although greater than the corresponding density value for the unexpanded wood, was not so great as the density value determined in helium. In all cases the densi": values determined in helium are intermediate between those determined in water and those determined in benzene, as has been previously reported (^, 12) . The difference between the helium and benzene values for the cotton is practically the same as that found by Davidson ( R123U -2- n Table 1. — Densities of wood, cellulose, and lignin substance at 30° C Substance Extracted white spruce Expanded aerogel from extracted white spruce. Standard cotton linters , Spruce sulfite pulp: Unbeaten Beaten Spruce lignin (modified sulfur- ic acid method) . , Maple lignin (modified sulfur- ic acid method) . , :Helium displacement : Water displacement : : Den- : sity : Aver- : age : error : Num- :ber of • deter- mina- tions : Den- : sity : Aver- : age . error : Hum- : :ber of: deter-: : mina- : tions : :1.U603 G.0005 10 1.5332 0.0002 2 : :l.U6oH. .oooU k 1.530 1 : :1.5S5 .0012: 7 1.602? .0003 2 : : 1.570 : :1.593 i .002^, .0022: 6 b 1.590 I.616 .0005 .0008 2 : 2 : ji-377 : .0003: 10 1.399 .0010 2 : • :1.U06 ! .0011: 6 1.U22 l .0007 * : 2 : • Benzene displacement Den- sity lMk I.U50 1.571 1.555 1.57S 1I.366 Aver- age error 0.007 .005 .0005 Num- ber of deter- mina- tions The volume contraction occurring in the cellulosic material- adsorbed water system was calculated from the previously determined data in benezene (lk) , using the newly found density values in helium as the true densities of the cellulosic materials. The external pressure P in kilobars that would be required to cause this volume change Av P er gram of water, on the basis of the volume change occurring entirefy~in the water phase, was then calculated from the following compressibility relationship for water given by Gibson (5): Av = 0.307 log 2 '9 2 3 + P 2.923 (1) The values for white spruce, cotton, and sulfite pulp are plotted in figure 2. The values for the beaten and the unbeaten pulp were so nearly identical that only the average value is plotted. R123U •3- 7 Campbell and Russell (2) have doubted whether helium completely penetrates the void structure of cellulose, because they obtained density values for swollen cellulose in benzene by replacement of water with al- cohol and of alcohol with the benzene that were slightly greater than the helium values. This difference, it seems, can be better explained by assuming that a small amount cf water was net replaced in their measure- ments, rather than by assuming that the helium fails to penetrate the cellulose completely. In order to meet these investigator's objections, however, it seemed advisable to attempt determining the compression effect by an entirely different method. Katz (j) has shown that a qualitative proportionality exists between the initial heat of solution or the heat of swelling of binary aqueous systems and the accompanying volume change. Ee gives values for the ratio ^o/"o ran S in 6 from 1 to 3 x 10~3 for a series of solutions and swelling systems in which C is the volume change in cubic centimeters and H is the heat of solution or swelling in gram-calories resulting when 1 g. of water is added to an infinite amount of dry solute or swelling material. It is apparent that this relationship cannot be general, as there should be a greater change in volume per unit thermal change for a more compres- sible liquid than for a less compressible liquid. It thus seemed logical to substitute the change in internal pressure ? e , which causes the change in volume, for the change in volume and thus compare values of the differen- tial ratio P e /H. Partial differential values are used, as compress! may occur in both constituents of the liquid-liquid systems considered. G-ibson (_£) gives the relationship between the specific compression of water, the internal or intrinsic pressure change, and the externally applied pressure which can be expressed in the following partial differen- tial form: - ££Z = o.3D7 log 2.923 + ?e + ? (2) *1 2.923 + p e where _APZ represents the partial comoression of the water ^>er gram of x l water resulting from the partial internal pressure change of the water P e in kilobars caused by the presence of the solute and the external pressure change P in kilobars. The partial specific compression can be obtained by plotting the compression per gram of solution against the weight fraction of the water and drawing tangents to the curve. Z intercept of the water axis gives the partial specific compression for water in a solution the composition of which is represented by the point of tangency (9) • The external pressure P that would cause the same volume change in the solvent as occurs in the process of solution qvj\ ^e calculated from equation 1 expressed in a partial form: Vl _ v x = 0.307 log 2u l 2 l+ P (3) RI23U -h- in which v-l is the specific volume of the water and v-^ is the partial specific volume of the water in the system, obtainable in a similar way to the partial specific compression. Gibson (^) gives data for both the specific volume and the compres- sibility of a sulfuric acid-water system. From these data the external pressure required to give the partial specific volume change of the water can be calculated, using equation 3» an d the change in the inter- nal pressure that causes the change in compressibility can be calculated, using equation 2. These values are given in table 2. The data show that the internal pressure change of water in the solutions is equal to the external pressure required to cause an equal change in volume in the water alone. It is thus valid to consider the pressure changes in figure 2 equivalent to internal pressure changes. Table 2. — Change in nartial internal pressure of water in aqueous s ulfuric acid solutions calculated from the specific volumes and from the specific compressions Weight Specific volume External Partial specific Change in Solute fraction minus partial pressure on compression of loartial of specific volume HgO to give HgO per kilo- internal H 2 of HpO volume change bar pressure : of H 2 ( Xl ) (v x - vp (P) v x l ' (Pe> Kilobars Kilobars h 2 so h 0.0 0.308 26. 8 o.ooHs : 26.0 .0723 .1365 . .2167 : . U0U8 .6699 .283 .193 •093 .038 .012 21.3 9.3 3.0 •95 .28 .0055 .0110 .0225 .0312 .0367 : 21.0 g.7 2.5 .25 .25 ■ -7333 .873U .008 .ooh •17 .08 .0380 .0390 : .13 : .Oh Table 3 gives the ratios of the partial internal pressure change to the partial heat of solution of water in aqueous solutions of organic compounds, inorganic acids, bases, and salts, and salts of organic acids all of which dissolve with the evolution of heat. The partial internal pressure changes were calculated from specific volume data only ( Inter - national Critical Tables ), as specific compression data wore available only for the sulfuric acid solutions. The heat of solution data, with the exception of that for sulfuric acid (10) were also obtained from the International Critical Tables . Because of the difficulty of obtaining accurate graphical values for v-^ and for E at high concentrations of RI23U -5- 7 water, the values for the ratio P c /E could not be determined at concentra- tions higher than those given in table 3 with any degree of accuracy. In all oases where miscibility is complete, the ratios of P e /H for zero con- centration of water are about equal, the average deviation from the average value 12.5 being *4 percent. The same constancy exists for all the data at high concentrations of water* In some cases the agreement is good over the whole concentration range, whereas in other cases, si as that of sulfuric acid, the ratio decreases at intermediate concentra- tions* In the case of the salts and bases the agreement is good up to concentrations approaching saturation. This relationship fails to hold for exothermic solutions* Tnu ex- pansion accompanying the absorption of heat is invariably too small, and in some cases there is a slight contraction accompanying the absorption of heat. The relationship also fails in cases where the constituent other than water is more compressible than water. As neither of these cases a;oplies_jto cellulose-water systems, it seemed justifiable to apply the ratio P e /H = 12.5 kilobars per kilo joule in the calculation of P @ from thermal data. Values of P e for the wood ana cotton calculated from the heat of swelling data (3/5) that were obtained from vapor pressure data (r3, 15) and from direct heat of sv;elling data (l) are plotted in figure 2, together with the values of P obtained from adsorption compres- sion. The agreement is good. It tends to substantiate the contention that true density values for cellulosic materials can be obtained in helium and strengthens the validity of the calculated internal pressure values. The values of P e represent the increase in the internal pressure of water, so that the normal internal pressure of water, which is about 12.5 kilobars, should be added to ther,e values to obtain the total inter- nal pressure. The data thus show that the initial bonding force of cellulosic materials for water is about twice that of water for itself. This seems much more reasonable than the value of sevenfold to eightfold greater calculated from the data of Filby and Maass (U-) , especially i n the light of the fact that the initial attractive force of sulfuric acid for water is only three times that of water for water (see table 3) • It i3 of interest to note that the surface-bound water corresponding to the inflection point of the moisture content-relative vapor pressure curves, 5 to 6 percent for wood and about 3 percent for cotton, exhibits the came internal pressure of about 22.5 kilobars for bc r >d and cotton. The average force with which all the water is held below the fiber-saturation point varies for the different cellulosic materials; 15.5 kilobars for the wood, 14. 7 for the cotton, and 13.5 for the pulp, or 24, 17, and 8 percent greater than the force wit Lch water holds wat er . R1234 -6- Table 3* — Relationship "between the change in the partial internal pres - sure of water and the partial heat of solution of water in the formation of various aqueous solutions : Weight : Specific : Changes in par - : Partial heat Solute : fraction : volume minus : tial internal : of solution : Ratio : of H P : partial : specific : volume of : H 2 : pressure of : n 2 o : of H 2 p ; (-i> (▼l - ▼]_) ; (p) : (5) 0.0 0.0U0 : Kilohars : 1.00 Kilo.ioailes C.081 : 12.3 .1 .028 .69 : .056 : 12.3 p .023 ! .55 .0U3 : 12.8 Glycerol/ •3 .019 .012 .28 .037 .027 : 12.2 : 10. k •5 ■ . 010 .22 .021 : 10.5 r . : .0075 : .16 : .01 k 11. U • 7 = .00^ .09 .008 11.2 .0 : .053 l.*K) .100 l k .0 .1 : .OUh 1.15 : .0365 13.3 .2 : •035 .S^ : .065 : 13.5 :l ; .026 .63 ,0^9 12.9 Glycol.. (: .019 : .U5 .0375 12.0 • 5 : .OlU .325 : .029 11.2 .6 : .009 : .20 : .022 9.1 • 7 : .005 : .11 : .0125 8.8 .8 : .002 : .0^5 : .0035 12.8 .0 : .198 10.2 : •90 11.3 .1 : .190 : 9.3 : . 80 11.6 .2 : .163 : 7.0 : •55 : 11.8 HMO7. . .. j\ •3 : .136 : 5.0 : •39 12.8 .U : .086 : 2.7 : .22 : 12.0 •5 : .058 : 1.6 : .13 : 12.3 .6 : .036 : • 9 : .08 : 11.2 •7 : .011 : .25 : .02 : 12.5 (continued on next page) R123U Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/bondinOOfore Table 3* — Continued. : Weight : Specific ! Changes in par- Partial heat Solute : frac- : volume minus it ial internal 1 of solution : Ratio : tion : partial pressure of of H 2 of H o : specific E-,0 C. volume of H ? Cm : f ? l ! (^) (v x - TjO ! (p) (I) ; c s ) 0.0 0.129 Eilobars 4.80 Kilojoiiles 0.1+3 : 11.2 .1 .093 3.00 .37 : S.l .2 .06s 1.95 .25 : 7-8 .3 .03s 1.00 .11+ : 7-1 H^POu. ../ .4 .028 .70 .08 : 8.7 • 5 .021 .50 .05 10.0 .6 .010 .23 .02 11.5 • 7 : .006 .13 .015 : 11.5 .0 .306 26.5 : 1.92 ! 13.8 .05 - .292 23.O : 1-75 : -13.1 .10 : .260 17.5 1.50 11.7 .15 : .182 8.5 1.12 : 7.6 .20 ' .106 3.6 •73 4.6 K 2 S0^. ..,', .30 : .052 : 1.4 ^3 3.3 .40 : .0355 .92 : .26 • 3*5 .50 . .0265 .6H .11+ : 4.6 .60 : .0176 .1+0 : .08 : 5.0 .70 : .0095 .22 .01+ 5.5 .SO : .004^ .10 .015 . 6.7 .90 : .0025 .05 .004 : 12.5 .425 ' .115 4.00 .420 : 9.5 • 5 : .083 2.57 .255 : 10.1 KOH. . .(: . b ! .0^5 1.20 : .110 : 10.9 •7 s .01U • 33 .027 : 12.2 .3 : .0075 .17 .014 : 12.1 .6 \ .ioH 3.50 .295 11.9 ITaOH ( •7 .068 1.95 .i4o 13.9 .8 .023 .55 .o4o : 13.7 (continued on next page) R1234 Table 3« — Continued. Weight Specific Changes in par- Partial heat Solute frac- volume minus tial internal of solution Hat i tion partial pressure of of of specific H 2 H 2 H 2 volume of H 2 (1) (x x ) (v 1 - v x ) (P) (H) Kilobars Kilojoules 0.1+ 0.03S 0.97 : 0.075 : 12.9 .5 .027 : .66 .053 ' 12.1+ KCpii-zOo • / . .6 : .018 .^3 .035 12.3 • 7 .008 .175 .013 13.5 .8 .0015 .032 .0022 11+.5 • 9 .0005 .013 .001 : 13.O • 7 .00b : .13 .010 : 13.0 HaC 2 E-z0 2 ( .002 .0^5 .0035 12.3 -9 .0005 .013 .001 13.0 .6 .okk 1.15 .O96 : 12.0 CaCl 2 . . .( • 7 .020 .1+8 .038 12.6 • O .00Q .20 : .015 : 13.3 MgCl 2 . . ./ •7 .8 .032 .012 .80 .28 .070 .025 11. u 11.2 .U .052 1.1+ : .130 : 10.8 • 5 .035 1.0 .087 : 11.5 ZnCl 2 . . . j .6 .02U .58 : ,0l+8 12.1 .7 .017 .1+0 : .033 : 12.1 .8 . 009 .20 : .018 : ll.l • -9 .004 .0Q .008 11.2 ■ .7 .01H • 33 ! .095 '' 3.6 LiCl ( : .S .005 .20 : .018 : 12.0 : -9 .00U • 09 : .007 12.8 ! .6 .032 .80 : .055 ; 11+.5 CuCl 2 . . . ( : .7 : .022 •52 : .036 : 11+.1+ : .8 .005 : .20 : .016 : 12.5 (Table 3 concluded) RI23I+ REFERENCES (1) Argue, G. K. , and Maass, 0.: Can. J. Research 12, 56U (1935) ■ (2) Campbell, V. G. , and Russell, J. E. : Quart. Rev. Forest Products Lab. (Canada), Jan. -Mar., p. 24 (1935). (3) Davidson, G. F.: J. Textile Inst. 12, T175 (1927). (4) Filby, E. A., and Maass, 0.: Can. J. Research 7, l62 (1932). (5) Gibson, R. E. : J. Am. Chem. Soc. 56, k (1934); 57- 234, 1551 (1935). (6) Howard, H. C. , and Hulett, G. A. : J. Phys. Chem. 2S, 10S2 (1924). (7) Eatz, J. R. : Eoninkl. Akad. Wet ens chapmen Amsterdam, Proc. Sec. Sci. 13, 975 (1910) (in English) ; "Trans. Faraday Soc. 29, 279 (1933). (8) Eistler, S. S.: J. Phys. Chem. 36, 52 (1932). (9) Lewis, G. IT., and Randall, M. : Thermodynamics, p. 32. The McGraw- Hill 3ook Co., New York (1932). (10) Marschall, A. L. : in E. S. Taylor's Treatise on Physical Chemistry, 1st edition, Vol, I, p. 217, D. Van Nostrand Co., New York (1924). (11) Sherrard, S. C. , and Harris, E. E. : Ind. Eng. Chem. 24, 103 (1932). (12) Stamm, A. J.: J. Phys. Chem. 33, 398 (1929). (13) Stamm, A. J., and Loughborough, V. E. : J. Phys. Chem. 39, 121 (1935). (14) Stamm, A. J., and Seborg, R. H. : J. Phys. Chen. 39, 133 (1935). (15) Urquart, A. R. , and Williams, A. H. : J. Textile Inst. 15, T559 (1924). R1234 -7- TO WATER — ASPIRP70R u 31356 r y TO OIL PUMP, MERCURY K;;\V °UMP, MC LEOD G0USE, \ AND HELIUM TAN/ \ Tigure 1. — Apparatus for deter- mining the roid volume cf cellule sic materials ty gas diapxacecciit. ( ■ c-. ^ < ca k \~\- 5: ^ k ■ b a k k> < • o 3 t~. v- £ ^ ^ uj K Ci ^1 C* ^ K ;*• ki ^1 J- ^ k I-, S K Vt > ^vl K S 1 I 1 o * o I r-\ O a 0) +9 K (StiydQUx) 3?V3#3N1 3#n$S3dd "t?Nti3±NI \\\\\\\W F FLORIDA 3 1262 08866 5103