Merchant Marine Res.! ( Cen- ter, Bay Kidge, M«l. p.^?!* Merrhant Marine Rest Cen- ter, Sands Point, Long Is- land, N. Y. • THE MEDICAL SERVICES OF THE RECRUITMENT AND MANNING ORGANIZATION— WAR SHIPPING ADMINISTRATION AND THE UNITED SEAMEN'S SERVICE iHE MERCHANT MARINE Rest Centers are comfortable, home-like country places near the large seaports. Merchant seamen go there for rest, quiet, recreation, and niecJical care between trips. The Medical Section of the Recruitment and Manning Organization of WSA and the United Seamen's Service operate these Rest Centers for all merchant seamen who need this type of service. The homes are staffed by doctors of the United States Pub- lic Health Service assigned to Recruitment and Manning Organization, WSA. Mercliant Marine Rest Center Millbrae, Calif. WHO GOES TO A MERCHANT MARINE REST CENTER? A, .NY active merchant seaman who will benefit by a stay and who does not need hospital care. Men who are worn and tired from long trips and the rigors of shuttling. Men who have lost weight and who feel run down. Men who are restless and jittery from enemy attacks or the threat of attack. Men who need convalescent care after being in a hospital. Merchant Marine Rest Center, Gladstone, N. J. The Rest Center Doctor — is easy to get to . . . easy to talk to. The men soon learn that all of the Rest Center staff are there to help them at all times. The food is good . . . there is plenty of it . . . and we supply the appetite. Transportation by railroad or bus and sta- tion wagon is furnished seamen entering the Rest Centers. SEAMEN GO TO A MERCHANT MARINE REST CENTER . . . L ecaude the Rest Centers provide every facility to get the men in good condition before they ship out again — the best of food . . . congenial surroundings . . . expert medical care and every opportunity for rest and recreation. Transportation from the port of entry to the Merchant Marine Rest Center is provided. There is no charge at the Rest Center. There is no catch to it . . . facilities and services are FREE to bona fide mer- chant seamen. SEAMEN TAKE THEIR CHOICE OF All kinds of outdoor games Quiet rea( REST, RELAXATION, AND RECREATION Chess, cards, and other indoor games ry^' • MERCHANT MARINE REST CENTERS ARE CONVENIENTLY LOCATED NEAR THE LARGEST SEAPORTS Near NEW YORK: • At Oyster Bay, Long Island, N. Y. • At Sands Point, Long Island, N. Y. • At Gladstone, N. J. Near BALTIMORE: • At Bay Ridge, Md. Near NEW ORLEANS and MOBILE: • At Pass Christian, Miss. Near SAN PEDRO and WILMINGTON: • At Pacific Palisades, Calif. Near SAN FRANCISCO: • At Millbrae, Calif. Parties with the neighbors Plenty of opportunities to handle sail. THE PORT MEDICAL OFFICE CAN HELP YOU A, .PPLY at the PORT MEDICAL OFFICE to go to a Rest Center. The Port Medical Worker will make all of the neces- sary arrangements for you. You can get help on many other prob- lems . . . arrangements for necessary medi- cal care and appointments you may need. You are referred to the proper people to get an artificial limb or cane, glasses, den- tures, training for upgrading, etc. IMPORTANT! You can get the address of the Port Medical Office at your port of entry from the booklet "SHORE CON- VOY," the War Shipping Administration office, the United Seamen's Service, U. S. Public Health Service hospitals, or at your union hall. • REPATRIATED SEAMEN . . . returning from foreign ports are met on arrival by a Field Representative and a Medical Officer of the WSA Recruitment and Manning Organization. These officials see that the men get any medical and per- sonal care they may need. If you are being repatriated and don't see the doctor, ask for him. If you were in a hospital abroad, sick or nervous aboard ship, he will want to hear your story. He will direct you to the Port Medical Office or to a Marine Hospital. You may feel so good at getting home that you won't realize at the time that you need a doctor. But, it is a good time to get acquainted with him in case you want to look him up later at the Port Medical Office. Men— Doesn't this beat any- thing? The Rest Centers are great places for a night of sound sleep. Merchant Marine Rest Cente Oyster Bay, Long Island, N. Y. Merchant Marine Rest Center, Pa- cific Palisades, San Pedro, Calif. ^ Merchant Marine Rest Center, Camp Kittiwake, Pass Christian, Miss, (now closed). GPO 16 — 44030- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA OU ARE NEEDED ON BOARD A SHIP 3 1262 08484 2508 Ships must sail to win the war. Sea- men must man them. These Mer- chant Marine Rest Centers have been opened to get men into good condi- tion and keep them that way. Take advantage of this opportunity to keep yourself fit.