[^J^cATl>\-l3gl 00 CO O NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1381 ON THE DETERMINATION OF CERTAIN BASIC TYPES OF SUPERSONIC FLOW FIELDS By Carlo Ferrari Translation of *Sulla determinazione di alcuni tipi di campi di corrente ipersonora," Rendiconti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e natural!, serie VIII, vol. VII, no. 6; read at the meeting held on December 10, 1949. Washington November 1954 u. 32611 -/un us^ NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM I58I ON THE DETERMINATION OF CERTAIN BASIC TYPES OF SUPERSONIC FLOW FIELDS* By Cajrlo Ferrari SUMMARY A quite universal mode of attack on problems which arise In super- sonic flow, whether connected with flow over wings or over bodies of revolution, is explained, first, in great generality, and then in more detail, as specific applications to concrete cases are illustrated. The method depends on the use of Fourier series in the formal definition of the potential governing the flow and in the setting up of the boundary conditions . This new formulation of the many problems met in supersonic flow Is really an extension of the doublet type of "fundamental solution" to higher order types of singularity. The limitations and, in contrast, the wide field of applicability of such a means of handling these prob- lems with complex boundary conditions is discussed in some detail, and a specific example of a wing-body interference problem is cited as proof of the versatility of the method, because the •^esnJ.ts obtained by applying the techniques expounded herein agree well with experimentally determined data, even for the quite complex configurrtior j.srd to exemplify the kind of problem amenable to such treatment. 1. INTRODUCTION For purposes of analytic treatment of the flow problem to be con- sidered here the usual rectangular Cartesian coordinate system is employed with the X-axis taken to lie in the direction of and having the same sense as the uniform (undlstiirbed) free-stream velocity, Voq. This free-stream velocity, Voo, is taken to be supersonic in the discussion that follows; i.e., Vco > Coo where Cm denotes the velocity of sound in the undis- turbed stream. The flow of the gaseous fluid to be investigated is to _ Siilla determinazione di alcuni tipl di campi di corrente Iper- sonora," Rendiconti dell 'Accademia Nazionale del Lincei, Classe di Scienze flsiche, matematlche e naturali, serie VIII, vol. VII, no. 6; read at the meeting held on December 10, 19^9- NACA TM 1581 be considered as resulting from the supeirposition upon the free -stream velocity of a nonuniform flow, having velocity components that are des- ignated as V^, Vyj and V^, and lying in the direction of the respec- tive ELxes (x,y,z) of the coordinate system. This nonuniform super- imposed flow is supposed to be small enough, in comparison with the speed of sound, Ceo, that it is permissible to neglect the ratios Vx/Coo, /C^, etc. in the equations governing the flow. It is taken for granted that, under the conditions stated above, there exists a velocity potential describing the flow in question, and in practically all cases which are of any interest for actual designs it will really be true that this assumption can be made legitimately. If it is then agreed that the nonuniform superimposed part of the flow is to be denoted by the potential 0, It will be recognized that this potential will have to satisfy the relationship: dx'^ dy^ 02^ where the free-stream Mach number, M^^, is defined as Hjo = ^mr^oa an Asymmetric Types of Configuration In this case, the boundary conditions are expressed as P =fM\ =a:x,y) (5") The first type of problem corresponds to a conf igtiratlon for which the wing has a zero angle of attack with respect to the free -stream undisturbed flow, Voo, and which possesses a symmetric profile. The sec- ond type of problem corresponds to a configuration for which the wing is a flat plate, but which has any local angle of attack whatsoever, with respect to the free -stream vector, Voo, so long as it is small. 3. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CASE OF THE SYMMETRIC TYPE OF CONFIGURATION In this case it will siiffice to examine the flow solely in the upper half -plane, where z > 0. If 0^^(x,y,z) stands for the flow which takes place in this upper region, and if 0(2)(x,y,z) represents the flow in the nether region, then, of course. /2)(x,y,z) =0(l)(x,y,-z) NACA TM 1381 The boundary conditions in this case are composed of equations (5')> together with the restriction that 1)\ = (for locations lying beyond the region occupied by the wing surface) (2') Now let the definition of the function describing the velocity com- ponent at the wing surface, and also the potential function itself, be cast into the convenient forms H*(x,y) = V„ ^ H^ (1) cos 2^ = V<„ ^ H^(|) cos | mri and 5;i(l)(x,y,z) = 0(1) = V« b ^ K'^i,^) COS I mri {k) m wherein | = x/b, r[ = y/b, and ^ = z/b, while b is a suitable length used for purposes of nondimensionalization. The value used for b will be equal to the semispan of the wing in the case where the leading edge of the wing is supersonic everywhere, and provided that the wing tips are cut off in such a way that the wing siirface remains outside of the tip Mach cones emanating from either one of the wing-tip extremities out at the farthest reaches of the wing span. The value used for b will be larger than this semispan Just defined, if, in contrast, these geo- metrical relationships do not hold; the magnitude employed for b in this latter case is illustrated in figure 2. Finally, it should be observed that H* is a periodic function of y, which is equal to the values taken on by the function H at the wing's surface and it is zero for points lying out of this region, and this definition is to hold throughout the spanwlse interval for which -b < y < b. The fact that it is possible to write H*(x,y) in the form given as equation {k) (i.e., the possibility of expressing the component- velocity field describing the normal velocities to the wing surface by means of a Fourier series Instead of in terms of a Fourier integral) stems, from the property already noted to the effect that the perturba- tions, which are created at any arbitrary point P(x,y) whatsoever, do not make themselves felt anywhere outside of the Mach cone emanating from P. As a result of this situation, therefore, as far as the MCA TM 1581 determination of the field of flow about the given wing is concerned, it makes no difference to this flow whether one considers the wing to be operating by itself as an isolated entity within the impinging stream or whether, instead, one imagines it to be accompanied by an infinite nijmber of reflections of this primary wing in the planes y = ±mb. If one now inserts the second of the expressions given as equa- tion (k) into equation (l), it will be seen that this differential equa- tion reduces to ^ S^2 _ b2 ^ = k20, m (5) wherein B^ = Moo^ - 1 and where k replaces the constant 2^. Meanwhile, it is also evident that, on the basis of the first of the fonnal developments given as equation (k) , the boundary condition reduces to ^=0 = Hjn(0 (6) The expression given as equation (5) above is formally analogous to the so-called "telegraph equation, " and its solution, which is suitable for applying the type of boundary condition exemplified in eqixation (6), is ^- = 1 ^^-B^ hm(l') J( I \Jii^)^ - b2^2 dV (7) where Jq is the cylindrical Bessel function of zeroth order. Consequently, the vertical derivative turns out to be |^:|.)2 _b2^2 B d^' j\/^rr^7^ NACA TM 1581 and, because of the boundary condition (6), it follows that hm = -^ Bin so that the sought potential must have the form 1 / ^-^^ B.^ k. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CASE OF THE ASYMMETRIC TYPE OF CONFIGURATION The possibility of being able to find solutions to such asymmetric problems by means of the method being propounded here is restricted in this case to those configurations for which the leading edge as well as the trailing edge of the wing are supersonic, and where the wing tips are cut off in such a way that the wing surface lies outside of the Mach cone emanating from the very tip of the leading edge where the maximum span occurs . Under these circumstances the boundary conditions are constituted from the restrictions given as equations (5")^ an<3. of equation (2') once again. If one then follows the same procedure as was utilized in section 3; i"t follows that the expression for the sought potential is formally given as (ref . 1) = tthjn '0 I -Blcj]+«k^ r " ' h^(|')Ji|/(| - |')2 -b2^2 d^' 1/(1-1 •)2-b2^2 (8) where h^ is, a priori , an undetermined fionction, and where it should be recognized that the + sign is to be employed for the lower half -plane where ^ < 0, ajid where the - sign is to be employed for the upper half- plane where ^ > 0. It is evident, therefore, that the derivative of with respect to ^ will be continuous along the plane ^ = 0, but the 8 MCA TM 1381 derivative of 0, therefore, because the observation just made above will tell one how to compute what the flow will be in the other lower half -plane, once the former is obtained. The boundary conditions in this instance may now be recast into the form ^m^U) + n^J h^(i') Jo /k i-^j dr - Ttk J h^U^) Ji ^k ^-^^] d| • = G^(0 provided, as in the previous section, one sets up the convenient con- vention that &{x,y) is to represent a periodic function in y that is to be equal to the values taken on by the function G(x,y) at the wing's surface, and it is to be zero for points lying out of this region. This definition is to hold throughout the spanwise interval for which -b < y < b. In addition, the form of G*(x,y) is to be assumed, specif- ically, to have the appearance G*(x,y) = V„^ 0^(0 cos |mTi m while it has also been assumed that the derivative of a function by the sole parameter upon which it depends is to be denoted by a dot over the function, that is. NACA TM 1381 The integro-differential eqiiation defining h^ may also be Immedi- ately simplified to the compressed expression «Bhjn(| ) + n |£ r hin(r ) (jo + J2) til ' = Gm(0 (9) Now apply a Laplace transformation to this integro-differential equation (i.e., multiply through by the factor e~P5 and integrate from to 00 j . Thus , one obtains 2 v2 - . (v^-^ 2 k2 k2 / 2 ^ k2 - Gm where a bar over a symbol serves to indicate that this quantity stands for the Laplace transform of the function so designated. Standard tables of Laplace transforms could be consulted to check these results, which may now be simplified by noting that X , {J^--T i^p^^g^p^-^/ p^^n ^^^p SA^^S ^ ,/p2 + ^ -^f-ii- Thus the Laplace transforms of equation (9) simplifies to jtBpl^ + itB ,p^ + .2 ^ kf B" pi Ito = Gm or the explicit expression for the Laplace transform of the unknown func- tion hju is given in the form =^ = 1 p2.4 10 NACA TM 1581 so that finally one may inverr the transformation to obtain ^ = ^X' ^^^'^'^ S^^ -^'3 ^^' (10) Once having obtained the value of hj^, it is easy to write down the expression for the component of velocity lying in the x-direction and located at the wing-surface, because one has simply that this component is given by the partial derivative of the potential 0, taken with respect to I, and evaluated at the plane of the wing; i.e., one finds that Furthermore, the formula giving the lift on the wing is just mT] m+-l , , m (11) for m = 1,3,5,- where the symbol, Z, is used to denote the distance along the x-axis measiired back from the leading edge of the root chord to the projection into the plane of symmetry of the trailing edge of the wing-tip profile. In regard to the moment taken about the y-axis, it is apparent that it may be computed from the relation: 2>.5 My = 2«p„V„-b m >z/b cos \^ ^j dTi j 5hjn(|)d| m+l --»^vz(^)(-)^ ^"^(a-X ^''''' -l/h (12) for m = 1,3,5,' • •, etc, NACA TM 1381 11 5. PROBLEMS HAVING TO DO WITH FLOW PAST BODIES OF REVOLUTION The procedure discussed in the preceding sections can be extended at once to apply also to the solution of problems which are concerned with the flow over bodies of revolution. For this purpose let a cylindrical coordinate system (x,Y,9) be set up, and then the equation which governs the potential, 0, being so\ight will have the form Now let R = R(x) be the equation of the meridian line of the body, and let it be assumed that R is sufficiently small at all locations along the body so that the direction cosine of the normal to this merid- ian line, measured from the Y-axis, may be taken to be equal to unity. Furthermore, let Vjif' stand for the component, taken in a direc- tion perpendicular to the circular cross -section of the body, which arises from the impinging flow which invests the body. Then the boundary condition which must be satisfied at the surface of the body may be expressed mathematically by the relation = -Vnf' 'Y=R For sake of simplicity, it is also now assumed that the treatment to be developed is to be restricted to the case where symmetry with respect to the semlplanes 9 =±— exists in the incident flow. Under this hypothesis it is convenient to write the normal velocity components and the potential being soLight in the following explicit formulations: V.^' = V^^ Fjjj (1) sinm 9 r\ m = V„ > 0in(x,Y)Y™ sin m 9 •00 y^ rin\ m (14) 12 NACA TM 1381 If one now inserts the second of the expressions given as equa- tion (l4) into the differential equation governing the flow (15), it will be found that the defining equation for the potential will have the form and the boundary condition turns out to be ^(^"Vm) By = -Fin (15') Y=R A suitable solution to equation (l5)j which can be made to satisfy the boundary condition being imposed as equation (l5')j will be found to be 0„ - (^ D" ^0 (16) where ^0 0Q = / fQ(x-BY cosh u)du ^arc cosh ^ BY MCA TM 1581 15 Thus, the successive individual potentials are given by the expressions-'- nO Y01 = -B / fi(x-BY cosh u) cosh u du o 'arc cosh :^ hi Y02 = ^^ / f2(x-BY cosh u) cosh^ u du "^arc cosh ^ BY etc . > (17) Upon imposition of the requirement that the boundary condition (15') is to be satisfied, one obtains a set of integral equations which serve -"Translator's note: It was pointed out on page 65O of an article by R. H. Cramer in the Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, vol. I8, no. 9> September 1951j entitled "Interference Between Wing and Body at Supersonic Speeds - Theoretical and Experimental Determination of Pressures on the Body," that the result given here for <^, for m > 1, is incorrect; the correct formula is, for m = 2, Y% = b2 / "^arc cosh ^ fgCx-BY cosh u) (2 cosh^ u - l) du while, in general, the use of hyperbolic functions of multiples of the argument u gives a more compact form, which is easy to work with; i.e., in general it is true that Y™0m = b"(-1)°^ / fm(^-^"^ ^°2^ ^) {^°^^ ^ ^) ^^ 'arc cosh —- BY Ik NACA TM 1581 to determine the arbitrary functions f^, which are a priori unknown. Thus, applying these conditions, one finds thaf^ Bin+l (_i)m+l / fjji(x-BR cosh u) (cosh u^+l du = -F^ (18) "^arc cosh ^ BR The determination of the values of the fm's appearing in formula (I8) may be carried out by using a step-by-step procediire which is entirely analogous to the one employed by Von Karman in his work on determining the flow about a body of revolution at zero angle of attack. It is important to point out that if one only has in mind to calcu- late the force distribution along the axis of the body and the corre- sponding moment, and if one is not interested in knowing the local veloci- ties or pressures around the body, then it is merely necessary to calculate 0^ and 02- 6. APPLICATIONS The procedure that has been propoiuaded above has been applied (ref . 2) to the situation arising in the study of the question of wing-body inter- ference. The wing -body configuration considered in this particular appli- cation of the method is depicted in the appended figure 5- The wing used in this configuration is a flat plate, whose semispan is equal to ^Rq' ^^ere Rq is the radius of the circular cross-section taken through the body at the location where the body is widest. The leading edge of this wing is located 5^0 downstream from the tip of the nose of the body. The free -stream flow is impinging on the body at a speed which is twice the speed of soiaid in the undisturbed stream. ^Translator ' s note: In view of the correction pointed out in Note 1 above, it will be seen that this formula for determining the f^ functions is also incorrect, except for m = 1; for higher integral values of m, the correct formula is : oO gm+1 (_2_)nH-l / fin(x-BR cosh u) [cosh m u cosh ul du = -F, arc cosh — ^ BR m NACA TM 1581 15 The curves shown in figure 5 give the value of the pressure coeffi- cient, 1^ , out along the span of the wing, in the mid-chord loca- Ip V tion (i.e., along the wing axis), for points on the upper (dorsal) side of the wing. These coefficients have been calculated by the method out- lined in section k, and there are shown results for various angles of attack, which apply to such points on the upper side of the wing pro- files at their mid-chord positions. In addition, some experimental test points obtained by R. H. Cramer (see ref. 2) are also plotted on these curves. These results were obtained from experiments carried out in the supersonic tunnel of the Daingerfield Aeronautical Laboratory. The agreement between the computed and experimentally determined results is very good from a qualitative viewpoint. In regard to the more precise details of the quantitative comparison between the results it is worthy of note that the experimental results exhibit a certain amount of dissymmetry as one passes from positive angles of attack to negative angles of attack. Such a dissymmetry cannot be predicted, or should not be expected, from the type of theoretical treatment being considered here. In order to bring about a more valid comparison of these results, it would appear logical, in face of such evident dissymmetry, to take for the representative experimental value, at a given value of the angle of attack, p, the one which is obtained from averaging the result obtained for an angle of attack equal to +p with the result obtained at -p. Such average values have been computed and are designated in the plots of figure 5 ^Y means of solid circles. These adjusted values lie much closer to the theoretically derived curves at almost all locations . Translated by R. H. Cramer Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. Buffalo, New York REFERENCES Ferrari, C: Interference Between Wing and Body at Supersonic Speeds • Theory and Nimierical Application. Jour. Aero. Sci., vol. I5, no. 6, June 19^8, pp. 517-356. Ferrari, C: Interference Between Wing and Body at Supersonic Speeds • Note on Wind Tunnel Results and Addendum to Calculations. Jour. Aero. Sci., vol. 16, no. 9, Sept. 19^9, pp. 542-5^6. 16 NACA TM 1581 Figure 1.- Orientation of coordinate axes and location of typical wing plan form therein. figure 2,- Definition of the interval of periodicity required for application of the Fourier series technique when leading edges are subsonic. NACA TM 1381 17 Cp = P-P, 00 1/2/500 Voo Upper surfoce .10 .2 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1-00 7) :y/b Figure 3.- Pressure distribution along the wing axis: Comparison of experimental results with predictions based on the method expounded in section 4, NACA-Langley - 11-3-54 - 1000 n - c, « <" -2 {1.1., ete- (1.2.: dynair (1.3 e Com lanes C-* 1 la R. zional ries 8 c. 194 V) d r bc p. ■7" CO ■-' a v „.-«- . 3 u , g , S -s ■? s » ^ >. 03 >, tt, CO rrari CAT idieo :aden Line , no. ^ bc o .;;; o tic o u ssssgi 0) < 0) o 'S b. Z K < -g >• ._( 4_l U « c O M OT 3 a> •^ u J-. U < W irt •o a> r pa o 05 « w •S 0) Aer ERT FIEL D. S 2 3 rt o Z u rS u u ^ mittee for ^lON OF C IC FLOW (J •a a r CO c V c o N O O' m 01 4) 1, ■- S ■)< c c t, a ^ S .2 o rt CO g 3 rt 3 .2 ■= 0) c ^ ^ I- 2 SB i ° g i - r .s ° M m £3 . bj> >> s ^ C 01 oi >, c S -P- . ^ * — ■ : aSc £ . 01 £ 5 " 11 o '-ex — o i^ P — m" o. 0) u bC .is . - ■JrtZ>-l 01 a o o ^ >. yl >>t*, CO S, '- S i- I c tlD O .S O ho O C 01 T3 01 C -' bD ^ *-« 7^ 00 ^ 1— < a; < nj O 0) 2 m Q OJ «3 O ^ >-' --. .ii ■§ -s g T3 CO J 0) cj 3 ^ . D5 <: -o > d C- .« 00 U — c o oj in' m 3 JJ -3" " C cj . .- ^ U ^ " 5 CO a; ij S 73 t< u, J^ O S ._ • iH ^ Irjrj S^Z 3r'""5'- O^M cnog a^S - 2 S a 0) u < 4i cJ CD CO ^ I! — t> c ^ O a CO 01 >- T3 .^ j_; D = ' - ^ CO W "* = ^^ c^ ;r ^ .r M ''•' -2 • < o Q Z Z O H -o .2-^ -a > a; r° 2 = 3 •s S.2 S If §1 ■So I £ CO w S — C 01 ti! a S '^ "O ai^ n. c «.Q c 3 01 O o i3 a — — CO o ^ 3 -^ o ^ '51 CO ■" 01 01 01 — CO 3 j: .g §i .' " ^ ^ -c CO ii o :5 CO OJ y '-^ ^ 0) o .S <; CO CO CO CUD. 2 "" c 5 ti Q 2i2 " -^ c 01 S .- 01 o 0; c o Qj O 01 .^ .C J= 01 -- -' ■^ >• s O 3 3 ' r; w & „ c ,2 o bfi O C ai CO .£f Ij c CO -• CO 0;2j; " S' 5 01 CL (0 i" 0) o S " X 3 G.2 u rt c o. b 01 .C 5 * 01 "S -o ^ < 3 . J- 01 C £ 01 £ .£? « g ii S g ^ < < z CT -H ,, „ C«J CQ ; eo ■ , ^ I eg rt ^ Q — 0) —-a d. a 6 o U . >, CO u CO . 2'^ o^ 3' a„- - CO - , 01 o 3 hC M O C QJ "d 01 c > H (B H S 01 T3 H o CO <.S '- ri ■a L, y c QJ < CD &- Z OS ^ " a CO ij < -a > d C- -r^ 00 , , Ct ^ C CO U — c o 01 i 55 H St'" 'd J •< w t, »n T3 Q> ; rQ "^ O 2 CM : u -^ o; . 5 <: H ._ .Q s " • H -■ o, a o .5 iKS S £i J ■ W fc CO > . .„ ; " 5 " z ^ -S ;o9 - ■ "S !Z^.9-tHg r y c i- 00 2 Ugwrtos 2^ >^ S "^ — ' Jh U^ "c '-' ' -2 S S c O rt « > 5 OT .2 . <: u Q a ^ 3 „, CD CO ^ ft 73 rt o " ■> < n Z Z O CO « M -'■'■- ^ <; " Q M " .5 o . . 2><— oico-T;f- T3 OHt3.H''9t!> •< CDCO'Dft COOltc'— Z 3^ So.2 « cS S £ .2 C 3 rt 3 .2 .= S ^t- CO— .3^*^ t, 5.i;-o73oiooi-9-c « o £ Ji^^t-S ° ■5.i£-g.§"ii«§ "^JJc^cOObljOc oigo» 'S'^Soi'- *'°-cooc2?''" = *^ 2 g-^ " 01 X g >*'°-C0Q.= O;2 Kjjco QJ OJ 2-J3^^ CO 3.C .§ a ■- - CO o ^ . ttj x: ■S o 5 « -P . •o V. <: 3 01 CO 5 o £ cocDo^cD — r;:2 ^ . § .2 .Sf S « ii ■l rt .-H OJ c ? to a. ni E , . 3 ' >.b. CO t. 1 c CO < ID •< taZ c demi incei no. 6 Theo Wing natio < -a > J " a d t- .« CO 9-^5 o 01 oicoij"^ cooju'r" t^ c c t. a ' O O CO "i; i: s *., 5 c =: z sg ug 00 M W « ■> H '-' 73 W g < Q ^ c K < rt Z Z Z O c CO .^ ^ ^_, f^C 3 CO 3 3 J3 .- CO o" ..^ 01 CD ?*■ C.S •0 -^ 01 CD -C 01 rt C 0) a t^£ CO c n.§ 0) rt >. s r ^ a 'J^ □. c CO J3 CO 1^ s Sc eo c 2 0^ 3 QJ M « 01 t, O QJ 3 J3 £ C bll.„ — CO M O C c a,- ■o S a OJ :?Sg O rt « <: o Q ! S s o CO «■ g I » Ih CO 1- - a< 01 t, ho J2 ^- I H 73 .!- -3 73 > .ffH CO 5 o 01 QJ D. 3 a* 3 ^ 01 Tl U CO 01 x; I* ■'3 _ r =^ s. C J= « CO 10 CO x: -a c o- £ c CO 5; C<:3 . o o to &.. « — TJ - en Q. o 'C £ ,(». bD O .ii o he C QJ T3 0) c: ■ S H CQ H S rt 3 "O Z. 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" ■CH§ CO <; .M 01 < 01 b. Z K C CO ^ O 01 — N I- CJ --« CO 01 01 Z M Q CO - . ■^ 'S ^ C cj • 01 c g •a ■- = CO i-l ■< TT > C- .M CO 01 t-< -^ ^ , to — = <» U — c o 01 M 3 S -l-' H C < M t, in 13 01 H 'J 3. P o .3 K w g S i J W fe CO > . .M " > ■- ^ s ^ 2 u ■- t " H r P - ' i'S S 1 SI c < 'C CO 01 u > ^ 01 CO 01 >. CO 01 01 -e 3^ s . CO >, •a .ti i Z 3 r" " 5 Q to CO '^ Z S" s < H CO < n o ««: rt z z I- ° £ ■" - ^ CO CO -— S 01 ai; a 01 p o - 0-- c *^ E 01 o u > ■" o 'So ™ ''^ 01 "" 0) 01 -< CO 3 J= '^ ■£ 01 5 .i: 01 O 01 J2 -C c o s5«^ z >'o; S.2 oi'\ O H T3 .- •9 T3 > 15 c 01 CO a- £■ O ; ^ CO 01 01 ' I&: o 13 s c E I I S o ;h 3 01 o CO CO 01 . 01 T3 " 01 •a — 01 o o ^ oi CO ai <:3 o O bfl > CO 01 < 01 (-4 ^H : T3 C J3 01 £ g s < < z ,*,1 K^ I 1' ( .,- TYOFFI'*^"'^A !T!^n'' .. .:ent JCE UBRARY JX 11 7011 •LSVILLE, FL 32611-7011 USA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AERO r 4r ROSE«OUNT RESEARCH CENTER '^^• BUILDING 704-W R0.3E1IOUNT, MINNESOTA ATT: PROFESSOR B.M. lEADON u-V ^"■^'^■'-•->-»l-li:-15-l7-20-21