* c { ^ : r-u^Ti^^-^ ^ U.S. DEP O»tTOftY INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REPORT OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF SAFETY APPLIANCES COVERING THE INVESTIGATION OF AN ACCIDENT WHICH OCCURRED ON THE NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RAILROAD NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. April 24, 1914. To the Commission: On October 25, 1913, there was a derailment of a passenger train on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad near Westerly, R. I., which resulted in the injury of 74 passengers and 3 em- ployees. Investigation of this accident was had in conjunction with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Connecticut, and a public hearing was held at Providence, R. I., on October 31, 1913. As a result of the investigation of this accident I beg to submit the following report : The derailed train was eastbound train No. 26, en route from New York, N. Y., to Boston, Mass. It consisted of three Pullman cars, all equipped with steel underframes, one smoking car, and two coaches, all of wooden construction, hauled by locomotive No. 1309. The train was in charge of Conductor Taber and Engineman Smith. Train No. 26 left Westerly at 9.25 p. m., 14 minutes late, and at about 9.30 p. m. was derailed at a point 1.6 miles east of Westerly while running at a speed estimated to have been between 30 and 35 miles per hour. Neither the engine nor the tender were derailed. With the exception of one wheel on the north rail, all of the wheels under the first Pullman car were derailed, while all the other cars in the train were derailed and came to rest on the south side of the track, some of them extending partly over the embankment. The train broke in two between the second and third cars, the four rear cars being separated from the forward portion of the train a distance of about 150 feet. Illustration No. 1 is a view looking in a westerly direction, and shows the position of the last four cars after the derailment. This part of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad is a double-track line, and trains are operated under the controlled- manual block-signal system. Approaching the point of derailment from the west there are about 2,000 feet of tangent, all on a descend- ing grade of about one-half of 1 per cent. The track is laid with 100-pound steel rails, 33 feet in length, single spiked to 18 or 19 2 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. untreated chestnut, oak, and pine ties, no tie-plates being used on straight track. At the point of derailment the track is on a 12-foot fill, chiefly composed of gravel. The ballast is of gravel varying from 12 to 16 inches in depth. Examination showed this track to be in good condition. It was raining at the time of the derailment. Examination of the equipment of the derailed train showed nothing which in any way could have contributed to the derailment. Exami- nation of the track showed that the first indication of anything: wrong ACCIDENT NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. 3 was a broken. rail on the south side of the track. West of this broken rail there were no marks of any kind upon the rails or ties, while east of the same the ties had been cut and broken by derailed wheels, the track being torn up for a distance of about 600 feet. East of the initial point of derailment the north rail was torn out of alignment for a distance of about 12 rail lengths, while 12 successive rails on the south side were also torn up. Four of these rails on the south side were separated from each other, the bolts at the rail joints having been sheared off. The crew of an eastbound passenger train which passed over this traek less than an hour previous to the derailment testified that they felt no unevenness in the track, and that they did not notice anything which would indicate that there was anything wrong with it. Engineman Smith, of train No. 26, stated that the first thing he noticed was a slight jar or yank. He at once applied the air brakes, and on looking back saw fire flying from underneath the cars. After the accident no defects or damage of any kind were found to exist with respect to the locomotive, and he operated it through to Boston. Fireman Murphy testified that at the time of the derailment he was putting coal on the fire. He did not notice any jar from the driving wheels, being of the opinion that it came from behind the engine. The testimony of the other members of the crew shed no light as to the cause of the accident, their first intimation that there was anything wrong being the shock occasioned by the cars being derailed, coupled with the application of the air brakes. This accident was caused by a broken rail. The investigation to determine the reason for the failure of this rail was conducted b> Mr. James E. Howard, engineer physicist, whose report immediately follows : REPORT OF ENGINEER PHYSICIST. The broken rail which caused the derailment of train No. 26 was a C rail, 100 pounds section, open-hearth steel, of the New York. New Haven & Hartford Railroad's design, manufactured by the Bethlehem Steel Co., April, 1910. heat J-1391. It was laid in the track June 5, 1910, and therefore had been in service for a period of three years and four months at the time of derailment. The rail had the following dimensions : Height 6 inches. Width of head . ' 2f inches. Width of base 5$ inches. Thickness of web finch. Length 33 feet. Moment of inertia 47. IS INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. The specifications for chemical composition governing its manu- facture and the composition reported as having been furnished were : Chemical con- stituents. Called for by the specifi- cations. Carbon 0.70 to 0.83 Manganese 60 to .90 Silicon i .20 Phosphorus .04 Sulphur I Said to have been furnished. 0.80 .76 .183 .033 .046 The specifications called for a drop test in which a 2,000-pound tup should be dropped from a height of 15 feet, the rail resting upon supports 3 feet apart. It was required that the rail should deflect not more than 1.45 inches on the first blow, nor upon fracture display- less than 6 per cent elongation in 1 inch, or 5 per cent in 2 consecu- tive inches. The drop test made on this heat of steel was reported as having shown a deflection of 0.9 inch. This rail showed very little wear as the result of its service in the track. The head retained its shape, and externally the appearance of the rail was good. It fractured in three places at the time of derailment, at distances of 1 foot 10 inches, 4 feet 10 inches, and 6 feet 7 inches, respec- tively, from the leaving end. At the first and third of these places transverse fissures were disclosed measuring in diameter about H inches each. The initial line of fracture was probably that which occurred 6 feet 7 inches from the leaving end. The intermediate fracture, believed to have been a secondary one, did not have a trans- verse fissure. Photograph, figure No. 2, shows the relative positions of these lines of fracture as they were viewed from the gauge side of the rail. The movement of the train on the rail was from right to left, Line of rupture CC was the first to occur, it is thought. The train left the track southerly through the opening made by the three fragments shown on figure No. 2 and the opening made by succeeding rails east of this point. To the west of the line of rupture CC the track remained intact. Subsequent to the derailment an additional fracture was made when removing the rail from the track, at a place about 5^ feet west of line of rupture CC. At this place a transverse fissure 1| inches in diameter was displayed. The rail was then shipped to Providence, where two more transverse fissures were disclosed upon raising one end of the rail and allowing it to fall upon a concrete walk from a height of about 6 feet. These fissures measured If inches and five- eighths inch in diameter, respectively. ACCIDENT NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. In all, five transverse fissures were displayed in the rail, each of which was located on the gauge side of the head. In resume these fissures were located at the following distances from the leaving end of the rail : 1 foot 10 inches, 6 feet 7 inches, 12 feet 1 inch, 17 feet 8 inches, and 21 feet. A second rail, from the same heat as the above, was removed from the track and its structural condition examined. This rail, branded "Bethlehem Open Hearth 100B IIII 10/' was taken from the track adjacent to or near the broken rail. Both were laid at the same time, and each was exposed to the same conditions of service. These rails were tested in part at the Bureau of Standards, while con- tributory work was done at the Washington Navy Yard and bj r the New Haven Railroad at its New Haven laboratory and at the works of the Bethlehem Steel Co- followed by a metallo- graphic examination by Mr. Wirt Tassin. The report of the Bu- reau of Standards upon the chemical composi- 9^JP/I?U0JJ_ CA W£>/p ?// '9JD99/J ^ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. tion of the steel, slag determination, metallographic examination, and tensile tests follows: REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF STANDARDS. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. In Table I are shown the results of chemical analysis of rails 1 and 2 taken at three places. Table I. Location. Car- bon. Sul- phur. Phos- phorus. Man- ganese. Sili- con. Nickel. Oxides and slag. Chro- mium. Rail 1: Near running surface of head Junction of web and head Flange of base 0.83 .82 .84 .8.3 .85 .84 0.039 .040 .043 .040 .041 .039 0.063 .061 .063 .058 .060 .059 0.78 .79 .79 .79 .79 .80 0.166 .164 .166 .157 .147 .152 0.081 .049 .069 .29 .27 .29 / 0.11 \ .23 I .14 \ .26 / -17 \ .19 .07 .04 .07 0.05 .05 .04 .05 Rail 2: Near running surface of head Junction of web and head .02 .03 .02 It will be noted that the two rails, barring slag, are practically of identical composition. The agreement between the three positions in each rail is also good, except with respect to nickel and slag in No. 1, showing no apprecia- ble segregation, if any, of the chemical constituents. The difference as to nickel may be due to errors of analysis where such small amounts are concerned, and are probably without significance. Attention should be called to the values reported for slag and the question of slag and oxide analysis in general. The methods used for both are very unsatisfactory, in that we have no real knowl- edge that they are reliable, but a good deal of reason to believe that they fail to tell us what they purport to tell. That is to say, in the ase of slag we do not know if all slag is obtained by the method used, i. e., insolubility in iodine, or how much of what may be re- ported as slag is such. For instance, in the present case, the silica percentage in the slag found in No. 1 does not exceed 20 per cent, by actual test of several samples. This means less than 50 per cent of silicate slag, if all the silica comes from that ; but if any iron sili- cide is included in the silica found, the slag percentage should be lowered by an indeterminate amount. Again, this slag (ignited) carries about 9.8 per cent P 2 O s , which we may suppose to have belonged to iron phosphide. If so, and if the composition of the phosphide is Fe 3 P, and if again this became converted during ignition to Fe 2 O s and P 2 5 , we must deduct the oxygen corresponding to this change, which in the present in- stance would be 14.5 per cent. ACCIDENT NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. 7 Still again, the slag contained a little chromium in unknown con- dition. Allowing for the maximum amount of real (silicate) slag permissible as deduced from the silica percentage and of iron silicide and phosphide, there remains a large probable deficiency, which may perhaps be made up by oxide of iron or some oxide other than one of manganese, which element is not present in the slag from either rail (calcium is also absent). If the slag carried carbide and silicide of iron, the iron and silicon of these would be left after ignition as Fe^C^ and SiO.,. The variations in slag noted for rail 1 may be due to actual local variations in slag content or perhaps in part to uncer- tain analysis. It is probable that the slag analyses are comparable for the two rails, since these are otherwise of very exactly the same composition. It is of interest to note that the rail No. 1 which failed in service had three or four times as much slag as the other rail from the same heat in the same track, suggesting a greater inherent weakness refer- le to this cause. METALLOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION. A section of rail No. 1 was cut 5 inches back of break, 12 feet from receiving end, polished and etched electrolytically by being made the anode in a bath of ammonium chloride. By this treatment the areas of segregation are shown by dark spots and streaks. Figure No. 3 shows the appearance of the section after this treatment. The web sIioavs a considerable amount of segregation, but the metal of head and base is not seriously affected. A section of rail No. 2 treated in the same way shows a structure nearly identical with that of rail No. 1, as shown on the same figure. The amount of segregation shown by these two sections may be regarded as typical and appears to bear no intimate relation to the formation of the transverse fissures found in rail No. 1. Sections for microscopic examination were taken from head, web and base of each of the two rails. The metal in the head was ex- amined both from the gauge side and opposite portion. Except for an increase of grain size in the head and occasional slag threads, the structure is very uniform throughout. As near as can be judged, the microstructure of the two rails is identical. The metal consists of an intimate mixture of pearlite crystals, i. e., saturated or eutectoid steel. The method of etching used, 2 per cent nitric acid in alcohol, darkens the pearlite ; the lighter appearance of many of the crystals is due to the different reflection of the light caused by the orientation of the crystals. In the interstices between many of the crystals are areas of very coarse pearlite. Such areas are numerous and are found scattered uniformly throughout the whole mass. In these areas the two con- stituents of pearlite (ferrite or pure iron and cementite or carbide of 8 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. iron) are in particles of sufficient size (i. e., plates) that the weaken- ing effect upon the metal as a whole must be appreciable. These areas can not be well represented in a photomicrograph of 100 diameters magnification. They appear as small light-colored grains. After annealing, these interstitial pearlite areas are more pro- nounced and distinct. •J & ■3 « i °-S ■go a s c3 _ S 03 « ~ o . (S T3 o s d 2; 3 * el .&•- o e ^ >- End views A and B in figure No. 4 show the typical appearance of the transverse fissures abundant in the head of rail No. 1. No fis- sures were found other than on gauge side of the rail. The metal im- mediately adjacent to such fissures was examined in detail. Sections ACCIDENT NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. 41897—14 2 10 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. were taken perpendicular to the face of the fissure and the metal im- mediately back of the break examined. It was not found to differ materially in structure or constituents from that of the rail as a whole. Photomicrographs C and D show the structure of the metal just back of fissures at breaks 12 feet and 15 feet 4 inches, respectively, from the receiving end of the rail. It consists of the same mixture of pearlite crystals as is found throughout the body of the rail. There appears to be no unusual segregation of slag or foreign inclusions to be found here. Specimens were taken from each of the two rails after annealing a section of the head of each. The occurrence and distribution of in- terstitial areas of coarsely laminated pearlite are here more evident. Both rails show considerable free cementite, which has coalesced as boundaries of the grains as a result of the annealing process. Cement- ite is the carbide of iron, F 3 C, and is the hard, brittle constituent of high-carbon steels (annealed) and cast irons. It occurs here, not uniformly distributed throughout, but is more or less segregated. A sample was taken from rail No. 1 after annealing just back of the face of one of the transverse fissures. The specimen shows consid- erable quantities of free cementite. The estimated carbon content of such spots is over 1 per cent. The amount of cementite found in specimens from rail No. 1 was considerably more than in the samples from rail No. 2. This, however, may be only fortuitous. Before an- nealing, such free cementite can not be detected with certainty be- cause it exists as isolated particles which, during annealing, coalesce to form the grain boundaries and also because the metal contains in- clusions of various natures which, under the conditions, can not be dif- ferentiated from the cementite particles with certainty. The chemical analysis indicates a carbon Content of (0.82) or very slightly different from the eutectoid composition (0.85). The occur- rence of so much free cementite may be attributed to the restraining action of the manganese content. The carbon is retained in the con- dition normally characteristic of a steel of higher carbon content. Such steel will have properties approximating those of the steel whose true carbon content is equal to the apparent content of the steel under discussion. Tensile samples which had been cut from rail No. 2 were submitted after having received the heat treatment stated in the tabulation of the tensile tests. The structure, so far as can be distinguished under the microscope, is the same in all. They are all in the indefinite stage, sorbite, preceding the revolution into pearlite, which takes place in the critical range. The tempering temperatures were not chosen at wide enough intervals to show any decided structural change. The critical or recalescence point of this steel was determined to be about 1250° F. The very coarse-grained structure of the rail is due to rolling at a temperature very much higher than the critical range. ACCIDENT NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. 11 The weakening effect of slag associated with coarse structure would have been lessened by rolling and finishing at lower temperatures. '«/«-- s^p""" WKtKmS^ ; 1 • ipsa . . •.'•i.V' C D No. 5. — A. View of one of the coarse interstitial pearlite areas, rail No. 1; magnification 250 diame- ters; etched with 2 per cent nitric acid. Such areas are very numerous throughout the body of the rail and must exert an appreciable weakening effect upon the whole. B. Section from head of rail No. 1, after annealing; magnification 250 diameters; etching, hot sodium picrate. In the unannealed specimens the free cementite does not occur in the form of definite cell boundaries. These are caused by the coalescing of smaller particles during the annnealing process. The indefinite dark circular spots are the cut ends of the slag threads and not free cementite. C Photomicrograph from the base of rail No. 1, section parallel to the rolling; magnification 100 diameters; etching, 2 per cent alcohol solution of nitric acid. The structure is a jumbled mass of pearlite crystals. The long dark streaks are slag threads. There are coarse interstitial pearlite areas. (The photomicrographs of the head and web showed similar structure, i D. Photomicrograph of tensile specimen from head of rail No. 2, after heat treatment, quenched in oil from temperature of 1,400° F. and drawn at 1,250° F. Magnification 250 diameters. All five heat-treated specimens have sorbitic structure. SUMMARY. 1. No unusual segregation of impurities is found. 2. The structure throughout the section of the rail is very uniform. 12 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. 3. The metal immediately, adjacent to the " transverse fissures " appears to be of the same nature as throughout the rest of the rail. 4. No unusual segregation of impurities or " slag " can be associated with the transverse fissures ; " slag streaks," however, are present here in the usual numbers as are found throughout the rest of the head. 5. The occurrence of the interstitial areas of very coarse pearlite must have an appreciable weakening effect upon the metal as a whole. 6. The occurrence of free cementite, which in itself is a weak, brittle constituent, is a serious defect and may have a direct bearing on the formation of the "'transverse fissures " developed in rails of such com- position. Tensile tests. SPECIMENS FROM RAIL NO. 1. Description. Diameter. Sectional area. Elastic limit. Tensile strength. Elonga- tion. Contrac- tion of area. Remarks. Inches. 1.129 1.129 1.129 .505 .505 .505 .505 .505 .505 .505 .505 Sq. in. 1.00 1.00 1.00 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 Pounds per sq. in. Pounds persq.in. 60, 000 78, 600 77, 300 135,500 91,000 145, 800 145,500 146,300 148, 700 146,000 142, 000 Per cent. (') (') (') 4.5 (') 11.0 12.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 10.0 Per cent. (') (') W 4.5 C 1 ) 17.0 17.0 9.0 15.0 15.0 14.5 ture. Head of rail, outside half from west end. Do 60,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65, 000 65,000 65,000 Do. Do. Head of rail, from west end, near center of head. Head of rail, from west end, outside of head. Web of rail, from west end — Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Base of rail, from west end Do Do. Do. Do Do. Do Do. 1 Inappreciable. SPECIMENS FROM RAIL NO. 2. 1. 129 1.00 49, 800 9.0 t 1 ) 12.5 .505 .20 65,000 144, 400 Do. .505 .505 .505 .505 .505 1.128 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 1.00 65, 000 70, 000 65,000 70,000 70, 000 60, 000 77, 500 140, 800 147,000 149, 000 150,400 66, 300 1.0 3.0 10.5 11.0 10.0 0) .5 3.5 13.5 15.5 15.0 0) Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Head of rail, middle of, an- ( 2 ) nealed. Head forged down and an- nealed. 1.129 1.00 95,400 1.6 0) ( 3 ) Head forged down to 1-inch diameter, annealed, re- heated to 1,400° F., and quenched in oil, then drawn as described: Drawn at 1,000° F .505 .20 105,000 150, 800 15.5 37.5 Silkv. 1,080° F .505 .20 90,000 148,000 17.0 42.0 Do. 1,150° F .505 .20 95,000 148,900 17.0 41.0 Do. 1,200° F .505 .20 95,000 150, 850 18.0 38.0 Do. 1,250° F .505 .20 100,000 144, 000 16.0 37.0 Do. 1 Inappreciable. - Oranular blue-black spot § by \ inch. :i Granular; broke in head at root of thread. ACCIDENT NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. 13 DROP TESTS AT THE WORKS OF THE MARYLAND STEEL CO. Drop tests were made at the works of the Maryland Steel Co. on one piece of rail No. 1 and two pieces of rail No. 2. Prior to these tests the second rail was broken in several places by bending loads applied in the testing machine at the Bureau of Standards, but none of the fractured surfaces showed transverse fissures. The drop tests were made with the rail sections head up, supports 3 feet apart, 2,000 pounds tup, height of fall 15 feet. The rails were tested at a tem- perature of 90 degrees. Rail No. 1 sustained the first blow without rupture, showing a de- flection of 0.84 inch. It broke on the second blow, with an extension of the metal of G per cent. The sections from the second rail each broke on the first blow, neither developing appreciable extension. The appearance of these pieces is shown by figure No. 6. The upper rail in the cut represents No. 1. The middle and lower sections were those from rail No. 2. It will be noted that rail No. 1, which failed in the track and caused the derailment of train No. 26, successfully passed the prescribed drop test, displaying an extension of 6 per cent as required, while the sec- ond rail, which failed to meet the drop test, did not fail in the track. The fracture near the bolt holes of one section of rail No. 2, was secondary, occurring when this fragment struck the bed of the drop testing machine succeeding the blow of the tup. The section of rail No. 2, represented by the lower figure of the cut, did not fracture under the place directly struck by the tup, but sheared out a fragment 22 inches long, symmetrical with the supports. In prescribing only 6 per cent extension of the metal under the drop test, as an index of the ultimate ductility of the steel, it may be said that such extension, developed as it is under transverse stress, is not far above the zero limit of ductility. In the milder grades of steel the extension under transverse stresses commonly exceeds many times that witnessed in the tensile tests of the metal. In these two rails the reverse was true. The 2-inch tensile specimens from the bases of these rails showed 10 and 11 per cent extension, which, equated for specimens of greater length of uniform section, would still be more than the extension in the drop test of rail No. 1, which was 6 per cent, while No. 2 failed with zero extension. The mechanical work required to rupture steels of high elastic limit but incapable of permanent set is small compared with the work re- quired to rupture mild steels which display the extension usual in structural steels. If the indications of the present tests are confirmed and it is found that rails normally of limited extension tend to fail under the effect of rapidly applied loads without appreciable set, 14 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. ACCIDENT NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. 15 this feature in the use of hard steels will demand early considera- tion, in which striking velocities and temperatures of the rail should be included. The striking velocity of the tup with 15 feet height of drop, as prescribed in current specifications, is a low velocity compared with ordinary train speeds. TESTS BY THE NEW YORK, NEW II.W i:\ d HARTFORD h' ULROAD CO. The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. conducted an examination, which comprised tensile tests, chemical analyses, metal- lographic examination, and drop teste, the later at the works of the Bethlehem Steel Co., other parts at its New Haven laboraory. In addition to supplying data confirming the information from other sources, this examination resulted in showing the presence of a con- siderable number of incipient fissures in the head of rail No. 1, at places where the ordinary manifestations of transverse fissures were not in evidence. That is, the fissures had not reached the advanced stage in which they would ordinarily be detected by visual inspection. Deep etching, with nitric and hydrochloric acids, developed short transverse cracks or incipient fissures which were thus rendered plainly visible to the eye. They ranged in length from a few hun- dredths of an inch to three-eighths inch. So far as could be judged the zone of greatest structural disturbance was in the head over the gauge side of the web and toward the gauge side. The etching being very deep not unlikely brought into view fissures which originally were less easily discerned. A group of these incipient fissures is shown in figure No. 7, (a) and (b). The fissures are here shown about natural size, the same group appearing in both (a) and (b). In the latter they are partially ob- literated by rough polishing the surface while removing some longi- tudinal scratches and introducing others. The location of the zone in which these fissures were found leads to the inference that we are here examining the same class of phenomenon witnessed in the larger transverse fissures, which ultimately result in the complete fracture of the rail. If such is the case, structurally, a more general disinte- grating effect has been brought about than indicated by the display of transverse fissures in the rail — that is, influences which tend toward the formation of transverse fissures are not localized at those places only where fissures have reached an advanced stage of development. 16 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. 03 „ t 6 .9 5 2 * ft *i 5 ft W 2 gl § « g ,&S E u 5 ft ago >-< ^ a) [ » i- ACCIDENT NEAE WESTERLY, E. I., ON OCTOBEE 25, 1913. 17 Other rails were taken from service by the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co., and used in this examination. One, an E rail, designated as No. 10, was taken from the track under the sup- position that it belonged to the same heat of steel as No. 1, which caused the derailment. Analysis, however, showed that it came from another heat. Check analysis at the steel works showed the follow- ing composition : Carbon, O.S3. Manganese, 0.49. Phosphorus, 0.020. Sulphur, 0.052. This rail did not break, as others had, when lifted with a magnet and dropped bodily from a height of 9^ feet. When ruptured under the regular drop test, head up, three breaks were made, each of which were reported as having shown clean metal, free from trans- verse fissures. A test of the metal from the gauge side of the head showed a tensile strength of 122,000 pounds per square inch, with a contraction of area of 20 per cent. The Bethlehem Steel Co. in reporting upon the examination of the material pertaining to this inquiry state: As in all other cases of rails developing transverse fissures in the head, no segregation of any kind was found in the rails to account for this defect. There was no difference found between the inicrostructure of the core of the fissures, the bright parts of the fissure, or any other part of the rail. All fissures occurred on the gauge side of the head of the rails. A rail rolled in the same year and month and branded the same as rail No. 1, but which had not been used in the track, was taken from a spare rail post and cut up for examination. The chemical composition of this rail was found to be : Carbon, 0.84. Manganese, 0.87. Phosphorus, 0.037. Sulphur, 0.025. A tensile specimen of 1 square inch sectional area and 10 inches long, taken from the center of the head, gave the following results : Elastic limit, 60,000 pounds per square inch. Tensile strength. 148,000 pounds per square inch. Elongation, 6.3 per cent. Contraction of area, 6.9 per cent. Appearance of fracture, granular. Sections of several rails included in this inquiry were cut out for photographic purposes, metallographic examination and check de- termination of the carbon at the Washington Navy Yard. Metallo- graphic examination was made by Mr. Wirt Tassin, with the assist- ance of Mr. Paul E. McKinney. 18 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. REPORT OF METALLOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION BY MR. WIRT TASSIN. The material examined included two specimens identified as " Westerly Kail No. 1, which failed in the track," with five specimens identified as " Rail No. 10, which had been in service, but did not fail in the track." All work done was metallographic. WESTERLY KAIL NO. 1, WHICH FAILED IN THE TRACK. Figures 8a, 8b, and 8c show macroscopic transverse fissures in the rail head, as seen at a magnification of 8, on a specimen taken from the " west end " of the rail. They are plainly visible to the unaided eye and are not associated with slag, sulphide, or oxide areas, nor are they accompanied by segregations of any kind. Sb Sc No. 8. — Macroscopic transverse fissures in the head of rail No. 1, near its west end. Magnifi- cation 8 diameters. Fissures are not associated with slag, sulphide, or oxide areas, nor accompanied by segregations of any kind. ACCIDENT NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. 19 Figure 9a, at a magnification of 315, using a B. and L. 8 mm. objective and a 15x eyepiece, shows a transverse microscopic fissure as seen on a longitudinal section cut from the " east end " of the rail and located at about the upper center of the head. The fissure could be readily traced for a distance of 1 mm., 0. 1574s inch. Figure 9b, at a similar magnification, is another transverse fissure whose length could be traced for 11 mm., 0.43807 inch. Figure 9c, at a magnification of 315, shows a typical area of incipient fissures. r ■.% 9b No. 9. Microscopic transverse fissures from head of rail No. 1, near its east end; magnification 313 diameters. 9a was traced for a length of 0.157 inch. 9b for a length of 0.433 inch. 9c shows a typical area of incipient fissures. These fissures are not associated with and have no rela- tionlto any areas of sulphide, slag, or other inclusions. 20 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. In each instance it will be noted that these fissures are not asso- ciated with and have no relation to any areas of sulphide, slag, and other inclusions. This is further shown in figures 10a, 10b, and 10c, which are at the same magnification and show seams of such inclu- sions with a complete freedom from microscopic or incipient fissures. The general structure of the rail is sorbitic. There is little or no lamellar pearlite, no free cementite or ferrite. The sulphide, slag, and oxide areas are small and sparingly distributed. There are no segregations. . -: 10b 10c No. 10. Showing slag and sulphide seams in head of rail No. 1. Magnification 315 diameters. At these seams there was complete freedom from microscopic or incipient fissures. ACCIDENT NEAR WESTERLY, R. I., ON OCTOBER 25, 1913. 21 RAIL NO. 10, WHICH HAD BEEN IN SERVICE BUT DID NOT FAIL IN THE TRACK. Figure 11 is a sketch showing the location in the rail of the sections •xainined. {jduge 5/c/e