♦■I.V.,.. Hull ■OK on employment of school-a^e youth \ I J ; For use in connection with U S^OEPOSITORV^ ^^^j^^^j Policy on Employment of School-Age Youth issued by the Secretary of Labor, May 1952 ^/ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, Maurice J. Tobin, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STANDARDS, WiUiam L. ConnoUy, Director f. What is the youth employment situation ifi A. How many young people ore working full time? How many 14- and 15-year-olds are working and not in school? How many 16- and 17-ycar- olds? On what kinds of jobs? What are their wages? Their hours? What opportunities for learning or for advancement do these jobs offer? B. How nrKiny youth are in school and also hold jobs? What kinds of jobs? How many hours do they work on school days? On week ends? How late at night or how early in the morning? What are their wages? What kind of environment are they in? What kind of supervision do they have? If. no your sehoots meet the net A. How many of your young people drop out of school before graduating from high school? Why? At what grades do they leave? B. Do counseling services reach the student when he needs them most? Does he outomatically have an interview with a counselor when he wants to leave school? Is there follow-up immediately when a student drops out without guidance? C. Are your free schools really free? Do you know how much students pay in each year of high school for gym suits, materials for shop, tickets to games, costumes for plays, and other necessory items? Are your students snobbish about school clothes? Do collections for "gifts" embarrass stu- dents with little money? Are sufficient student aid funds available for your high school youth? Is it embarrassing for a youngster who accepts this aid? D. Do the schools offer courses that meet the needs of all your youth? Do they offer a broad education that will help students become good citizens and good neighbors? Opportunities for occupational training in a variety of fields? How do your students learn about guidance and placement services and other community resources that will be available to them when they leave school? E. Do your high-school officials cooperate with employers and other agencies in the community in arranging supervised school and work pro- Mm this National Policy observed in your community? mmimm mttnity? Do their teachers and counselors know which students are employed? Why do students work? Docs their work or late hours interfere with studies? Does work prevent participation in school activities? Does it affect their health? C. How many youth under 18 are out of school and not working? Why? How many get help from the State employment service? Is their lack of education or training a handicap? Have they had unfortunate experiences or job failures that discourage them from further attempts to find jobs? Could any of them be induced to resume their education? What community services reach this group? grams for students who would profit from them educationally as well as financially? Do your schools approve the hours, wages, and working con- ditions on such jobs? Does a coordinator follow the on-the-job progress of the students? Are students taught to observe safety standards? F. What arrangements have guidance and placement counselors and co- ordinators made to work closely with the office that issues work permits? Do counselors make health records, etc., available to the permit office? Does the permit office keep counselors informed about the child-labor regulations? Iff. How can you help your youny people if you live in a rural comnBunity? A. How nrKiny of your young people leave the community each year because of lack of employment opportunities there? Is it more difficult for girls than for boys to find work near home? B. Where do they go? Are they prepared for the situations they meet when they are transplanted? The answers to these questions will help you find out UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08860 0340 C. How many of your young people get any vocafionah training or counseling? D. How are the boys who stay on the farm prepared for the scientific and mechanized aspects of modern farming? E. Do any of your children do paid work in agriculture off the home farm? Does anyone see that they are working on jobs suited to their age, health, and strength? Do they have safe transportation? Adequate super- vision? Are they kept off hazardous machinery? What about their hours, wages, and other conditions? Do any children of migrant families come into your community for seasonal work? How are these children made welcome in your schools? F. How many youngsters miss school in order to work? At what age do they begin work? Is your community aware that there is a 16-year minimum age for hired workers in agriculture during school hours on farms whose products go into interstate commerce? io hvlp i§intnq pvoplv I'iml thviv plaw in our ffanomiv iifv? A. Do your citizens give the schools moral and financial support in their efforts to bring to your youth the educational facilities they need? B. How do schools, employment service, private counseling agencies, and employers plan together for young workers? Do the unions participate? C. What system do your counselors, permit-issuing officers, and your State department of labor have for working together on standards for young work- ers? Do you support the agency enforcing your child-labor laws by reporting violations, appearing in court when prosecutions occur, and building up public opinion for enforcement of school-attendance and child-labor laws? Does the enforcing agency have adequate staff? D. Who helps your boys plan to make the most of their military service in working out their vocational plans? Do employers willingly hire boys of draft age? Are boys aware of the opportunities for training and experience in the military service? U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1952— 0-21 1526