A4,5:Mt s (B. A. I. Order 338.) United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY REVOKING THE QUARANTINE TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE IN CATTLE, SHEEP, OTHER RUMINANTS, AND SWINE (Effective on August 24, 1932) United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. The fact has been determined by the Secretary of Agriculture that the con- tagious, communicable disease known as foot-and-mouth disease has been eradicated from, and does not now exist in, the United States. Now, therefore, I, C. F. Marvin, Acting Secretary of Agriculture, do hereby remove and revoke the quarantine placed upon certain areas in the State of California by Bureau of Animal Industry Order 336, dated April 29, 1932, effec- tive April 29, 1932. and amendments 1 and 2 thereto, effective, respectively, on May 4 and May 9, 1932, and said Order 336 and all amendments thereto are hereby revoked. The effect of this order is to remove and revoke all existing quarantine for foot-and-mouth disease. This order, which for the purpose of identification is designated as B. A. I. Order 338, shall become effective on August 24, 1932. Done at Washington this 17th day of August, 1932. Witness my hand and the seal of the Department Agriculture. C. F. Marvin, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. of 136787—32 O^CUM?NTS l ^PT. fu it — A.... ' ""* *"* "> ! — U.S. DEPOSITORY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08925 9153