S B. L\ I'. Q g. 71 Revision of Regulation 8 Effective April I United States Department of Agriculture Bl KKAL OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE MODIFICATION OF DUTCH ELM DISEASE QUARANTINE REGULATIONS INTRODUCTORY NOTE The following modification of the Dutch elm disease quarantine regulations adds to the area designated as regulated seven townships in Hunterdon County; one township in Middlesex County: three townships in Monmouth County; two townships In Morris County; five townships in Snast I nty; and eight townships in Warren County, in the State of New Jersey. II adds seven towns iu Orange County; four towns in Putnam County*; and two towns in Westchester County, N. Y. This action was taken on the basil of intensive inspections made throughout the year which disclosed Infections in areas contiguous to the previously regulated area. A\KiiY 8 11'iYT. Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quorum AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO RULES AND REGULATIONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO NOTICE OF QUARANTINE NO. 71 (Approv. • ■otive Apr. 1, 19 Authority conferred by the Plant Quarantine Act of August 20, 1912 (37 Stat 315). as amended by the act of Congress approved March 4, 1917 L134, HGGj. it is ordered that regulation 3 of the rul< supplemental to Notice of Quarantine No. 71, on account of the Dutch ^e, which were promulgated on February 20, 1935, be and the same is led to read as follows : alation 3. Regulated Areas In accordance with the provisos to Notice of Quarantine No. 71. t tary egulated areas for the pur iipa, towns and cities listed below, Incl ighs, or -■-. cal subdivisions within their l: cut. — Towns i i' . r I :. Greenwich, New Canaan. Norwalk, Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, p n and I hips of Bethlehem, Clinton, Franklin. Lebanon, .ion. in JIunt> rdon ( the city of p -]i : townahipe Brum Lincoln, Bis . * \ Brunswick, Piscatawaj B r, and WO v. and Metuchen, and citie • Amboy, and nboy, in Midc mty; townshi] Matawan. and Baritan, in Monmoutl County; townships of Hai Lafayette, Bo ■ \ ■■■■-, and Wantage, In But i I itg; towi UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA iiiiiiiiiiiii 3 1262 08721 5611 Allamuchy, Franklin. B pendence, Mansfield, Oxford. Washington, and te, in Warren County. New York. Counties of Bronx. Kings, Nassau. Now York. Queens. Rich- mond, Rockland, and Westchester; towns of Blooming Grove, Chester. High- land, M.airoe. Tuxedo. Warwick, and Woodbury, in Orange County; towns of Carmel, Phillipstown, Putnam Valley, and South East, in Putnam Count)/. This amendment shall be effective on and after April 1, 1936. Done at the city of Washington this 27th day of March 1936. Witness my hand and the seal of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. W. R. Gregg, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. U. S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 193*