ClRCULAH N I 110. Jul) 1' I nited Mates Dcpartuiciit ui Agriculture, HURKAU OP KNTOMfll L. o. howakd, Botomoleg rill. GREEN-STRIP] L O. How m;i. .iii.l I i ENKKAI, U'I'E \i: \\( i \\ l> M Maple trees grown in the United States for shade or other purpose are subject to severe injury from defoliation by caterpillars. In ad- dition to the fall webworm* and tussock moth caterpillar there is a common and troublesome Bpecies known as the green-striped maple worm {An • >icunda) which affects maples of all kinds, including Bugar maple, and is especially partial to silver and swamp maples. It feeds occasionally also on l><>\ elder and will defoliate oak in the absence of its favorite food trees. In its active stage this insect is a naked or hairless caterpillar (fig. L, n the second thoracic segment, with a pair of long black boras. It has also a number of Bhort, ''lack. Bpiny projec- tions along its aides and at it> anal extremity. The anal segments arc somewhat dilated and rose-colored on the Bides. WTien fully grown, it measures nearly two inches in length. 'The parent insect, or moth, is a beautiful creature of a pale yellow color shaded with a most delicate pink. The female is well shown in the accompany ing illustration (a), the dark portions representing the pink, and the paler portions the yellow color. In eastern individuals the colors differ from those found in the West, the rose tints being more intense, while in the western form- the yellow predominate-. with only a slight tinge of rose. Some western individuals also are nearly white The female has a wing spread of one and three-fourths to about two inches, and her body is yellow and woolly in appearance. Her head i- -mall, retracted into the thorax, and bears Bhort, thread- like antenna'. The male is -mailer than his male, having plumose or feathery antenna', as represented in the figure ( $ ). The egg is about one millimeter in diameter, slightly flattened, and pale green, becoming yellowish before the larva hatches. A portion of •merly called Dryfcampa r t< Hyphantria eunea Drp. < Htmerocampa a [>m. fir. 110- I an egg mass is figured in the illustration at c, and a much-enlarged egg with the embryo within at b. The pupa is very dark brown, nearly black, and of the somewhat peculiar form shown at f. It is armed with little spines on the margin of the ahdominal segments and on the thorax, and the anal segment ends in a projection a little forked at the tip. Fie;. 1. — Anisota rubicimda: a, Female moth and antenna of male moth; 6, egg showing embryo within; c, portion of egg mass; K INJTBT. Many of the earlier writers on economic entomology reported nu- merous instances of injury by this species, but of late the insect has not received much attention, presumably because of the far greater destructiveness of the commoner tussock moth and fall webworm, and of the gipsy and brown-tail moth-. Possibly this maple worm is decreasing in numbers. Some characteristic outbreaks may be men- tioned, therefore, as showing its importance some years and to give some idea of its method of work. In ls^7 Mf. n. \v. Young, Independence, Cans., wrote that for four years the soft maple shade trees of that city had been defoliated twice a year by this insect, the trees being greatly weakened. In L888 Mr-. M. T. McCluny, Sedalia, Mo., wrote that these •"worm-"' "were like the locusts of Egypt, and filled the houses" and destroyed the leaves of the maple shade trees. In 1889 considerable correspondence was had with Mr. .1. W. Merchant, Kansas City, Mo., who reported extensive defoliation in Kansas City. Kan-., and sent several photographs, one of which is here reproduced (ti!' maple in the vicinity of French Creek, \V. \ a. Since L906 the Bpecies has been abundant in portion-: of Maryland and Virginia, but not noticeably troublesome. During 1908 it was devastating forests in and around Fryeburg, Me. At that time it almost entirely stripped maple and it was said — oak. beech, birch, apple, ami other deciduous trees over a very large ih-n. Inn it poems probable that other Bpecieswere present, as in other cases reported to this office." It was particularly troublesome to shade maples in Maine. New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania, N \ II i; \l ENEMIES. The green striped maple worm i- frequently eaten by domestic foul- and by many birds. Of these the robin and yellow- billed caukoo have been recorded by Bruner. 6 lie reports both of these bird- as actively engaged in picking tip and swallowing the. ••worms" as late a- September 20, at Lincoln. Nebr. The bluebird, tufted tit- mouse, red headed woodpecker, red-eyed vireo. and crow blackbird are also Btated by the late Prof. F. II. Snow to eat the " woriib." while the moths also are sometimes destroyed by birds. To the above li-t Prof. F. E. L. Heal, of the Bureau of Biological Survey, add- the black-billed cuckoo and the great-crested flycatcher as enemies of this insect. This species is parasitized by a common ichneumon fly, Limnerium fugitivum Say. a rather general parasite of lepidopterous larvae. Two tachina flies have been reared from it, Frontina frenchii Will., from Washington, P. ('.. and vicinity, and Belvotia hifasdata Fal>.. from northern Missouri Among the old Riley notes i- a record of the rearing of an egg parasite, but the species ha- not been determined. At one time the electric lights in BOme of the large cities men- tioned were tin- means of attracting and destroying large numbers of the moth-, and l.oth moths and caterpillars were destroyed in large numbers by passers by, who trampled on them. A.8 a rule little is to he expected from taehina flies a- a means of controlling insect pests, and the ichneumon mentioned, being a <_ r «'n- eral parasite, is not an efficient destroyer of this particular species. In ■'The other species conc e rned in damage wire Htterocampa and //. bilinenta Pack., principally to forest trers. although daring the year they inji maple ftroves and attacked ^uirar maple and a considerable \ ariety of the I in New England. vrence Braner, 1890, Bull, u Nebr. Agr. Exp. Bta., pp. " - 110] other words, we can not rel^ for assistance upon any of the natural ene inics excepl birds. These should !><• encouraged in ei erj possible way, ami warfare should be waged against the English sparrow, which does not feed on this caterpillar, save perhaps occasionally in nesting time, and is :i great pest in itself, especially as it drives other and useful birds from cities and towns. Bl MKDIES. Irtenical*. Spraying with an arsenical mixture, if accomplished when the caterpillars are young, is the most effective means of con- trolling this insect, i>m a spraying is n<>t easilj applied when :i lai grove of maples is infested. Blither Paris green or arsenate of lead may be used and applied in accordance with the directions furnished for other Bhade-tree defoliators, as described in detail in Farmers' Bulletin No. 99. This publication should be in the hands of all per- sons suffering from the ravages of shade-tree insects, and that portion relating to general instructions in the last chapter should be read." Paris green may be applied on maple trees a- Btrong as I pound to gallons of water, but halt" that strength, or one-half pound to 50 gallons of water, will probably Buffice iii most cases. Arsenate of lead may he safely used at BS high a rate a- from 2 to 4 pounds of the poison to j dlons of water. Trenching. If an arsenical spray ha- not been used while the Larvae are young, large numbers of the pests may he trapped and easily destroyed by digging a trench either around individual trees or around groves Or belts Of tree-. The trench should lie at Least a foot dee]). with the outer wall- sloping under. The larva- usually wander away from the trees before entering the earth, and will lie caught in the trench in great numbers or will bury themselves in the ground in the bottom of the trench, when 1 they can lie lulled. This remedy wa- given a practical and thoroughly satisfactory test many years ago by Doctor Riley, and has been recommended to our correspondents generally. II, rmi picking. — When the public once become- well acquainted with thi-i insect in all of it- stages, from tin 1 egg to the moth, large number- of the eggs and the moth- can Ik 1 killed by band on their appearance in May or dune, and individual choice tree- may in a measure be protected in this manner. Approved: .1 \mi - We BON, S retary of Agt icultun . Washington, 1>. C, May :>:. ' Farmers' Bulletin No. 99 is furnished gratia <>n application t" the Department of Agriculture. [Cir. no o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09216 5587