|«*H IN FORE] • DiJ Foil ^^\ig^ l-fi'-invj'-i-nrv^ fT o, L>, nt of Agriculture 1952 IiBUIA, K.'EUIA, OR "BRAZILIAN WALNUT" ihoobe porosa (llees and .art.) Med dly: Lauiv.ce ue By ELOIJ" Rj TffYf Forost Products Technologist [vision of Cilvicultural Relations There are about 85 species of the genus l 3 hoebe < worae occur in the East Indies, China, and Malaya, but most of then are found in tropical America from the V/est Indies and southern Mexico southward through Central America end the ..ndes to Vrgentina and Brazil. The most important species is Phoebe porose (formerly known as Nectandra ■p, and as Oreodarhnc oo rosa Jees) of southern Brazil (I, 11).- it grows in the Arancaria forests of Parana and Canta Catharina, mostly at altitudes of 2,500 to 1»,000 feet, and may form about 20 percent of the stand (12) . The wood of P hoebe porosa is 'mown commercially as imbuia, embuia, or "Brazilian walnut." The Tree Trees of the species P hoebe porosa grow to 150 feet in height and up to 6 feet or more in diameter. 1 "Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. 2 "Underlined numbers in parentheses refer to the list of numbered references at the end of the article. Report No. Rl£2l+ ;riculture -kadis on They have evergreen leaves, but most of the old leaves are shed as the new leaves appear. Cn the underside of the leaves, in the axils of the veins, are little two-lipped pockets (domatia), which are inhabited by minute insect parasites (10, 12 ) . The Hood Color The color of the wood varies from yellowish to olive or rich chocolate brown. It is said that material can be selected to match any shade found in black walnut grown in the United States (12) . It is further reported that the yellowish wood comes from young trees or trees grown in sheltered places and the "black" form from older, isolated trees (5) . Weight The specific gravity of the air-dry wood is reported as 0.595 to O.76, and the average weight as about k3 to ^7 pounds per cubic foot (5, 12) . Mechanical Properties Strength tests have been made at the Institute de Tecnologicas, Sao Faulo, Brazil, but are reported^ in units not directly comparable to the United States standard tests . Figure, Grain, Texture, and Luster The stock is mostly straight -grained, but curly and wavy grain may be found. Some trees in exposed locations may have markedly contorted or gnarled grain (5). The wood may be plain in color or markedly variegated and has rather fine texture and a medium luster (12) . Odor The freshly cut wood has a spicy, cinnamon-like, resinous taste and scent, which are generally lacking in dried material. Durability The wood is considered as durable locally. Railway ties are reported to have lasted 10 to 20 years in service in Brazil. 3 -Institute de Tecnologicas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Bulletin No. 31 ♦ 19^5. Report No. R1924 -2- Workabilit y The wood is moderately hard and heavy and is considered easy to dry, to work, and to glue* It takes a and has good dimensional stability w manufactured. A fine dust may arise during tl c saving of imbuia that is irritating to some workmen and may cause temporary derimtitis (8, 12, lU ) . Uses Imbuia is used in both solid and veneer form. In Brazil, it is used for high-grade flooring, furniture, interior trim, doors, pianos, radio cabinets, and fixtures. P hoebe trees grow to sizes that permit the production of thick plank for wood carving and material for table trusses and chair legs (12). Imbuia has been recommended for gun stoclis (6). As veneer, imbuia is rated highly in Europe for fine furniture and interior work. It is marketed as: 1. Light, hell, or clr.ra — a yellowish brown in various toner, wit:: BhadingS and stripes: 2. Dark, dunkel, or escura -- a brown background with reddish-black markings; 3. Extra or optima -- the finest qualify in brown and red-brown tones with wave and cloud effects (k) . Cne species of Phoe be yields a violet-colored dye from saw-dust and bark. This dye is specially prized for use on fine leather. •d.y The wood has been imparted into the United Ctaten in relatively small amounts, as well as into ^arope. Local demands for it in Brazil are high, restricting export. Minute Stru : ture Growth ring s. — Growth rings are usually distinct owing to differences in density* Po res .--The pores are small, barely visible, numerous, and uniformly dis- tributed. Tyloses . — Tyloses are lacking • Vessel ? .--Vessels have simple perforations. Kays . — The rays are very fine, mostly biseriate ( 10 ) . Fibe rs , — The fibers are septate. Oil c ells, — Oil cells occur in the rays, as well as in the parenchyma strands (9, 10) . Report No. 31924 -3- List of References 1. Allen, Caroline K. 19^5. Studies of the Lauraceae VI. Preliminary Survey of the Mexican and Central American Species (Key). Jour. Arnold Arboretum, Vol. 26, ilos. J>-k , pp. 2cO- } +34. 2. Brazilian Government Trade Bureau. 19^6. Timber in Brazil, p. 6. New York. 3. Chevalier, Aug. 1923. Sur 1' origine du bois d'imbuia du Bresil et sur la biologie de l'arbre producteur, le Phoebe porosa Mez. de la famille des Lauracees. Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Acaderaie des Sciences (Paris). Vol. lo7, p. 1153- k. Eergert, P. 1931* Uses of Imbuj^a Veneers in Europe. Tropical Woods No. 26, pp. 10-11 (Grades). 5. Hoehne, F. C. 1930. Araucarilandia. Sec. da Agr., Indus, e Cora, do Sstado de Sao Paulo (Brazil). 132 pp. Illus. (Physical properties). (Tropical Woods No. 23, pp. 27-26, 1931.) 6. Eorn, E. F. 1913. Properties and Uses of Some of the More Important Woods Grown in Brazil. Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 83, pp. 10-11. 7. Kribs, David A. 1950. Commercial Foreign Woods on the American Market. Pub. by author, Dept. of Botany, State College, Pa. p. 80. Illus. 8. Lamb, G. N. 19^6. Inibuia. Wood Products, Vol. ^k, No. 3, p. 23. 9. Mi lane z, F. R. 1930. A estructura do lenho da embuia. Servico de Informacoes, Min. da Agr. Ind. e Com. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 12 p-o. Illus. (Structure) (Tro-oical V/oods No. 23, p. 29, 1930.) 10. Record, S. J. 1929. Walnut Woods - True and False. Tropical Woods No. 18, pp. 4-29 (17-20). 11. _^ and Ness, R. U. 19^2. American Timbers of the Family Lauraceae. Tropical Woods No. 69, pp. 7-33 (23-30). Report No. R192i| -i|- 12. Record, S, J. and Log:;, R. './. 19^3. Tlatoera of the Hew World, pp. 215-216, Yale University , Rev Ihwen, Conn. 13. Tupper, W. W. 1927. A Comparative Study oi" Lauraceoua Woods, Aner, Jour« Bot #l Vol. Ik, No. '), Tpv. 520-524, (Tropical Woods No, 13, . 57-58). 14. U. S. rublic Health Cervine 1931, Public Health Reports, Vol. k6, Ho. 33, pp. 193%1 15. Woods, R, P. 19^9* Timbers of South America, p. 28. Timber Dev. Assn., Ltd., London . Report No. R1924 -5- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08924 2191