I. United States Department of Agriculture, (B. A. I. Okt.kk 1CJ.) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. REVOCATION OF REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE IMPORTATION OF HAY AND STRAW FROM THE ISLAND OF JAMAICA, BRITISH WEST INDIES. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, May 25, 1909. Under the authority of the act of Congress entitled "An act to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to more effectually suppress and prevent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases of live stock, and for other purposes," approved February 2, 1903, and to prevent the intro- duction of the contagion of anthrax, pleuro-pneumonia, or foot-and- mouth disease, a regulation, designated as B. A. I. Order 159, was issued on March 23, 1909. It provided that all hay or straw, the product of the island of Jamaica, British West Indies, or which had been trans- ported through said island, should be disinfected as might be prescribed by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, at the expense of the importer, before being unloaded from the vessel bringing it into any port of the United States, and when unloaded and landed it should be stored and held in quarantine for a period of not less than three months in some place acceptable to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry and under conditions prescribed by him. The necessity for the measures required in the regulation, designated as B. A. I. Order 159, having passed, the said regulation so designated is hereby canceled, such cancellation to take effect from June 1, 1909. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Ill 3 1262 08858 5350