June 1949 ?j -77C United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine LABORATORY TESTS OF TOXICITY OF SOME ORGANIC COMPOUNDS TO THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER, 1940 TO 1948 By D. D. Questel, Division of Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations, and S. I. Gertler, Division of Insecticide Investigations This report contains the results of laboratory tests with various organic compounds against newly hatched larvae of the European corn borer ( Pyrausta nubjlalis (Hbn.)) at Toledo, Ohio, during the period 1940 to 1948. Similar tests on other compounds have been reported in publications E-557, E-612, E-620, and E-707 of this Bureau. All the compounds tested were supplied by the Division of Insecticide Investi- gations • The care and handling of moths, eggs, and larvae and the technique employed in conducting these tests are described in E-557. The compounds were applied as sprays on fresh green cauliflower or corn leaves. All compounds except alpha-cyano-N-me thy lace tamide had been ground with an equal weight of clay. In the initial tests either 4 or 8 pounds of the mixture was used per 100 gallons of water containing l/3 pound of a sodium monosulfonate of butylphenylphenol as a wetting agent. Materials showing high mortality in the initial tests were retested at lower strengths, and all larvae were given an opportunity to feed for 48 hours before mortality readings were taken. Results of these tests are given in table 1. Technical and purified grades of l,l,l-trichloro-2,2-bis(p_-fluorophenyl)' ethane gave 100 percent mortality at concentrations as low as l/2 pound of the mixture per 100 gallons of water. The technical grade was tested in the field on sweet corn against the borer in 1947. Borer reductions of 98.2 and 98.3 percent in stalks and ears, respectively, were obtained. The percent of borer-free stalks was 94 as compared with 4 in the non- treated plots. Although some slight injury to the corn plant was observed from the use of this compound, the plants fully recovered and there was no apparent reduction in yield. Table 1.— Toxicity to the Suropaaa corn borer of organic compound* tested at different rates in water suspensions Compound Isperi- mental mixture per 100 gallonei/ Larvae used in treaty aenti/ Average mortality of larroe Treated^/ Not treated Pounds Humtcr Percent Percent 1,1,1-Trichloro- 2 , 2-bis ( £-f luoro- phenyl) ethane ( C 6 H A F )2 CHCC1 3 Purified U 2 1 1/2 iA 1^9 13a 121 3^ 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 9* (O-l) k k k k k Technical k 2 1 1/2 168 1^5 13S «3 27 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 100 (0) 93 (0*1) k k h k k o^Chlorobenzoic acid 2- 8 124 100 (0) phenylhydrazide CgH^MHHHCOO^H^Cl 2-Chloro-H, M-dii sopropyl- benzamide ClC 6 H) i+ C0N(CH(GE 3 )2)2 2, 1 4-Dichloro-l* , ~ ni t rob enzanil i de Cl 2°6 H 3 0OHHC 6% li0 2 tranfr-alpha, 4, 4 *- Trichloro stilbene C1C 6 %CC1:CHC 6 %C1 be ta-Pinene-c arbon tetrachloride QV}$ Cl) 2,U-Dichloro-.&. i sopropylb en zamide C1 2 C 6 H,C0KHCH( GH,) 2 l/ The concentration of the compound is one-half the concentration shown. 2/ There was much feeding unless indicated otherwise by figures in parentheses: (0) none; (1) little; (2) moderate; (3) much. 2/ Approximately the same number of larvae were used in the nontreated checks. k 2 1 1/2 ioi 124 7* 97 (0) 52 (2) U (2-3) .8 .8 .8 .8 8 k 2 103 7* (0-2) 20 7 2 2 2 2 1 285 116 163 7M1) UO (2) 7 8 u 7* (2) 25 8 k Si 56 2 •7 2 51 2 .7 -J- Table 1.— (Continued) Compound Experi- mental mixture per 100 / gallons^/ Larvae used in treafc-7 ment^/ Average mortality of larvae Treated 2/ Not treated dl-H.U'-Tetrechlorobi- benzyl ClCgK^CHClCHClCfcH^Cl 3,*M)ichlorobenzoic acid 2-phenylhydr azi de Pounds k 1 8 Humber 232 12>+ 139 Percent 51 (2) 35 (2-3) Percent .8 2 t 4-Di chloro-B, H-dii sopropyl- 8 benzamide k C1 2 C 6 H 3 C0N(CH(CE 3 ) 2 ) 2 2 2 t 3 , ,H-Trichlorobenzanilide 8 c l2 c 6 H 3 COHHC 6% c l * 2 t 4 t M-Trichlorobenzanilide 8 C1 2 C 6 H 3 OONHC 6 H 4 C1 ^ 88 75 86 % 97 2,H-Dichlorobenzoic acid 2-pkenylby drazi de CgHgMHNHCOCgH-jClg 8 1*7 31 (0-3) 2* (2) 2 22 (1-3) 2 22 (1-3) 2 a .9 .9 .9 2 2 2 2 2 2 .8 2,4-Dichloro-H- propy lben z amide Cl 2 C 6 H 3 0ONHC 3 H 7 8 k 2 102 35 16 6 6 .7 .7 .7 cie-alpha, *, U «-Trichloro- stilbene ClCgE\CCl; CHCgH^Cl k 155 16 (2-3) 2, 4-Dlchloro-H-etbylbeniemide ClgCgH-jCOHHC^ 8 105 12 .8 H-Chloro-3 *-ni tro- benzanilide ClC^CCNHCgH^BOg 8 93 9 (2) .8 2,U-Dlthiobiuret HH 2 CSNHCSNH2 8 166 9 Table 1.— (Continued) Compound Experi- mental mixture per ICO galloni^ ment lA Larrae ueed In treat- ▲rerage mortality of larrae ,/ Hot MX Treated^/ treated dl-alpha, alpha, alpha *-H, U U Pentachlorobibenayl ClC 6 Hj|CHCl CC1 2 C^C1 2, U-Dl chloroben toylpiperldlne CH 2 ( CH 2 )^HC0C 6 H 3 C1 2 Benzoic acid, o-benzaoido- phenyl eater C^HcCOHHC^H^OO CC^fi^ 3, U-Di chloro-I, B-dli eopropyl- benzamide Cl2C 6 H 3 COH( CH( CH 3 ) 2 ) 2 Pounde 8 k 2 Humber 159 82 105 146 64 146 j-Chlorobenzolc acid, penta— 4 chlorophenyl ester ClC^COOC^Clc H.H-Dilsobutyl-^-nltrobensaaide 8 B0 2 C 6 H^CON( CH 2 CH( CH3) 2 ) 2 64 89 Percent 8 2 Percent .8 .8 E-Butyl-3, 4-dichlorobanzamide ClgC^H-jOOHHO^ U 188 6 k 2, 2 1 , U-Trichlorobenxanllide ClgC^H-jCONHC^E^Cl 8 1*5 5 .8 4-Chlo ro-o--bonzo t oluidlde ClC^H^ COHHCgH^ CH, k 122 5 .8 2, 4-Dichloro-*-cyclohexyl- banzaaide Cl 2 C 6 H 3 CONHC 6 H ll 8 66 k .8 k l-Bromo-2, 4-dichloro- benzanilide Cl 2 CgH,0ONHC^%Br 8 90 k 2 H- imy 1-3 , **— d i chlo rob en z am i de Cl 2 C 6 H 3 CONEC 5 H ll 8 132 h .8 -5- T a ble 1. — (Continued) Compound Experi- mental mixture per 100 . gallons^/ Larvae used in treat-, ment 5/ 4 f 4«-Dichloro8tilbene ClCgH^CHj CHC^H^Cl Jomaric acid, bis(]>-chloro- phenyl)ester ClCgH^OCOCH: CHCOOC5H4CI 2 • , 4, 5 '-Trichlorob enzanilide ClC^IfyOONHCsHjClg 3, U-Dichloro-3-prop7lben2amide 01 2°6 H 3 00ira0 3 H 7 2-(4-Chlorobenzamide )pyridine ClC6HkC0NHC(CH)l^r 2, 4-Dichloro-i»-benzotoluidide Cl gCgH^CONHC^CH, 4 '-Bromo-H-chlorobenzanilide ClCgHkCONHC^Hi^r 4 , -Bromo-3 t 4-di chlorobenzanilide Cl 2 CgH,00NHC 6 H ll Br 4 t 4 '-Di chlorob enzoin ClCgH^CHDHCEOCgH^Cl N-Butyl-2, 4-dicblorobenzamide C1 2 C 6 H 3 CCNHC H H 9 N-sec-imyl-3, 4-dichloro- benzamide Cl 2 C 6 H 3 CONHCH( CH, ) C,Hy 3, 4-Dichloro-S-i sobutyl- b en z amide C1 2 C 6 H_C0NHCH 2 CH( CH, ) 2 Pound 8 8 4 2 8 2 Humber 178 157 150 158 107 79 85 143 86 17« 164 l42 153 1^3 Average mortality of larvae Treat ed^/ Percent 3 3 .5 2 2 2 2 Hot treated Percent •8 4 2 .5 ) .7 .8 —o-« Table !•— (Continued) Compound Experi- mental mixture per 100 gallons V, Larvae used in treat-/ ment => Average mortality of larrae Treated y lot treated 4 '-Benzoyl-^cklorobenzenilide ClCgH^COHHCgH^OOCgHK pj-Ghloro-H-heptyrbenzamide " CIC^OOMHC^k 3, H-Dictaloro-» t I-dime tnyl- benzamide C1 2 C 6 H,C0N(CH 3 ) 2 3, ^-Bichloro-iS-i sopropyl- benzamide C1 2 C 6 H 3 C0NHCH(CH,) 2 4-Chl oro-»4 '-pheny 1 azobonzaail id* ClCgH^CONHCgH^H: HCgHj o '"fydroxybsnzanilide " C 6 HkCOMHC5%OH "beta-Pinene-Heiachloroethaae (99* Ci) S-Chloro-a'-nitro-oenianilide C1C 6 %OOHHC 6 %»0 2 £«*Chloro-S-i sopropylbenzamide " OlC^OOHHCH^CH.-^ d»(U-0hlorophenyl )-3-(4-chloro- phenyl ) guinoxalin O^Hi CC06H1»C1) C( C^Cl) :1 jl-Chloro-lf-i sopropylbenzamide 010 6 %C0HHCH( 013)2 V- Jay 1-2, *WLi chlo rob en zami de Ol^OOHHO^ Pounds Bomber k 1^2 k lU4 8 1^9 4 166 * 75 * 71 5 181 8 89 4 60 * 159 4 60 8 160 Percent Percent 2 2 1 1 .8 •8 .7 -7- Table 1.— (Continued) Compound Experi- mental mixture per 100 gallons^ Larvae used in treaty ment^ Average mortality of larvae Treated 2/ Hot treated Pounds Number Percent Percent 3,*+-Dichlo rob enzoic acid,o- nitrophenyl ester C1 2 C 6 H 3 COOC 6% H0 2 8 86 1 0.8 3 , **-Di chlo ro-»-b en so t oluide Cl 2 c 6 H 3 COHH ^6% CH 3 8 8* 1 .8 2, 2 , ,4, 5 , -Tetrachlorobenzanilide Cl^LCOHC^HjClg 8 «9 1 2 2 f -Brono-2, U-di chlorobenzanil ide Cl 2 C 6 H 3 C0NHC 6% Br 8 «7 1 2 N-Ben zyl-3» **— dLi cnlo rob enzami de Cl 2 c 6 H 3 CONHCH 2 c 6 H 5 8 173 1 .8 H-sec-Butyl-3, U-di chloro- benzamide Cl 2 C 6 H,COSHCH( CgHc) CH, k 162 1 k 2, 4-Dichloro-3 •-nitro- benzanilide Cl 2 C 6 H 3 C0]aHC 6% B0 2 8 93 1 2 3, i M>ichloro-4 , -nitro- benzanilide Cl 2 c 6 H 3 CONHC 6% B0 2 8 185 1 .5 3, M-Dichloro-3 *-nitro- benzanilide C1 2 C 6 H,C0HHC 6 B^N0 2 8 198 1 .5 alpha-Cyano-B-met nyl acet amide NCCHgCOHHCH-z nS/ 106 1 .8 H-Benzyl-2, U-dichlorobenzamide C1 2 C 6 H 3 001JHCH 2 C 6 H 5 8 104 .9 .* U/Hot mixed with clay. 1 1 5" Table 1.— (Continued) Compound Experi- mental jLarvae mixture {used in per 100 jtreat- gallonei/{ment 2/ Average mortality of larvae Treated^/ Not treated Pounds Number 2, ^-Dichloro-2 »-ni tro- benzanillde C1 2 C 6 H,C0NHC 6 %N0 2 8 105 2 t U-Dichlorob9nzoic acid, pentachlorophenyl ester CI2CJ6H3OOOC6CI5 8 200 Percent Percent 0.9 U-Chloro-fi-benzotoluidide ClCgH^CONHC^%CE, k 95 .7 .8 2 1 , 3, U-Srichlorobenzanilide C1 2 C 6 H 3 00NHC 6% C3L 8 156 .7 .8 3, *M>ichloro-N-cyclohexyl- benzamide Cl^gHjCONHCgB,^ 8 lU4 •5 .8 3, U-Dichlorobenzoylmorpnoline ( CH 2 ) 20( CH 2 ) 24000^3012 8 172 •5 .8 N, H-Dib enzyl-3, **-41 chloro- benzamide ClgC^CONCCHgCgH^g 8 161 .5 .8 2, *W>ichloro-S»*2-bicyclo- hexylb en z amide C 6 H 11 C 6%1 HOOC 6 H 3 C1 2 8 l«9 .5 2, 4-Dichloro-S-i sobutyl- benzamlde Cl 2 C b HjC0NHCH 2 CE( CH-j) 2 8 171 .5 .7 2 , -Bromo-3. **-^i chloro- benzanilide Cl 2 C 6 H 3 00NHC 6% :Br 8 207 .5 .5 2 t M-Dichloroben8olc acid, <>- nitrophenyl ester C1 2 C 6 H 3 C00C 6 H U*°2 8 186 .5 Table 1.— (Continued) Compound Experi- mental mixture per 100. gallons- Larvae ased int. Mnentl/ Average mortality of larvae . , Not Treated^/; treated Pounds Number Percent Percent \ k '-Di chlorob enzil ClC^COCOC^H^Cl 2,4-Dichlorobenzoic acid, o^- chlorophenyl ester C1 2 C 6 H 3 COOC 6 H 4 Cl 2, *4-Dichloro-]>-benzani sidlde CI 2 C 6 H 3 CONHC 6 H^OCH 3 2, 4-2)ichloro-o-benzanisidide CI 2 C 6 H jC0NHC 6 H^0CH, 2, U-Dichloro-]>-benzotoluidide Cl gC^HjCONHC^H^CH, 3,4-Dichloro-2 , -nitro- benzanillde Cl gC^CONHCgH^NOg neso- 4. k ^Tetrachlorobibenzyl Cl C^CHCl CHCl C^H^Cl 3,**-Dichlorobenzoic acid, pentachlorophenyl ester Cl 2 C 6 H 3 COOC 6 Cl 5 3,^-3ichlorobenzoic acid, o~ chlorophenyl ester Cl 2 C b H 3 COOC b% cl 3, U-Dichloro-2-benzanisidide Cl gC^HjCONHC^HliOCHj N- sec^3utyl-2, Wi chloro- b en z amide C1 2°6 H 3 C0HHCH ( C 2 H 5 > CH 3 8 8 8 184 192 8 199 8 182 8 197 8 257 h 199 8 209 85 100 1M9 0.5 .4 .4 .5 .5 .8 .8 .7 table 1.— (Continued) -10- Compound Experi- mental mixture per 100 Cmlloaml/ Larvae used in Arerage mortality of larvae T ^ Hot Treat ed & \ t re at ed L Poond» Hunber Percent Percent 2, H-Dichlorob enzoylBorpbollne (CH 2 )20(CH 2 )2HC005%C1 2 8 lW 0.8 U-Chloro~H »-ni trobenxanili de ClC^Hl+OONHC^Hl^Og U 112 .8 ^-Chloro-g-'b enzot oluidide ClC 6 %0OUHC 6 %CH, k 100 N, N-Dil3enzyl-^-»chloro'benxamide C1C 6 %C0N( CHgCgH^g 4 129 M-Chloro-o-senzani sidide ClOgH^COHHCgH^OCH, k 77 H-Chloro-g-'benzanisidide ClC^CONHCgH^OCH, * 3? 2, 3# 6, 7-Tetrachloro-5, 6, 7, ft- t e t rahy dr onapht haquinone k k* CH 2 CHC1CHC1CH 2 'C : CC ( ) CCl CCld E-Chlorohippuric acid " ClCgH^OOKHCHgCOOH k 6U g-Chlorobensoic anhydride ' (ClCfcRtyJO)^ k 65 H-(jKChlorobenzoyl) anthranilic acid ClCfcH^COMHCfclfyCOOH k 98 .8 ^•Chloro-H, N-dii sobutylbenzamide ' C1C 6 %C0N(CH 2 CH(CH3) 2 ) 2 k 66 .8 H-cec-Amyl-^-chloro'benzamide k 103 •8 C1C 6 %C0UHCH( CH, )0 3 H 7 Table !•— (Continued) -11- Compound Experi- mental mixture per 100 gallonei/ Larrae used in treat- ment^ Average of mortality larvae ,/' Hot Treated-^ | treated Pounds Number Percent Percent j-Chloro-H- sec-hexyl- benzamide ClCgH^0ONHCH( CH,) C^ k 103 0.8 pj-Chloro-N-2-blc7Clohexyl- benzamide ^ll^O* 00 ^ 01 * 151 3, k-Vi chloro-H, N-dii «obutyl- b en z amide Cl 2 6 H,0ON( CH 2 CH( CH,) 2 ) 2 k 125 k 2 t 3,^.5-'«trabromocaproic acid CH-j(CHBr)4C00H 8 115 1 3, 3 , t 4-Trichlorobenzanilid« C1 2 C 6 H 3 C0NHC 6% C1 8 169 • 8 3, \ k »-Trichlorobenzanilide C1 2 C 6 H,00NHC 6 H^C1 8 1*5 .8 2 ' , 3. ^. 5 '-Tetrachloro- benzanilide ClgOgHjOONECgHjClg 8 16U .8 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09239 2140