B.E.P.n* 493, Fifth Revision Effective July 1, 1%5 QTATc^r^^'"*"' '^''"' UNITED STATES DEPARTJ.(EMT OF AGRICULTURE OJATE PLANT" BOAMSICULTUFAL RES^.ARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF EMTOr^'OLOGY AMD FJINT QUARANTINE DOIESTIC QUARA^TTI^JE NOTICES PINK BOLLV/ORM QUARANTINE REGULATIONS MODIFIED Introductory Note The revision of regulation 2 of the pink bollworm quarantine, effective May 23, 1945, added to the lightly infested regulated area the Texas counties of Bailey, Borden, Cochran, Coleman, McCulloch, Nolan, Runnels, San Saba, Scurry, Taylor, and that part of Coke County not theretofore under regulation. These counties are located in northwestern Texas where the pink bollworm occurs only from time to time, several years often elapsing in a given county between findings of infestations. In this area it is considered safe under present conditions to eliminate special treatment requirements on baled cotton lint originating therein when it is ginned and protected as required in these in- structions. This revision of B.E.P.Q. 493 provides the same safeguards for handling cotton lint produced in the additional counties that have been required for counties in this area. § 301 #52-4 Administrative instructions designating certain lightly in- fested counties in New Mexico and Texas from v^hich baled cotton lint may be moved without treatment « Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by the second proviso of § 301.52 [Notice of Quarantine No. 52], and having determined that facts exist as to the pest risk involved which make it safe to modify, by making less stringent, the restrictions contained in paragraph (a) of § 301.52-4, notice is hereby given that certificates may be issued for the interstate movement of baled cotton lint, without treatment, from the following-designated counties when the lint has been produced in an authorized gin and subsequently protected from contami- nation: New Mexico: County of Lea. Texas: Counties of Andrews, Bailey, Borden, Cochran, Coke, Coleman, Concho, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Martin, McCulloch, Midland, Mitchell, Nolan, Runnels, San Saba, Schleicher, Scurry, Sterling, Taylor, Terry, Tom Green, and Yoakum. These instructions supersede those in B.E.P.Q. 493, fourth revision, dated October 26, 1944, and shall become effective July 1, 1945. (Sec. 8, 37 Stat. 318, 39 Stat. 1165, 44 Stat. 250; 7 U.S.C. 1940 ed. 161; 7 CFR § 301.52) Done at Washington, D. C, this 22nd day of June 1945. P. N. ANNAND Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA