^1 ->. l^ YOUR JOB FUTURE DONT Try to Choose Between Marriage OR Career BUT Get Ready for BOTH Home AND Job BECAUSE • Four out of Five Women Today Hove Married • One out of Three Women Now Are at Work • Three out of Four Women Have Worked Outside Their Homes at Some Time in Their Lives AND In Your Planning, Work Out a Balance Among WORK HOME PLAY and COMMUNITY SERVICE No matter what your school or job plans are, are you now usins your time At School, at Home, and Elsewhere, to— - • Lay the Ground Work for Success in Work and Marriase — Good health habits, thorough work habits. Good manners, careful grooming. Consideration for others, seeing the other person's point of view, cooperating with others in a common task. Practice in doing everything you do as well as you can do it. Completion of your high-school course. • Learn Skills You Will Need at HOME— Budgeting money and planning your time effectively. Buying wisely, judging quality in comparison with price. Plain cooking and sewing, housekeeping including care and repair of equipment. Caring for children. Home care of the sick and first aid. • Learn Skills Useful on Many JOBS — Typing, correct use of telephone, keeping simple accounts. Speaking clearly, writing plainly, spelling correctly. • Find Out What Your School Subjects Mean to You, in — Broadening your interests and understanding. Preparing you for further schooling. Helping you in your job planning. • Learn Enough About Yourself — Know your likes and dislikes, your strong points and weak points. 824932°— 49 . 3 Do You Know What You Arc Going To Do Immediately After Graduation? Are you planning to — Continue your education full-time? (At business school, professional or technical school, junior college, university.) About a third of the girls who graduate from high school continue theireducation. Get a job? More than half the girls 18 and 19 years old are working. Marry and raise a family, or remain at home for personal reasons? You may later be glad if you have developed or maintained skills useful in hunting a job, and if you have done volunteer work with community groups, should you some day be thrown suddenly on your own resources. If you expect to take a job after graduation, do you know — • Most girls 18 and 19 years of age have jobs as: Household workers Typists, stenographers, secretaries Saleswomen General office workers Waitresses Farm workers (mostly for their families) Bookkeepers, accountants, cashiers Factory workers in — Clothing factories Textile mills Metals and machinery plants Food processing (canning, candy manufacture, etc.) Beauty operators Telephone operators and ticket agents In many communities only a few girls are working in some of these jobs ^ Very few girls under 20 find jobs as: Actresses Advertising copy writers Air-line stewardesses Buyers Commercial artists Costume designers FHostesses Interior decorators Models Personnel workers Jobs That Have the Same Name May Differ Widely A clerical job in a big insurance office provides on entirely different environment from a clerical job in a hospital. Assembly work in an aircraft factory is not the same as assembly work in a toy factory. A power sewing-machine operator would find her work in a dress factory different from a power sewing job in a tent-and- awning factory. Wrapping and packing in a candy factory differs from wrap- ping and packing in a department store. A telephone operator in a movie studio works in a different atmosphere compared to that in a large newspaper office. A waitress job in a large hotel restaurant is different from that in a corner drug store. A manicurist in the leading department-store beauty salon has a variety of customers as compared with one in a neighborhood beauty shop. Find Out Everything You Can About the Job Offered You — Working conditions, the people you work with, the place in which you work, are important in liking your job, as well as present salary and future opportunities for advancement. Do You Think That You Can Get the Job You Want Where You Want It? • Opportunities vary in different ports of the country and in different communities. Even in stenography and other clerical work, in which shortages are general, some communities have enough workers/ others need more of these workers. • If you live in a county seat or the capital of your State, you might obtain a government job; if you live in a large industrial city, you may find a wide variety of factory jobs (as v/ell as many office and store jobs). • If you live in a rural community, your opportunities will be limited usually to form, small-office, store, or restaurant work • If you plan to move to a different locality to take a job, be sure to weigh differences in living costs and living arrangements. Are You Looking For Enough Ahead? • Have you tried to picture yourself 5 or 10 years from now? Planning ahead is important no matter what you do, but especially important if you should work a long time, or if you must depend mainly on yourself in emergencies. • In general you take more of a chance when you choose a rapidly changing field of employment rather than one of the older, more established fields. Demand is less predictable for fashion workers, jewelry-store clerks, radio entertainers, and "seasonal" workers in resort hotels and in industries like food canning and millinery. Jobs are found in almost every community in occupations where large numbers of women are employed, such as stenography, typing, operating a switchboard, selling in stores, bookkeeping, restaurant and cafeteria work, dressmaking, commercial laundry work, practical nursing, and over the years there has been an in- creasing number of jobs for girls and women in most of these fields. Do you know that you qualify for the work you want — • As to age: Check with your school principal or your State labor department to find out if you can lawfully be employed to do the work. • As to health: Is your general health good, and do you have the specific strength that may be required in the work of your choice? As to other personal characteristics: Do you have the special characteristics for the kind of work you are seeking? Are you relatively free from characteristics that would be a handicap in this kind of work? As to specialized training: Do you know about the specialized training that may be required for the work you want, or may help you get the job and later in getting promotions? Well-qualified workers have more opportunity to choose where they would like to work. Develop your talents and abilities to the fullest extent. Continue learning. Be ready to alter plans as job opportunities and your own interests change. 7 3 1262 08859 0426 Before you decide what you ore going to do — TALK OVER YOUR PLANS with Your family, friends, pastor, and others who know you well People in different occupations Counselors, advisors, and teachers qualified to give vocational guidance AND USE Information and counseling services offered FREE to you such as those at your SCHOOL PUBLIC LIBRARY LOCAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Women's Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor. 1949 Washington 25, D. C For sale by Superintendent of Documents • Washington 25, D. C. • Price 5 cents