* TjNITED STATSS DEPARTMENT OF ACaRICULTDRS bureau of Entomology aja.d Plant Quarantine WaahiagtOQ;, Do Co BoE.PoQ. 4S6 April 28, 1939 Suggestions for construction of plunging and growing beds and their maintenance under beetle -free conditions in accordance with regulations of the white- fringed beetle quarantine. Nursery stock with soil attached is eligible for certification for movement from areas under quarantine on account of the white-fringed beetle provided it has been grown and maintained under beetle-free con- ditions, as sii-eci-^ied in paragraph (b) of Regulation 5 of quarantine Noo 72 o The following types of units are suggested as means of providing for beetle-free conditions and if properly maintained, should be effective in preventing natural infestation by the white-fringed beetleo RAISED FLPN'^TIIG B.EDS Beds or benohea^ indoors or outside, which are at least 12, preferably 18 inches, above the ground ^ and which are protected from infestation in manner and by method satisfactory to an authorized inspectoro Structures of the type illustrated in the accompanying plates are to be protected against infestation by approved oil or other barriers o SURFACE PLUNGING OR CataVlM^ BEDS A heeling-in area or growing grounds enclosed wLthin walls extend- ing far enough under ground to prevent larvae from passing under. This may require a wall as much as 24 inches in depth. The walls should be of sufficient height above ground to permit the construction of oil or other barriers on a level 12, preferably 18 inches, above the ground. - E - The soil or other material contained or used therein should be treated in approved Kiaaner under the supervision and direction of an authorized inspector. Such articles not iiamediately placed in the units should be adequately protected from infestation o During the active adult beetle season, barriers constructed in connection with plunging and growing beds should be properly maintained, and adequate sanitary and protective measures should be taken by estab- lishments concerned to fully protect the approved units from infestation. Vegetation should be kept down and caiciuiti arsenate dust or other speci- fied treatment applied to the satisfaction of an authorized inspector » BilRRIERS It will be necessary to protect the beds during the season of adult activity by approved barriero {See plates 3, 4, and 5) Whenever practicable, the oil barrier is recommended « The heavy construction enables it to v^ithstand jars or jolts which would greatly decrease the efficiency of the all metal barrier. Barriers should at all times be maintained in a manner that will assure their efficiencyo AVERY So HOYT Acting Chief J Eui'eau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Attachment ^ Plates l-5o Plate 1 Raised Plunging Bed A bed or bench elevated to a height of at least 12 inches above the ground p preferably 18 incheso Protected during the season of adult beetle activity by an approved barrier o (See plates 3, 4;, and 5) LIBRARY ^ATE PLANT BOARD Plate 2 SURFACE PLUNGING OR GROWING BED To be protected during the season of adult beetle activity by an approved barriero (See plates 3 and 5) Plate 3 APPROVED OIL BARRIER The tjrpe of barrier illustrated is constructed of six inch pipes cut in half o It is attached to the side wall by means of strap Iron cleats welded to the pipe and braced from the bottom with iron braces o Pet cocks or set screws are placed at strategic points in the bottom of the pipe to facilitate cleaning and draining^ The cc r is made of 28 gauge sheet metal ^ hinged and built in sections so that they may be raised to facilitate inspectionp cleaning and refilling o Oil barriers may be constructed of 28 gauge sheet metal or such other ditrable metals as may be approved by an authorized inspectoro J2*h' ^2 of d" piP^ Plate 4 28 gauge galvanized steel g** oil level Oil container OIL B/\RniER This barrier is designed to be placed around the legs of raised plunging beds and arranged according to the diagreun which shows minimum dimensions,. Plate 5 28 gauge galvanized steel .\U/ -^ 28 gauge galvanised steel 2" IX' IL Ground line. APPROVED METflX BARRISR This barrier is constructed of 36 gauge sheet steel Its effic: 3ncy ii in direct proportion to the smoothness of its surface =, Care must be exercised to keep the gaps between thr> tier'- properly maintained t. id t: prevent trash or litter from filling the spaces between the tier?,, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lililliilllliilililililill 3 1262 09311 5466