S. R. A. — B. S. 57. Issued September, 1923. United States Department of Agriculture. SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. HUNTING MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS ON COLD SPRINGS RESER- VATION, OREG. ORDER. Washington, D. C., August 2, 1923. Until further order, subject to the provisions of the migratory- bird treaty act of July 3, 1918 (40 Stat. 755), and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and subject to the provisions of the laws of the State of Oregon, migratory waterfowl may be hunted on lands of the United States within the exterior boundary of that por- tion of the Cold Springs Reservation in the State of Oregon (set apart and reserved as breeding grounds for native birds by Execu- tive Order Xo. 1032, dated February 25, 1909) described as the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quarter of sec- tion 12, in township 4 north, range 29 east, Willamette meridian: Provided, however, That such hunting shall be done only with shot- guns not exceeding Xo. 10 gauge; and that the use of rifles or other firearms shooting ball cartridges anywhere within this reservation is prohibited. C. W. PUGSLEY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. 62416—23 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS — -eerpKNMENT printing office V OF Pi- VA^ASHINGTOlt, D. C oo^fe^-^ L AT L 5 CENTS PER COPY ... " — \ PURCHASER AGREES NOT tO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS 'COPY FOR PROWT.-n»UB. RES. 57^ APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 uITdepository 3 1262 09218 5072