X. -7 ma. Burer.u of ^ric conoru. . }RICULIUE4L coopeuiic:; I j ... I 3 CHARTS Index to rts, .: phs are : le cost. Vaghi^jtor. . "5- SCT1 \JSl Ox BCONOI I -JUS. ol the folic •■:.. lbject or the complete index may be secured on application. 1. - 2. CHSDI3 EAXAIIOl . 3. EC JUTT2BAL PR] IS. U. POPULATION end (Land Utilizati (Land Settlement 5. - - 3 (Land Valuation I enure (l; or. 6. nd COST. 7. :. . , soils and raisiOGBAPKlc. : (Corn, Cheat, Oats, Eye, Berley). 9. C. ; , . H*T, ZTC. 10. .3. Pork: Products. 11. MEAT 4 . Cattle . Ifi .38 ad - 12. (Zfciry Products and z ■ lint - " 1 - - muslin, •' ■ " Ur. LC l/ ■ Mounted on mv ,15 ** m .1 n er .:--... La b be 2 . if ■ A tc - SAMPLE TYPES o^MAPS AND CHARTS I LAND ma M — < CS -'"f"' *-'■»» y°/£ chart » • ■•- -■«.-» I ■n ^ 1 ,.jl_ ». 1 — -4- I a' j» • * »;a u i«U »2J :*• Index or Percent chart - •» see I Cj -• i9c7r chart • - • - RM MOf • • • 1 ' ■ • ; gj£f Circle map ■ ifj» 1191 1104 Ml t-1 .. . Z.//7S chart > ■ ■ 1 Shaded map j. * j. a j. a. j a j. 19X1 1022 Shaded line chart ALL POULTRY r • , • -\] Dot map AGRICULTURAL COOPERATION. SECTION 1 NUMBER OF FARMERS SELLING THROUGH COOPERATIVE ORGANIZATIONS 1923 CACH DOT REPRESENTS 100 rARMERS This is a small sizs sample of Map No. AC - 1. . - _. ETC. - 1 -2fc - -.- ULING THROUGH CC1 IV! 5. 1923. IT, . , • .c 36. die-. Ho. 7839). 1319, . Bo. S662). L5 an d 1925. ... k, L art. .:.:.. 1U7). ... itj Pre ar. . . 5 Loadj s. Bt. . 120L. - 6* 0: ..... ;. Ci: - on *J. S. . ■ . .Io. 1- - 7* " 3.5. By . Bar . . - S* EST] ' . - - 1925. £; bio DlvJ . .10698, rt s i.) . - 9* msme:-: i roars, 1515 • Jipal C . ::o. LI 720). - 10* . - - . 1 . r Map. (:;c ; . . . 1136U) - 11* 3. L915 and 1923. F ricultur Lone c. th< United States. rt on . . . 10052). - 12* 'BUS] SS . 1915 ' . AccordJ to Individu 1). Bar Chart, v.: . .21). - : 'ASSOCIATIONS. By Loadin States. 1922. Bar Srapl . 13. ( .. K 7 1). - Ik* CC SO BY ST-.TE CCOF. of 1921 - . bar Map. &v - . *C - 1 . COC S. Location and .... Eeci: dot m era . 0. 821 COC. aCTOBH :. S. Location r 1323. ... Ls os . . ~3Q1) • . - 17* (Other than c . p. Each dc* O&O ass: . (llog. Ho. - - J . - is* zs - bss or . DAIRY [ . : ■ (Dol] By States. Circles on U. S. Ml • - • ). - 19* BBSS ~ssoc: ESS. Showing Location of Ion, Locals and Indeponde:. :>ciatious in U. 1923. U. . Each dot equals one association. Bo, S883). -20* ' [HESS ORC AlIONS H IV. Jan. 192U. 5:. nfber. U. 3. Tot Map. dot equals association. (fl . . - 21* J^^.zr.s 1 . . . s. Showia Location of Terminal Market Selling ncy and Shipping Association. March 192U. Dot Map. Each dot equals one association. . . - ) • - 22* LS . - 3 and 19c . r Map. ... . ;. I071U). - 23* z:::..,~ . n a&i . 0? BUSIHESS . : ured 3ar Chart. . 121U2 . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA I I I I I I I II I I 3 1262 08926 5598