'hl/')'h5/ B. E. P. Q.-Q. 37 Revision of RMTTilntlons 3 and 7 Kffivtivo .Inmiary 14. 1930 United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE MODIFICATION OF NURSERY STOCK, PLANT, AND SEED QUARANTINE REGULATIONS INTRODUCTORY NOTE This revision of regulation 3 of tlic Regulations Supplemental to Notioe of Quarantine No. 37 makes provision for the entry of yarcissufi (daff(>dil>^, jon- quils, etc.) on and after December 15, 1036, without limitation as t(/ (luantity or use. As the importation of elm seeds from Euroix? is now prohibited by Quarantine No. 70. on the Dutch elm disease, reference to elm seeds is omitted from this reinilation. In regulation 7 provision is made for the use of sterilized or otherwise safe- guarded soil as packinii for nuts and seeils as well as for bulbs and conns. Lkk a. Strong. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO REVISED RULES AND REGULATIONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO NOTICE OF QUARANTINE NO. 37 (Approved Jar. 14, 1935; effective Jan. 14, 193r>) Under authority conferred by the Plant Quarantine Act of August 20, 1912 (37 Stat. 3in>. it is ordered that regulations 3 and 7 of the revised rules and regulations supplemental to Notice of Quarantine No. 37, on account of certain injurious insects and fungous diseases, wliich v/ere promulgated December 17, 1930. and amended efftctive July 1, 1932, be, and the same are hereby, further amended to read as follows : Regulation 3. Nursery Stock, Other Plants and Parts of Plants, Including Seeds, for Which a Permit is Required The following nur.sery stock, other plants and jxirts of plants, including seeds, not^ including, however, .such other plants and parts of plants as are named in appendix A, which are governed by special quarantines and other restrictive orders now in force, nor such as may hereafter be made the subjcK.t of special quarantines, may be impfjrted, without limitation as to quantity or ose, from countries which maintain inspection (appendix li), under permit upon compliance with these re:,^uIations : (1) Bulbs, corms, or root stocks (pips) of the following genera: Lilium (lily), Convallaria (lily-of-the-valley), Hj/neinthufi (hyacinth), Tulipa (tulip), and Crocus; and, until further notice. Chionndoxa (glory-of-tho-snow), Onlan- thus (snowdrop), Scilla (squill), FritiUaria, Miisctiri (grapo-hyacinth), lana, and EranthiM (winter aconite) ; and, on and aftrr December 15, 1936, Narcissus (daffodil and jonquil). (2) Cutting^^. .«cion.s and buds of fruits or nuts: Prorided. That cuttings, scions, and buds of fruits or nuts may be iinportero- 110004»— .-Ju visions of regulation 14 only. (Stocks of fruits or nuts may not be imported, under permit or otherwise.) (3) Rose stocks, including Manetti, Rosa multiflora (brier rose), and R. mgosa. (4) Nuts, including palm seeds for growing purposes: Provided, That such nuts or seeds shall be free from pulp. (5) Seeds of fruit, forest, ornamental, and shade trees, seeds of deciduous and evergreen ornamental shrubs, and seeds of hardy perennial plants: Pro- vided, That such seeds shall be free from pulp : Provided further,. That citrus seeds may be imported only through specified ports subject to disinfection as provided in regnlatiou 9: Provided further, That mango seeds may not be imported under permit or otherwise, except from the countries of North America, Central America, and South America, and the West Indies. Importations from countries not maintaining inspection of nursery stock, other plants and parts of plants, including seeds, the entry of which is per- missible under this regulation, may be made under permit upon compliance with these regulations in limited quantities for public-service purposes only, ibut this limitation shall not apply to tree seeds. (6) Materials permitted entry under Quarantine No. 56 for consumption pur- poses are authorized entry under this regulation for propagation. Regulation 7. Certification, Marking, Freedom from Sand, Soil, or Elarth, and Approved Packing Material The importation of nursery stock and other plants and seeds from countries which maintain inspection will not be allowed unless the invoice is accom- panied by an original certificate, and unless each container bears a copy cer- tificate issued by a duly authorized oflBcial of the country from which it is •exported stating that the nursery stock and other plants and seeds covered by the certificate have been thoroughly inspected by him or under his direction at the time of packing, and found, or believed to be, free from injurious plant diseases and insect pests. Each certificate and copy certificate shall give the date of inspection, name of the grower or exporter, the district or locality and the country where ^rown, and a statement that the nursery stock and other plants and seeds have been inspected by a duly authorized ofl3eial and found, or believed to be, free from insect pests and plant diseases. The original certificate shall be signed and sealed by, and the copy certificate shall bear the seal and the actual or reproduced signature of, a responsible inspection oflicial of the country of origin. Lists of oflBcials in foreign countries authorized to inspect nursery stock and other plants and seeds, giving their names and official designations, will be furnished to collectors of customs through the Secretary of the Treasury. Each case, box, or other container or covering of nursery stock and other plants and seeds offered for entry shall be plainly and correctly marked to show the number of the permit, the general nature and quantity of the contents, the district or locality and country where grown, the name and address of the exporter, and the name and address of the consignee : Provided, That all im- portations of plants authorized under regulation 14 shall be addressed to the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant 'Quarantine, at the port designated in the permit. In addition to the address, as indicated, such shipments shall be marked with the permit number and name of the importer. All nursery stock and other plants and seeds offered for import must be free from sand, soil, or earth, and all plant roots, rhizomes, tubers, etc., must be freed by washing or other means from such sand, soil, or earth : Provided, That this requirenient shall not apply to plants imported from Canada under regulation 15: Provided further. That sand, soil, or earth may be employed for the packing of bulbs, corms, seeds, and nuts when such sand, soil, or earth has been .sterilized or otherwise safeguarded in accordance with the methods pre- scribed by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine and is so certified by the duly authorized inspector of the country of origin. The use of such sand, soil, or earth as packing for plants other than bulbs, corms, seeds, and nuts is not authorized. All packing materials employed in connection with importations of nursery stock and other plants and seeds are subject to approval as to such use by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. Such packing material must not previously have been used as packing or otherwise in connection with living plants, and except as provided in the preceding paragraph for bulbs, corms, seeds, and nuts, must be free from sand, soil, or earth, and must be certified as meeting these conditions by the duly authorized inspector of the country of origin.* If a package of nursery stock and other plants and seeds offered for entry includes any prohibiteil article, or if any of the plants have not been freed from earth, the entire package may be refused entry. This amendment shall be effective on and after January 14, 1935, and shall on that date supersede amendment no. 1 which became effective July 1, 1932. Done at the city of Washington this 14th day of January 1935. Witness my hand and the seal of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. H. A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture. * For detailed instructions relative to packing materials, bulbs and cornis. see B. E. P. Q.-369. including sterilized soil for 0. S. GOVERNMENT PDINTING OFFICE: I93S iiiiillfiiii