UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE Washington 25, Dv C< B.E.P.^. ^73-29 November 2, 19-1 SUMMARY 0^ STATE NURSERY-STOCK SHIPPIN- REQUIREMENTS AND PLAIT? QUARANTINES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS NEVADA The information contained in this summary was compiled from material received from the plant quarantine official of Nevada and has been approved by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine inspectors, shippers, transportation agents, truckers, and others coricernei in the in- terstate movement of plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State regulation on account of plant pests. The summary for Nevada gives the general requirements for shipping nursery stock into that State, as w<=ll as digests of the State plant quar- antines and regulations affecting interstate shipments. An appendix fur- nishes information on post-office requirements for mailinrr plants as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This summary does not include digests of nursery-stock or plant quarantine requirements relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete \ip to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of or as a substitute for the original texts of the regulations and quarantines, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. For detailed information address the Director, Division of Plant Industry, State Department of Agriculture, P. 0. Box 1027, Reno, Nevada, In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agri culture • In most instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and oth-r articles from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate movement of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may be obtained from the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington 2!5, D. C. Plant -Quarantine Nevada nursery- stock shipping requirements - ? - NEVADA Summary of General Nursery-Stock Shippi ns, He qui rem e_n_ts (NevT Stat. 1908-19, Ch.218, approved Mar. 2% 1P09)" Definition of Nursery Stock. — All woody plants and parts thereof capable of propagation, whether wild or grown in the field or greenhouse; all herbaceous "biennials and perennials; bulbous plants; and annuals, such as aster and cabbage plants. The requirements do not apply to cut flowers or seeds. General Shipping Requirements. — Each shipment of nursery stock moving into Nevada must have been inspected immediately Prior to shipment and must have attached to each container an inspection certificate of the State of origin. The container should be labeled to show names and addresses of consignor and consignee. It is a misdemeanor for any transportation agency to deliver uncerti- fied nursery stock in Nevada. Nevada plant quarantines - 3 - Summary of Plant '.Quarantines .Bacterial Rin^- Rot ai:d Other Potato Pi sea ses (Nev. Scat. 1929, as amended 1941 and 19^5, Sec.6§) Irish po to toes moved into Nevada as certified seed potatoes are sub- ject to inspection for bacterial ring rot and other potato diseases,, If such potrtoes are found upon inspection to be infected in excess of Nevada tolerances for such diseases they will not be released for plant- ing and will "be disposed of for nonsecd purposes as approved "by the State Quarantine Officer. C o lorn do Potato Beetle (Quarantine Proclamation, effective Au.T. 1, 1927) Potatoes may he moved into Nevada f/-om areas not infested by Colorado potato beetle when accompanied by a certificate of the State of origin to the effect that such potatoes weie grown and stored in and shipped from a county or counties frea from infestation. Potatoes ^rown cr stored in infested areas may not be moved into Nevada unless accompanied by State-of-origin certification that all such potatoes were passed over an approv :6 mechanical grader or screen into new nr laundered sack? under supervision of a State inspector and loaded without storage into clean cars or vehicles.. One copy of the certificate should be mailed in advance of shipment to the Nevada State Department of Agriculture, P. 0. J?ox i027, Reno, and one copy should accompany the shipment, Common carriers and other shippers of potato -s must see that cars or vehicles are clean of all litter likely to harbor the Colorado potato beetle. Nevada plant quarantines _ U - European Corn Borer (Quarantine Proclamation, effective Aug. 1, 1951) Quarantined area All States and Districts of the United States except the States of Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah and Washington Infested area Alabama Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Loui si ana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Hhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Shelled grain and seed of corn, broomcom, sorghums, and Sudan grass grown in or shipped from the infested area will be admitted into Nevada only when accompanied by certification signed by an inspector of the Federal Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine or of the State. of origin that such grain or seed was fumigated as prescribed by the Nevada State Quarantine Officer or passed through a screen of l/2-inch or less mesh or otherwise cleaned prior to loading into a vehicle free from plant fragments capable of harboring the borer, except that such restricted products shipped from Florida, Montana, New Mexico, Texas, and Wyoming will be admitted into 'Nevada when accompanied by State-of-origin certification that such grain or seed was produced in said State where no borer is known to exist and has been handled and maintained so as to eliminate risk of infestation by the borer. Individual shipments or lots of 100 pounds or less of clean shelled grain and seed of the restricted plants, or comprised of packages of less than 10 pounds, are exempted from the above certification requirements and will be admitted into Nevada subject to inspection and upon being found free from plant parts capable of harboring the borer. Stalks, ears, cobs, or other parts or debris of corn, broomcorn, sor- ghums, and Sudan grass ( except clean seed and shelled grain) , shipped as such, as packing, or otherwise, grown in or shipped from the quarantined area will be admitted into Nevada only when each shipment or lot is accomp- anied by certification of treatment under the supervision of an inspector of the State of origin, using a method prescribed by the Nevada St^te Quarantine Officer and so detailed in the certification, except that such parts of the restricted plants grown in and shipped from States not listed Nevada plant quarantines - 5 In the infested area may be moved into Nevada when accompanied by Stat - of-oririn certification that such products were produced in a State not known to be infested by the borer and wore so handled and maintained as to eliminate risk of infestation. Beans, in the pod, beets, celery, bell pepper fruits, endive, Swiss chord, and rhubarb (cut or plants with roots), and cut flowers and entire plants of aster, calendula, chrysanthemum, cosmos, dahlia, gladiolus (except bulbs, corms, or tubers without steps), hollyhock, Japanese hop, marigold, and zinnia produced in or shipped from the infested area will be admitted into Nevada only when each shipment nr lot is accompanied by official certification showing that the materiel was inspected and found free from infestation, or (2) was grown in a greenhouse in which all host plants were regularly inspt.ct^d during the growing season and no evidence of the borer found, or (3) was fumigated as or~scribed by the Nevada Stete Quarantine Officer and details of treatment given. Certification requirements are waived for certain restricted products, as follows: (l) Lots or shipments of 10 pounds or less of beans in the pod, beets, bell pepper fruits, endive, Swiss chard, and rhubarb (cut or plants with rotts) ; and (2) during the period November ~}0 to May 1, divisions withoiat stems of the previous r-ear's growth, routed cuttings, seedling plants, and cut flowers of ast=r, calendula, chrysanthemum, cosmos, holly- hock, Japanese hop, marigold, and zinnia. There are no restrictions on the movement of the restricted products when so processed or manufactured as to eliminate infestation by the ^orer. Official certificates must be issued by an authorized official of the Federal Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine or of the State of origin. Duplicate copies of all certificates must be nailed to the Nevada State Department of Agriculture, P. C. Be* 1027, Reno, Nevada, and signed or countersigned by the Nevada. State Quare-ntine Officer. Each certificate must specify, in addition to the information required in the preceding paragraphs, kind or quantity of commodity constituting lot or shipment, method of shipment, railway car number or license number of truck, end names and addresses of consignor and consi :nee. Fumigation certificates must state d-nt" and details of treatment. The foregoing sum-nary was reviewed and approved on September 11, 19 1, by George G-. Schweis, Director, Division of Plant Industry. The revision of the European Corn Borer Quarantine Proclamation, effective August" 1, 1951, was summarized subsequently. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/quarastatenuOOunit LIBRARY ATE PLANT BOARD Nevada plant , \ Add to : quarantines ~ b ** iB.E.P.Q, 578-29: t Nevada \ Tomato Russet Mite (Quarantine Proclamation, effective Feb, 28, 1952) Commodities covered. — All tomato plants. Restrictions.-— Tomato plants grown in or shipped from the area under quar- antine will be admitted into the protected area of Nevada only when each shipment or lot is accompanied by official certification, signed by an inspector of the State of origin or of the Federal Bureau of Entomology and Plant (Quarantine, affirming that such tomato plants were grown in a greenhouse or in an area apparently free of tne tomato russet mite, A duplicate copy of the certificate must be mailed to the State Department of Agriculture, P. 0. Box 102J» Reno, Nevada. Each certifi- cate should also show the number or quantity of tomato plants in the ship- ment or lot, method of shipment, railway car number or license number of truck, and names and addresses of shipper and consignee. Area under quarantine, — All States and Districts of the United States, Protected area of Nevada. — Clark County and that portion of Nye County lying south of the 37*n parallel of Latitude North, The foregoing summary was reviewed and approved on March 30| 1953. by George G. Schweis, Director, Division of Plant Industry, Nevada Department of Agriculture. i^±^± x7 jtbtzMi Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IIIIWIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllll 3 1262 09314 8350