LIBRARY UK'ITED STATES D^FAH'B^EITT 01 AGRICTJLTUilE Bxireau of Entomolog;^ and Plant '^aarantine Washington, D. C. May 5, 19^0. B. E. P. q. 39^1, Revised Sec. 301.i+H-6a LIST QJ THUS BULBS, COPaMS, A^TD TCBEF.S EXEMPTED FROM JiPAllESE 3EETI.E CERTI EI CATI OIT Under regulation 6, A(l), of quarantine No. US (Sec. 301.^8-6), true bulbs, cormiv, and tubers are exempted from Japancsse beetle certifi- cation v;hen dormant, except for storage growth, and when free from soil. The exemption includes slni^lo dahlia tubers or small dahlia root di- visions when free from steins, cavities, and soil. Dahlia tiibers, other than single tubers meeting tnese conditions, require certification. The following list of bulbs, corms, and tubers, issued for the information of inspectors of the Eureaxi and for the use of shippers within th^ regulated areas, is revised to include C-loriosa rothschil- diana and two species of Gorydalis, and to list the species of bulbous Anemone, The key letter in. pni-'Ci,?5t herd's b^for<^ e^ch name indicates v/hether the variety in question l3 a true bulb, corm, or tuber, (E) standing for true bulb, (C) for corn, and (T) for tuber. Plant roots of a bul- bous nature not given on thlr; list ar»'», in most cases, fleshy rhizomes, and are therefore not oxc^'jt from certification. Acidanthera Alstroemeria Amaryllis A- orr hophallus ( Devi Is t o n^rae ) Anomcne nemorosa, A. ranunculoides, A. trifolia Antholyza Sab i ana Be^^onia (tuberous rooted) Boussingaultia (l^deira vine) Brodiaea Bulb oc odium Galochortus (Maripos.^ lily or Globe- tulip) Camassia (wild hyacinth) Chionodoxa (G-lory-of-the-r^now) Go Ic h i cum ( Autumn-cr ocu s ) Golocasia (G.^iladium esculentum and fancy- • leaved varieties) Gooperia (Evening St-ir and Ra.inlily) Gorydalis bulbosa, G. tuberosa Crinum Grocus Cyclamen Dahlia (see statement in introductory par:igraph) - 2 - 3 1262 09241 (C) Dierara (T) Dicsccrea batatas (Cinnamon vine) (T) Eranthis (Winter-acoaite) (B) Erythroniu-n (Trcutlily or Dog-tooth violet) (B) Euchnris (.Imazonlily) (C) Ereesia (P) Fritillaria (Fritill-ry) (B) (Jalanth-iG (Snowdrop) (B) Graltonia (Hyacinthus caiidicans) (Stunner hyacin (C) Gladiolus (T) Gloripsn rothschildiaha (T) Gloxinia (see Sinninfria) (E) Hippepsti'uia (Kr-use-ar.aryllis) (B) H2'"acinthus (, Dutch, and Eonan) (B) H^^^ner.ocalliJ; (Spideriily) (B) Iris, bulbous (Dutch, Spanish, Pud iinglish) ( E ) I r-mene ' ( See H^.'nienocalli s ) (B) Ixia (B) Ixiolirion (B) Lachenalia (Cape-cowslip) (B) Lapeyrousia (Anonatheca) (E) Lnucojun (SnowfLike) (B) Lilium (Lily bul'tj.", imported rnd donestic)' (B) Lye oris (Clustcr'-ainaryllis) (B) Mills (Mexican-star) (B) Musc^ri ( and feathered-hyacinths) (B) Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil) (3) Nerine (lO Oihitho^^aluri (Star-of-Bethlehem) (B) Oxalis (B) pTncrr-tium (B) Polianthes (Tuberose) (B) Puschkinia (T) Hanuncu]us (B) Scilla (Squill, Starhyacinth) (T) Sinnin,^ia speciosa (Gloxinia) (C) Sparaxis (V/andf lover) (B) Sprekelia (5t. Jameslily) (B) Stsrnbergia (?3) Tigridia (Tigorf lower or Shellf lower) (C) Tri tenia (Montbretia) (,B). Tulipa (Tulip) (B) Vallcta (Scarboro-lily) (B) Watsonia (Buglelily) (T) Zantedeschia (Hichardia) (Calla, white, yellow, spotted; arumlily) (3) Sephyranthes (Sephyrlily) th) (Sec. 301.U8-6) [B. S. P. Q. 39U, Hevised, effective May 5, 19^0] l^EE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Qgftrantine.