UBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD E2/Eire UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. Q.--U09, Revised March 20, 19^7 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF EIRE (IRISH FREE STATE) This revision of the plant quarantine import restrictions of Eire has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared by Richara Faxon, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from a memorandum supplied by the American Legation in Dublin. The minister received the information from the Irish Government, which incorporates new amendments to the regulations and sets forth the restrictions as they exist at present. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, or as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The quarantines themselves should be consulted for the exact texts. P. N. Armand Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine j Name and address of consignee Name of vessel or. . aircraft , r ,„■. .' '•' Date of shipment."' ■ > ' J ; : » * ' 'J:. ; *. Port or place, of lan^ing^-lri Ireland • 3. fhe original of- such j certificate must be sent . direct to the Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Dublin, before the plants are dispatched,, A copy must accompany the consignment in. transit, and must be delivered to. an officer pf"Ciistqms 'and. Excise at the same time as the entry under the Customs Acts With respect to the consign- ment is delivered. • ' : 'SPECIAL 'REGULATIONS h. Potatoes. A' special license 'must be obtained ■'■■ in advance for the importation of. potatoes. Such a license would require the' pro- . duction of a certificate,' in add it Ion "to" that mentioned .in- paragraph ; 2, to, the effect that no' case of the disease known a# wart- disease or black scab' of potatoes ( S y achy tr 1 urn ' endobio^i cum ) : has occurred' on the' farm., or . holding where the" potatoes includea^'in the consignment- were grown , nor . vithin. $00 yard's (approximately^ l/2 kilometer-) • thereof . ; Licenses are not granted except in the case of new seedlings or. '-'special stocks for cultivation under supervision. (Potatoes Importation' (Ireland Order, ,1^20, and. Destructive Insects and Pests (Ireland) Order, 1922). 5. Seed 3. The" general. regulations Outlined above have not beerj applied to -seeds.. In' the case of onion anci leek seed's for sowing, how- ever, a certificate of inspection and freedom from : insects, fungi,. or. : other pests destructive to agricultural or horticultural 'crops must be furnished. (A similar certificate must be furnished in the case of gooseberries ) (Destructive Insects' andl Pests' (ire land} Order, 1922). ^' Chrysanthemum Plants . A special license must be obtained in advance for the importation of chrysanthemum plants-. Such a license, if granted, would require the 'product ion of a certificate; -'in addition to that mentioned in paragraph 2, to the effect that- the plants are free from chrysanthemum midge and that the place where the plants were grown is also free from. this pest .. • (Destructive- IneeSts and Pests (Chrysanthemum Midge) .{No.. 2) "Order, 1939)'. ."- . - - :: . ■ T 7. Strawberry Plants and Black Vurr ant and Gooseberry Bushes . A special license" must be obtained in advance for the importation of strawberry plants or black currant or gooseberry bushes. Such a license, if granted, would ,. in the case of strawberry plants and black currant-bushes, req'iftre the. .production of a certificate, in addition to that mentioned in paragraph 2y to." the effect that, the produce is true to name -and free fr6m visible symptoms of virus disease. (Importation of Strawberry Plants and Black Currant and Gooseberry Bushes Order, 19^6). - 3 - ^* Raw Apples . The importation, 'between July 7th and November 15th in ary year, of raw apples grown in the United States of America is pro- hibited unless each consignment is accompanied by a certificate signed by a duly authorized inspector of the Federal Department of Agriculture in the following form: "This is to certify that the raw apples included in the package or consignment described below are one of the following grades as recognized by the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America: (For Barrel Apples) (For Boxed Apples) "U. S. Fancy" "Extra Fancy" "U. S. (No. 1)" "Fancy" S i gnat ur e Official Btatus^ Date Description of Consignment Number and nature of packages Distinguishing marks Variety of apples ' Name and address of consignee Name of vessel Date of shipment Port of shipment This certificate should be delivered to an officer of Customs and Excise at the same time as, and together with, the entry relating to the consignment, (importation of Raw Apples Order, 1930). 9* Elm Trees . The importation of the elra trees is prohibited ab- solutely. (Importation of Elm Trees (Prohibition) Order, 1929). Contraventions of Orders Any person who imports plants without a license is liable to prosecution and severe penalties, and the plants so imported may be destroyed at the expense of the importer. Exporters are accordingly advised not to forward the above-mentioned produce unlees they have received an assurance that the requisite import license has been obtained by the consignee. NOTE The above particulars relate solely to phytopathological restrictions on 'mportation. Some of the produce mentioned, e.g. apples and tomatoes, may also be subject to quantitative restrictions as are such items as cereal seeds, tobacco seeds, grass seed3, and root and vegetable seeds of certain descriptions. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllllillllllillilllll 3 1262 09246 0384