LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD CNTTED OTATES DEPARTMENT OF ACSICTDL' Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantins Waiiiington, D.C. B.E.P.Q. — 384. (Superaedea B.E.P.Q. — 340) October 19, 1935. XNTOHMATION CONCERNING THE ENTRY OF PLANT MATKRIAT. UNDER fttJARAWriNE NO. 37, THE NURSERY STOCK, ELAKT. AND SEED QUARANTINS IMTRODDCTION This circular has been prepared for the purposes of (1) fa- cilitating the ansBorlng of inquiries pertaining to the impor- tation of plant propagating material under the provlaionfl of Quarantine No. 37, and (2) giving infonnatlon which irill be of assistance in making importations of such propagating material with the least delay. Section I of this circular presents a brief outline of the successive steps to be taken in this pro- cedure. Section II is both explanatory of these steps and infomative on related topics. Of necessity the circular le lengthy but moat importers will not be concerned with every subject covered. The checked Items are either in reply to your inquiry or give Infoanation which it Is pertinent for you to have in connection with your proposed Importation . SECTION I. OCTLINE OF PROCEDDHE FOR UfXIKG IMPORTATIONS A. Ascertain from Section II, paragraph A, of this circular whether the material is enterable Into the United States. If enterable \mder Quar. 37, note whether it falls under regulation 2, 3, 14, or 15. B. Apply for the necessary permit as directed in Section II, paragraph B, of this circular. C. When the penult has been received, send your order for the plant material to the shipper with your Instructions as sumnarized in Section II, paragraph C. D. Except for importations by mail valued at less than flOO, bafore the arrival of the shipment arrange for a custonw broker or agent at the port of arrival to attend to all entry details if this cannot be done personally. See Section II, paragraph D, of this circular for further de- tails. SECTION II. EXPLANATION OF PROCEDURE FOR MAKING IMPORTATIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL UNDER QUARANTINE NO, 37 A. MATERIAL ENTERABLE . — ^Plant material that is prohibited en- try by apecial quarantine action may not be Imported under Quar. 37. Appendix A, Quar. 37, sunmarizea the special quarantines; if apecial restrictions apply to the entry of any itam listed on an application for permit the applicant will be appropriately informed. If in doubt about any kind of plant, write to thia Bureau and information will be furnished as to the restrictions. I. Regulation g . — This regulation allows the entry without permit or other restriction of field, vegetable, and flower seeds and of plant products imported for food, me- dicinal, or manufacturing purposes. II. Regulation 3. — From countries maintaining recognized in - spection service entry may be made under permit velid un- til revoked, in unlimited quantity without restriction as to use, of seeds of trees, ornamental shrubs, and hardy perennial plants, and nuts Including palm seeds, when free from pulp; bulbs of the following genera: Lilium , Convallaria , Hyacinthus , Tulipa , Crocus , Chionodoxa , Oe- lenthus , Scllla , Fritillaria , Muacari , Iiia and Eranthis ; cuttings, acions, and buds of fruit and nut trees except from the Orient (including Australia and New Zealand); rose stocks; fruits and vegetables for planting purposes if enterable under Quarantine 56. Frcm countries not maintaining recognized inspection service the products mentioned above, except seeds, may be entered under indi- vidual permits issued for each Importation; seeds may en- ter in unlimited quantities under the continuing penult. A list of the countries maintaining recognized inspection service appears at the end of this circular. III. Regulation 14 . — This regulation makes provision for the entry under special permit of limited quantities of plant material not enterable under regulations 2, 3, and 15, for the purposea stated in the regulation. IV. Regulation 15. —This regulation provides for the entry from Canada of plant material that may be regarded as na- tive to or a standard product of the Dominion. There are a few exceptions which, if encountered on an application for penult, will be explained prcmptly to the applicant. B. APPLICATION FOR PERMT . — In preparing the application (Form 207 or 687), it is Important to state whether the shipment is to come by mall, in baggage, or by freight or express If by mail, state the estimated number of packages. I. Regulation 2 . — If the material falls under regulation 2, no application for permit need be made, because no permit is necessary. II. Regulations 3 and 15 . — For material enterable under reg- ulation 3 or 15 apply on Form 687. One application is sufficient to cover importations to be made under regula- tion 3 frcar countries maintaining recognized inspection service and tree seeds fron any country. Separate appli- cations should be submitted covering each shipment under regulation 3 from countries not maintaining recognized inspection service '»n'< for each shipment under regulation 15 from Canada. III. Regulation 14 . — Apply on Form 207. A separate applica- tion is to be submitted for the importation from each shipper, but the importation from each shipper may be made in more than one shipnent within the time limit of the permit. C. IMPORTER'S IMgrPCCTIONS TO SHIPPER . — When the permit has been received, the permit number is to be transmitted to the shipper with the order for the plant material, togeth- er with any special instructions received with the permit. In his interest the importer should instruct the shipper as follows, to — I. Send plants that are clean and healthy, free from any kind of insect pest or plant disease. II. Attach to the invoice the original Inspection certifi- cate of the authorized official of country of origin and a copy certificate to each container in the ship- ment. III. Ship the plants free from soil. IV. Label the material by botanical names or Identifying numbers. V. Send the plants within the age-size limit, if such is designated in the permit. VI. Use approved packing material. {3»e reg. 7, or oirou- lar B.E.P.Q.— 369). VII. Ship in strong containers. This is particularly impor- tant when shipping by mail, as fragile boxes often ar- rive badly damaged. VIII. Make no substitution of material for that authorized by the permit and no addition to the quantity authorized if the permit specifies a definite quantity. IX. Send two true copies of the Invoice with the shiiment; place these inside the parcel when shipping by mall. I. Mark the shipment as follows: 1. For shipnent by freight or express — (a) If under regulation 3 or 15. "show (1) permit number; (2) nature and quantity of contents; (3) district and locality of country where grown; (4) name tnfl address of importer; (5) name and address of shipper. (b) If under regulation 14 , show. (1) permit number; (2) name of importer but not hia address ; (3) address of this Bureau at the inspection port named in the permit. 6. For all mail shlpnents — Address the parcels only with the special mail tags and place no forwarding address on the outer wrappers. The permit number on the tags will Identify the shipment on arrival. The special yellow and green tags are to be transmit - ted to the shipper with the directions accompany- ing them. Caution the shipper to use the tags sent him for the particular shipment and against confus- ing them with tags for other shipments. NOTE: For baggage shipments the importer should follow the instructions for freight or express shipments as though he were the shipper. D. AHRANGEMEWrS FOR HAI-IDLKG THE SHIPMt!lT Jl ARRIVAL . — I. For mail shipments valued at less than {100 . — jifter send- ing instructions to the shipper, the Importer need do nothing until the shipment arrives at the post office of destination, whereupon the custcms duty is to be paid to the postmaster or customs official at that place. II. For mall shipments valued at more than $100 . — Same as for freight or express shijments, discussed under the suc- ceeding heading, except that the notice of arxival and notice of Bhlpnent need not be submitted by the importer. III. For freight or express shipments . — In order to provide for proper attention to the details of handling such shipments the importer should arrange in advance of ar- rival for a broker or agent to attend to them when the shlpnenta are received. These details may Include any (OVER) e or all of the following: 1. Clearance throng customs, which includes ""iHie euB- tooLB entry, for which an invoice is neoesaary. SutmlBslon of notices of arriTal and notices of shl^ nent on forms provided for the purpose, as^ required hy regulations 10 and 11> S. Hecondltionlng the ahlpDient. 4. Opening and repacking cases Incident to inspections. 5. Fumiahiiig and substituting fresh pecking material for Improper or prohibited packing. 6. irrangeotsnt s to meet charges for handling, transporta- tion, storage, drayage, or for disinfection or other treatment . 7. Arrangeamsnts for the disposal of infested material, if this is required. IT. For importations brought in as baggage . — 1. Material covered by regulation 3 .— The importer should be prepared in person or through an agent to attend to the details of entry enumerated in Section II, para- graph D, III, above. 2. Material covered by jregulation 14 .— If the port of ar- rival is other than Washington, D.C., San {"rancisco, Calif., Seattle, Wash., San Jxian, P.R. , or Honolulu, T.H. , the Importer should be prepared to ship the tm- jsortation in bond at his expense to the port desig- nated in the pemit and he should arrange for entry details at the port of inspection, as outlined in Section II, paragraph D, III. 3. Material covered by regulation 15 .-^feterial tram Can- ada under pemit, which has been certified both as tn origin and inspection, will be allowed to pass at any point TY OF 1 II 0924 CO ^, I , *Added since publication of Appendix B.