E2/Canada UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. September 17, X9kQ B.E.P.Q. --5U, Supplement No. 2. PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS DOMINION OF CANADA Reshipment of Foreign Nursery Stock from the United States to Canada In an exchange of views with the Division of Plant Protection of the Canadian Department of Agriculture, regarding the reshipment of foreign nursery stock from the United States to Canada, that Division has emphasized the requirement of certification summarized in Circular BEPQ 51^, beginning at the "bottom of page 3. The Canadian regulation stipulates that all plant material for prop- agation purposes imported from any country shall "be accompanied "by a certificate of inspection issued by an authorized inspector in that country. The Division of Plant Protection informs us that im- portations into the United States, cleared from customs and released into the domestic commerce of the United States and then reshipped to Canada, are regarded as United States exports and should be covered by certificates of inspection according to BEPQ 51^, pages 3 and k. We are also informed that under the same "regulation shipments which have physically arrived in the United States but which were refused entry on account of pests cannot be entered into Canada upon reship- ment there from the United States because a certificate of inspection as to freedom from pests obviously could not be issued by an author- ized official in this country. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1111111111111 3 1262 09312 2009