United States Department of Agriculture Extension Service Cooperative State Research Service Agricultural Research Service Guidelines for Integrated Reproduction Management (IRM) A Problem-Solving Concept for Increasing Food Aninnal Reproductive Efficiency These guidelines were developed by the Regional IRM Planning and Developnnent Committees, June 22, 1983, St. Louis, Missouri. Integrated Reproduction Management Integrated Reproduction Managennent (IRM) is a problem-solving concept. It originated as a means of better using the total research, extension, and resident instruction capacity in the United States for solving complex food animal reproduction problems. Increased emphasis on the improvement of reproductive efficiency has wide support in both production and scientific communities. The IRM approach to the solution of problems facing the producer has gained wide support among all major food-animal commodity organizations. For the concept to have increased merit when compared to existing programs, integration must occur across and among disciplines and colleges— extension with research, and agency with agency. Also, all planning and conduct of programs must be with the in- timate involvement of the industry(s) being served. For more than 2 years, an IRM Coordinating Panel has functioned at the national level; while, in each of the four State Extension Ser- vice and State Experiment Station regions, 6-member Regional IRM Planning and Development committees have worked with the states to lay the groundwork for an IRM program. Several states now are organized to meet planning needs. Meetings of the regional and na- tional planning and coordinating groups resulted in the develop- ment of these guidelines. They are to be used to establish IRM proj- ects and to serve as an aid in further planning and development at state, regional, and national levels. The future of IRM is dependent on federal and state funding and the agreed-upon procedures for use of multi-source funds as they become available. March 1984 Guidelines for Establishing an Integrated Reproduction Management (IRM) Program Definition and Criteria Integrated Reproduction Management (IRM) is a cooperative in- dustry and land-grant university-USDA multidlsciplinary approach to the identification and solution of problenns that decrease the reproductive efficiency of food-producing aninnals. This attempt to solve specific reproductive problems is designed to more effectively combine the personnel and resources of land-grant universities, departments, and USDA agencies. The essential criteria for an IRM approach to problem-solving are: • Documented evidence of industry input in establishing priorities, planning and implementing the project. • A multidisciplined approach, using expertise from state and USDA research and extension organizations, and cooperation of other sources, as needed, for an effective solution to the problem. • A time table related to the planned approach to the problem and evidence of the means to measure progress. • Joint research-extension-industry plans for disseminating the information obtained and implementation of the technology developed. Sequence for Organization and Planning 1. Organize your committee. The IRM structure, at the state level, is a multidlsciplinary, interorganizational, planning and develop- ment committee with producer input at all levels. In establishing the committee, lines of communication with federal, state, local producer, research, and extension organizations must be devel- oped. Members must be capable individuals interested in plan- ning and organizing anticipated IRM efforts related to the state's needs. An industry representative should co-chair the committee with a representative of research or extension. Intrastate and multistate committees should be organized the same way. 2. Select a species reproduction problem and agree upon attainable objectives. This phase of planning and selection may be con- ducted at the local, state, multistate, regional, or national level, as dictated by the scope of the problem. 3. Clearly define and agree upon responsibilities of all participants as their function relates to elements of the project outline. 4. Provide a means for establishing benchmark data (present condi- tions) as indicated in Item X of the project outline. 5. Establish responsibility and procedure for immediate transfer and application of new technology developed. 6. To protect cooperating producers, a written contract of agree- ment is suggested. It should cover nuisance fees, disclaimers, liability insurance, and other provisions as needed. 7. Assist in securing funding for the initiation and completion of the project. IRM Project Outline Species I. Project number and title: II. Location: III. Abstract of proposal: IV. Objectives: V. Duration, including date of initiation: VI. Justification for an IRM approach, including poten- tial benefits to industry: VII. Related ongoing research and/or extension at institu- tion, if any, including per- sonnel Involved: VIII. Project personnel, includ- ing discipline, location, and involving: A. Research: SAES and ARS B. Extension: C. Resident Instruction: D. Industry Representa- tives: IX. Farms or ranches cooperat- ing; include contact person: X. Level of performance re- lated to problem and objec- tives on participating farms or ranches, including a data base and its reliability: XI. Experimental and/or demon- strational procedure, includ- ing: • responsibility of person- nel • communication between cooperators • a time table. XII. Role and responsibilities of cooperating procedures. XIII. Needed contracts or agree- ments with cooperating producers. XIV. Individuals responsible and the means for communica- tion of results and conclu- sions: A. Types of and projected dates of publications: 1. Scientific journal publications (authors): 2. Extension publica- tion (authors): 3. Industry newsletter (authors): B. Industry applications: XV. Budget: A. Annual and total, by agency or functioning unit: B. Budget justification: XVI. Signatures of authorizing personnel; i.e., administra- tors, cooperators, etc. Regional IRM Planning and Development Committees Northeastern Region Dr. C. S. Card, Head Dept of Veterinary Science Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 814/865-7696 Dr. D. G. Fox, Assoc. Professor Dept of Animal Science Frank B. Morrison Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 607/256-7712 Dr. W. A. Shimel Director of Extension Service University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405 802/656-2990 Dr. A. M. Smith, Associate Director Agricultural Experiment Station University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405 802/656-2980 Dr. H. H. Hawk USDA-Agricultural Research Service Room 6, BIdg 200, BARC-East Beltsville, MD 20705 301/344-2836 Dr. T. Sexton USDA-Agricultural Research Service Room 31 -A, BIdg 262, BARC-East Beltsville, MD 20705 301/344-2545 North Central Region Dr. L R. Corah, Assoc. Professor Dept of Animal Sciences & Industry Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506 913/532-6131 Dr. J. J. Ford Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center P.O. Box 166 Clay Center, NE 68933 402/762-3241 Dr. A. D. Leman Large Animal Clinical Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN 55108 612/373-1633 Dr. Leo E. Lucas Director of Extension Service University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68583 402/472-2966 Dr. P. A. O'Berry Director National Animal Disease Center Ames, lA 50010 515/232-0250 Dr. Bill Pfander, Assoc. Director College of Agriculture for Res. University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211 314/882-7488 Southern Region Western Region Dr. R. F. Barnes, Administrator USDA-Agricultural Research Service 701 Loyola Avenue P.O. Box 53326 New Orleans, LA 70153 504/589-6753 or 632-6753 Dr. J. R. Beverly Extension Reproduction Specialist Dept of Animal Science Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843 713/845-3579 Dr. J. H. Britt Dept of Animal Science North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27650 919/737-2768 Dr. R. R. Kraeling Richard Russell Agricultural Research Center P.O. Box 5677 College Station Road Athens, GA 30601 404/250-2425 Dr. C. O. Little Agricultural Experiment Station University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546 606/257-2833 Mr. Shirley H. Phillips Assoc Director of Extension Service University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546 606/257-3333 Dr. R. A. Bellows Director U.S. Range Livestock Experiment Station Miles City, MT 59301 406/232-4971 Mr. Ed P. Duren Extension Livestock Specialist University of Idaho P.O. Box 29 Soda Springs, ID 83276 208/547-4354 Dr. C. C. Kaltenbach Agricultural Experiment Station University of Wyoming Laramie, WY 82071 307/766-3667 Dr. G. D. Niswender Dept of Physiology and Biophysics College of Vet Med & Biomed Sci Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 303/491-7051 Dr. R. D. Plowman USDA-Agricultural Research Service Utah State University Logan, UT 84322 801/750-2249 Dr. J. O. Young Director of Extension Service Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164 509/335-2511 IRM Coordinating Panel Members UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08155 432 Dr. Dixon D. Hubbard USDA-Extension Service Room 5525-South BIdg 14th & Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250 202/447-2677 Dr. Howard Teaque USDA-Cooperative State Research Service Room 219-West Auditors BIdg Washington, D.C. 20251 202/447-3847 Dr. Roger J. Gerrits USDA-Agricultural Research S6rvic6 Room 233, BIdg 005, BARC-W Beltsville, MD 20705 301/344-3066 Mr. Jesse Ostroff USDA-National Agricultural Library Room 300-NAL Beltsville, MD 20705 301/344-3704 National Pork Producers Council Dr. David Meisinger Director of Research and Education P.O. Box 10383 Des Moines, lA 50306 515/223-2600 National Cattlemen's Association Dr. Don Nelson Vice President of Policy Coordination P.O. Box 2469 Englewood, CO 80155 303/694-0305 National Wool Growers Association Dr. Bud Turner Box 793 Watervalley, TX 76958 915/484-3329 Southeastern Poultry and Egg Association Mr. Harold E. Ford Executive Vice President 1456 Church Street Decatur, GA 30030 404/377-6465 National Turkey Federation Mr. David Goldenberg Director of Industry Relations 11319 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 22090 703/435-7206 National Dairy Herd Improvement Association Inc. Mr. Richard S. Sechrist Executive Secretary 3021 East Dublin-Granville Road Columbus, OH 43210 614/890-3630