E2/'Turkey UNITED STATES DSPARMNT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. July lh, 1953 B. E. P. Q, 4-51, Supplement No. k PLANT QUARANTINE IkPQRT RESTRICTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY CITRUS CUTTINGS AND NURSERY STOCKS PROHIBITED According to Article 7 of Law No, 2906, dated January 29, 1936, upon proposal of the Minister of Agriculture > numbered 56-27^31, dated June 17, 194-9? approved by the Council of Ministers, numbered 3/93^3, dated June 3, 19^-9, received from and translated by Dr. Kadri Akat, Entomologist, Central Plant Protection Institute, Ankara, Turkey, the importation into and passage through Turkey of American citrus cut- tings and nursery stocks is prohibited in order to protect citrus of that country from virus diseases, such as "quick decline." Avery s. Hoyt Chief g Bureau of Entomology and Plant Qu arantine university of florida ImIL 09245 5533