UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUES Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine LJBF T^ashington, D- c STATE PLAN! B. E. P. Q,.— 441 May 5, 1957. PLANT-QUAEANT INE aiPOHT RESTRICTIONS OF FERNANDO PC AND SPANISH .'GUINEA UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF A&EICULTUHE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D* C B. E. p. Q.--441 May 5, 1937. PMNT-.QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF FERNANDO PO AND SPANISH GUINEA This digest of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of Fernando Po and Spanish Guinea has been prepared for the in- formation of nurserymen, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to those Territories. It was prepared by Harry B- Shaiv, Plant Quarantine In- spector, in charge, Foreign Information Service, of the Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the original text of the Royal Order of September 13, 1929. The infonnation contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original text, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. Chief, Bureau of Ey.tomology and Plant,.C'uarantine- Digitized by the Internet Archive ■ 1 n 2013 1 http://archive.org/cletails/guinea37unit PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF EEFNANDO PO AND SPANISH GUINEA (Royal Order of Sept. 13, 1929; Gaceta de Madrid, Sept. 19, 1929) Importation of Banana Plants Prohibited Article 1. The importation into the Spanish Territories of the Gulf of Guinea is prohibited of stems, shoots, rootstocks, etc., intended for the culture of any variety of banana ( Musa spp.). Importation of Infected Plants Prohibited Art. 2. The importation of the following is prohibited: (a) All kinds of live plants, or parts thereof, includ- ing branches, shoots, plants, scions, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, leaves, etc., that are in- vaded by disease or attacized by insects or parasites known to be injurious; (b) Live insects injurious to plants; eggs, larvae, pu- pae, and nymphs of insects; (c) Qij-ltures of bacteria and fungi injurious to plants; (d) Soil or earth; (e) Containers that have been used for the transporta- tion of the above products. Authorized Port of Entry and Certificates Art. 3. The importation of the plants referred to in the pre ceding article may be effected through the port of Santa Isabel de Fernando Po only, together with a certificate of origin accompanied one issued by the Agronomic Laboratory of the country of origin, af- firming that no diseases exist on the varieties imported. -2- Inspection on Arrival Art. 4. The Governor-General shall "be a"ble to arrange for a new examination by the Agronomic Laboratory of plants thus introduced, and if they are found to be harmful, their destruc- tion will be effected without right of indemnity, and a fine of 1,000 to 10,000 pesetas will be imposed by the Governor-General.