/, /d - Tf / ■-/ / ^ 4Sep'47 • For Use o£ StalX Members and Advisors JOBS for the HandieaDDed A Program Guide for use in planning and preparing State and local programs NATIONAL EMPLOY THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED WEEK Oct. 5-11, 1947 Interagency Committee for the Employment of the Physically Handicapped Washington, D. C. Program Guide CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 Part I. NEPH WEEK— Origin and Purpose 3 Part II. Program Objectives 8 Part III. How Many Handicapped? 10 Part IV. The Handicapped as Workers (Results of Surveys) _ 12 Part V. What Can Be Done (In States and Local Communi- ties) 15 Address All Communications for Interagency Committee for the Employment of the Handicapped to U. S. Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. m Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2011 witli funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/jobsforhandicappOOunit OCT. 5-11 1947 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Program Guide is fourfold: (1) To stimulate the widest possible interest in National Employ the Physically Han- dicapped Week, October 5-11 ; (2) to encourage wide-spread under- standing of the employment problem of physically impaired per- sons; (3) to outline steps that are being taken by Federal and private agencies in Washington to coordinate plans for NEPH Week; and (4) to s^t patterns which may be adaptable in the field for the stimu- lation of employment of the handicapped. The 1946 NEPH Week campaign was successful. Placements of handicapped persons by the local public employment offices increased 37 percent during the month of October over the previous month. The "Week" spearheaded a permanent year-round campaign for the employment of impaired men and women, including disabled vet- erans. Millions of people discovered that there not only is an em- ployment problem concerning the physically impaired, but that some- thing can be done about it. Reports from all States demonstrated that newspapers and radio networks and stations cooperated enthu- siastically in the 1946 NEPH Week campaign. In many communi- ties civic and veterans' organizations, service clubs, business, labor, and Federal, State, and local governmental agencies formed local com- mittees, held mass meetings, luncheons, employer institutes, and con- ducted other activities. An Interagency Committee of Federal and private agencies is con- tinuing to coordinate NEPH Week efforts of all Government agencies in Washington. It will promote such activities as will be beneficial in Nation-wide observance of National i^lmploy the Physically Han- dicapped Week. These include radio broadcasting, fact sheets and scripts, newspaper and magazine articles, pamphlets, leaflets, and pattern displays. A subcommittee has the responsibility of inform- ing Federal, State, and local agencies of plans of individual agencies and of materials prepared and being prepared by individual Federal agencies. Federal agencies represented on the Interagency Committee include : The Department of Agriculture ; Department of Commerce ; Depart- ment of Labor, United States Employment Service, Veterans Em- ployment Service, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Division of Vet- erans' Reemployment Rights ; Civil Service Commission ; and Federal Security Agency, Bureau of Employment Security, Office of Voca- tional Keliabilitation, and United States Public Health Service; Veterans' Administration. All mail to the Interagency Committee should be addressed care of the Department of Labor. Private agencies represented are : The American Federation of the Physically Handicapped, Disabled American Veterans, and the Na- tional Association for the Employment of the Physically Handi- capped. The goal of the Interagency Committee is to make the observance of 1947 NEPH Week the most productive in the proper placement of physically handicapped persons. The following pages provide basic information needed to stimu- late programs in States and communities where the real job of re- habilitation, vocational training, and employment of handicapped workers is done. To make NEPH Week an outstanding success requires hard work — work which must be done to assure millions of disabled Americans a chance to use their abilities to increase the Nation's production. OCT. 5-11 1947 I. NEPH Week — Origin and Purpose National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week is observed annually during the first week in October of each year. It was author- ized by Public Law 176, Seventy -ninth Congress, approved August 11, 1945. The legislation was prepared by the American Federation of the Physically Handicapped and supported by it and the Disabled American Veterans with the support of numerous other interested organizations. Congress, in the joint resolution, declared the purpose of the annual "week" to be to "enlist public support for an interest in the employ- ment of otherwise qualified but physically handicapped persons." Public Law 176 specifically states that : During the said week, appropriate ceremonies are to be lield tlirougliout tlie Nation * * * The President is hereby requested to issue a suitable proclama- tion each year, and the Governors of the States, mayors of cities, and heads of other instrumentalities of Federal, State, and local government, as well as leaders of industry, educational, and religious groups, labor, veterans, women, farm, scientific and professional, and other organizations and individuals are invited to participate. Third Annual NEPH Week October 5-11 will mark the third annual observance of the "week." The 1945 and 1946 campaigns laid the groundwork for national under- standing of the job problems of physically impaired persons. During 1946 extensive organizational steps were taken in thousands of communities throughout the Nation which aided the program. In many local communities joint action programs were set up. Many communities carried on special activities in observance of the "week." All local placements of impaired workers in all States during October were 29,157, compared with 21,350 for September, a gain of 37 percent. Gains were reported in placements of handicapped workers in all but 2 States. Twenty-one States reported more than 500 total placements of handicapped workers during the month. The Interagency Committee was organized initially in 1946 under the auspices of the Retraining and Reemployment Administration, now liquidated. Prior to the liquidation of RRA temporary officers of the Interagency Committee were appointed to carry on. In 1947 Federal and private agency representatives decided that although the Interagency Committee lost its official standing as the result of the abolition of E.EA, there was need for a committee to coordinate NEPH Week activities in Washington. It was therefore decided to continue the committee. The subcommittee of the Interagency Committee at a subsequent meeting arranged to publish this program guide for the 1947 "Week" for the information and guidance of the agencies represented on the Interagency Committee, and their affiliates. The subcommittee also allocated the responsibility for certain activ- ities to specific agency representatives. This applies specifically to national radio network programs, which will be arranged by the In- formation Service of the Veterans' Administration, and national mag- azine contacts, which will be handled by the Office of Information, Department of Labor. Each agency will supplement materials pre- pared and distributed by the committee with materials for its own field, such as posters, pattern news releases, etc. The Department of Labor agreed to publish the Program Guide and to supply posters with the imprint of the Department. Program materials will be forwarded to the field as early as possible. The following is a partial list of materials and services which are, or will be, available through the agencies represented on the Inter- agency Committee. I. Pamphlets and Folders Department of Labor, United States Employment Service: a. Hire the Handicapped — ^It's Good Business. A revised edition with new cover of "Mr. Employer — Hire the Handicapped." Two colors, illustrated, carrying data contained in latest Department of Labor survey of employment of handicapped workers in 109 plants. 6. Q and A folder en NEPH Week. Department of Labor, Veterans Employment Service : a. A folder concerning employment of disabled veterans. Note.— The above USES and VES pamphlets will be distributed througli State Bureau of Employment Security agencies. Federal Security Agency, Office of Vocational Eehabilitation : a. Vocational Eehabilitation for Civilians (available in quantity). Basic document which explains the "who, what, why, where, and how" of the State-Federal program of vocational rehabilitation. 5. Opportunities for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (of general interest). Explains special services available for this segment of the disabled population. c. The Doctor and Vocational Rehabilitation. For medical groups only. Directed to medical profession and explains various aspects of program such as methods by which medical services are purchased, fee schedules, value and necessity of medical reports of examination and diagnosis. (AMA has distributed to every member.) d. Efficiency of the Impaired Worker (available in quantity). Study which convincingly shows that disabled men and women are outstanding workers (of interest to employers). e. Civilian Amputees in Action. Illustrated booklet which tells amputees about State-Federal vocational rehabilitation, emphasizing importance of psychological preparation, postoperative procedure, exercises, etc. /. Opportunities for the Tuberculous. Outlines services available for this portion of the disabled population. Note. — ^Tlie above OVR materials may be obtained from State divisions of vocational rehabilitation agencies. Disabled American Veterans : a. Man — Job — Matching method. Devoted to selective placement of disabled veterans. h. They Say Disabled are Valuable (quotations of employers and officials) . c. Sales Talk to Employers on Hiring Disabled Veterans by the Man— Job— Matching Method. Note. — ^Above items available from DAV, 1701 Eighteenth Street, NW., Wash- ington, D. 0., or local DAV. II. Posters and Placards Department of Labor, United States Employment Service : a. One poster and one streamer on NEPH Week (available gen- erally through State and local public employment offices after Sep- tember 1. Federal Security Agency, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (for year-round use) : a. Set of four placards designed to inform disabled men and women of the services available to help them overcome job handicaps. 6. Set of five placards (must be used as set) informing employers of the value of rehabilitated workers. c. Set of four placards addressed to doctors, hospitals, and other medical personnel to stimulate cooperation. Posters point up physical restoration. d. Set of four placards pointing to the value of blind persons as workers. 750587 — 47- 5. e. Single poster (addressed to employers) Hire Rehabilitated Workers — It's Good Business (available only through State divisions of Vocational Rehabilitation) . III. Radio Veterans' Administration : a. Coordinates Advertising Council cooperation in network ]3ro- grams. h. Coordinates network programs — prepares radio fact sheet and scripts for national broadcasts (fact sheet available through VA Branch offices) . c. Prepares "spot" announcements for Interagency Committee (available through VA Branch offices) . d. Arranges local live announcements on VA transcribed series. Note. — ^Agencies in the field should make usual arrangements for regional and local network and station programs, but in each case the nearest branch office of the Veterans' Administration should be notified of arrangements in advance. Branch offices are located in Boston, Mass. ; New York City ; Phila- delphia, Pa. ; Richmond, Va. ; Atlanta, Ga. ; Columbus, O. ; Chicago, 111. ; St. Paul, Minn. ; St. Louis, Mo. Dallas, Tex. ; Seattle, Wash. ; San Francisco, Calif. ; Denver, Colo. ; and Los Angeles, Calif. ( See check list sec. V for address and phone numbers. ) Veterans Employment Service : a. A 1414-minute recorded program dramatizing actual placements of disabled (distributed through VERs) . Note. — The United States Employment Service will include pattern radio scripts as part of its NEPH Week materials. Federal Security Agency, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (for year-around use) : a. David Felton, Counselor — a new series of 13 transcriptions, each with I4I/2 minutes of real life stories illustrating vocational rehabili- tation of impaired persons into paid jobs (available through State di- visions of vocational rehabilitation) . IV. Mats a. Mats and copy for sponsored display advertising (full and quarter page) will be distributed direct to newspapers by the Moyer Both agency and to advertisers by representatives of the Veterans Employment Service. Mats and copy will be for both disabled veter- ans and nonveteran handicapped persons. 6. The United States Employment Service will supply mats of the symbol of the "Week," captioned, "Hire the Handicapped — It's Good Business." This is the same symbol which was used last year and which was widely used in newspapers for news, features, and advertis- ing "drop-ins." 6 V. Window Displays The United States Employment Service is preparing examples of window displays as suggestions for use. The OVE- has placards listed under posters suitable for window display purposes. Vi. idea Exchange The United States Employment Service has prepared a special issue of its Idea Exchange to reach public employment oiiices during August and carrying examples of outstanding news, features, and editorials which were used during the 1946 NEPH Week campaign, as well as examples of displays, radio, scripts, speeches, and other campaign techniques, including community activities. The Disabled American Veterans national office will prepare its own kit of materials, including survey and activity projects, news, features, speeches, and radio scripts for use by its chapters. Vii. Motion Pictures The motion-picture industry has been requested to produce a mo- tion-picture short for theatrical distribution. "Comeback" — 2i/^ reels, 16 mm. sound, color picture. Designed to show employers through actual scenes in industry and business that physically impaired men and women who have been properly trained and placed make outstanding workers. (Available through State divisions of vocational' rehabilitation.) VI II. News Reels The Interagency Committee on public information will coordinate the shooting of news reels in Washington, calling on various agencies for assistance if necessary. IX. Speecii IViaterial Drafts of speech material will be supplied by the United States Employment Service and the Office of Vocational Eehabilitation to their respective affiliates. Agency members of the Interagency Committee will make all efforts to get informational materials to the field during the first week in September. In some instances delays due to preparation and ship- ping may be occasioned, but these will be minimized whenever pos- sible. OCT. 5-11 1947 II. PROGftAI¥l OBJECTIVES OF NEFH WEEK Throughout the United States there are impaired men and women, inchiding disabled veterans, who want to work but who cannot find jobs. Sometimes their faikire to find employment is due to lack of understanding on the part of employers of the skills and abilities of handicapped persons. Sometimes the handicapped do not have the ability to "sell" their services. Informing employers concerning em- ployability and availability of the handicapped is Point No. 1 in the big job of preparing for 1947 NEPH Week. The second point in NEPH Week in each community is to supply impaired men and women with facts they need to know about services, both governmental and private, which are available to them for job placement, rehabilitation, and training. Impaired or handicapped men and women are human beings. They must live. They must work or be supported by public funds if they cannot support themselves by other means. When they are em- ployed in useful work, they help not only themselves but contribute to the community output of goods and services. More than that, they contribute to the Nation's economy. When they are supported by public funds, they are charges on the community and the economy of the Nation. This is Point No. 3, which needs to be driven home in every local community. Every unemployed handicapped worker is a potential producer in some job. This is Point No. 4. When he is placed in the right job, his impairment is neutralized. The right job may be in the shop of the butcher, the baker, or tlie candlestick maker^anywhere in manufac- turing plants, agriculture, the service trades, building construction, in department stores, offices, banks, and even in newspaper plants or radio stations. Specific Program Objectives 1. To promote employer acceptance of men and women with im- pairments as workers in jobs for which they have been prepared through vocational rehabilitation and for which they are qualified by experience, aptitude, and training. 8 2. To promote favorable attitudes toward these workers on the part of the general public and especially employers, public officials, labor, civic, and welfare agencies in every community, 3. To make known the available rehabilitation services for men and women of working age who have physical impairments resulting from accident, illness, or other causes in order to put their abilities to work. 4. To inform these men and women i)f their rights under the law to vocational rehabilitation services, training services, and placement services; and to acquaint them with the services available through governmental, community, and private agencies which will assist them in preparing for and obtaining suitable employment. 5. To promote the continued employment of the millions of handi- capped workers who are presently employed. 6. To promote the employment of all disabled veterans as well as civilians who have disabilities. 7. To build up the morale of handicapped job applicants. Oct. 5-11, 1947 III. HOW MANY HANDICAPPED? How many handicapped citizens — including disabled veterans — are there in 1947? No one knows exactly. A census has never been taken. Some spe- cialists think a census is next to an impossibility because of tech- nicalities. It is much easier to determine the number of handicapped persons locally than nationally. Numbers ? Here are the best estimates on the national problem : A. Of the total population — including men, women and children, 140,000,000 — it has been estimated there are as many as 25,000,000 per- sons with physical impairments of one sort or another. Some estimates run as high as 28,000,000. B. Estimates in relation to the current labor force (in June there were 62,500,000 in the civilian labor force, with 60,000,000 employed, and 2,500,000 unemployed) indicate: Handicapped Persons in Labor Force a. It is estimated that currently in the labor force there are roughly 6,000,000 persons, or 10 percent who are physically impaired. &. Up to 500.000 of these physically impaired persons are presently unemployed. This figure includes approximately 130,000 disabled veterans currently registered with the local public employment offices. Others may be seeking work who are not registered. Handicapped Persons Not in Labor Force a. It is estimated that outside the labor force there are a minimum of 1,000,000 physically handicapped persons, including disabled vet- erans, who can be rehabilitated for gainful employment, but whose rehabilitation would be meaningless if jobs are unavailable. This estimate includes persons injured or disabled as a result of war; those i]ijured in industrial, traffic, and other types of accidents; and persons disabled as a result of disease or born with physical afflictions. &. In addition to the above group of 1,000,000, there are many thousands of disabled veterans in hospitals or in the process of re- habilitation, who in the future will be ready to seek employment. No estimates are available as to the total number of disabled veterans, 10 exclusive of those included in the 1,000,000 estimate above, who some day will be available for full-time employment. It is known, how- ever, that the number is considerable. Here is the NEPH Week Goal: Thus the job facing the cooperating groups interested in promoting employment of the physically handicapped is to — a. Promote acceptance among all employers of qualified physically impaired persons. 5. Find jobs at once for the estimated 500,000 qualified and avail- able disabled veterans or civilian handicapped workers now unem- ployed. c. Effect better job adjustments for those among the millions of handicapped workers now employed, who need such readjustment to insure they are properly placed. d. Develop rehabilitation, training, and job opportunities for the 1,000,000 handicapped persons who can be made employable through physical rehabilitation. Estimates of the total numbers of handicapped persons include (a) those persons whose impairments are no serious bar to their employ- ment and (6) those physically impaired persons whose handicaps do cause special employment, rehabilitation, and training problems. The latter are the ones with which NEPH Week is concerned for, if they are able to work, the handicapped will not be handicapped in the right jobs. It is the kind of jobs that count — not their handicaps. As a Nation, we haven't done so well in understanding the employ- ment problem of the handicapped. As to their numbers — we know there are many of them, a great many who haven't jobs, and plenty of men and women of employable age who need a chance to make a con- tribution to production in their communities. 11 OCT 5-11, 1947 IV. THE HANDICAPPED AS WORKERS— IT'S THEIR ABILITIES THAT COUNT There is now a substantial body of fact that can be used during the 1947 NEPH Week campaign to drive home to the manufacturer, the retailer, wholesaler, service manager — all employers — and the general public to the effect that physically impaired persons, when prepared for and properly placed in jobs, are as good or better workers than unimpaired persons. First, there are the facts resulting from an Employer opinion survey conducted by the Department of Labor in 1946. This survey showed that, in the opinion of 450 employers who employed 88,600 handicapped persons, they were getting better results from physically impaired men and women than from nonhandicapped workers. It was found: 51 percent of the handicapped workers had better safety records ... 38 percent had the same safety records as non- disabled persons . . . only 11 percent had poorer accident records than nonhandicapped. Records proved: 48 percent had better than average absence rec- ords . . . 44 percent had average records for absence from the job . . . only 7 percent were absent from the job more frequently than non- handicapped persons. The surveys proved : 58 percent of the handicapped workers stay at their jobs longer ... 31 percent have average records for turn-over . . . only 11 percent had poorer records for staying at their jobs. The New Survey Now in 1947, a new Department of Labor survey, conducted in co- operation with the Veterans' Administration, brings out facts that leave nothing to the imagination concerning the value of physically impaired workers. Here, in brief, are the results of the new Department of Labor survey: (1) It proved that so-called handicapped or impaired work- ers, when properly placed in their jobs, are as good all-around workers as unimpaired employees. 12 (2) Nondisahling injuries. — Impaired persons had the same non- disabling accident rates as nonhandicapped workers. In other words, physically impaired workers do not sustain any more injuries than unimpaired workers when performing work under identical work conditions. (3) Disabling injuries. — Impaired persons sustain fewer disabling injuries than nonimpaired persons exposed to the same work hazards. (4) Absenteeism. — The physically impaired and unimpaired work- ers surveyed had the same absenteeism records. Eates of absenteeism attributable to specific reasons were nearly identical among 11,000 impaired workers and 18,000 matched unimpaired workers. (5) Production efficiency. — Impaired workers, as a group, produce at slightly higher rates than unimpaired workers on the same jobs. Of the survey group, 73 percent produced at a rate as good or better than their unimpaired fellow workers on the same jobs. (6) Quit rate. — There is no significant difference between the volun- tary quit rate of impaired workers and ablebodied workers. Types of Disabilities Covered The latest Department of Labor survey — it has been in progress for more than 2 years — covered nine serious types of impairments. They are : 1. Orthopedic. 2. Vision. 3. Hearing. 4. Hernia. 5. Cardiac. 6. Arrested tuberculosis. 7. Diabetic. 8. Epilepsy. 9. Peptic ulcers. industries Covered The survey lincluded the following industries : Food and kindred products. Tobacco manufacture. Textile mill products. Apparel and finished textile products. Furniture and finished lumber products. Printing, publishing, and allied industries. Chemicals and allied products. Petroleum and coal products. Rubber products. Leather and leather products. 13 Stone, clay, and glass products. Iron and steel and their products. Nonferrous metals and their products. Machinery, including electrical. Transportation equipment, including automobiles. Miscellaneous industries. The survey disclosed that: 1. Impaired workers are found in all sorts of industrial activity — from the lightest to the heaviest. 2. Impaired workers are adaptable to a great variety of occupa- tions — from the unskilled job to the most highly skilled machinist classifications. 3. Practically any job — in any plant — is potentially a job for an impaired worker. 4. Placement of an impaired worker is a specific problem. The abilities of the individual impaired job applicant — his skills, experi- ence, temperament, and his personality — must be weighed against the requirements of the specific job. BUT THIS IS TKUE ALSO IN PLACEMENT OF ANY INDIVIDUAL, not just an impaired person. The physical impairment becomes an additional consideration in the case of a severely handicapped person. Impairment may not count at all when the impairment is of a minor nature. 5. Jobs such as watchman and janitor no longer need constitute the major employment opportunities for those handicapped persons who have even the more severe limitations placed upon them physically by accident, illness; or war. 6. Extensive and expensive re-engineering of jobs in a given plant is not necessary for the employment of sizable numbers of physically impaired persons. 7. Each employer planning to employ physically impaired persons DOES NOT have to undertake elaborate and expensive research study as a preliminary. For the most part, the techniques used for the intelligent placement of so-called "normal" workers are all that are required for the effective placement of impaired workers. THE ONE ESSENTIAL CONSIDERATION IS THAT THE NATUEE OF THE IMPAIRMENT BE CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD. 8. The person with a severe physical impairment MUST HAVE A SKILL which will make it worth while for an employer to hire him. The contractor, for instance, can .afford to hire the severely impaired person because of certain skills he possesses, regardless of his impairment. 9. If the severely handicapped person does not have skills to sell to an employer, he should seek rehabilitation and training services. It is of utmost importance that the handicapped person who has no skills acquire specialized skills if he is to find a good job. 14 Oct. 5-11, 1947. V. WHAT CAN BE DONE Reports on the 1946 National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week highlighted two points : (1) That excellent results in terms of placements of handicapped persons in jobs and wide public understanding of the employment problems of impaired persons were obtained by those States which developed planned State- wide programs for observance of the "Week." (2) That newspapers, radio stations, business groups, labor or- ganizations, department stores, women's organizations, church groups, service organizations, and other community groups are willing and anxious to cooperate when they are informed of the things they can do to help solve the employment problems of handicapped persons. The 1946 NEPH Week results indicate the importance of State- wide programs which will coordinate all State groups, and provide direction, guidance, and assistance to the men and women in the local community who come to grips with the basic problems involved in getting handicapped workers placed in jobs, including those prob- lems dealing with rehabilitating and retraining those impaired persons who require special services. Among the things which State groups can do are the following : (1) Make contacts with groups having a stake in the employment problems of the handicapped and secure their cooperation and par- ticipation in State- wide activities and on the local level. These groups include : Chambers of Commerce, luncheon clubs, women's organizations, church groups, labor organizations, farm groups, etc. (2) Conduct surveys to determine financial resources and mate- rials available for NEPH Week observance, including State funds, and funds which may be contributed by private organizations or em- ployers. In some instances employers may be willing to bear at least part of the expense of such items as window displays and expositions of the handicapped and their products. (3) Make surveys of the materials to be supplied by Washington agencies and arrange for distribution to local communities. (4) Arrange for a proclamation or a statement by the governor on the observance of NEPH Week. (5) Determine the number of handicapped persons in the State. (Statisticians in agencies and the State rehabilitation agencies may be able to develop estimates of the number of handicapped persons, 16 those seeking employment, those seeking rehabilitation and training, etc.) (6) Develop a program of information activities for the State level, fact sheets, check lists, and pattern news materials for the local community level, for newspapers, radio, and specialized publications. (7) Arrange for special informational materials, such as posters, carrying the text of the Governor's proclamation, and model store window exhibits for use in the local communities. (8) Arrange for poster and essay contests to stimulate broad public interest. Such contests were used effectively last year in a number of States. (9) Contact employers and arrange for photos of employed physi- cally handicapped workers for use in window displays, etc. (10) Discuss with editors of newspapers the feasibility of reporter tours of plants for feature stories concerning the employment of Physi- cally impaired workers. (11) Arrange for rubber stamps, "Hire the Handicapped — It's Good Business," for the stamping of outgoing mail. (12) Make arrangements for series of speeches to be delivered by heads of cooperating agencies and for talks to such groups as Kiwanis and Rotary clubs. The following is a suggested check list of things which can be done in States and local communities to promote a better understanding by the public and by employers of the problem : 1. States. — {a) Arrange for committee. (In many States, Govern- ors have already appointed permanent committees on employment of the handicapped.) (&) Arrange for State program. 1. Contacts with organizations, such as civic, employer, busi- ness, veterans, church, farm, women's, and other groups to obtain their active interest and participation in the campaign, through letters to local groups, etc. 2. Inform the Governor of what has been done and obtain issuance of proclamation. 3. Inform mayors of principal cities and request issuance of proclamation. {c) Get information to: 1. Newspapers and wire services. 2. State and regional radio networks, for "use of transcriptions, panels, radio talks, spot announcements, etc. 3. Other publications — church, business, farm, labor, veterans, etc. {d) Release of news concerning the program. (1) State- wide. 16 (2) Proclamation. (3) Plans of agencies such as public employment service and the State rehabilitation agency. (4) Numbers of handicapped persons in State, if available, numbers employed, jobs available, etc. (e) Arrange, if possible. State or local exhibit showing handi- capped persons at work and the products they make. (/) Arrange for outline of local community activities and the dis- tribution of campaign materials, including pamphlets, leaflets, posters, exhibit patterns, radio transcriptions, and other special infor- mational materials. A check list of local activities follows : 1. Development of community program through a committee em- bracing the principal governmental and private agencies interested in employment of the handicapped. 2. Proclamation by the mayor. 3. Contacts with employer groups, civic, business, veterans, noon- day clubs, church, farm, women's, and other organizations to obtain participation in campaign. 4. Contacts with newspapers and radio executives to assure under- standing of campaign and to enlist support through news and feature stories, editorial and advertising columns, radio programs, announce- ments, etc., to insure broad public understanding of the employment problems of the handicapped. 5. Arrange for day-by-day informational activities preceding and during the "Week." («) Arrange through news releases or press interviews for news stories (suggested theme: abilities — ^not disabilities — count). 1. Announcement of the program for the "Week." 2. Announcement of special activities. 3. Stories on numbers of handicapped in the community (a) working; (h) unemployed but in the local labor force; (c) those not in the labor force. 4. Numbers and kinds of jobs to be filled. 5. Public employment office plans to help physically impaired persons. (a) Counseling. (h) Placement. (