I Physics and Mathematics (UC-34) UNCLASSIFIED isc- 1030 UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TITLES OF ARTICLES IN THE FIELD OF NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY OF SOLIDS by R. G„ Barnes May 1, 1958 Ames Laboratory at Iowa State College F. H. Spedding, Director Contract W-7^05 eng 82 UNCLASSIFIED OOCoVll'" U.S. DEPOSITORY J 2 ISC-1030 This report is distributed according to the category Physics and Mathematics (UC-34), as listed in TID-4500, February 15, 1958 Legal Notice This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any infor- mation, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any employee or contractor of the Commission to the extent that such employee or contractor prepares, handles or distributes, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission. Printed in USA. Price $1.00 . Available from the Office of Technical Services U. S. Department of Commerce Washington 25 5 D„ C. ISC-1030 3 Bibliography of Titles of Articles in the Field of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy of Solids R„ G„ Barnes INTRODUCTION This bibliography lists the titles of literature articles in the field of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy of solids. This field has been taken to include the area of quadrupolar effects in nuclear magnetic resonance as well as the basic area of nuclear quadrupole resonance in zero magnetic field. Articles published not later than January 1, 1958 have been included. Twenty-one journals are represented , and in addition^ eleven books which contain chapters or sections dealing with this subject are included. It is hoped that this list of titles will provide at the same time a bibliography and an over-all impression of the variety of topics in which nuclear quadrupole resonance tech- niques - have proven useful. The relative newness of the field (just ten year old) causes the list to be not excessively long. An index is provided in which every article has been classified under one or more principal topics^ although the extent of cross- indexing is by no means comprehensive. The index will at least provide a point of departure for examining the contribution of nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy to a particular topic. BOOKS 1 E, R. Andrew, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance , Cambridge University- Press, 1955 . 2 No Bloembergen, page 1, Defects in Crystalline Solids , The Physical Society, 1955. 3 M. H. Cohen and F. Reif, page 44, Defects in Crystalline Solids , The Physical Society, 1955 . 4 M. H. Cohen and F. Reif, Chapter 5, Vol. 5, Solid State Physics , Academic Press, 1957. 5 T. P. Das and E. L. Hahn, Supplement to Vol„ 5, Solid State Physics , Academic Press, 1958. 6 W„ Gordy, W. V, Smith, and R. F. Trambarulo, Microwave Spectroscopy , John Wiley and Sons, 1953. 7 D, J, E, Ingram, Spectroscopy at Radio and Microwave Frequencies , Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1955. 8 Go Eo Pake, Chapter 1, Vol. 2, Solid State Physics , Academic Press, 1956o 9 R. Vo Pound, Chapter 2, Vol. 2, Progress in Nuclear Physics , Academic Press, 1952. 10 No F. Ramsey, Nuclear Moments , McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1953. 11 C. H. Townes and A. L. Schawlow, Microwave Spectroscopy , McGraw-Hill Book Co , 1955. LIST OF JOURNALS A - Acadamie des Sciences, Comptes Rendus B - Acta Metallurgica C - American Chemical Society, Journal D - American Journal of Physics F - Archives des Sciences H - Cahiers de Physique I - Canadian Journal of Physics J - Faraday Society, Discussions K - Faraday Society, Transactions L - Helvetica Physica Act, M - Journal de Physique et le Radium N - Journal of Chemical Physics Q, - Journal of Physical Chemistry S - New York Academy of Sciences, Annals T - Onde Electrique U - Physica V - Physical Review W - Physical Society of Japan, Journal X - Review of Scientific Instruments Y - Science Z - Zeitschrift fur Physik ZA - Project Reports JOURNAL ARTICLES Academle des Sciences , Comptes Rendus 1951 Al Dispositif simplifie pour 1'etude de l'absorption para- magnetique nucleaire, R„ Gabillard, 232 , 324. A2 Theorie de" la largeur des rales de resonance nucleaire quadrupolaire de CI 35 , Y. Ayant, 233, 9^9. A3 Resonance quadrupolaire de CI 3 - 3 et CI 3 ' dans p-CgH^Cl 2 , Mo Buyle-Bodin and D. Dautreppe, 233, 1101. 1952 A4 Dispositif de detection de la resonance quadrupolaire electrique, M. Buyle-Bodin, 235, 292. 1953 A5 L Resonance nucleaire quadrupolaire de HgCl , A„ Bassorapierre, 236, 596. A6 Resonance nucleaire quadrupolaire de CHpClCOgH, A„ Bassoropierre, 236 , 799. A7 Etude de la raie de resonance quadrupolaire du p-dichloro- benzene, Y. Ayant and M„ Buyle-Bodin, 236 , 800. A8 Sur la resonance quadrupolaire electrique du chlore dans HgCl 2 , M. Buyle-Bodin and A. Monfils, 236 , 1157. A9 Theorie de l'elargisseraent spinmilieu en resonance quadrupolaire, Y„ Ayant, 236, 1553. 7 Academie des Sciences , Comptes Rendus (continued) , A10 Etude du couplage spin-spin dans la resonance quadrupolaire de l'azote, Y. Ayant, 236, 2232. All Resonance nucleaire quadrupolaire du bore, A. Bassompierre, 237 , 39. 1954 A12 Sur la resonance quadrupolaire a l'etat solide de 1'iode et du bromoforme, H. Benoit and M. Buyle-Bodin, 238 , 671. A13 Equations raacroscopiques de la resonance quadrupolaire, F. Lurcat, 238, 1386. klk Nouveaux effets en resonance quadrupolaire nucleaire, J. Duchesne and A. Monfils, 238 , 1810. A15 L'elargissement quadrupolaire des raies de resonance magnetique nucleaire dans les liquides, Y„ Ayant, 238 , I.876, Al6 Resonance quadrupolaire de CI dans p-£ichlorobenzene a basse temperature, M. Soutif, B Dreyfus, and D. Dautreppe, 238 , 2309. A17 Resonance quadrupolaire de Br'" et Br dans le para- dibromobenzene, D. Dautreppe and A. Blaise, 239, ^93. Al8 Variation des frequences Raman avec la temperature et resonance quadrupolaire, B. Dreyfus and D. Dautreppe, 239 , 1618. 8 Academle des Sciences , Comptes Rendus (continued) 1955 A19 La resonance quadrupolaire dans les liquides, J. Seiden, 240 , 1419. A20 Sur la relation entre les temps de relaxation et les probabilites de transition en resonance nucleaire (raagnetique et quadrupolaire) , F„ Lurcat, 240, 2517. A21 Le spectre nucleaire quadrupolaire du 1, 2, 4, 5 - tetrachloro- benzene, A, Monfils, 24l, 56l„ A22 Effet de la pression sur la resonance quadrupolaire nucleaire, D„ Dautreppe and B. Dreyfus, 241 , 795 „ A23 Sur l'elargissement du aux impuretes en resonance quadrupolaire. D. Dautreppe and B„ Dreyfus, 241 , 1751 . 1956 A24 Theorie de la relaxation par semi-rotations ra resonance quadrupolaire, J. Seiden, 242 , 763. A25 Effet de la pression sur la resonance quadrupolaire nucleaire de CI- 3 -' dans HgClg, D„ Dautreppe and B. Dreyfus, 242 , 766. A26 Spectres nucleaires quadrupolaires des q(, A , et *f -hexachlorocyclohexanes, J„ Duchesne, A. Monfils, and J. Depireux, 243, 144. A27 Effet d'impurete en resonance quadrupolaire, D, Dautreppe and B. Dreyfus, 243, 1517. Academie des Sciences , Cotnptes Rendus (continued) A28 Effet des fluctuations de pente sur la sensibilite des autooscillateures, M. Buyle-Bodin, 243, l6l8. Acta Metallurgica 1953 Bl On the nuclear magnetic resonance in metals and alloys, N. Bloembergen and T. J. Rowland, _1, 731. 1955 B2 Nuclear electric quadrupole interactions in aluminum, T. J. Rowland, 3, 74. American Chemical Society , Journal 1952 CI The pure quadrupole spectra of solid chloroacetic acid and substituted chloroacetic acids, H. C Allen, Jr., 7_4, 6074. 35 C2 Correlation of CI nuclear quadrupole coupling frequencies with Hammett's Sigma, H. C. Meal, 74, 6121. American Journal of Physics 1954 Dl Nuclear quadrupole resonance, H. C. Dehmelt, 22, 110; 22, 317. Archives des Sciences 1956 PI Effet de la pression sur la resonance quadrupolaire nucleaire, D. Dautreppe and B. Dreyfus, 9, 156. 10 Archives des Sciences (continued) F2 Les impuretes en resonance quadrupolaire et la dynamique des reseaux cristallins, D„ Dautreppe and B„ Dreyfus, 9, l60 o F3 Relaxations par semi-rotations en resonance quadrupolaire, J. Seiden, _9, l65„ 1957 P4 Equations macroscopiques de la resonance quadrupolaire et applications, F, Lurcat, _10, 267. F5 Resonance quadrupolaire nucleaire. Etude des solutions solides et influence des actions mecaniques, B. Dreyfus and D. Dautreppe, 10, 285. Cahiers de Physique 1955 HI Contribution a 1 'etude de la structure du p-dichlorobenzene par la resonance quadrupolaire, D„ Dautreppe, 60, l6„ H2 Variation de la frequence de resonance quadrupolaire dans les solides, B„ Dreyfus and D. Dautreppe, 60, 18. 1957 H3 Aspects theoriques de la resonance quadrupolaire, F. Lurcat, 80, 171. Canadian Journal of Physics 1952 II Nuclear electric quadrupole interaction in single crystals, G. M. Volkoff, H. E. Petch, and D„ W. L. Sraellie, 30, 270. 11 Canadian Journal of Physics (continued) 1953 12 Second order nuclear quadrupole effects in single crystals. I. Theoretical, G. M. Volkoff, 3_1, 820. 13 Second order nuclear quadrupole effects in single crystals. II. Experimental results for spodumene, H. E. Petch, N. G. Cranna, and G. M. Volkoff, 31, 837. 14 A theoretical investigation of the nuclear resonance absorption spectrum of Al ' in spodumene, G. Lamarche and G. M. Volkoff, 31, loio. 15 A note on the ratio of the quadrupole moments of Li and Li', N. G. Cranna, 31, 1185 . 1954 16 Further calculations on the nuclear resonance spectrum of Al ' in spodumene, G. M. Volkoff and G. Lamarche, 32, 493. 1955 17 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of B in kernite, H. H. Waterman and G. M. Volkoff, 33, 156. 18 An investigation of the nuclear resonance absorption spectrum of Al 2 ? in a single crystal of euclase, R. G. Eades, 33, 286. 1956 19 Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrum of B in kernite, R. R. Haering and G. M. Volkoff, 34, 577. 12 Canadian Journal of Physics (continued) 110 The nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of Na ^ in NaHgPO^HgO, P. Holuj and H. E. Petch, 34, II69. 111 Nuclear magnetic resonance and electronic structure of conductors , N. Bloembergen, 34, 1299 ° 1957 112 Nuclear quadrupole resonance at low frequencies, L„ B. Robinson, 35, 1344. Faraday Society , Discussions 1955 Jl I. Microwave spectroscopy,. Introductory paper: quadrupole couplings, dipole moments and the chemical bond, W. Gordy, 19, 14. J2 IV. Quadrupole spectroscopy. The interpretation of quadrupole spectra, B. P. Dailey, 19, 255. J3 IV. Quadrupole spectroscopy. An analysis of the gradient of the electric field in HCN, A. Bassompierre, 1£, 260. J4 IV. Quadrupole spectroscopy. Nuclear quadrupole resonance in solids, H. G. Dehmelt, 19, 263. Faraday Society , Transactions 1954 Kl Nuclear quadrupole interaction in bromine and iodine compounds, J. Hatton and B. V. Rollin, 50, 358. 13 Helvetica Physica Acta 1956 LI Quadrupolverbreiterung der Kerninduktionslinie von Cl35 ± n fltissign Verbindungen, P. Diehl, 29, 219. Journal de Physique et le R adium 1956 Ml La theorie des temps de relaxation en resonance quadrupolaire, Y. Ayant, 17, 338. M2 La resonance quadrupolaire nucleaire, H. Kopfermann, .17 , 366. 1957 M3 Sur une cause possible d 'elargissement du aux impuretes en resonance quadrupolaire nucleaire, B. Dreyfus and D. Dautreppe, 18, 31s. Journal of Chemical Physics 19^9 Nl Determination of electronic structure of molecules from nuclear quadrupole effects, C. H. Townes and B. P, Dailey, _17, 782. 1951 N2 Interpretation of nuclear quadrupole coupling in molecules, W. Gordy, 19, 792. N3 The pure quadrupole spectrum of solid chlorine, R. Livingston, 19, 803. N4 Pure quadrupole spectra: the substituted methanes, R. Livingston, 19, 143^. 14 Journal of Chemical Physics (continued) N5 Pure quadrupole spectum of solid vinyl chloride, J. H. Goldstein and R„ Livingston, 19, 1613= 19^2 N6 Nuclear quadrupole effects and electronic structure of molecules in the solid state, C„ H. Townes and B. P. Dailey, 20, 35. N7 The temperature dependence of the chlorine quadrupole coupling in solid benzene compounds, C. Dean and R. V. Pound, 20, 195. N8 Pure quadrupole spectra: aliphatic chlorine compounds, R„ Livingston, 20, 1170. N9 Nuclear quadrupole spectra in solids, R. Bersohn, 20, 1505. N10 Nuclear quadrupole coupling constants and molecular vibrations, J. Duchesne, 20, l804„ 1953 Nil Nuclear quadrupole resonance in some metal chlorides and oxychlorides, H. G. Dehmelt, 21, 380. N12 The pure quadrupole spectrum of hexachlorobenzene, T. L. Weather ly^ E. H. Davidson, and Q. Williams, 21, 761., N13 Chlorine pure quadrupole resonances, D. W. McCall and H. S. Gutowsky, 21, 1300. Nl4 Nuclear quadrupole resonance of bromine in molecular solids, S. Kojima, K. Tsukada, S. Ogawa, and A. Shimauchi, 21, 1415. 15 Journal of Chemical Physics (continued) N15 Pure quadrupole spectra: alkyl bromides and iodides, H. Zeldes and R. Livingston, 2_1, l4l8. Nl6 Chlorine quadrupole resonances in solids, P. J. Bray and P. J. Ring, 21, 2226. N17 Nuclear quadrupole resonance of iodine in molecular solids, S. Kojima, K. Tsukada, S. Ogawa, and A. Shimauchi, 21, 2237. 1954 Nl8 Dipole moments, nuclear quadrupole coupling, and the bonding orbitals in group V - trihalides, P. Kisliuk, 22, 86. N19 Pure quadrupole spectra of solid bromine and iodine compounds, K. Shimomura, T. Kushida, N. Inoue, and Y. Imaeda, 22, 350. N20 Nuclear quadrupole couplings in solid bromides and iodides, H. Robinson, H. G. Dehmelt, and W. Gordy, 22, 511. N21 The pure quadrupole spectrum of solid hexachlorobenzene and its interpretation, J. Duchesne and A. Monfils, 22, 562. N22 CI in S0 2 C1 pure quadrupole spectra, P. J. Bray and D. Esteva, 22, 570. N23 Nuclear quadrupole resonances in some chlorine compounds, Q. Williams and T. L. Weather ly, 22, 572. N2 1 )- Deductions about hybridization from nuclear quadrupole coupling constants, P. N. Schatz, 22, 755. 16 Journal of Chemical Physics (continued) N25 Nuclear quadrupole resonances in solid aryl bromides and iodides, R. G. Barnes, 0, B„ Miller, F. 0. Wooten, 22, 946. N26 Bromine nuclear quadrupole resonances, P„ J, Bray, 22, 950, N27 Nuclear quadrupole resonance in ethyl chlorof ormate and ethyl trichloroacetate, T. L„ Weatherly and Q„ Williams, 22, 9580 N28 Nuclear quadrupole resonances in solid bromine and iodine compounds, A„ L„ Schawlow, 22, 1211„ N29 The pure quadrupole spectrum of 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene, A„Monfils and J. Duchesne, 22, 1275= N30 The crystal structure of para-dichlorobenzene, B„ C„ Lutz, 22 , l6l8o N31 Bromine quadrupole spectra and Hammett's sigma values, P* J. Bray, 22, 178?, N32 Pure quadrupole spectra of metal bromates, K„ Shimomura, T„ Kushida, N„ Inoue, and Y Imaeda, 22, 1944 „ N33 Hybridization and ionic character in CH^Cl, P N, Schatz, 22, 1974 o N34 Nuclear quadrupole resonances in bromobenzene derivatives, P Jo Bray and R. Go Barnes, 22, 2023 . N35 Double-bond character of conjugated carbon-chlorine bonds, Ro Bersohn, 22, 20780 17 Journal of Chemical Physics (continued) 1955 N36 Ionic character of diatomic molecules, B. P. Dailey and C. H. Townes, 23, 118. N37 Evidence for the interconversion of monochloroacetic acid by its pure quadrupole spectrum, H. Negita, 23, 2l4„ N38 CI- 5 - 5 pure quadrupole resonances in substituted chlorobenzene, P. J. Bray, 23, 220. N39 Nuclear quadrupole resonances of As'-*, R. G„ Barnes and P. J. Bray, 23, 407; 23, 1177. N40 G1-*- 3 pure quadrupole resonances in acid chlorides and chlorates, P. J. Bray, 23, 703. N4l Nuclear quadrupole resonances of Sb and Sb 3, R. G. Barnes and P. J. Bray, 23, 1177. N42 Origin of the line width of pure quadrupole resonance, Y„ Koi, A. Tsujimura, and T. Fuke, 23, 1346. N43 Chlorine nuclear quadrupole resonances in solid solutions, C. Dean, 23, 173^. N44 Nuclear quadrupole resonances in solid iodine compounds, S. Kojima, K. Tsukada, S. Ogawa, and A„ Shimauchi, 23, 1963. N45 Nuclear quadrupole resonance of r g -irradiated para-dichloro- benzene, J. Duchesne, A. Monfils, and J. Garsou, 23, 1969. 18 Journal of Chemical Physics (continued) 1956 N46 Quadrupole coupling and bond character in the vinyl halides, J. Ho Goldstein, 24, 106. N47 Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of bromine nuclei in ammonium bromide, J„ Itoh and Y„ Yaraagata, 24, 621 „ N48 Pure quadrupole spectra of phosphonitrile chlorides, Ho Negita and S„ Satou, 24, 621„ N49 Quadrupolar splitting of the Al ' and Be9 magnetic resonances in beryl crystals, L„ C„ Brown and D„ Williams, 2_4, 751. N50 Zeeman quadrupole spectra of p-ehloroaniline and p-chloro- benzylchloride, H„ C Meal, 24, 1011. N51 Nuclear quadrupole levels in single crystals, P M. Parker, 24, IO960 N52 Polymorphism of p-dichlorobenzene, C„ Dean and E„ Lindstrand, 24, lll4o N53 Some bromine, iodine, and indium nuclear quadrupole interaction frequencies, G„ W Ludwig, 25, 159. N54 Dimerization of solid group IIIB trihalides, I. Bromine nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrum of AlBr^* R, G„ Barnes and S„ Lo Segel, 25, 180, N55 Pure quadrupole spectra of the isomers of benzene hexachloride, Yo Morino, I„ Miyagawa, T Chiba, and To Shimozawa, 25, 185. 19 Journal of Chemical Physics (continued) N56 Cl35 nuclear quadrupole resonances in TiClj, and WClg, R. P. Hamlen and W. S. Koski, 25, 360„ N57 Nuclear quadrupole coupling constants and vibrational states, J. Duchesne, 25, 368. N58 Observation of hindered rotation in solid 1,2-dichloroethane by nuclear quadrupole resonance, H. W„ Dodgen and J. L. Ragle, 25, 376 ; 25, 1088. N59 Dimerization of solid group IIIB trihalides. II. Iodine nuclear quadrupole resonance spectra of Alio, Galo, and Inlo, S. L. Segel and R. G. Barnes, 25, 578. N60 As'- 3 pure quadrupole resonance in synthetic claudetite, P. J. Bray, G. O'Keefe, and R. G. Barnes, 25, 792. N6l Pure quadrupole resonances in multichlorobenzenes, P. J. Bray, R. G. Barnes, and R. Bersohn, 25, 813. N62 Pure quadrupole resonances in multibromobenzenes, P. A. Cassabella, P. J. Bray, S. L. Segel, and R. G. Barnes, 25, 1280. N63 Nuclear quadrupole resonances of CI- 5 - 3 and Br'" in some heterocyclic compounds, S. L. Segel, R. G. Barnes, and P. J. Bray, 25, 1286. N64 Structural investigation of SnBrj, by means of nuclear quadrupole resonance, K. Shimoraura, 2_5, 1298; 27, 599. 1957 N65 Zeeman effect on the quadrupole spectrum of iodic acid, R. Livingston and H. Zeldes, 2_6, 351 = 20 Journal of Chemical Physics (continued) N66 Electric quadrupole interactions of deuterons and molecular m otion in LigSQ^DgO, S. Ketudat and R. V„ Pound, 26, 708. •55 N67 Effect of impurities on the CI quadrupole resonance in CgH^Cl, R„ E. Michel and R. D. Spence, 26, 954. N68 Zeeman effect on the quadrupole spectra of sodium, potassium, and barium chlorates, H„ Zeldes and R„ Livingston, 26, 1102. N69 Diraerization of solid group IIIB trihalides. HI. Bromine, gallium, and indium quadrupole resonances in GaBr^, Galo* InBr-jj, and Inlo, R. Go Barnes, S. L. Segel, P. J. Bray, and P, Ao Cassabella, 26, 1345, N70 Quadrupole interaction of nuclei with conduction electrons, A, Ho Mitchell, 26, 1714. N71 Nuclear quadrupole interaction in boron compounds, T. P. Das, 27, lo N72 Estimates of Hammett's sigaa values from quadrupole resonance studies, P Jo Bray and R„ G Barnes, 2_J_, 551» N73 Pure quadrupole spectrum of cyanuric chloride, H. Negita and So Satou, 27, 602 o N74 Line width of the pure quadrupole resonance of bromine in KBrOoi) Y Koi, A„ Tsujimura, and Y. Imaeda, 27, 603. N75 Nuclear quadrupole resonances in nitrogen compounds. I. Ammonia, deuteroammonia, and trimethylamine, C. T. O'Konski -and To Jo Flautt, 27, 815. 21 Journal of Chemical Physics (continued) N76 Nuclear quadrupole coupling in the alkali chloroiodides . I. Chlorine resonances, C. D. Cornwell and R. S. Yamasaki, 27 , 1060. N77 Cl3-> pure quadrupole resonance studies of relaxation times in solid solutions of p-dichlorobenzene, D. E. Woessner and H. S. Gutowsky, 27, 1072. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1933 Ql The chemical significance of quadrupole spectra, B. P. Dailey, 57, 490. Q2 Pure quadrupole spectra of solid chlorine compounds, R. Livingston, 57, 496. Q3 Evidences of crystalline imperfections in nuclear magnetism, R. V. Pound, 57, 743. New York Academy of Sciences , Annals 1952 SI Detection and measurement of direct nuclear quadrupole transitions, R. Livingston, 5_5, 743. Onde Electrique 1955 > Tl Spectrograph hertzian pour l 1 etude de la resonance quadrupolaire nucleaire, M. Buyle-Bodin, 35_, 485. T2 Resonance quadrupolaire a basse temperature, D. Dautreppe, 35 , 487. 22 Physic a .1911 Ul Quadrupole frequencies in crystals, J. Kopfermann, _17, 386. 195^ U2 Theory of quadrupolar nuclear spin-lattice relaxation, I„ Van Kranendonk, 20, 78I0 1956 TJ3 Intensite des spectres nucleaires quadrupolaires des solutions solides, A. Nonflls and D. Grosjian, 22, 541. U4 Effet isotope en spectroscopie nucleaire quadrupolaire, J„ Duchesne, A„ Monfils, and J. Garsou, 22_, 8l6. U5 Type d'action du rayonnement jS du Co sur le p-dichlorobenzene, A. Monfils and J. Duchesne, 22, 818. Physical Review 1948 VI Effect of large quadrupcle interactions on nuclear radio- frequency spectra at twice Larmor frequency, N. P. Ramsey, 2±> 286 ° 1949 ¥2 Determination of nuclear gyromagnetic ratios „ I. Jo R„ Zimmerman and D„ Williams, 76, 350; 7^6, 1264. V3 On the spatial alignment of nuclei, R„ V Pound, 76, 1410. 1950 V4 Angular dependence of crystalline nuclear resonance absorption, E. F„ Carr and C Kikuchi, 78, 470. 23 Physical Review (continued) V5 Nuclear electric quadrupole interactions in crystals, R. V. Pound, 79, 685. V6 On nuclear quadrupole moments, R. Sternheimer, 80, 102. 1951 V7 The electric quadrupole moment of Li , N. A. Schuster and G. E. Pake, 8l, 157. V8 Ratio of the quadrupole moments of Cl^- 3 and Cl^?, S. Geschwind, R. Gunther-Mohr, and C. H. Townes, 8l, 288. V9 Polarization of the nucleus by electric fields, G. R. Gunther- Mohr, S. Geschwind, and C. H. Townes, 8l, 289. V10 The quadrupole moment ratio of CI- 5 - 3 and Cl^' from pure quadrupole spectra, R. Livingston, 82, 289. Vll Nuclear electric quadrupole splitting in crystalline Ip, R. V. Pound, 8_2, 343A. V12 On nuclear quadrupole moments, R. Sternheimer, 84, 244. V13 Nuclear electric quadrupole interaction in crystals with non-axially symmetric fields, H. E. Petch, B. W. Smellie, and G. M. Volkoff, 84, 602. 1952 Vl4 The pure nuclear electric quadrupole resonance of N in three molecular solids, G. D. Watkins and R. V. Pound, 85 , 1062. 24 Physical Review (continued) V15 The effects of configuration interaction on the atomic hyperfine structure of gallium, G. P. Koster, 86, 148. Vl6 The Zeeman effect of the chlorine nuclear quadrupole rf resonance, C„ Dean, 86, 607„ V17 Quadrupole coupling ratio of the chlorine isotopes, T. C. Wang, C. H. Townes, A. L. Schawlow, and A. N. Holden, 86, 809. Vl8 Second-order effects in nuclear electric quadrupole interaction of Al 7 in spodumene, H. E. Petch, G„ M. Volkoff, and N. G. Cranna, 88, 1201. 1953 V19 Pure nuclear quadrupole spectrum of Bi 20 9 in bismuth-triphenyl, H. G. Robinson, H. G. Dehmelt, and W. Gordy, 89, 1305. V20 Pure quadrupole spectra of HC1 and DC1, H. C. Meal and H. C. Allen, Jr., 9£, 348. V21 The quadrupole moment ratio of I y and 1^-27 from pure quadrupole spectra, R. Livingston and H. Zeldes, 90, 609. V22 Nuclear quadrupole resonance in rhombic sulfur and quadrupole moments of S 33 and S 3 5, k. G. Dehmelt, 91, 313* V23 Nuclear magnetic resonance in solid hydrogen, F„ Reif and E. M. Purcell, £1, 631. V24 Dipolar broadening of the quadrupole resonance line width in zero applied field, A. Abragam and K. Kambe, 91, 894. 25 Physical Review (continued) V25 Nuclear quadrupole resonances of stable gallium isotopes, H. G. Dehmelt, 92, 1240. V26 Zeeman splitting of nuclear quadrupole resonance lines, Y. Ting, E. Manring, and D. Williams, 92, 158l. 1954 V27 Electric field gradients of atomic p electrons, R„ G. Barnes and W. V. Smith, 93, 95. V28 :■ Transient nuclear induction signals associated with pure quadrupole interactions, M. Bloom and R. E. Norberg, 93, 638, V29 Anisotropic relaxation of quadrupole spin echoes, E. L. Bahn and B. Herzog, 93 , 639. V30 Nuclear quadrupole coupling in polar molecules, H. M. Foley, R. M. Sternheimer, and D. Tycko, 93, 734. V31 "Slow beats" in nuclear quadrupole induction, M. Bloom, 94, 1396. V32 Effect of atomic core on nuclear quadrupole coupling, R. M. Sternheimer, 95, 736. V33 Magnetic resonance spectra of beryl crystals, L. C. Brown and D. Williams, 95, 1110. V3^ Zeeman effects in the chlorine nuclear quadrupole resonance in sodium chlorate, Y. Ting, E, R. Manring, and D. Williams, 96, 408. 26 Physical Review (continued) V35 Nuclear electric quadrupole interactions of B- in kernite, H. L. Blood and W. G. Proctor, 96, 861. V36 Zeeman splitting of nuclear quadrupole resonances, C. Dean, 96, 1053. V37 Nuclear quadrupole spectra in solids, M. H. Cohen, 96, 1278. V38 Nuclear resonance of Kb in KNDO3, R. M. Cotts and W. D. Knight, 96, 1285. 1955 V39 Free magnetic induction in nuclear quadrupole resonance, M. Bloom, E. L. Hahn, and B. Herzog, 97, 1699. V40 Electric quadrupole interaction and spin echoes in crystals, T. P. Das and A. K. Saha, 98, 516. V4l Saturation of nuclear electric quadrupole energy levels by ultrasonic excitation, W. G. Proctor and W. H. Tanttila, 98 , 1854. V42 Pure nuclear quadrupole spectra of chlorine and antimony isotopes in solids, T. C. Wang, 99, 566. V43 Pure quadrupole spectra of CEoI and CFoI vapors, F. Sterzer and Y. Beers, 100 , 1174. V44 Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of imperfect ionic crystals, F. Reif, 100 , 1597. V45 Quadrupole spectrum of BiClo* H. G. Robinson, 100 , 1731. V46 Nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole energy relations, L. C. Brown and P. K. Parker, 100, 1764. 27 Physical Review (continued) 1956 V47 Influence of ultrasonic energy on relaxation of CI nuclei in NaClO^, W. G. Proctor and W. H. Tanttila, 101 , 1757. V48 Nuclear quadrupole coupling in polar molecules, R. M. Sternheimer and H. M. Foley, 102 , 731. V49 Variational approach to quadrupole polarizability of ions, T. P. Das and R. Bersohn, 102 ,, 733 „ V50 Ultrasonic saturation of nuclear magnetic energy levels, W. G. Proctor and W. A. Robinson, 102 , II83. V51 Transient nuclear induction and double nuclear resonance in solids, B. Herzog and E. L. Hahn, 103, 148. V52 Nuclear quadrupole resonance in metals, W. D. Knight, R. R. Hewitt, and M. Pomerantz, 104 , 271„ V53 Nuclear quadrupole interactions in two Tuttcn's salts, R. F. Kiddle and W. G. Proctor, 104, 932. V54 Ultrasonic excitation of the nuclear magnetic energy levels of Na 3 i n NaCl, W. G. Proctor and W. A. Robinson, 104 , 1344. V55 Dependence of the pure quadrupole resonance frequency on pressure and temperature, T. Kushida, G„ B. Benedek, and N. Bloembergen, 104 , 1364. V56 Quadrupolar nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in crystals with body-centered cubic lattice structure, T. P. Das, D. K. Roy, and S. K. Ghosh Roy, 104, 1568. 28 Physical Review (continued) 1957 V57 Effect of the atomic core on the nuclear quadrupole coupling, R. N. Sternheimer, 105, 158 . V58 Sodium nuclear quadrupole interactions in NaClO^ and NaBrO , Ho S. Gutowsky and G. A. Williams, 105 , 464. V59 Nuclear quadrupole moment ratio of Re ^ and Re ', S„ L. Segel and R. G„ Barnes, 107 , 6380 V60 Nuclear magnetic resonance in semiconductors. II. Quadrupole broadening of nuclear magnetic resonance lines by elastic axial deformation, R. G. Shulman, B. J. Wyluda, and P. Wo Anderson, 107 , 953. V6l Proposal for a nuclear quadrupole maser, R. Braunstein, 107 , 1195. Physical Society of Japan , Journal 1952 Wl Quadrupole resonance in solid iodine, T„ Kamei, 7, 649» 1954 W2 The electric quadrupole splitting of the nuclear magnetic resonance lines of sodium in a single crystal of Na 2 S 2 03->5H20, J. Itoh, R. Kusaka, and Y, Yamagata, 9, 209. W3 Nuclear quadrupole Interaction In sodium chlorate and sodium bromate, J. Itoh and R. Kusaka, 9, 434. 29 Physical Society of Japan , Journal (continued) W^ Chlorine pure quadrupole spectra in some solid compounds, K. Torizuka, 9, 645. W5 Zeeraan splitting of nuclear quadrupole resonance line of bromine, S. Kojima, K. Tsukada, A. Shimauchi, and Y. Hinaga, 9. 795. W6 Nuclear quadrupole resonances in arsenic tribromide and arsenic triiodide, S. Kojima, K. Tsukada, S. Ogawa, A. Shimauchi, and Y. Abe, 9, 805. W7 Zeeman splitting of nuclear quadrupole spectrum of NaBrO-,, T. Kushida, Y. Koi, and Y. Irnaeda, 9, 809. W8 Contributions of overlap integral to nuclear quadrupole coupling, K. Tsukada, 9, 872. W9 A general theory of magnetic resonance absorption, R. Kubo and K. Tomita, 9, 888. 1955 W10 On the halogen magnetic resonance of some metal halides. I. T. Kanda, 10, 85. Wll On the piezoelectric lines at sub-microwave frequencies, S. Kojima, K. Tsukada, S. Ogawa, A. Shimauchi, and N. Matsumiya, 10, 265. W12 Zeeman splitting of nuclear quadrupole resonance in p-dibromobenzene, S. Kojima, K. Tsukada, and Y. Hinaga, 10 , 498; 10, 828. 30 Physical Society of Japan , Journal (continued) W13 Fine structure of pure quadrupole spectrum in iodine crystal, S. Kojima and K. Tsukada, 10, 591 Wl4 Observation of nuclear quadrupole resonances with a coaxial- cavity spectrometer,, S. Kojima, A. Shimauchi, S. Hagiwara, and Y. Abe, 10, 930. 1956 W15 The effects of covalency on the nuclear resonance in ionic crystals, K. Yoshida and T. Moriya, 11, 33. Wl6 Dipolar broadening of the central line of a magnetic resonance for half-integral spin, K. Kambe and J„ F. Ollom, JL1, 50. W17 Pure quadrupole spectra of phosphonitrile chloride polymers, K. Torizuka, 11, 84. Wl8 On the lithium resoance in lithium sulfate monohydrate Li 2 S0^.H 2 0, A. M. Murakami and E. Hirahara, il, 607. W19 Nuclear magnetic resonance in molecular chlorine compounds, Y. Masuda, JUL, 670. W20 Zeeman splitting of nuclear quadrupole resonance line of iodine, K. Tsukada, 11, 956. W21 Structure of nuclear quadrupole resonance line. I. Solid iodine, S. Kojima, S. Ogawa, S. Hagiwara, Y. Abe, and M. Minematsu, JL1, 964. W22 The quadrupolar effect in alkali halide mixed crystals, H. Kawamura, E. Otsuka, and K. Ishiwatari, 11, 1064. 31 Physical Society of Japan , Journal (continued) 1957 W23 Line width of the pure quadrupole resonance of bromine in NaBr0 3 , Y. Koi, 12, 49. W24 Structural investigation by means of nuclear quadrupole resonance. I. Determination of crystal symmetry, K. Shimomura, 12, 652. W25 Structural investigation by means of nuclear quadrupole resonance. II. Tin tetrabromide, K. Shimomura, V2_, 657. W26 Electron coupled interaction in solid iodine, T. Itoh and K. Kambe, 12, 763. W27 Influence of temperature on the pure nuclear quadrupole resonance in hexachloroethane, I. Tatsuzaki and Y. Yokozawa, 12, 802. W28 Proposal for a solid-state radiofrequency raiser, J. Itoh, 12, 1053. W29 Nuclear quadrupole resonance of antimony isotopes in solids, S. Ogawa, 12, 1105. W30 Iodine quadrupole resonance in IC1 and All.,, S. Hagiwara, K. Kato, Y. Abe, and M. Minematsu, 12, 1166. W31 Structure of nuclear quadrupole resonance line.., II. Solid bromine, S. Kojima, Y. Abe, M. Minematsu, K„ Tsukada, and A. Shimauchi, 12, 1225. 32 Physical Society of Japan , Journal (continued) W32 Structural investigation by means of nuclear quadrupole resonance. III. Arsenic tribromide, K. Shimomura, 12, 1386. Review of Scientific Instruments 1947 XI Two new methods for detecting nuclear radiofrequency resonance absorption, A. Roberts, _l8, 845. 1949 X2 Amplitude bridge for detection of nuclear resonance, H. A. Thomas and R. D. Huntoon, 20, 516. 1950 X3 A radiofrequency spectrograph and simple magnetic-field meter, R. V. Pound and W. D. Knight, 21, 219. 1951 X4 Phase sensitive detector circuit having high balance stability, N„ A. Schuster, 22, 254. X5 A transition nuclear magnetic resonance detector, H. W. Knoebel and E. L. Hahn, 22_, 904. 1952 X6 A bridged tee detector for nuclear magnetic resonance, C. E. Waring, R. H. Spencer, and R. L. Custer, 23, 497. 1953 X7 Circuit for a radio-frequency spectrometer, J. Gindsberg and Y. Beers, 24, 632. 33 Review of Scientific Instruments (continued) X8 Apparatus for nuclear magnetic resonance, H. S. Gutowsky, L. H. Meyer, and R. E. McClure, 24, 644. 1954 X9 Rf phase-sensitive detector for nuclear magnetic resonance signals, E. B. Baker, 25, 390. 1956 X10 Bolometer detection of nuclear quadrupole resonance, H. G. Robinson, 2J_, 163. Xll Nuclear induction spectrometer for use at high rf intensities and low temperatures, A. G. Redfield, 2_7, 230. 1957 X12 Precise nuclear resonance thermometer, G. B. Benedek and T. Kushida, 28, 92. 1958 X13 Nuclear resonance pulse apparatus, J. C, Buchta, H. S. Gutowsky, D. E. Woessner, 29, 55. Science 1953 Yl Pure quadrupole spectra in solids, R. Livingston, 118 , 6l. Zeitschrift fur Physik 1951 Zl Quadrupol-Resonanzfrequenzen von CI- und Br-Kernen in krystallinem Dichlor&thylen und Methylbromid, H. G. Dehmelt and H. Kruger, 129, 401. 34 Zeitschrift fur Physik (continued) Z2 Zur Theorie der Spin-Gitterrelaxation In Molektilkristallen, H„ Bayer, 130, 227 = 127 Z3 Quadrupol-Resonanzfrequenze von I ■ -Kernen In krlstallinen kovalenten Jodverbindungen, H. G„ Dehmelt, 130 j 356. Z4 Zum Verhaltnis der Kernquadrupolmomente der Kupferisotope, G. Becker, 130 , 4l5» Z5 Beitrclge zur Untersuchung der relnen Kernquadrupolspektren In Krlstallen, H Kruger, 13_0, 371- 130, 656. Z6 Uber das Quadrupolresonanzspektrum In kristalllnem Antiraontrichlorld und das Verh<nis der Antimonkern- quadrupolmomente, H. G„ Dehmelt and H. Kruger, 130 , 385. Z7 Quadrupolresonanzfrequenzen des krlstallinen Broms, H. G. Dehmelt, 130, 480. 1952 Z8 Kernquadrupol-Resonanzfrequenzen von Cu-Kernen in polykristallinen Kupferverbindungen, H„ Kruger and U. Meyer- Berkhout, 132, 17 1. 7S Z9 Bestiraraung des magnetischen Moments des As ' -Kerns aus dem Zeeman-Ef fekt eines Kernquadrupol-Resonanzubergangs, H. Kruger and U„ Meyer-Berkhout, 132 , 221. Z10 Kernquadrupolspektren in zwei Bortrialkylen, H. G. Dehmelt, 133 , 528o 1953 Zll Nachtrag zu "Kernquadrupolspektren in zwei Bortrialkylen", H. G. Dehmelt, 134, 642. 35 Project Reports ZA1 Table of eigenvalues for pure quadrupole spectra, spin 5/2, R. Livingston and H. Zeldes, US: AEC Report ORNL-I913 Special, July 13, 1955. 36 INDEX Crystal Structure: HI, N64, N65, W24, W25, W32 . Descriptive Material: Dl, J4, M2, Ql, Q3, SI, Yl. Hamroett's Sigma Parameter: C2, N31, N34, N6l, N62, N63, N72 . Hindered Rotations: A24, F3, N58, N66„ Impurities: Al4, A23, A27, F2, M3, N67, V44„ Line Widths: A2, A9, A10, A15, LI, N42, N?4, V24, Wl6, W19, W23. Masers: V6l, W28. Nuclear Alignment: V3. Nuclear Moments and Ratios: 15, V2, V6, V?, V8, V9, V10, V12, V17, V21, V22, V25, V59, Z4, Z6, Z9. Phase Transitions: Al4, N37, N52, N58, N60. Piezoelectric Resonances: Wll. Pressure Dependence of Quadrupole Couplings: A22, A25, Fl, V55, V58, V60 ? Radiation Damage: N45, V5. Relaxation Times: A20, N70, N77, V2, V47, V56, W19. Resonances in Ferroelectrics : V38, Resonances in Inorganic Compounds: A5, A8, A12, II, 13, 17, 18, 19, HO, 111, 112, N3, Nil, N13, N14, N17, Nl8, N19, N20, N28, N32, N39, N40, N4l, N42, N44, N47, N49, N53, N54, N56, N59, N60, N64, N65, N66, N69, N73, N76, Q2, Vll, Vl4, V19, V20, V22, V23, V25, V38, V42, V45, V53, V58, V59, V60, Wl, W3, W4, W5, W6, W10, W21, W22, W29, W30, Z3, Z6, Z7, Z8, Z9 . 37 Resonances in Metals and Alloys: Bl, B2, .111, N70, V52 . Resonances in Organic Compounds: A3, A6, A7, Al6, A17, A21, A26, C2, CI, HI, Kl, N4, N5, N7, N8, N12, N13, Nl4, N15, Nl6, N17, N19, N21, N22, N23, N25, N26, N27, N28, N29, N30, N31, N34, N37, N38, N40, N48, N53, N55, N6l, N62, N63, N72, N73, N75, 02, Vl4, V17, V42, V43, W4, Wl4, W17, Zl, Z3, Z10, Zll. Solid Solutions: F5, N43, U3. Spectrometers: Al, A4, A28, Tl, V2, Wl4, XI, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10, Xll, X12, X13. Spin - Spin Interactions: A10, N65, W13, W26, W31. Temperature Dependence of Quadrupole Couplings: Al6, Al8, H2, N7, T2, V55, W27, X12, Z2 . Theory of Quadrupole Coupling Constants: All, Al8, A19, Jl, J2, J3, Nl, N2, N6, N10, N18, N24, N33, N35, N36, N46, N57, N71, V15, V27, V30, V32, V48, V49, V57, W8, W15. Theory of Quadrupole Resonance Spectra: A13, F4, H3, N9, N70, Ql, Ul, VI, V5, V37, W9, ZA1, Z5o Theory of Zeeman Effects: 12, 14, 16, N9, N51, V4, V5, V13, Vl6, V26, V34, V36, V37, V46, W24„ Transient Effects (Echos) : V28, V29, V31, V39, V40, V51, X13o Ultrasonic Effects on Spectra: V4l, V47, V50, V54„ Zeeman Effect (Experimental): HI, II, 1 3 , 17, 18, 19, 110, N30, N49, N50, N52, N64, N65, N68, Vll, Vl6, Vl8, V33, V34, V35, W2, W7, W12, W13, Wl8, W20, W32, Z9« UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08917 1051