UNITED STaTES DEPARTITEUT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine V/asliinpton, D. C. D. E. P. Q.— 379 July 19, 1935. Superseding P. Q. C. A. — 294 FLANT-QUARANTIiJE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF TEE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/brazilrepub35unit UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, I). C. B, E. P. ,.—379 July 19, 1935. Supersedin; P. Q. C. A. — 294 PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF PRAZIL This summary of the pi ant -quarantine import restrictions of the Republic of Brazil has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of ulants and plant products to that country. It inclu.es the regula- tions of chapters I and II of Brazilian decree No. 24114 of Auril 12, 1934, pertaining to the importation of plants and plant products (super- seding decree No. 15189 of Dec. 21, 1921 and those of the resolution of Nov. 19, 1934). The summary was compiled by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine In- spector in charge of Foreign Service Information of the Division of For- eign Plant Quarantines, from his translations of the original texts, and reviewed by Ing. Agron. Eugenic 0. Bruclc, Assistant, Brazilian Plant Protection Service (Servico de Defesa Sanitaria Vegetal). The information contained in this circular is believed to be cor- rect and complete up to the time of publication, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts of the decrees, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The decrees themselves should be consulted for the exact texts. LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine PIAIJT-CJJARANTTHE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL BASIC LEGISLATION Decree No. 14356, September 15, 1920 (.art. 10), Regulations of the Bio- logical Institute of Agricultural Protection. Decree No. 15189, December 21, 1921, Regulations of the Plant Protection Service. Decree No. 24114, April 12, 1934, Regulations of the Plant Protection Service. CONCISE SUMMARY IMPORTATION, COMMERCE, TRANSIT, aND EXPORTATION PROHIBITED (Decree No. 24114, of Apr. 12, 1934, art. 1, p. 3) PLANTS AND PiJiTS OF PLANTS, including stocks, scions, cuttings, layers, fruits, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, leaves, and flowers, if they are carriers of injurious diseases and pests. LIVE INSECTS, mites, nematodes, and other harmful plant parasites, in any stage of development. CULTURES OF BACTERIA, and fungi injurious to plants. CASES, BOXES, SACHS, or other packing materials that may have served for the transportation of the products named in this article. SOILS, COMPOSTS, OR PLANT PRODUCTS that may contain cryptogams, insects, or other harmful plant parasites in any stage of development, whether or not they accompany live plants. IMPORTATION PROHIBITED FROM ALL COUNTRIES (Resolution of Nov. 19, 1934, art, 1, p. 10) BAKAHA (Musa spp.): Seedlings and pseudo-bulbs (bits). COCOa (Theobroma cacao L.): Stocks, fruits, and seeds. COFFEE (Coffea spp.): Stocks, berries, and seeds; seedlings of other Rubiaceae. -2- COTTONSEED aND SEED COTTON (Gossypium spp.). RUTACEAE: Including stocks, seeds, and buds of the ,-enera Citrus, Pon- cirus, Fortunella, Evodia, Mel i cope, Casimoroa, and Toddalia. SUGARCANE (Saccharum officinarum L.) ; Seedlings, cuttings, and seeds. IMPORTATION PROHIBITED FROM PARTICULAR COUNTRIES EUCALYPTUS: Seeds and stocks produced in Argentina, Australia, New Zea- land, and the Union of South Africa. IMPOR TATI ON RE3TRI C TED PLANTS AND PLANT PRODUCTS OTHERWISE PROHIBITED may be imported by the Ministry of Agriculture for experimental purposes. (Decree No. 24114, Apr. 12, 1934, art. 1 (2); Resolution of Nov. 19, 1934, art. 1 (1).) see p. 10. USEFUL INSECTS, BACTERIA, AND FUNGI: Importation may be permitted by the Ministry of Agriculture throwh an order. (Decree No. 24114, Apr. 12, 1934, art. 1 (3).) See p. 4. ALFALFA (Medic ago spp.), and CLOVER (Trifolium spp.) seeds: Federal phy- tosanitary certificate, also declaring freedom from dodder seeds (Cuscuta 3pp.). (Resolution of Nov. 19, 1954, art. 2.) See p. 10. COTTON (Gossypium spp.), and BR00MC0RN, Holcus (Andropogon) sorghum var. technicus L. : Federal fumigation certificate required, (resolu- tion of Nov. 19, 1934, art. 5.) See p. 11. CORN (Zea mays L. ) : Federal phytosanitary certificate affirming that the corn included in the shipment originated in a region free from European corn borer (Pyrausta nubilalis Hubn.). (Resolution of Nov. 19, 1934, art. 4.) See p. 11. POTATOES (Solanum tuberosum L.) : Federal certificate affirming freedom from Syncr.ytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc, Spongospora sub- t err anea ( JTJhrT) Johnson, Gnorimoschema operculella ^ell., and Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say. (Resolution of Nov. 19, 1934, art. 3.) 3^~e p. 10. SEED POTATOES: To be officially certified also as to the freedom of the crop from virus diseases and that the tubers have been disinfected. (Resolution of Nov. 19, 1934, art. 3 (1); Decree No. 21734, Aug, 16, 1932.) See p. 13. -3- IMPORTATION UiJRESTRICTED ALMONDS, Prunus (Amygdalus) communis L. ; anise (Pimpinella an i sum L. ) , bird seeds, cloves, India (Eugenia aromatica (L.) 0. Kze.), cumin (Cuminum cyminum L. ) , garlic (Allium sativum L.) , millet (Chaetochloa italica (L.) Scribn,) , nuts, hazel (Corylus spp.), onions (Allium cepa L. ) , and pepper, black (Piper nigrum L. ) . (Resolution of Nov. 19, 1954, art. 6.) See pp. 11 & 12, BARLEY (Hordeum vulgar e L.), oats (Avena sativa L.) , rye (Secale cereale L.) , wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and flax seed Linum usitatissimum L.) for human consumption and industrial purposes. (Resolution of Nov. 19, 1934, art. 6 (1).) See p. 12. GENERAL REGULATIONS (Promulgated by Decree No. 24114 of Apr. 12, 1934, superseding those cf Decree No. 15189 if Dec. 21, 1921.) IMPORTATION PROHIBITED Article 1. Under the conditions hereinafter prescribed, the importation, commerce, transit, and exportation are prohibited of: (_a) Plants and parts of plants, such as stocks, scions, cuttings, layers, fruits, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, leaves, and flowers, when they are carriers of injurious diseases and pests; (Jd) Live insects, mites, nematodes, and other harmful plant parasites, in any stage of development; (_c) Cultures of bacteria and fungi injurious to plants; (ji) Cases, sacks, or other packing materials which may have served for the transportation of the products named in this article; (_e) Soils, composts, or plant products that may contain cryptogams, insects, or other harmful plant parasites in any stage of development, whether or not they accom- pany living plants. PLANTS MTU SOIL TO BE DISINFECTED (1) Certain species of plants, according to the judgment of the Plant -4- Protection Service (Servico de Defesa Sanitaria Vegetal), may be admitted to importation with soil subject to obligatory disinfection and the sub- stitution of the soil on arrival. IMPORTATION OF PROHIBITS. PLANT MATERIAL FOE EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSES (2) The Ministry of Agriculture may permit the importation of the plant material named in paragraphs _a, _b, _c, and _e of this article, only fcr ex- perimental purposes in scientific establishments of Brazil, subject to preventive measures v/hich will be prescribed in each case by the National Council for Agricultural Protection (Conselho Nacional de Defesa Agricola) , USEFUL INSECTS, BACTERIA, AND FUNGI ADMITTED (3) The Ministry of .agriculture may permit, by Crder, after hearing the National Council for Agricultural Protection, the introduction into the country of species of insects, fungi, bacteria, etc., recognized as useful, to which the prohibitions under letters J) and _c_ of this article do not apply. SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS OR PROHIBITIONS MAY BE ESTABLISHED art. 2. Independently of the provisions of article 1, the Minis- try of Agriculture may prohibit, or establish special conditions for the importation of any plant, part thereof, or agricultural product which proceeds from any country suspected of being or which actually is invaded by diseases and pests whose introduction into the country may constitute a menace to the national cultures. The Ministry of Agriculture will determine, by Order, which products and respective countries of origin are comprehended within this article. IMPORTATION RESTRICTED OF PLANTS AND PARTS 0? PLANTS AUTHORIZED PORTS OF fiNTRY Art. D, The importation of plants and parts of olants will be per- mitted only throu.'-h ports and frontier stations in which the Plant Protec- tion Service shall have been established. The Ministry of Agriculture will determine periodically, by Order, which ports and frontier stations have been equipped for the purposes of this article, (See article 7, Resolution of Nov. 19, 1934.) -5- RECUIREEl'TS FOR CONSULAR VISA Art, 4. Brazilian consuls in foreign countries will not legal- ize invoices for plants or parts of plants unless all the requirements of Brazilian phyto sanitary legislation have been complied with. Art. 5. Besides other measures that have been taken by the Min- istry of Agriculture, consuls must observe the following: (_a) Require, for the legalization of invoices, that there be presented to him for visa the official certificate of origin and plant health issued by the competent authority of the Plant Protection Service of the country of origin. (b_) Require with the phytosanitary certificates the special declarations established by Orders of the Ministry of Agriculture for the importation of certain species and plant products. CERTIFICATES NOT REQUIRED :ITH PLAINT PRODUCTS INTENDED FOR FOOD, MANUFACTURING, AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES (_c) Dispense with the phytosanitary certificate only when products intended for food, manufacturing, medicinal, and ornamental purposes are concerned, which in the terms of article 13 have unrestricted entry into Brazil, in virtue of Orders of the Ministry of Agriculture. (d.) Ascertain, in accordance with article 3, whether the products to be exported (to Brazil) are intended for a port or frontier station at which the Plant Protec- tion Service is established. (_e) Determine whether or not the plants or parts of plants are included in prohibitions established by these reg- ulations or by Orders of the Ministry of Agriculture. (_f) Grant invoices for products whose importation is pro- hibited only when authorized to do so by the Ministry of Agriculture, through the intermediary of Foreign Re- lations. NOTICE OF ARRIVAL Art. 6. For the purposes of these regulations, the Ministry of Finance, through its customhouses and stations, will immediately notify the technical official of the plant protection service having jurisdic- -6- tion in the port or frontier station, of the arrival and foreign source of origin of any plants or parts of plants. Identical notification will be made by the Ministry of Supervi- sion and Public "forks (Ministerio da Viacao e Obras Publicas), through the Department of Posts and Telegraphs (Departamento dcs Correios e Tele~rafos) , with respect to plants and parts of plants imported by mail, HO REL^E OF PLANT MATERIAL '"TTHOUT TECHNICAL AUTHORIZATION Art. 7. In no case will the Departments referred to in the preced- ing article permit the clearance of plants or parts of plants without the respective authorization of the technical official of the Plant Protection Service. (1) That authorization will be obtained through an applica- tion by the importer or his broker, who will furnish the following to that official: (ja) The certificate of origin and plant health of the country of origin, legalized by the Brazilian consul ; (bj Complete information on the products to be cleared, including that necessary to establish their identity. CHARACTER OF PHYTO SANITARY CERTIFICATE l/ (2) The certificate in question must be signed by the com- petent authority of the plant protection service of the exporting country and indicate: {&) Quantity and kind of containers; _l/ NOTE: The Brazilian phytosanitary certificate is identical with that approved by the International Convention for Plant Protection and a certi- ficate based upon that is acceptable to the Brazilian Department of Agri- culture. Only certificates issued by the United States Federal Department of Agriculture are acceptable. The essential part of the text of the certificate adopted by the Convention, as applicable to Brazil, is: "The undersigned, (name and official title) certifies, in con- formity with the results of the inspection of products in- cluded in the shipment, that the plants or parts of plants contained in the shipment described below are deemed free from injurious diseases and pests." -7- (b) "/eight and marks; (_cj Vessel and date of sailing; (d.) Description of plants and parts of plants; (_e) Place where grown; (_f) Name of exporter; (jg) Name and address of consignee; (h.) Date of inspection; (_i) Attestation that the products exported are deemed free from diseases and pests injurious to crops. CERTIFICATE NOT OBLIGATORY FOR SMALL MAIL OR BAGGAGE SHIPMENTS Art. 8. The certification requirements of the preceding article may be dispensed with for small shipments of plants and parts of slants imported by mail, including mail orders, registered mail, samples without value, etc., or those carried in the baggage of passengers from foreign court tries; meanwhile such products are not allowed to be disembarked ..Ithout competent inspection by the Plant Protection Service. (Circular No. 51, of Aug. 30, 1930, makes the provisions cf this article applicable to ship- ments of plant products 'imported by air mail.) (1) The Ministry of Agriculture can limit the quantity and establish conditions under which he will permit the certificate to be dispensed with under the terms of this article. Passengers must decide plant material in baggage (2) Passengers from foreign countries who carry plants, seeds, cuttinrs, rhiaoraes, tubers, fruits, etc., in their baggage are required to declare them to the customs authorities for the purpose of a phytosanitary inspec- tion, holding such material until competent inspection and release have boon effected by technical officials of the Plant Protection Service. (3) In case of concealment or false declaration, the violators are sub- ject to the confiscation of the products, in addition to other penalties provided by law. Art. 9. The requirements of the preceding articles having been met, the technical official of the Plant Protection Service will proceed to in- spect the imported products, authorizing their release on confirmation of compliance with the provisions of articles 1 and 2. -8- Live plants and plant products which rapidly deteriorate will have precedence in inspection on arrival. DISPOSAL OF PROHIBITED PLANT MATERIAL Art. 10, On inspection upon arrival, if it be found that the plants or parts of plants are included in the prohibition of articles 1 and 2, they v.ill be at once put under the supervision of the Plant Pro- tection Service in a place indicated by that Service. (1) Such products will be reembarkea within 15 days, and if not ex- ported within that period, they will be disinfected or destroyed. (2) The expense involved by the requirements of this article shall be borne by the interested person without right of indemnity. (3) If injurious pests :>r diseases, ^r those which are easily dis- tributed, are concerned, the Plant Protection Service will immediately seize and destroy the condemned products. (4) The disinfection, removal, and destruction of condemned products will be effected by the Plant Protection Service or, in ports where that Service is not represented, by the customs. CONDITIONS UNDER TNICII DISINFECTION IS REQUIRED Art. 11. Imported plant products, infected or infested with fungi, insects, or other parasites, or even suspected of being carriers of such parasites, which already exist or are distributed in Brazil and are re- garded as of secondary importance, nay be released after being disinfected or sterilized in accordance with conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Agriculture. If the infection or infestation referred to in this article is of great intensity, the plants or parts of plants will be subject to the provisions of article 10. PLANTS FROM SUSPECTED COUNTRIES TO BE 1IELD IN QUARANTINE Art. 12. Plants or parts of plants from suspected countries or localities, or whose sanitary condition on arrival is doubtful, may be planted in quarantine in an official establishment, or in a place offering the necessary guaranties, in the judgment of the Plant Protection Service, which will keep them under supervision and will not permit their removal without previous authorization. Art. 13. The Ministry of Agriculture will determine, by Order, which plant products intended for food, manufacturing, medicinal, cr -9- ornamental purposes, whose unrestricted entry into Brazil does not con- stitute a menace to the national cultures, may be exempted from some or all of the requirements of the present regulations. DEFECTIVE CERTIFICATE INVOLVES BOND Art. 14. For errors or imperfections in the phytosanitary cer- tificates required by these regulations for the importation of plants or parts of plants, the importer may be allowed, at the discretion of the Ministry of Agriculture, to give a bond ^f responsibility and cash se- curity under conditions to be fixed later and within a predetermined period and certified accordingly. (1) The permission referred to in this article will be granted only for products which do not fall within the provisions of article 1 or within measures of exclusion in force. (2) The conditions and fees required for the concession referred to in this article will be regulated by special orders. Art. 15. Penalties. SPECIAL QUARANTI^S The special quarantines of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture were codified by the Resolution of November 19, 1934, as follows: IMPORTATION PROHIBITED Article 1. The importation is prohibited from any country, into any part of the national territory, of the following plants and parts of plants: (_a) Cottonseed and seed cotton (Gossypium spp.); to prevent the introduction of the boll weevil, Aiithonomus grandis Boh. and other pests. (_b) Banana (Mu3a spp.) seedlings and pseudo-bulbs (bits); to prevent the introduction of the Panama disease, Fusarium cubense E . F . Sm . (_c) Coffee (Coffea spp. ) : Stocks (seedlings), berries, seeds; seedlings of other Rubiaceae; to prevent the introduction of the rust, Kemileia vastatrix B. and Br. and Hypo then emus sp. , a beetle. (_d) Stocks, fruits, and seeds of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.); to prevent the introduction of witches' broom, Exoascus theobromae Ritz. Bos, and Mar asm! us pernio i^sus Stahel, etc. -10- (ej Seedlings, cuttinrs, and seeds of sue arcane (Sac char um ^fficinarum L. ) ; to prevent the introduction of virus diseases, the European corn borer, Pyrausta nubilalis Hbn. , etc. (f) Seeds, buds, and stocks of the genera Citrus, Pone ir us, Fortunella, and other genera of the family Rutaceae, as well as of the genera .Evodia, Mel i cope, Casiraoroa, and Toddalia, also of the same f airily; to prevent the in- troduction of citrus canker, Bacterium citri Hasse. (_gj Seeds and stocks of Eucalyptus produced in Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa. PROHIBITED PLANTS I-IAY BE IMPORTED BY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (1) The Ministry of Agriculture reserves the right to import the plants and parts of plants mentioned in this article in small quantities, cr to authorize State governments to import them for cultural experiments in their tecLnico- experimental establishments, observing, however, protective measures prescribed by the Plant Protection Service (Servico de Defesa Sanitaria Vegetal). (2) The Ministry of Agriculture may import plant species mentioned in this article on the application and for the account of private persons, the importations being subject to conditions prescribed by the Plant Pro- tection Service. Such plants will be frown in quarantine in official establishments of the Ministry, and only the respective progeny of the planting may be delivered to the interested person. ALFALFA AND CLOVER SEEDS MOST BE FREE FROM DODDER 2." The importation is prohibited, under the provision <~f article 2 of Decree No. 24114, of April 12, 19:34, of seeds of alfalfa ( Med i c ago s at i v a L . ) and of other leguminous forage-crop seeds if the required phytosanitary certificate does not include a declaration that such seeds are free from dodder (Cuscuta seeds). CERTIFICATE REQUIRED FOR POTATOES Art. 3. Under the terms of article 2 of the above-mentioned decree, importation is prohibited of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) that are not accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate affirming that they orif.inated in a locality free from the following parasites: Potato wart, Syncuytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc; pov;dery scab, Spongospora subttrranea ( Wahr • ) Johnson; potato tuber worm, (Phth^rimaea) Cnorimoschema operculella Zell.; and the Colorado potato beetle, Lepti- notarsa deceinlineata Say . -11- SEED POTATOES MUST ES CERTIFIED AS FREE FROM VIRUS .DISEASES (1) There seed potatoes are concerned, in addition to the above- mentioned phytosanitary certificate, tney must he accompanied by a cer- tificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the producing country, declaring that they proceed from an establishment that grows seed po- tatoes, officially controlled (supervised) against the so-called degen- eration or virus diseases. (See Decree No. 21734 of Aug. 16, 1932, pp . 15 and 16 . ) PORT OF ENTRY FOR POTATOES FROM SPAIN AND PORTUGAL (2) The importation of potatoes from Spain and Portugal exclusively for consumption, will be permitted through the port of Rio de Janeiro alone. (3) For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, in addition to the phytosanitary certificate, the presentation of a certificate of disinfec- tion is indispensable; both certificates must be visaed by the Brazilian Consulate at the port of embarkation, to prevent the introduction of the potato tuber worm, Onorimo schema operculella, and powdery scab, Spongo- spora subterranea. EUROPEAN CORN BORER CERTIFICATE REQUIRED FOR SEED CORN Art. 4. Under the terms of article 2 of Decree No. 24114 the im- portation of corn seed (Zea mays L.) is prohibited in the absence of a declaration on the required phytosanitary certificate that the corn in- cluded in the shipment originated in a region free from tho European corn bor er , Pyrausta nubilalis Hbn . FJlff CATION CERTIFICATE REQUIRED 71 TH COTTON AND BROOMCORN Art. 5. Under the terms of article 2 of the above-mentioned Decree No. 24114, the importation of raw cotton and cotton wastes, as well as of stravr and panicles of broomcorn, Andropogon sorghum var. technicus, is prohibited, unless accompanied by a fumigation certificate. In the absence of this certificate, or if the certificate does not offer the necessary guaranty, fumigation may be effected at the port of arrival if a properly equipped station or post exists at the port of arrival IMPORTATION OF CERTAIN PLANT PRODUCTS UNRESTRICTED Art. 6. Under the terms of article 13 of the above-mentioned Dacree No. 24114 a phytosanitary certificate is not required for the importation of the following products: Almonds (Air.y^dalus communis L.), Anise (Pim- pinella anisum L.) , bird seeds, cloves, India (lUginia aromatica (L.) 0. Kze.) , cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) , garlic (Allium sativum L.), millet (Chaetochloa italica (L.) Scribn. ) , nuts, hazel. (Corylu > spp.), onions (Allium cepa L.), pepper, black (Piper nigrum L. ) . CEREALS FOR CONSUMPTION ^D MANUFACTURE UNRESTRICTED (1) The cereals, barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oats (Avena sativa L.), rye (Secale cerealo L.) , wheat ■ (Triticum. aestivum L.), ar.d flax seed (Linum usitatissimum L.) , are included in the concession established by this article when imported for human consumption or for industrial purposes (stock feeds, industrial ferment products, etc.)* (2) Persons interested in the concession prescribed by the preceding paragraph shall sim an undertaking to the Plant Protection Service at the port through which entry is made that the grains and seeds above referred to will not be used for planting. (3) The products mentioned in this article shall be released from the customs only on the authorization of the Plant Protection Service. AUTHORIZED PORTS OF ENTRY Art. 7. The importation, under the terms of article 3 ^f Decree No. 24114, of plants and parts of plants from abroad will be permitted only through the ports of Balem, Corumba, Manaos, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande, Santos, Sao Francisco, and Sab Salvador. Art. 8. Quarantined areas of Brazil. Art. 9. Approved form ^f certificate for plant material intended for export. Art. 10. Prohibiting the maintenance within economic crops of plants which may serve as hosts of parasites of those crops. o BOND REQUIRED FOR PRODUCTION OF CERTIFICATE Art. 11. In accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph f article 14 of Decree No. 24114, a bond is established in cases of the straying of, or irregularities in, phytosanitary certificates required for the importation of plants and parts of plants, under the following conditio:- (_a) The period for the presentation of the certificate shall be 3C days for the preceding products proceeding from countries of the American continent, and 6^ days for other countries, counting from the date of the signature cf the bond. -13- INSPSCTION ON ARRIVAL {b) Imported products are subject, in addition to thorough inspection on arrival, to disinfection, fumigation, or quarantine, at the discretion of the Plant .Protection Service. RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF SELECTED SEED POTATOES V (Decree No. 21734, Aug. 16, 1932.) ) Article 1. The importation of selected seed potatoes, with exemp- tion from customs imports (in the terms of article 3, No. XIII - 3, Law No. 1616 of Dec. 30, 1906) is subject to previous authorization by the Min- istry of Agriculture. (a) This authorization will be granted only to growers or syndicates and agricultural cooperatives registered in the Service of Inspection and Agricultural Protection (Servico de Inspecao e Foment o Agricolas) , and t^ com- mercial firms regularly established and registered in Brazil for the seed business. (_b) Importation shall be made only through ports or local- ities where there is a repx-esentative cf the Biological Institute of Agricultural Protection ( Institute Biologico de Defesa Agricola) authorized to carry out phytosanitary inspection. (See article 7, Resolution of Nov. 19, 1934, P. 12.) . (_c) The Ministry of Agriculture will publish the names of the authorized ports or localities through which importation will be permitted. Art. 2. Seed potatoes may be imported into Brazil only from coun- tries where technical experimental establishments specializing in the cul- ture of this plant exist, according to the criterion of the Service de Inspecao e Fomento Agricolas, in order tn prevent the importation of unfit varieties into regions for which the tubers are intended, and to prevent the introduction of injurious or exotic diseases, and the importation will be subject to all the provisions and instructions concerning phytosanitary protection, applying to the case the judgment of the Superior Council of Agricultural Protection instituted by article 90 of the regulations approved by Decree No. 15189 of December 21, 1921. (a) The phytosanitary certificate indicating origin referred to in article 2 of the resolution of May 26, 1928 (super- seded by article 3 of the resolution of Nov. 19, 1934) shall affirm that the tubers proceed from regions free from the parasites Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) -14- Perc, Spongospora subtorranea (!7alir.) Johnson, and (Phthorimaoa) 0 no r i mo s e h ema >erculella L,ell., and Leptinotarsa decenlineata Gay, and that the imported tubers are free from those and other parasite . L (b) In addition to this certifies fate, each shipment must be I accompanied by a statement of the Minister of Agricul- ture of the producing country affirming that selected seed potatoes are concerned. (_c) If, upon inspection en arrival, the tubers indicate need of disinfection by immersion in insecticidal and fungicidal solutions, this precaution will be required at the expense of the importer. Art. 3. Tubers which may be deemed by the Servico de Inspecab e Foment o Agricolas unfit for planting may be used for consumption, pro- vided that the competent sanitary authorities are not opposed, and that the importer pays the imposts required by law. Art. 4. Tubers deemed by competent authorities unfit for planting or for f^od shall be destroyed' under the supervision cf the same at the expense of the importer. Art. 5. Concerns the storage of imported seed potatoes. Art. 6. Concerns the requirements t^ be met by the importer in applying fcr a permit to import seed potatoes. Arts. 7, 8, and 9. Concern importers of seed potatoes. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 1458