d : rTATE PLANT tJU^iv^ E/2 Dominies. UNITED STATES. KSPAHflOCST OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research A&miiii strati on Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. November 15, 19^-5 B.E.P.Q. — 399, Revised PLAKT-QPARAHTIN3 IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE COLONY OP DOMINICA, BRITISH WEST INDIES This summary of the pi ant -quarantine import restrictions of Dominica has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant auaran- tine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that Colony. It was p re-oared by R. G. Oa.kley, Supervisor of Export Certification for the Division of Poreign Plant Quarantines, from Statutory Pules and Orders No* 37 of 19^2 and l T o. 5 of l$hk and reviewed by the Agricultural Superintendent of the Colony. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The ordinances applicable should be consulted for the exact texts. P. IT. Annand Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine < UHITHD STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. B.E.P.q. — 399, Revised • November 15, 19^5 • ' PLMT- QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS • _ OP THE COLONY OP DOMINICA, BRITISH TOST INDIES BASIC LEGISLATION The Plant Protection Ordinance, 19*+1» approved July 2k t 19^1. Statutory Rules and Orders No. 37 of l9*+2 (Plant Protection (importation) Regulations, 19^2), as amended by Statutory Rules and Orders No. 5» of 19^» canceling Proclamations of August 5, I932 t February 20, 193^ f a* 1 ^- June 1, 1937, were made by the Governor in Council under authority of above ordinance. INTRODUCTION The regulations of the Colony of Dominica govern the entry of plants and their parts capable of propagation, including seeds, and fruits and vegetables (except cereals and pulses), their containers, wrappers and packing material, raw cotton products, soil, dung, and animal or vegetable organisms. SUMMARY General Entry Requirements 1. Phytosanitary certificates are not required as a condition of entry for importations from the United States. Entry requirements are as follows: a. Import permits are required only for special importations of "planting materials" which are conditionally prohibited. • They must be obtained from the Governor in advance of importation, (see par. 21, p. 5-) b. The port of Roseau is designated as the only port of entry, except for unrestricted items cited in paragraph 5 which may enter at any port. (See par. 8,. p. 3-) Importation Prohibited 2. Importation of the following products is prohibited: a. CITRUS ( Citrus spp.) fruits from the United States and certain other countries. (See par. 20, p. 5«) -1- • • > -2- "b. COTTON • ( Gossypiun spp.) plants, seed cotton, raw cotton in. any form, cottonseed, cottonseed meal products, used sacks, bagging, unmanufactured pillows and bedding naterials and their containers and packing, materials, fron the United States and certain other countries. (See pars. l6 to 18, p. 5») c. PLAIT? MATERIAL importations by air express, except for articles listed in paragraph 5. (See par. 12, p. U.) Importation Conditionally- Prohibited v 3. . Importation of the following products and 'their packing materials is prohibited, except material' for, propagation which may enter under an import permit issued by the Gb^ernoi* "in advance and subject to prescribed' conditions: (See par". '21, pp. '5 and 6.) a. BAITANA ( Musa spp. Linn.) fruits, plants, pseudostems, and parts thereof, except fruit .of '-plantains. (See par. 19» p. 5») ' b. CA&AQ ( Theobfoma cacao L.) plants and- all parts thereof. ! ' •■'''----'■'.'::.■--. ••,• •„-: c. • CITRUS ( Citrus 'sppw) -plants and parts -thereof, or -any other member of the tribe Citrinaa. ..'•■ r::- ■ --. •■ ..:■■ ■ -. ■ d. C0C01TU? ( Cocos nucifera L.) palms and parts thereof. (See par. 15. p. 5.) e. COFEEE ( Coffea spp.). Plants and... parts thereof, except roasted coffee. (See par. 5, P» 3«) f. GrRAM'IlTSeUS' plants and part's thereof, except f straw used as' a packing material. '. g.., ;: PLANTS in soil. h. SOIL AND DUNG- containing' earthy debris. (See par. 22, p. 6.) • 1. SUGARCANE (Saccharum, offjc-jnarum L.) plants and parts thereof. Importation Restricted U. Except as indicated above and' provided for in paragraph 5. plants and plant products originating in the United States may be imported into Dominica, although subject to inspection, treatment, detention in quarantine, or possible destruction on arrival. -3- Importation Unrestricted 5. Importations of the following shall not he subject to the provisions of paragraphs 8 and 12: Seeds of vegetable or ornamental plants from commercial seedsmen in the United States, United Kingdom, Sire, and Canada; dry hulled rice, nuts, commercial yeast, roasted coffee, dried or canned, candied or other processed fruits and vegetables, and plant -products having been cooked, parboiled, or otherwise processed to be free from any animal or vegetable organism. GENERAL REGULATIONS Definitions 6. In these regulations — "British West Indies" means the British Island? in the Greater and Lesser Antilles, but does not include the Bahamas, Bermuda, British Guiana, and British Honduras. "Fruits and Vegetables" mean any unprocessed plant or part thereof which is used for human food, but does not in- elude cereals and pulses. "Plant material" means any tree, shrub, herb, vegetable, fern or moss or any part thereof, and includes planting material. "Planting material" means plants and parts thereof, in- cluding seeds, which are capable of propagation, but does not include cereals and pulses. Inspection on Arrival 7. No animal or vegetable organism or other agent, not known to be generally distributed in the Colony, which is or is believed to be inimical to the growth of plants, shall be imported into the Colony, and no plant or other article or thing which is or is likely to be infested, or infected, with any organism or other agent as aforesaid shall, when imported, be delivered to or taken possession of by the owner or consignee thereof until it has been declared free from such infection by a Plant Protection Officer. Authorized Port of Entry S. All -plants, soil, dung, living insects, nonmarine invertebrate animals, and accompanying containers or wrap-ping material brought to the Colony (except articles specified in paragraph 5) shall g^TB PLANT BOARD enter only through the port of Poseau. All such material or things shall he declared as such to the Treasurer or his officers at the port of entry or at the Post Office in Roseau and shall he examined by a Plant Protection Officer "before delivery" to the owner or consignee. Treatment or Destruction Applied When ^Trcessary 9. If, after examination of any plant or thing to which paragraph 8 applies, a Plant Protection Officer considers the importation inimical to the growth of plants, he may, as a. precautionary measure against the introduction of insects and diseases, cause it to he de- tained under quarantine, or subject it to treatment hy fumigation or other disinfection, detention in quarantine, or he may destroy it in part or in its entirety including cases and packages. 10. The importation, detention, and treatment of any articles cohered "by these regulations shall he entirely at the risk of the importer and all charges for storage, cartage, and labor incidental to the inspection and the cost of treatment, other than the services of the Plant Protection Officer, shall he borne hy the importer. 11. Any articles imported in contravention of these regulations shall "be confiscated hy the Government for disposal as the Chief Plant Protection Officer may direct. Air Express Importations Prohibited 12. No plant material, excepting the articles specified in paragraph 5, shall be brought to the Colony by air whether for importation or transshipment. Importations for' Scientific Purposes Authorized 13. Notwithstanding any prohibition or restriction contained in' these regulations, the Agricultural Superintendent shall have nower to import into the Colony' any articles for use of the Agricultural Department . IMPORTATION CONDITIONALLY PROHIBITED Allspice ik. Fruit and all parts of allspice ( Pimenta spn.') shall- not be im- ported into the Colony from any island of the Greater Antilles on account of the fungus Puccinia psidii Wint . -5- Coconuts 15. The importation into the Colony of all par£s of the coconut -palm ( Cocos nucif era L.) is prohibited except under permit issued in ad- vance "by the Governor: Frovided , that ungerninated' cocohiitSf 'copra, and -processed coconut fiber may he imported from 'the British West Indies and British Guiana. Cotton a,nd Cotton Products 16. The importation of cottonseed, seed. cotton, cotton lint, cotton linters, cottonseed meal and cake, and any accompanying containers and packing material is prohibited from all countries on account of the boll weevil ( Anthonomus grandi s Boh.), except from Trinidad and Tobago', Barbados, and British Colonies in.; the Windward and Leeward Islands under special permit and conditions -prescribed in advance of importation by the Governor: Provided , that cottonseed meal and cake from the British Isles and Canada may be imported without prior authorization from the Governor. 17. The importation pf any other -part of the cotton plant not speci- fied in paragraph l6, and any accompanying containers, is prohibited except that factory processed or manufactured articles of lint and linters may enter from any source. 13. The importation of pillows or bedding material, unless factory made, and used sacks, bags, or baling material which were used, or reasonably suspected to have been used to contain any part of the cotton plant, is prohibited from the United States, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Salvador, Costa Pica, and British Honduras. Pruits and Vegetables 19. Fruits and vegetables (except -plantains, onions and potatoes, Solanum tuberosum L., which nay be imported from any source) shall not be imported except from the United States, British Isles, Canada, New Zealand, British West. Indies, British Guiana, Bermuda, and the Virgin Islands of the United States. 20. Citrus- fruit shall be imported only from the British West Indies excluding Trinidad and Tobago, and the British Virgin Islands. Planting Material 21. The irvoortation into the Colony of the following -prod.ucts and their wrapping materials is prohibited, except that "-planting material" may enter under permit issued by the Governor with the con- currence of and in accordance with conditions prescribed, by the Plant Quarantine Committee: UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA -6- 3 1262 09241 8200 a. Banana, plantain, and any other member of the genus Musa Linn. ; (see par. 190 ; b. Cacao ( Theobroma cacao L.) ; c. Citrus ( Citrus spp.) or any other member of the tribe Citrinae; d. Coconut ( Cocoa nucifera L.); e. Coffee ( Coffea spp.); f. Cotton ( G-ossypium spp.); g. Gramineous plants and parts thereof including seeds, excent . straw used as a packing material; h. Planting material growing in or accompanied by soil; i. Sugarcane ( Saccharum officinarum L.) and parts thereof,- including fuzz. Soil and Dung 22. Soil pnc^. dung shall not be imported into the Colony except through the Plant Quarantine Station under -permit of the Governor with the concurrence of the Plant Quarantine Committee.