f\SL, '3: r wi ' S H. E. P. i). Q 52 Revision of Regulation 2 Effective February 10. 1943 Reprint of Regula^fins 3 and 4 Title 7 — Agriculture CHAPTER III— BUREAU OF ENTOMOLO QUARANTINE PART 301— DOMESTIC QUARANTINE N MODIFICATION OF PINK BOLLWORIV REGULATIONS INTRODUCTORY NOTE Owing to the discovery of a light infestation of the pink bollworm slightly beyond the northern boundary of the lightly infested area in southern Texas, the regulated area is extended in this amendment to include small areas in Live Oak and McMullen Counties. No other modification is made in the regulations by this amendment. For the convenience of shippers and others, regulations 3 and 4, which were revised in amendment No. 1, are reprinted herein, the current document superseding amendment No. 3, which became effective on November 20, 1939. AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO THE REVISED REGULATIONS SUP- PLEMENTAL TO NOTICE OF QUARANTINE NO. 52 Pursuant to the authority conferred by section 8 of the Plant Quarantine Act of August 20, 1912, as amended (7 U. S. C. 161), § 301.52-2 of the subpart entitled "Pink Bollworm" of part 301, chapter III, title 7, Code of Federal Regulations [regulation 2 of the revised regulations supplemental to Notice of Quarantine No. 52], which was promulgated March 7, 1939, as amended, is hereby amended further to road as follows : Abeas Undeb Regulation § 301.52-2. Regulated areas. — The following areas are hereby designated as regulated areas within the meaning of these regulations and are further classed as heavily or lightly infested: Heavily infested areas.— Texas. — Counties of Brewster, Culberson, Jeff Davis, Presidio, and Terrell, and all of Hudspeth County, except that part of the north- west corner of said county lying north and west of a ridge of desert land extending from the banks ol* the Rio Grande northeasterly through the desert Immediately west of the town of McXary, such ridge being an extension of the northwest boundary line of section li, block 85%. Lightly infested areas. — Arizona. — Counties of Cochise. Graham, Greenlee, .Maricopa, Pinal, and Santa Cruz, and all of Pima County ' except that part lying west of the western boundary line of range 8 east. Wew Mexico. Counties of Chaves, Dona Ana. Eddy, Grant, Hidalgo, hen. Luna, Otero, Roosevelt. Sierra, Socorro, and Valencia. 'I i .ma. < '.unities of Andrews. Brooks, < \nneroii. ( debran. < 'umbo. < ran. . I few son, Dimmit, Duval, Ector, Pi Pas... Frio, Gaines, Glasscock, Hidalgo, Hockley, Howard, Irion, Jim Bogg, Jim Weils. Kenedy, Kleberg, Pa Balle, Loving, Martin, .Maverick. Midiami. Mitchell, Nueces. Pecos, Reeves, Starr, Sterling, Terry, Tom Green, Upton, Ward. Webb, Willacy, Winkler, Yoakum, Zapata, and '/. that pait of Htuh ii Count a lying south of the following-described boundary line: Beginning on the east line of said county where the county line Intersects the northern boundary line of league 207; thence west following the northern bom 'Part of Tli*- lightly in' 1 ..ul it. (1 ..ii . ...uiit ..!' Hi.- Tim \\.'.-\ 1 1 1 1 mtrr quarantine So Ipmenti I herefrom must iplj ivltu tin- rY"my ; thence west .- 1 1 < » 1 1 u r the northern boundary of the \V. II. L. survey r mutiM'rp lH,uii.l;ii-y of sections 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, and 61 block A of the M 1'.. £ B. survej to the western boundary of said county; thai - ounrM ving southwest of and Including the right-of-way of High- ^7: iiiai pan of the northwest corner of // udspt th County lying north • I west of :i j k»sert land extending from the banks of the Rio Grande .- ii'»ri lir;i-ri-riy through 1 1 h • deserl Immediately west of the town of McNary, such L*» kldge being an extension pf the northwest boundary line of sect ion 11, block 65% ; U .ii pan of Lamb Vbuwy lying south of the following-described boundary line: Iteginning on the east line of said county when- the county line Intersects the •a boumkfw line of section 9 of the R. M. Thomson survey; thence west tol!o\vLu^ the noiiiu'vii boundary line of sections 9 and i<»ot the R. M. Thomson siiVvj'\ mill the ru.fi hern boundary line of sections <;. 5, I, 3, 2, ;iu•"><>. and 635 to the southeast corner of league 239; thence north on the eastern boundary line of league 239 to the northeast corner of said League; thence west on the northern boundary Line of leagues 239, 238, 233, 222, 218, and 207 to the western bound- ary line of said county: ;inS 801.52 I. Conditions goveminc the issuance of certificates. — (a) Cotton lint and linters. — A certificate may be issued for the interstate movement «»f cotton lint or linters, either haled or unbaled, originating in a regulated area when they have heen ginned in an approved gin and have been passed In bat form between heavy Steel rollers set not more than V.i inch apart, or have heen given approved vacuum fumigation under the supervision of an Inspector: Provided, That lint produced In a lightly infested area may be given standard or high density compression in lieu of either rolling or fumigation: Provided further. That certificates may be Issued Cor the interstate movement of linters produced from sterilized seed originating In a lightly Infested area when pro- duced in an authorized oil mill. ihi cutin us, , ,i \ certificate may be Issued for the Interstate movement of cottonseed produced In a regulated area when it has heen ginned in an ap- proved gto and baa been sterilised under the supervision of an inspector by tment at a required temperature of 150 V. for a period of .'*<> seconds: Provided, That certificates maj be Issued for interstate movement of sterilized cottonseed originating In heavily Infested areas only to contiguous regulated - for processing in authorized oil mills. I eed /"///>. ooita, and meal Certificates may he Issued for the • movement of cottonseed hulls, cake, and meal produced from sterilized originating in i regulated area when these products have heen proci in an authorized ->ii mill under the superi laion of an Inspector. (d) Seed cotton The Interstate movement of seed cotton will be allowed from lightlj i nto contiguous regulated areas for the purpose nning for which movement n<> permit is required k (e) Okra. — Certificates may be issued for the interstate movement of under any one of the following conditions: (1) When inspected by an inspe tor and found to he free from infestation: (2) when produced under such con- ditions as to render it free from infestation; <3> when processed or treated in accordance with methods which may be determined and approved by the chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. (f) Movement to contiguous infested area. — No certificates are required for the interstate movement of restricted articles from a lightly infested area to a contiguous, lightly or heavily infested area, or from a heavily infested area to a contiguous heavily infested area. <7 CFR, § 301.52; see 8, 39 Stat. 11*;.". -14 Stat. 250; 7 U. S. C. 161.) This amendment shall he effective on and after February 1<». 1943, and - on that date, supersede amendment No. 3 which became effective on November 20. 1930. Done at the city of Washington this 4th day of February 1943. Witness my hand and the seal of the United States Department of Agriculture. Claude R. Wickabd. Secretary of Agriculture. U I. COVUHMt UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08721 6122