n-^^ n UNITED STATES PSPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of iV^ri cultural EconomlcE. -0- LIST OF AGRICULTURAL COOPERATION ECONOMIC CHARTS Washing-ton, D. C Jrjiuary, 1928. Tho Economic Chart Service. A larf!;c n'\mb<^r of charts, maps and graphs In the fil«s of the 2urQfm of Agricultural } co ore oi" value to c..- In ^'-'' r *'•--* thco>. .. -y be available, arrane,.^..-.. ..-.. ^.,.n nade to i m In photographs of variouc siscs and supplied at coot. SIZES AIID PRICES: 1 - Charts nay be nad in the following sizes and stylos and at rrir- -■ ri.o'..n, vi2: L.1 iLtZ- _ -_-h, Mounted on muslin, -_ " " U:ur.o-anted, .50 8 X 10 1/2" Mounted on muslin, .15 •• " " " ^ " Unmounted, .10 •• ••Prices q'jotcd for this size apply only when order totals 2bf or ^orc . No order accepted for a total charge loss than 25/ viz: if only one of the smaller eizc -is order, remittance muct be 25/. HOTT TO ORDER: 1 - Specify ORDER KUMBZR and state SIZE and STYLE (mounted or unmounted) of charts desired. 2 - DO ]JOT remit each or stamps. Payment must be by CHECK or UOIIEY ORDER, made payable to DI K. U... --r_:-. I of Apiculture. 3.- Payment must be ElICLOSEC mITK ORDER. ADDRESS ORDER TO ricuitxire, iCS, Division of Economic Information, TTaahin^ton, D.C. dlV^ : . ,.NP P^TV;C'{ <:tvc. HISTOiilOtJi liEV£LOPI.-"ZN? ::-rr"b-r ^v^.. .--.i ^1 and Pxirchesin^j As-jociations, 1C80-19C5. (Chart, -^^ -"^ • ' Pure. vcsociationc, 1885-1925. (Four curves lOnc h _ .^ brain, liv:stock, dairy orod-acts, and finjits and vegetables.) (Ngj;. 14388.) AC A3 Farmers* Associations reporting years of or-aniz-ition, 1390-1925. (Chart, bars for yoars.) (ileg. 13881.) !ar-:B2H of associations ^C rl Ui'TKcti: ■ .,, AGsociations, 1915 and 1925. (Chart, bars f^r ~cz - ns.) (Ncg. 14585.) AC ES ;.:^r.:.tinei cxd P^:^c..ix:^:,n.:^ Associations, 1925. (Chart, bars for number of associations In f if ^r.n loading statce.) (iJc^. Iiil47.) AC B3 .Mar>:ciins and ?urc:iasi.'.^ Aiiscci^tions, 1915 and 1925. (Chart, bars for seven connocitv .-roups.) (iTe ;. 1IJ708.) AC B4 I'arkcLi: Prirc-.c^ing associations, 19C5. (Chart, bars for num- ber of lations handling dairy products, grain, livcstocl:, and fruits ajid vegotablos in the five leading states for each cojimodity group.) (Nog. 12040) AC B5 Farmer-ovmcd and -controlled ccoperativo sales agencies, 1925. ("J. S. j>f 'p, sales agencies for different comTiodity groups.) {licz- 13J41.) ME:4iii:RJHiP AC CI Zstirrated Membership of Farmer's Business Organizations, 1915, (". Map, circles for stites.) (Ncg. 11836.) AC C2 Menibership in Market ing and Purchasin,^ AESori:itiors, 1935. (U. S. Map, dot for each 100 mcnburs.) (He,:. 7^^^^-.) AC C3 Estimated Mamborship, FamerB« Business Organ izet Ions, 1915 and 1925. (U. S. Map. bars for geographic divisions.) (Ncj. 10G98,) - 2 . V^- :IP (Uortirmcd) AC 04 Uotnbcrohip of Markottng and Purchaaln^ Aaeociationa, 1915 and 1925. (U. S. Map, clrclcB for statoe.) (Kog. 13604.) •'^ ^ E^' rchlp of U^vrkotlng and Purchasing Associations, 1915 arc: iL'wi . .rt, bars for twolvo loading statos.) (Ncg. 13606.) AC C6 Estimated W.-nbcrehip of Marketing and Purchasix;^ ^Associations, 1915 and 1925. (Chart, bars for seven coimodity groups.) (Nog. 11720.) AC C7 Eatlraatod Menborahip of Farraors* Business Organizations, Decertiber, 19C5. (Chart, bars for eleven co.Tinodity groxips.) (No^. 13688.) AC C8 Uemborship of Federations of Marketing Associations, 19;i5. (U. S. Map, circles for federations.) (Neg. 12647.) AC C9 Membership of Centralized Marketing Aasociatione, 1925. (U. S. Me^, circles for accociations.) (Neg. 11864.) AiiOUNT OF BUSINESS AC Dl Estimated Amount of Business by Farmers' Cooperative Associations, 1915. (U. S. Map, circles for states.) (Keg. 13386.) AC D2 Amount of Business by Farmers* Associations, 1915 and 1925. (U. S. Map, bars for geographic divisions.) (No^. 10052.) AC D3 Estimated Business of Marketing and Purchasing Associations, 1915 and 1925. (U. S. Map, circles for states.) (Ne^. 14111.) AC r4 Estimated Business of Marketing and Purchasing Associations, 1915 and 1925. (Chai't, bars for ton loading states.) (llcg. 1455-i.) AC D5 Estimated PuBincss of Marketing and Purchasing Associations, 1915 and 1925. (Chart, bars for seven commodity groups.) (:ic£:, 9921.) AC D6 ristribution of Cooperative Business by Kinds of Associations, 1913, 1915, 1921, and 1925. (Chart, bars for sevon coranodity i:ro\ips.) (Neg. 14491.) AGHICULTURiJi CENSUri.S AC Yl Number of Farma Reporting Sales or Purchacoa through Cooperative Organizations, 1919, (U. S. Map, dots for oach 100 far-.a.) (Neg. 14083.) AC T2 Farms Keportm^; Coop rat ive Sales or Purchases, 1919. (U. S. Map, pic circica for states.) (Nug. 8662.) AC Y3 Sales and Purchaften through Farmers' Business Orgroaliations, 1919, (U. S. Mop, pic circles for statoe.) (Nog. 13247.) • o - AGRICULTURAL CSIISUSES (Continued) * AC Y4 ITumber of Tarrs Reporting Salos or Purchaseo throufh Cooperative Organizations, 1924. (U. S. Mop, dots for oach 100 fannr,.) (Hog. 13876.) AC Y5 yarns Reporting Cooperative Sales or Purchaseo, IS'^^'i, (U. S, Map, pie circles for states.) (Neg. 13518.) AC y6 Sales and Purchases through Farmers* Business Organ i= at ions , 1924, (U. S. Map, pie circles for states.) (Neg. 13517.) COTTON ASSOCIATIONS AC 1-1 Cooperative Cotton Marketing Associations, 1925. (U. S. Map, circles for associations.) (Neg. 13344.) ^C 1-2 Cotton handled by Centralized Marketing Associations. Crops of 1921-1925. (U. S. Map, bars for states.) (Neg. 11674.) ASSOCIATIONS MARKETING DAIRY PRODUCTS AC 2-1 Dairy narketing associations organized, 1900-1925. (Chart, bars for years.) fcJeg. 13877) AC 2-2 Cooperative Creameries, 1925. (U.S. Map, dots for creameries) (Nog. 8219.) ^ .-o :ooperative Cheese Factories. 1925. (U. S. Man. dots for factories) (Ner. 8907.) AC 2-4 c:cp^ratiVQ milk marketinj^ associations, 1925. (U. S. Map, dots for associations.) (Neg. 8905.) AC 2-5 Estimated membership of associations marketing dairy Products, 1915 txr.i. 1925. (Chart, bars for ten leading states.) (Neg. 13600.) AC 2-6 i.u5-:icss of Associations marketing dairy products, 1915 and 1925. (Chart, bars for ten loading states.) (ITcg. 15077.) FRUIT AND VEGET^LE ACnOCI-i-TIO'JS AC 4-1 Fruit and Vegetable associations organized, 1900-1925. (Ch.irt, bare for years.) (Neg. 13tJ79.) AC 4-2 FarmerB' Buaincss or har.ciiing iruit.:, aim v. •£,.... u x.. , 1923. (U. S. Map, dots for -^ - '^^'^ •• 8C63.) r - ^^ . AC 4-3 Estimated membership .. • ---^^' i-^V' ^'^l''"'''' g .ic dlviaionc.) (Nog. 12142.) UNIVER8IT - IIM'fTffl 3 1262 08926 5671 TTT'T? A**^ V? AC -1-4 - ■ stoles. A , l^i;^ and 1 J., , \. ^;. AC C . .ons oreanizod. 1900-19ci5. (Chart, bars ^or IB.) ( • ^0 AC C-P. lixTnATB Associations handllnt Grain. 1925. (U. S. Map, dots for -^oclations.) 3606.) AC 6-3 Cooperative Grain Marketing associations (Tlioat pools.) 1925. (U. S. Map, circles tor associations.) (l?cg. 13346.) Lstlmated membership of gru. ing associttions, 1S15 and 1925. (Chart, bars for twelvu lt;adiag statrs.) (Ko£. 13o-»7.) AC 6-5 Business of associations marketint; grain, 1915 and 1925. (Chart, bars for ten leading states.) (Kog. 15075.) LIVESTOCK !LiP.KETIWS ASSOCUTI A'" ''-I Livestock Shippint ietion: ^i^ --• . 1900-1925. (Chart, tars for years.) (Nog. ) : ' . o>- i.-lx.^.. livestock, 192^. ^''. -, ---- ; - -Mons.) (' .) AP 7_i ""^imated MomborsLi > .; Livestock Shipping Associations, 1915 and 1- 5. (U. S. Map, circles for states.) (Kcj. 13917.) Lr -_. T,»<-r.ted membership of Livestock Shipping ASbOclationr. , 1<^::5. ., bars for twelve leading static.) {:^c£. 13817.) AC 7-^ Livestock handled by farmer-cor trrlled selling agencies, 1C25. (U. S. Wap. circles for colli. cics.) Cicg. 13245.) AC 9-1 .ciatioi.c, ij^. { . . '..ip, cote icr AC lO-l Cooperative Tobacco ilni; Accoclations, 1925. (Map, eastern .. circlet for :iation8.) O'^'j. 13o45.) 900L ..aeiitioni oarkctlr.r TTool Cooperatively, 1925. (U. 5. !/ap, dote jciations.) 132*46.)