Issued September 16, 1911. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAD OF ENTOMOLOGY— CIRCULAR No. 142. L. O. HOWARD. Enlomologial and Chief ol Bureau. THE [NDIAN-MEAL MOTH AND "WEEVIL-OUT" PEANUTS. C. IT. POPENOE, Entomi * r<>i> and Stored Product Insect Tnvestig • Mi; 11 WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTINO OFFICE : 1911 BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. Howard. Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. C. \j. Marlatt, Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of chief. R. S. Clifton. Executive Assistant. W. F. Tastet. Chief Clerk. F. H. Chittenden, in charge of truck crop and stored product insect investi- gations. A. D. Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. W. D. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect investigations. F. M. Webster, in charge of cereal and forage insect investigations. A. L. Quaintanci . in elm rge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. E. F. Phillips, in charge of bee culture. D. M. Rogers, in charge of preventing spread of moths, field work. Rolla P. Currie. in charge of editorial work. Mabel Colcobd, in charge of library. Truck Crop and Stored Product Insect Investigations. F. IT. Chittenden, in charge. H. M. Russell, C. II. Popenoe, Wm. B. Parker, H. O. Mabsh, Tikis. II. .Tones, M. M. High, Fred A. Johnston, entomological assistants. I. J. Condit, collaborator in California. P. T. Cole, collaborator in tidewater Virginia. W. N. Ord, collaborator in Oregon. Marion T. Van Horn, preparator. Circular No. 142. United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. THE [NDIAN-MEAL MoTII AND "WEEVIL-CUT" PEANUTS. Bj C. II. Popi \"- , Entomological {.ssistont, Truck Crop and Stored Product Insect Investigations. Until a few years ago the peanut had been considered as almost immune from insecl injury, the plant being affected by few in and the "nuts" being protected by their thick shells against most of the usual bisect enemies of stored products. There are. it is true, one or two species of beetles which by reason of their horny jaws are able t<> cut readily through the woody tissue, but the injury from any of these had b< en infinitesimal. Since the advent of the mechanical thrasher or "peanut picker" conditions have changed to a great degree. The machinery is by no mean- perfect as yet, and the tendency of the operator to feed the peanuts too quickly through the machine results in a large p< r- centage of broken shells, and affords easy entrance to several of the common stored-product pests. It is estimated that between 20 and 30 per cent <>l' the peanuts are injured in this manner, consequently becoming "seconds,' 1 and in nearly every case becoming infested in a short time a fter being stored. Another source of injury to the shells of the peanuts, affording ingress to insects, is the practice of piling the -ached nuts high in l A1 a ii ting held June 14, 1911, at the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D which was atl many prominent peanut dealers, chiefly from Norfolk, Suffolk, and Portsmouth, Va., and from North and Smith Carolina, the question <>f how .i " peanuts was discussed hy Mr. P writer, and an menl waa reached t<> undertake the project of testing remedies tor peanuts In store. The value of the peanut Industry for 1910 was estimated at $15,000, Assumu Injury to . the loss to the peanut | ve estima 0,( One prominent dealei Injury, in t i * !• - - ■.hen- a preliminary Investigation was made, Mr. Popenoe was assisted bj Mr r. \ Johnston and bj Mr W. i: Beat tie, "t the Bureau "i Plant Industry. I ii was owing to the servl ol Mr Beattle thai this investigation was begun. The i panying circular is being Issued !>y request of the peanut !■'. if. Chittenden. INDIAN-MEAL MOTH AND WEEVIL-CUT PEANUTS. the .storage warehouses. This makes it necessary for the workmen to climb upon the stacks of sacked peanut-, thus breaking many more, and increasing the percentage of infestation. The insect chiefty concerned in the injury to stored peanuts is the larva of a small dusky moth, commonly called the Indian-meal moth (Plodia interpunctella Hbn.), a common and well-known pest, habit- ually frequenting all places where foodstuffs and cereals may be stored, and feeding, as its name would indicate, upon meal, flour. and grain. It also attacks dried fruits, nuts, chocolate, and seeds. Like other related species, it prefers darkness or semidarkness, although at times seen abundantly in well-lighted storerooms. 1 DESCRIPTION OF STAGES. The adult or moth, shown in the accompanying illustration (fig. 1, a), is about one-half to three-fourths " w N T UTS. 6 Id unheated houses the first eggs are laid in March and April by the moths just issuing from the pupal stage. At this time they are comparatively scarce and are littli inter, when the sive generations have been allowed to multiply, they become very abundant, reaching their maximum in the Latter pari of Au- gust. In heated rooms reproduction may be continued throughout the winter. Tin eggs hatch in about I da r deposition, and the larvae at once begin the work of destruction. The larvi con- sidered to Last about L8 days, varying according to weather condi- tions. During this time the larva 1 crawl from one kernel to another, feeding as the} goj and spinning a quantity of silken thread, which, mixed with food particles and excrement, disfigures and injures the material over which they craw 1. When the nuts have been attacked for some time the entire mass re > a mat of webbing mixed with powdered food material and I'm--. When fully mature the larvae crawl about, seeking a place for puliation and spinning large quan- tities of web as the] go, finally making, in cracks in tin flooring, between bags, or in other dart places, cylindrical silken cocoons, in which the larvae transform to the pupal stage. In hibernation the larva remains throughout the winter in the cocoon, in a state of quiescence, pupating early the following spring. The pupal stage usually lasts from 5 to LO days before the issuance oi' the mature insect, making the life cycle, under good conditions of temperature, from 1 to 5 weeks and affording opportunity for from A to 7 broods or generations oi larvae in one year. A -male is capable of depositing from 300 lo 400 eggs, it may be seen that the capacity for injury is c< nsiderab \ \ ll l; u. I \l ■ M II -. This in-eet has a number of natural enemies, the mosl prominent being two hymenopterous parasites. Omorgus frumentarhiii Rond. ami Uadrobracon hebetor A dim. These two form- do much to • the multiplication of this and other similar pests. II V] EDIA] Ml \-l R] S. Although at first sight this insect seems to presenl a problem to the r. its control i- by no mean- so difficult as might be sup] i At leasl two effective method- of control arc applicable, namely, heal and fumigation. 7 In h< s oily, are not affected, while no injury whatever takes place in the case of unshelled nuts. Germination is likewise unaffected, peanuts exposed ('. hours to a temperature of 140° germinating better and more quickly than those indicated. A temperature of 116° is fatal to insect lii'e in a short time, larvae, pupae, and adults of the Indian-meal moth dying in less than one-half hour, when exposed. Fumigation. — In mid.- and storehouses where the beat method is inapplicable, it may be necessary to fumigate with hydrocyanic-acid gas. On dt< en nl of the extremely poisonous naturt of this gas > are IS in < i ssary in its use, and. where careless Or ignorant help is em- ployed, some danger might accrue through improper or careless handling. Before the gas is applied the building should be tightly closed; afterwards jars containing the requisite amount of diluted sulphuric acid should be placed therein, and the paper bags contain- ing the cyanid of potassium dropped into these jars, thus liberating the gas iu the room. This gas is used extensively as a remedy for flour-mill and household insect-, and where intelligently handled [NDIAN-MEAJ MOTH \.\ l> " W I i.\ 1 1 . ( i I PEANUTS. .1 gives excellent results. Full directions for its use are given in Cir- cular 1 1- of this bureau. 3 Carbon bisulphid is also applicable as a fumigant, and is highly effective, although its great inflammability and the possibility of its explosion when ignited are ii isure against its use. MEANS OF IMU . ENTK 'N '■■'■ I 111 P ICKEB. In order to decrease the liability of peanuts to insect injury, the factory should be kepi as free as po from an accumulation of moths during the summer season. To this end, all cai fested peanuts coming into the facto tild be fumig d before ent ranee. The factories should be 30 constructed as to furnish as few hiding places for the larvae and pupae as | . A modern reenforced concreti structure >> ith concrete floors may lie. with proper attention. kepi almost entirely free from the p< The writer has seen large uumbers of the larvae hibernating tween the two layers of a double floor that was apparently tight, and with ease resisting ordinary efforts to diminish their numbers. All cracks and ci innies large enough to hold a small quantity of dust may also prove breeding places for the larvae. Care in attending to the freedom of outgoing freight cars from larvae will also he of value in controlling the injury due to insects. An ordinary freighl car can be easily and safely fumigated at a not to exceed $1, with cither hydrocyanic-acid gas or carl bisulphid. Even a thorough cleaning of the car before reloading will he of value in dot roving many insects brought in with the previous ship- ment. 2 The storage rooms should he light and airy, and the peanuts should not he piled so high that it i> necessary to climb about on the bags in older to reach the top of the pile-. 'While some degree of immunity may be reached by the storage of peanuts in large hulk. still the incre imount of breakage from this method more than balances tl fleets of the hulk storage. The storage of peanuts in elevator bins holding several thousand bushels each does not meet with this objection, as in such case the inn- ire trampled hut little, ami the injury by insects i- limited al- most entirely to the t<.p layer, rarely extending more than a foe! or two helow ii,,- surfai e. Ml ISURES "l PREVENTION BY THE GROWER. [nfestation of peanuts by the Indian-meal moth frequently t place in the storage sheds or ham- of the farmer or grower, where 'Circular 112, Bureau ol Enl - I States Department of Agriculture. 'Care should be taken that railroad agents deliver for peanut shipment only clean cars. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 6 DIAN-MEAL MOTH AND " WEEVIj 3 1262 09216 5686 the nuts are held in reserve -and only sold as needed. Where the nuts are held over the summer, the moths are allowed to breed freely, with the result that many nuts that would otherwise escape infestation are ruined. Storage in dark, dusty lofts or sheds also allows greater increase of the insects by providing a suitable breeding place. Nuts which have been held for several years by growers frequently show large numbers of infested kernels. It is urged in this connection that unless in exceptionally good condition with regard to broken shells. no nuts should be held in the granary of the farmer later than the it of June, at which time the injury by the first generation or "brood" i- just beginning. When held later, without proper fumi- gation and attention, the multiplication of the pest is unchecked, with the result that the grade of the nuts is materially reduced. Of primary importance is the proper selection and operation of the peanut picker or thrasher. There are several types of this ma- chine on the market, which with careful use may he depended upon to break a minimum amount of the shells. The almost universal cause of such injury is the practice of crowding the machines in order to thrash a larger quantity of nuts in a short space of time. This practice is reprehensible, as it is responsible for the large amount of broken peanut shells found in machine-picked nuts. While more profitable to the thrasher, its expediency seems doubtful, as the grade of the tints is thereby reduced and the opportunity for infestation increased, thus reducing the price obtained for the product. The pea- nut packer will readily pay a higher price for an article in which he can be assured of a maximum number of fancy nuts. It is therefore suggested that proper attention be paid to the operation of the picker, and that care be taken that the machine is not crowded. This will result in much less breakage and so diminish the infestation that there will be little need of further precaution in the matter of storage. o