- /Hriqs/^SCo TECHNICAL NOTE number 195 DIVISION OF FOREST PATHOLOGY BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY madison 5. Wisconsin revised March 1956 SOME BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS O FINISHING OF WOOD AND FURNX Books 1. Amateur Finisher's Guidebook, by R. F-. -Y Harper & Bros. , New York, 1952. $3. 2. Complete Book of Furniture Repairs and Refinishing, by R. P. Kinney. 240 p., illus. Charles Scribner' s Sons, New York, 1950. $3. 50. 3. Finishing Materials and Methods, by G. A. Soderberg. 320 p. , illus. McKnight, Bloomington, 111. , 1952. $4. 4. Furniture; Furniture Finishing, Decoration, and Patching, by A. B. Pattou and C. L. Vaughn. 551 p. , illus. F. J. Drake, Wilmette, 111. , 1955. $5. 5. How to Finish or Refinish Your Furniture, by K. Hardy. 166 p. , illus. Funk & Wagnalls Co. , New York, 1951. $3.75. 6. How to Refinish Furniture, by L. Hochman. 144 p., illus. Arco Publishing Co. , Inc. , New York, 1954. $2. 7. How to Restore Antique Furniture, by M. C. Lorini and H. L. Williams. 214 p. , illus. Pellegrini & Cudahy, New York, 1949. $3.95. 8. How to Restore Furniture, by R. F. Yates. 203 p. , illus. Funk U Wagnalls Co. , New York, 1948. $3. —Book prices quoted are subject to change. 9. New Furniture from Old, by R. F. Yates. 253 p. , illus. Funk & Wagnalls Co. , New York, 1951. $3. 50. 10. Painting and Decorating: A Handbook of Tools, Materials, Methods, and Directions, by D. J. DiBernanco. 98 p. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, 1948. $1.60. 11. Painting and Decorating Craftsman's Manual and Textbook, by Painting & Decorating Contractors of America. 430 p. , illus. Theo. Audel & Co. , New York, 1949. $2. 12. Professional Furniture Patching, Repairing, and Appliance Touch- Up, by D. Bickel. 90 p. , illus. Industrial Finishing Magazine, Indianapolis, Ind. , 1955. $3. 50 13. Refinishing and Decorating Furniture and Other Home Accessories, by R. G. Mould. 249 p. , illus. Studio Publications, Inc. , New York, 1953. $4.95. 14. Repair and Restoration of Furniture, by J. Rodd. 179 p. , illus. Charles Scribner' s Sons, New York, 1955. $5.95. 15. Revive Your Old Furniture, by L. Sloane. 84 p. , illus. Studio Publications, Inc. , New York, 1943. $2, $1. 50 paper cover. 16. The Science of Modern Wood Finishing, by G. L. Deniston with an introduction by R. F. Ohmer. 386 p. , illus. Research Press, Inc. , Dayton, Ohio, 1949. $6. 17. Wood Finishing and Refinishing, by S. W. Gibbia. 255 p. , illus. D. Van Nostrand Co. , Inc. , New York, 1954. $4. 50. Pamphlets— 18. Finishing Floors, Walls, and Woodwork, by B. Clayton. , 8 p. , illus. Texas Agr. & Mech. Col. Ext. Serv. Circ. No. 112, College Station, Texas, n. d. —List does not include pamphlets published by all universities. Pamphlets are usually available free to residents of State in question. There may be a nominal fee to out-of-State residents. -2- 19. Finishing Wood, Old and New Natural Finish, by R. H. Gardner. 30 p. , illus. Utah State Agr. Col. Ext. Circ. No. 191, Logan, 1953. 20. Furniture Restoration, by G. Thames. 48 p. , illus. New York State Col. of Home Econ. , Cornell Misc. Bull. 23, Ithaca, 1955. 21. Keep Your Furniture at Its Best, by C. A. Beatty. 6 p. , illus. Univ. of Vermont Agr. Ext. Serv. Brieflet No. 867, Burlington, n. d. 22. New Finishes for Old Furniture, by J. C. Brown. 8 p., illus. Iowa State Agr. Ext. Serv. H. E. No. 28, Ames, rev. 1955. 23. Old Furniture Refinished, by G. E. Stratton. 15 p. , illus. Univ. of Connecticut Ext. Serv. Bull. No. 364, Storrs, 1944. 24. Refinishing Furniture, by F. Mason. 19 p. , illus. Maryland Agr. Col. Ext. Bull. No. 148, College Park, 1953. 25. Refinishing Furniture, by M. J. Bentley. 19 p. , illus. Purdue Univ. Agr. Ext. Serv. Leafl. No. 309, Lafayette, Ind. , 1951. 26. Refinishing Furniture, by F. Mason. 19 p. , illus. Delaware Agr. Ext. Bull. No. 62, Newark, 1953. 27. Refinishing Furniture, by M. Fitzgerald and L. Woodruff. 14 p. , illus. Univ. of Missouri Agr. & Ext. Serv. Circ. No. 564, Columbia, 1948. 28. Refinishing Furniture, by W. Starkey. 20 p. , illus. Kansas Agr. Ext. Circ. No. 215, Manhattan, 1953. 29. Refinishing Furniture, by R. J. Peck and J. E. Marion, 20 p. , illus. Michigan State Univ. Coop. Ext. Serv. Bull. No. 295, E. Lansing, 1948. 30. Refinishing Furniture, by W. V. Dowdy, 12 p., illus. Univ. of Georgia Agr. Ext. Serv. Bull. No. 507, Athens, 1944. 31. Refinishing Furniture and Care of Woods, by G. L. Spivey. 16 p. , illus. Oklahoma Agr. & Mech. Col. Ext. Div. Circ. No. 265, Stillwater, n. d. -3- 3 2. Refinishing Furniture at Home, by G. Hoffmann. 7 p., illus. Univ. of Wisconsin Ext. Serv. in Agr. and Home Econ. Stencil Circ. 255, Madison, 1947. 33. Refinishing Old Furniture, by F. E. Wright. 32 p., illus. New York State Col. Agr. Ext. Bull. No. 295, Ithaca, rev. 1952. 34. Refinishing Your Furniture, by C. Kirchner. 8 p. , illus. Univ. of Minnesota Agr. Ext. Serv. Bull. No. 271, St. Paul, rev. 1'954. 35. Rejuvenating Furniture, by V. P. Moore, 12 p., illus. Florida Univ. Agr. Ext. Serv. Circ. No. 80, Gainesville, 1945. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09216 7716 z M 108 018