\ U.S. DEPOSITORY (B. A. I. Ordeb 166.) United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY RILE 1, REVISION 5.— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF SPLENETIC FEVER IN CATTLE. Effective on and after December 6, 1909. United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. The fact has boon determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, and notice is hereby given, that a contagious and infectious disease known as splenetic, southern, or Texas fever exists among cattle in the following-named States, to wit: Caldjobnia, Oklahoma, Texas. Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana. Mississippi, Tenne Alabama, Virginia, Xorth Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia, and Florida. Now, therefore. I, James Wilson, Secretary of Agbicultuke, under authority conferred by section 1 of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1905 (33 Stat., 1264), do hereby quarantine the area herein- after described, and do order by this Rule 1, Revision 5, under the authority and discretion conferred on the Secretary of Agriculture bv section 3 of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1905 (33 Stat., )), that the interstate movement of cattle of the area herein quarantined to any point not located in the said quarantined area shall be made only in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture designated as B. A. I. Order 143, promulgated March 22, 1907, and effective April 15, 1007, and amendments thereto, subject only to the exceptions hereinafter contained. The following areas arc quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle: CALDJORNI V. I he counties of San Diego, Orange. Los Angeles, Ventura, Tulare. ban Jans Obispo, those portions of San Bernardino and Riverside counties west of the one hundred and sixteenth meridian west longi- tude, Santa Barbara County, with the exception of the island of Santa 17283—09 Rosa and that portion of .Fresno County west of the right of way of the main line of the Southern Pacific Company, are quarantined. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the area hereinbefore described shall be moved or allowed to move except as provided for immediate slaughter to any point in the United States not in the State of California which is located in an area not quaran- tined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on premises known to have been free of infection for at least six months and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a cer- tificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State or Territory into which the cattle are to be shipped. TEXAS. The entire State of Texas is quarantined, with the exception of the counties of Dallam, Sherman, Hansford, Ochiltree, Lipscomb, Hart- ley, Moore, Hutchinson, Roberts, Hemphill, Oldham, Potter, Carson, Gray, Wheeler, Deaf Smith, Randall, Armstrong, Donley, Collings- worth, Parmer, Castro, Swisher, Briscoe, Hall, Childress, Bailey, Lamb, Hale, Floyd, Motley, Cochran, Hockley, Lubbock, Crosby, Dickens, Yoakum, Terry, Lynn, Garza, Kent, Gaines, Dawson, Andrews, Martin, El Paso, Jeff Davis, Presidio, Brewster, Reeves, Loving, Winkler, Ector, Midland, Ward, and Scurry. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the coun- ties of Cottle, Hardeman, Foard, Wilbarger, King, Knox, Baylor, Stonewall, Haskell, Borden, Fisher, Jones, Howard, Mitchell, Glass- cock, Crane, Upton, Reagan, or of those portions of the counties of Pecos and Terrell north and west of a line beginning at the southwest corner of Terrell County; thence in a northerly direction to the northwest corner of section No. 63, block D10, Texas Central Railway Company; thence north along the western boundary of sections Nos. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, and 72 of said block D10 to the north- west corner of said section No. 72; thence continuing north through •the western parts of sections Nos. 36, 25, 24, 13, 12, and 1, block 150, Texas and St. Louis Railroad Company, to the roadbed of the Gal- veston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad Company; thence southeasterly, following the roadbed of the said Galveston, Harris- burg and San Antonio Railroad Company, to a point on section No. 36, block A2, Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad Company; thence north with the pasture fence through the eastern part of sections Nos. 36, 13, and 12 of said block A2 and across section No. 1 , Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company; thence continuing north with said pasture fence through the eastern part of sections Nos. 16, 17, 46, 47, 76, 77, 106, 107, 136, 137, 142, 143, and 194, block D, Missouri, Kansas and Texas Extension Railway Company; thence continuing in a northerly direction to a point on the northern boundary of section No. 6, block 160, Gulf, Colorado and -Santa Fe Railway Company, same being corner of pasture fence; thence east along the northern boundary of sections Nos. 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, and 16, block 160, Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company, to the northeast corner of said section No. 16, the same being corner of pasture fence; thence in a northerly direction with the eastern boundary of sections Nbs. 22, 21, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 2S, 29, 30, 31, and 32, block 1, Corpus Christi, San Diego and Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Railway Company, to the northeast coiner of said section No. 32; thence wesi with the northern boundary of sections Nos. 32 and i\:\, same block, to the northwest corner of section No. 33. block 1, Corpus Christi, San Diego and Rio Grande Narrow (Jamie Railway Company, corner of fence; thence north with the eastern boundary of tions Nos. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, 36, 37, 48, 49, 60, 61, and 72, block 2, Corpus Christi, San Diego and Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Kail- way Company, to the northeast corner of said section No. 72: thence in an easterly direction with the pasture fence to the southeast corner of section No. 9, patentee! to James E. Evans; thence north along the eastern boundary of said section Xo. 9 to the northwest corner of section No. 100, block A2, Texas Central Railway Company; thence east with the northern boundary of sections Nos. 100 and 89, same block, to the northeast comer of said section No. 89, block A2, Texas Central Raihvay Company; thence north along the eastern boundary of sections Nos. 90, 91, 92, and 93 to the southeast corner of section No. 94, block A2, Texas Central Railway Company; thence northwest diagonally across section Xo. 94 to the northwest coiner of said section; thence continuing in a northwest- erly direction diagonally across sections Nos. 14, 18, and 28 to the northeast corner of section No. 29, block C4, Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company; thence west with the northern boundary of said section No. 29 to the northwest corner of said section; thence northwest diagonally across section No. 1, Texas Central Railway Company, and section No. 97, block 194, Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company, to the northeast corner of section No. 96; thence in a northerly direction across section No. 94 to a point on its northern boundary 600 varas west of its northeast corner; thence continuing north through sections Nos. 93, 90, 89, 86, 85, and 58, block 194, Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company, to a point on the northern boundary of said section No. 58; thence northwesterly with the pasture fence through section No. 59 to the northeast corner of section No. 82 and the southeast corner of section No. 81, same block; thence continuing northwesterly to section No. 17, Houston and Great Northern Railroad Company; thence north along the eastern boundary of said section No. 17 to the Pecos River; thence northwesterly along said Pecos River to the northwest corner of Crockett County, shall be moved or allowed to move, except as pro- vided for immediate slaughter, to any point in the United States not in the State of Texas which is located in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas lever unless and until the said cattle, on account of temporary local conditions prevailing in the Shite of Texas, shall have been kept for not less than fifteen days on premises free of infection and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the move- ment from the proper official of the State or Territory into which the cattle are to be shipped. From the other counties and portions of counties in that part of Texas which is quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter. OKLAHOMA. The entire State of Oklahoma is quarantined, except the counties of Cimarron, Texas, Beaver, Harper, Woods, Alfalfa, Grant, Woodward, Major, Garfield, Ellis, Dewey, Blaine, Kingfisher, Logan, Roger Mills, Custer, Beckham, Washita, Oklahoma, Harmon, Canadian, that por- tion of Cleveland County north of the Canadian River and west of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, that portion of Noble County west of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway and north of the line between townships 23 and 24 north, that portion of Kay County west of the Arkansas River, that portion of Caddo County north of the Mangum branch of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway, and that portion of Greer County west of the Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railway. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of that portion of Greer County east of the Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railway, that portion of Jackson County west of the Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railway, that portion of Kay County east of the Arkansas River, that portion of Cleveland County east of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway and north of the line between town- ships 7 and 8 north, that portion of Payne County north of the line between townships 19 and 20 north, or that portion of Noble County east of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway and south of the line between townships 21 and 22 north shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaughter, to any f)oint in the United States not in the State of Oklahoma which is ocated in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on premises known to have been free of infection for at least six months and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State or Territory into which the cattle are to be shipped. From the other counties and portions of counties in that part of Oklahoma which is quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regu- lations for immediate slaughter. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the quaran- tined area of any State other than the State of Oklahoma shall, except as hereinafter provided, be moved or allowed to move into Osage County: Provided, That from October 1 of each year to May 15 of the following year cattle of the quarantined area of any other State may be moved into Osage County after having been satisfactorily dipped in Beaumont crude petroleum, or otherwise properly treated, under the supervision of an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry. .MISSOURI. Kipley County, that portion of Oregon County south of the line between townships 22 and 23 north, thai portion of Newton County west of the right of way of the Kansas City Southern Railway, and that portion of McDonald County west of the right of way of the Kansas City Southern Railway are quarantined. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of those 4 por- tions of Oregon, Newton, and McDonald counties hereinbefore described shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaughter, to any point in the United States not in the State of .Missouri which is located in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle snail have been continuously kept on premises know r n to have been free of infection for at least six months and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a cer- tificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State or Ter- ritory into which the cattle are to he shipped. From Ripley County cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accord- ance with the regulations for immediate slaughter. ARKANSAS. The entire State of Arkansas is quarantined except the counties of Carroll, Randolph, Clay, Green, Lawrence, Craighead, Mississippi, and Poinsett. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the counties of Benton or Washington, that portion of Fulton County east of Spring River, or that portion of Sharp County north of Strawberry River shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaughter, to any point in the United States not in the State of Ar- kansas which is located in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on premises known to have been free of infec- tion for at least six months and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the move- iuent from the proper official of the State or Territory into which the cattle are to be shipped. From the other counties and parts of counties in that portion of the State of Arkansas which is quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move inter- state to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter. TENNESSEE. The following-mentioned counties and parts of counties are quar- antined: The counties of Hardeman, McXaiiy, Chester, Henderson, Decatur, Hardin, Wayne, Lawrence, Hamilton, James, Bradley, Polk, Overton, that portion of Madison County east and south of a line beginning at a point on the southern boundary line of Madison County where the Illinois Central Railroad intersects said line, thence northerly along the Illinois Central Railroad to the south fork of Forked Deer River, thence easterly along said river to the mouth of Warlick Creek, thence northerly along said creek to its intersection with the Jackson and Cotton Grove road, thence northerly along said road and the Cotton Grove road and Spring Creek road to Spring Creek, thence northeasterly along the Jackson and Spring Creek road to the southern boundary of Carroll Count}^; that por- tion of Benton County south of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad; that portion of Lincoln County south of Elk River; that portion of Marion County south and east of the Tennessee River; and that portion of Fentress County west of the East Fork of Obey River. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of Overton County, or that portion of Fentress County hereinbefore described, shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaugh- ter, to any point in the United States not in the State of Tennessee which is located in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle shall have been con- tinuously kept on premises known to have been free of infection for at least six months and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Indus- try, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from, the proper official of the State or Territory into which the cattle are to be shipped. From the other counties and portions of counties in that part of the State of Tennessee which is quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move inter- state to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter. GEORGIA. The entire State of Georgia is quarantined except the counties of Union, Towns, and Rabun. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the counties of White, Habersham, or Stephens shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaughter, to any point in the United States not in the State of Georgia which is located in an area not quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, unless and until the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on premises known to have been free of infection for at least six months and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until per- mission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State or Territory into which the cattle are to be shipped. From the other counties in that part of the State of Georgia winch is quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter. SOI HI CABOLINA. The entire State of South Carolina La quarantined except the coun- ties of Oconee, Pickens, Greenville, and Anderson From the other counties in the State of South Carolina cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter. XORTII CAROLINA. The counties of Franklin, Wake, Chatham. Randolph, Stanly, Montgomery, Moore, Harnett. Johnston, Wilson. Nasn, Halifax. Northampton. Hertford, Bertie. Gates, Chowan, Perquimans, Pas- quotank, Camden. Currituck, Edgecombe, Martin, Washington, Tyr- rell, Dare, Hyde, Beaufort, Pitt, Wayne, Sampson, Cumberland, Richmond, Scotland. Robeson, Bladen, Greene, Lenoir, Craven, Pam- lico, Carteret, Jones, Duplin, Onslow, Pender, Columbus, Brunswick, and New Hanover are quarantined. From the counties above mentioned cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate slaughter. VIRGINIA. The counties of Fluvanna, Chesterfield, Brunswick, Greenesville, Sussex, Surry, Southampton, Isle of Wight. Nansemond, and that part of Warwick County not included in the Newport News magis- terial district, and that part of York County not included in the Bru- ton magisterial district are quarantined. From the counties and parts of counties above mentioned cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for imme- diate slaughter. LOUISIANA. The entire State of Louisiana is quarantined. During the continuance of this quarantine no cattle of the parishes of Lincoln and Claiborne shall be moved or allowed to move, except as provided for immediate slaughter, to any point in the United States not in the State of Louisiana which is located in an area not quar- antined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever unless and until the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on premises known to have been free of infection for at least six months and unless and until the cattle shall have been inspected and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the shipment issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, nor until permission shall have been obtained in advance of the movement from the proper official of the State or Territory into which the cattle are to be shipped. From the other parishes in the State of Louisiana cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move interstate to points outside of the quara slaughter. quarantined area in accordance with the regulations for immediate MISSISSIPPI, ALABAMA, FLORIDA. The entire States of ^Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida are quar- antined. From the above-mentioned States cattle shall only be moved or allowed to move to points outside of the quarantined area in accord- ance with the regulations for immediate slaughter. GENERAL PROVISION. During the continuance of the quarantine as herein established no cattle of the quarantined area of any State (except those portions from which cattle may be moved upon inspection) shall be moved or allowed to move to any portion of the quarantined area of another State from which, under the specific provisions of this rule, cattle are allowed to be shipped for purposes other than immediate slaughter upon inspection and certification by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry. OPEN SEASON. During the months of January, November, and December of each year cattle of the quarantined area of any State may be moved inter- state therefrom for purposes other than immediate slaughter into the State of Kansas, the Territories of Arizona and Xew Mexico, those portions of the States of California and Texas not included in the quarantined area, and that portion of the State of Missouri south of the Missouri River if the said cattle shall have been continuously kept on premises known to have been free of infection for at least six months and shall first have been inspected under proper facilities for inspection at the point of origin and found free of infection and a certificate authorizing the movement issued by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and if permission shall first have been obtained from the proper official of the State or Territory to which the cattle are destined. During the period from November 15 of each year to January 31 of the following year cattle of the quarantined area of any State may be moved interstate therefrom for purposes other than imme- diate slaughter under the above-mentioned restrictions into that por- tion of the State of Arkansas not included in the quarantined area. During the months of January and February, the first fifteen days of March, and the last sixteen days of December in each year cattle of the quarantined area of any State may be moved interstate there- from for purposes other than immediate slaughter under the above- mentioned restrictions into those portions of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina not included in the quarantined area. During the month of January and the last seventeen days of December in each year cattle of the quarantined area of any State may be moved interstate therefrom for purposes other than Imme- diate slaughter under the above-mentioned restrictions into thai por- tion of the State of Oklahoma not included in the quarantined area. Cattle of the quarantined area that have been shipped interstate during the months of January, November, and December of each year to any State or Territory outside of the quarantined area other than those States and Territories and portions thereof set out herein shall not be moved into any of the States or Territories or portion- thereof hereinbefore mentioned within three months of the dal the movement from the quarantined area. Cattle which are moved interstate from the quarantined area of any State into those States or Territories or portions thereof herein- before mentioned, under certificates from inspectors of the Bureau of Animal Industry for feeding or stocking purposes, shall, when shipped, be transported in cleaned and disinfected cars or boats, and shall not be placed in stock pens which have been reserved for cattle originating in the quarantined area. FEEDING STATIONS FOR NONINFECTED CATTLE. Cattle not of the quarantined area which are transported interstate by rail through the quarantined area may be unloaded therein for rest, feed, and water into properly equipped noninfectious pens set apart for such cattle at the Fort Worth stock yards, at Fort Worth. Tex.; the stock yards of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway at llodge and Denison, Tex.; the stock yards of the International and Great Northern Railroad &t Laredo, Tex.; the Southern Pacific Com- pany stock yards at Los Angeles, Cal. ; the stock yards at Colton, Cal. ; the stock yards of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad at Sapulpa, Okla.; the stock yards of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway at Muskogee, Okla.; the stock yards of the Kansas City. Mexico and Orient Railway at Altus, Okla., and at such other points as may from time to time be authorized by the Secretary of Agricul- ture, provided such pens and the platforms, chutes, and alleyways leading thereto have been cleaned and disinfected under the super- vision of an employee of the Bureau of Animal Endustry and are con- structed and maintained in accordance with the specifications se< out in the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture to prevent the spread of splenetic fever in cattle. All cattle 1 handled in such noninfectious pens shall be Uvt^ from ticks (Margaropus anrvulatus) and shall not have been unloaded at any point in the quarantined area other than the designated unload- ing points named herein or hereafter authorized by the Secretary of 10 Agriculture, and thev shall be reloaded into the same cars from which unloaded or into other cars which have been cleaned, washed, and disinfected, as required by B. A. I. Order 143 and amendments thereto, immediately before loading therein, and reshipped as uninfected cattle. INTERPRETATION. This Rule 1, Revision 5, shall be construed in connection with the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture, promulgated March 22, 1907, and effective on and after April 15, 1907, and amendments thereto, and is subject to amendment or revision on statutory notice. Rule 1, Revision 4, dated March 17, 1909, effective April 1, 1909, and all amendments thereto, shall cease to be effective on and after December 6, 1909, on and after which date this Rule 1, Revision 5, which for purposes of identification is designated as B. A. I. Order 166, shall- become and be effective until otherwise ordered. Done at Washington this second day of De- cember, 1909. Witness my hand and the seal of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llllllll 3 1262 08859 3156