*S$*#*>5& UNITED S^ATFS DEPARTMENT OF A&RICULTUPJ! Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D- C 2- E. P- C — 419 November 20, 1935. ? LA1-I T- QUARAHT DIE E :?CPT a £5?FI CT IONS OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, 3. F. I UNITED 5?ATI5 DEPARTMENT CF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D- C Q. — 41S November 20, 1936, PLANT-QUARANTINE RiPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, 3. 7. I. This summary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Presidency of the Virgin Islands has been prepared for the infor- mation of nurserymen, plant- quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant jroducts to those islands. It was prepared 'oy Harry 3- Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector in Charge, Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the original texts of the Plants Protection Ordinance 18£7, and the Proclamation of December 27, 1935, and reviewed by the Agricultural Authority of the Presidency. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of ire )aration, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, th< original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authorita- tive. S 0 j/ -J^C Lis A. STRONG,/^ / Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plajrc Quarantine. „«,SSr-i* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/bwivirinei36unit PLANT-QUAPvAMTDIB IMPOST RESTRICTIONS vJJ; J.XIC1 PRESIDENCY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, B. W. I. BASIC LEGISLATION The plants protection Ordinance, No. 3 of June 10, 1897, This Ordinance authorizes the Governor and Legislative Council to impose restrictions or prohibitions on the importation into the Presidency of the Virgin Islands of plants and plant products in the folio w i n -; t erms : Section 1. The Ordinance may be cited as "The Plants Protection Ordinance 18S7." Sec. 2. Prohibits the introduction of coffee plants and un cured berries (Coffea spp.) from Ceylon, Mauritius, Reunion, Fiji, Southern India, Sumatra, Java, and Natal, to prevent the introduction of the coffee berry borer (Steahanoderes (cof fe;-e) hanvoei Hagedorn) and other injurious insects and diseases. Sec. 3. (1) Itae Governor may, ~oy proclamation, prohibit either absolutely or conditionally the importation into the presidency of any plants, seeds, berries, earth, soil, or other article or thing packed therewith, or any goods, packages, covering, or other articles or things which there shall be reason to believe to be affected with disease, or which may have come either directly or indirectly from any country or place named in such proclamation, or which in his judgment, may be likely to communicate disease to plants. (2) Any proclamation under this Ordinance may be varied or revoked by the like authority. Sec. 4. Any person contravening Section 2 of this Ordinance or any proclamation published thereunder shall be liable- on summary con- viction to a penalty not exceeding 20 pounds. Sec. 5. Every article or thing imported into the Presidency in contravention of this Ordinance or of any proclamation thereunder m be seized by any Treasury or Revenue Officer or by any member of the Leeward Islands Police Force and shall be forfeited, and may be de- stroyed or otherwise dealt with as the Governor may direct. PROCLAMATION OF DECEMBER 27, 1935 PROHIBIT IHG- THE IMPORTATION OF CERTAIN PLANTS .AND PLANT PRODUCTS This proclamation prohibits absolutely the importation into the Presidency of the Virgin Islands of the articles mentioned in the First Schedule, and -ore" hi}, its conditionally the entry of those named in the Second Schedule. FIRST SCHEDULE Importation Absolutely Prohibited BANANA FRUITS (Musa spp.): Importation prohibited from all countries except Barbados and the other islands of the Leeward Islands Colony (Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, Dominica, Montserrat, Nevis, Redonda, and St. Kitts) , to prevent tne introduction of the Panama wilt disease (Fusarium cubense S.F.Sm.). LIKE FRUITS (Citras auranti folia Swingle): Importation prohibited from Bahamas, Bermuda, British Guiana, St. Lucia, Trinidad, and all other countries except the other islands of the British "est Indies not mentioned in this paragraph, to prevent the introduction of wither- tip disease (Colletotri chum g lo eo spo rio i des Penz. ) . ALL OTHER FRUITS except plantains, nuts, dried, canned, candied or other processed fruits: Importation prohibited from Bahamas, Bermuda, British Guiana, and all other countries except the British Isl^s, Canada, the British West Indies, and Virgin Islands, U.S.A., ^nd the United States of America, to prevent the introduction of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis cap i tat a ""iod. ) . ALL VEGETABLES except onions, Irish potatoes, canned or processed v ege tables : Impo r t a t ion prohibited from Bahama s , Be rmuda , British Guiana, and all other countries except the British Isles, Canada, and the British West Indies, to prevent the introduction of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata rj iv le a.). SOIL Importation prohibited from the same sources as in the preceding paragraph, to prevent the introduction of injurious soil fun'-.i ana insects. -3- 5SC0ND SCHEDULE Importation Conditionally Prohibited SU&ABCAN3, sugarcane seedlings, and plants and all -parts of the sugarcane (Saccharum officinalis L.): Iniportation prohibited from all countries except under license granted by the Governor, to prevent the introduction of mosaic or yellow mottling disease. BANANA PLANTS and parts thereof (Musa spp.): Importation prohibited except under license granted by the Governor, from Bahamas, Bermuda, British Guiana, Central America, Dutch Guiana, and any island or place in the West Indies except Barbados and the other islands of the Leeward Islands Colony, to prevent the introduction of Panama wilt disease (pusarium cubense E- F.Sra.). CITRUS PLANTS, ROOTED: Importation prohibited from Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, and the United States of America, unless under license granted oy the Governor, and also unless accompanied by a certificate signed by a responsible inspecting officer stating that the district from which such plants originate has not been affected by, or lias been free for the preceding two years from citrus canker (Bacterium citri (Hasse)Doidge) . LIME PLANTS and parts thereof (Citrus arrant if oil a Swingle): Importation prohibited from British Guiana, Dominica, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and Trinidad, unless under license granted by the Governor, to prevent the introduction of wither-tip (Colletotrichum gloeosoo- rioides Penz. ) . LIME FRUITS: Importation prohibited from Dominica and St. Kitts, except under license granted by the Governor, to prevent the introduction of wither-tip (Colletotrichum gloeosoorioides Per.e. ) . COTTONSEED, COTTON LIFT, AND SEED COTTON, and all packages, coverings, bags, or other articles or things which have been used as pack- ages, coverings, or bags for cottonseed, cotton lint, and seed cotton: Importation prohibited from all countries unless under license fronted 'oy the Governor, to orevent the introduction of the pinic bollworm (prctino^hora gos-,yoiella Saund.). SPROUTED COCONUTS (Co cos nucifora L. ) : Importation prohibited from Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent, to prevent the introduc- tion of the red ring disease ( Aohe 1 en cho ides coco phi lus (Cobb) Goodey) . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09242 1873