M>5^*<" V U.S. DEPOSITORY (B. A. I. Order 286) United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SANITARY HANDLING AND CONTROL OF HIDES, FLESHINGS, HIDE CUTTINGS, PARINGS, AND GLUE STOCK, SHEEPSKINS AND GOATSKINS AND PARTS THEREOF, HAIR, WOOL, AND OTHER ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS, HAY, STRAW, FORAGE, OR SIMILAR MATERIAL OFFERED FOR ENTRY INTO THE UNITED STATES Effective September 1, 192^ Washington, D. C., May 29, 1924. Under authority of the act of Congress approved September 21, 1922, entitled "An act to provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to encourage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes" (42 Stat. 858, 937), and the act of Congress approved February 2, 1903, entitled "An act to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to more effectually suppress and pre- vent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases of livestock, and for other purposes" (32 Stat. 791), the following regulations are issued for the purpose of preventing the introduction of anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest from foreign countries into the United States. For purposes of identification these regulations are designated as B. A. I. Order 286. The regulations heretofore issued by the Secre- taries of Agriculture and the Treasury on this subject, under date of October 15, 1917, effective January 1, 1918, and designated as Joint Order No. 2, and all amendments thereto, are hereby revoked, to take effect on September 1, 1924, on and after which date the regulations herein prescribed shall become and be effective until otherwise ordered : Provided, however, That any product specified in these regulations which may be shipped from the country of exporta- tion prior to September 1, 1924, shall be governed by the regulations contained in the aforesaid Joint Order No. 2. Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture, 4039°— 24 REGULATION 1.— DEFINITIONS* Whenever in these regulations the following words, names, or terms are used they shall be construed, respectively, to mean : Department: United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau: The Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. Approved warehouse : A warehouse having facilities for the handling and storage of hides, skins, wool, hair, bristles, or other animal by- products apart from other merchandise and approved by the bureau for such use. Approved chlorinating equipment: An equipment meeting require- ments of, and approved by, the bureau for the disinfection of ef- fluents. Approved sewerage system: A drainage system equipped and oper- ated so as to carry and dispose of sewage without endangering live- stock through the contamination of streams or fields. Animal by-products: Hides, skins, hair, wool, glue stock, bones, hoofs, horns, bone meal, hoof meal, horn meal, blood meal, meat meal, tankage, or other parts or products of equines, ruminants, and swine unsuitable for human consumption. Pickled hides and skins : Hides and skins which have been pickled in a solution of salt containing mineral acid and packed in barrels or casks while still wet with such solution. Hog hair: The soft and finer hair obtained from swine. Hog bristles: The stiff hair obtained from the backs and necks of swine. Camel hair: The hair or wool obtained from camels, dromedaries, alpacas, vicunas, or other animals of the family camelidae. Glue stock: Fleshings, hide cuttings and parings, tendons, or other parts of animal carcasses for use in the manufacture of glue. Bone meal: Ground or crushed animal bones. Blood meal : Dried blood of animals. Meat meal or tankage : The rendered and dried carcasses or parts of the carcasses of animals. Hay and straw: Dried grasses, clovers, legumes, and similar mate- rials or stalks or stems of various grains, such as barley, oats, rice, rye. and wheat. Forage: Any food suitable for domestic animals. REGULATION 2.— COUNTRY OF ORIGIN No animal by-products or other materials specified in these regu- lations shall be imported into the United States unless there be shown upon the consular invoice, or in some other manner satisfactory to the chief of bureau, the name of the country of origin of such by- product or other material, provided that the country of origin shall be construed to mean, (a) in the case of an animal by-product, the country in which such product was taken from an animal or animals, and (?) in the case of other materials, the country in which such materials were produced. 6 REGULATION 3.— BY-PRODUCTS FROM DISEASED ANIMALS PROHIBITED No animal by-product taken or removed from an animal affected with anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, or rinderpest shall be im- ported into the United States, anything hereinafter to the contrary notwithstanding. REGULATION 4.— IMPORTATIONS FROM CANADA No requirement or condition of the following regulations shall be construed to apply to animal by-products, hay, straw, or forage specified in this order, originating in Canada and imported directly therefrom into the United States. Animal by-products not origi- nating in but imported into the Dominion of Canada from another foreign country may be imported therefrom into the United States without compliance with the following regulations, when accom- panied by a certificate signed by a veterinarian in the employ of and receiving a salary from the Canadian Government stating that the products covered by the said certificate have been imported into Canada in full compliance with the Canadian regulations, provided such Canadian regulations are found by the bureau to be the sub- stantial equivalent of those contained in this order. REGULATION 5.— HIDES AND SKINS Section 1. No untanned hides of cattle and buffalo, horses, or other equines and no untanned calfskins, goatskins, swine skins, or sheepskins shall be imported into the United States except (1) in compliance with the requirements of Regulation 2 and in com- pliance with the conditions or requirements specified in any one of paragraphs (a) to (/) following, in which case disinfection after arrival in the United States will not be required; or (2) in com- pliance with the conditions or requirements specified in section 2 of this regulation: (a) Hides and skins may be imported without other restriction if ac- companied by a certificate signed by a United States consular officer showing that the hides and skins covered by the invoice specified in said certificate were taken from animals in a section of the country of origin in which, to the best of his knowledge and belief, anthrax is not prevalent and neither foot-and-mouth disease nor rinderpest exists; or (&) Hard dried hides and skins may be imported without other restriction if accompanied by a certificate signed by a United States consular officer showing that the hides and skins covered by the invoice specified in said cer- tificate were taken from animals in a section of the country of origin in which, to the best of his knowledge and belief, anthrax is not prevalent ; or (c) 1 Hides and skins consigned from a point at which there is suitable equipment for their disinfection by immersion may be imported without other restriction if accompanied by a certificate signed by a United States con- sular officer showing that the hides and skins covered by the invoice specified in said certificate have been disinfected under the supervision of a member of the consular staff by any one of the methods approved or which may here- after be approved by the chief of bureau ; or (d) Abattoir hides and skins taken from animals slaughtered under na- tional government inspection in a country 2 and in an abattoir in which is maintained an inspection service found by the Secretary to be substantially equivalent to the Federal meat-inspection service of the United States may 1 Certificates under this paragraph may be issued only at points where a sufficient consular staff is stationed to supervise disinfection and is available for such work. 8 Names of countries of this character will be furnished upon request. be imported without other restriction if accompanied by a certificate signed by a recognized official veterinary inspector of such country showing that the said hides or skins were taken from animals slaughtered in such abattoir and found free from anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest; or (e) Hides and skins may be imported without other restriction if shown upon inspection by the bureau inspector in charge at the port of entry, or by certificate of the shipper or importer satisfactory to said inspector, to have been pickled in a solution of salt containing mineral acid and packed in barrels or casks while still wet with such solution ; or (f) Hides and skins may be imported without other restriction if shown upon inspection by the bureau inspector in charge at the port of entry, or by certificate of the shipper or importer satisfactory to said inspector, to have been treated with lime in such manner and for such period as to have become dehaired and to have reached the stage of preparation for immediate manu- facture into products ordinarily made from rawhide. Sec. 2. No hides or skins which do not meet the conditions of section 1 of this regulation shall be imported into the United States except in compliance with the requirements of Eegulation 2 and upon the following conditions: (1) That they be consigned from the coast or border port of arrival to an establishment discharging drainage into an approved sewerage system, or having an approved chlorinating equipment adequate for the proper disinfec- tion of effluents : Provided, however, That for a reasonable time following the taking effect of these regulations and in order to afford tanners oppor- tunity to make proper sewer connections or to install approved equipment the chief of bureau may, under such circumstances, permit shipments of hides and skins to tanneries not so connected or equipped, subject to disinfection by such method or methods as he may prescribe : Provided, also, That, upon special permission of the chief of bureau, such hides or skins may be stored for a temporary period in approved warehouses under bond and under the supervision of a bureau inspector: And provided further, That I. T. or in-bond shipments of hides or skins may go forward under customs seals from a coast or border port of arrival, with the approval of a bureau inspector at said port, to another port in the United States for consumption entry subject to the other provisions of this section; (2) That they be moved from the coast or border port of arrival, or in case of I. T. or in-bond shipments, mentioned in paragraph 1 of this section, from the interior port, to the establishment in cars or trucks, or, when especially permitted by the bureau, in vessel compartments, with no other materials contained therein, sealed with seals of the department which shall not be broken except by bureau inspectors or other persons authorized by the chief of bureau so to do, or without sealing as aforesaid, and with other freight, when packed in tight cases or unbroken casks acceptable to the bureau in- spector in charge at the port of entry ; and (3) That they be handled at the establishment under the direction of a bureau inspector in a manner approved by the chief of bureau to guard against the dissemination of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest and the discharge of anthrax-infected effluents. Note. — Certificates required by this and other regulations should show kind and quan- tity of merchandise, the shipping marks, and be issued in triplicate, one copy to accom- pany invoice to consignee, one copy to accompany invoice to collector of customs at port of entry, and one copy to accompany vessel transporting the merchandise. REGULATION 6.— WOOL, HAIR, AND BRISTLES Section 1. No wool, mohair, horsehair, cattle hair, camel hair, goat hair, hog hair, or hog bristles shall be imported into the United States, except (1) in compliance with the requirements of Regula- tion 2 and in compliance with the conditions or requirements speci- fied in any one of paragraphs (a) to (g) following, in which case disinfection after arrival in the United States will not be required; or (2) in compliance with the requirements and conditions specified in. section 2 of this regulation: Provided, however, That no matted, bloodstained wool, hair, or bristles shall be imported under any con- dition : ((/) Clipped mohair or clipped wool may be imported without other restric- tion if unmixed with other hair or wool of any kind ; or, (b) Clipped horsehair originating in any country of North America or South America may be imported without other restriction if free from tangled or matted hair; or, (c) Abattoir pulled wool and mohair taken from sheep or goats or hair taken from cattle, or hair or bristles from swine, slaughtered under national government inspection in a country 3 and in an abattoir in which is maintained an inspection service found by the Secretary to be substantially equivalent to the Federal meat-inspection service of the United States, may be imported without other restriction if accompanied by a certificate signed by a recognized official veterinary inspector of such country showing that the said wool, mohair, hair, or bristles were taken from animals slaughtered in such abattoir and found free from anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest, which cer- tificate shall indicate the number of bales, marks, names, and addresses of consignor and consignee, locality of origin, date of shipment, invoice number, and transporting vessel ; or, (d) Pulled wool or hair may be imported without other restriction if removed from skins or hides by the liming process ; or, (e) Scoured wool or mohair (including carbonized wool, wool waste, laps, noils, and tops of wool or hair), hog hair, or hog bristles, may be imported without other restriction if they shall have reached the stage of preparation for immediate manufacture into yarn, textiles, or other finished products; or, (f) Wool, hair, or bristles from a disinfecting station of a national govern- ment, methods of disinfection at which have been approved by the Secretary, may be imported without other restriction if accompanied by a certificate of the director or other accredited official of such station showing that said wool, hair, or bristles covered by the consular invoice specified in said certificate have been subjected to the scouring and disinfecting process required at such station for the disinfection of wool or hair ; or, (g) Hog bristles, drawn horsehair, goat hair, cattle hair, and camel hair may be imported without other restriction if shown to have been properly cleaned, washed, sorted, and bunched. Section 2. No wool, hair, or bristles which do not meet the require- ments and conditions of section 1 of this regulation shall be imported into the United States except in compliance with the requirements of Regulation 2 and upon the following conditions : (1) That such wool, hair, or bristles be consigned from the coast or border port of arrival to an establishment discharging drainage into an approved sew- erage system or having equipment adequate for the proper disinfection of effluents: Provided, hoioever, That upon special permission by the chief of bureau such wool, hair, or bristles may be stored for a temporary period in approved warehouses under bond and under the supervision of the bureau inspector ; and provided further, That I. T. or in-bond shipments of wool, hair, or bristles may go forw T ard under customs seals from a coast or border port of arrival, with the approval of a bureau inspector at said port, to another port in the United States for consumption entry, subject to the other provisions of this section; (2) That such wool, hair, or bristles be moved from the coast or border port of arrival, or in case of I. T. or in-bond shipments, mentioned in para- graph 1 of this section, from the interior port, to the establishment in cars or trucks, or, when especially permitted by the bureau, in vessel compart- ments, with no other materials contained therein, sealed with seals of the department which shall not be broken except by bureau inspectors or other persons authorized by the chief of bureau so to do, or without sealing as afore- said, and with other freight, when packed in tight cases acceptable to the bureau inspector in charge at the port of entry ; and (3) That such w T ool, hair, or bristles be handled at the establishment under the direction of a bureau inspector in a manner approved by the chief of bureau to guard against the dissemination of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest and the discharge of anthrax-infected effluents. • Names of countries of this character will be furnished upon request. REGULATION 7.— GLUE STOCK Section 1. No glue stock shall be imported into the United States except (1) in compliance with the requirements of Regulation 2 and with the requirements or conditions specified in any one of para- graphs (a) to (c) following; or (2) in compliance with the re- quirements and conditions specified in section 2 of this regulation: Provided, however. That any bags, burlap, or other wrapping ma- terial, or other containers of glue stock, which have been previously used for any purpose shall be disinfected by heat or otherwise as directed by the chief of the bureau before leaving the establish- ment to which shipped or transported, or burned at such establish- ment. (a) Glue stock may be imported without other restriction if it be shown upon inspection by the bureau inspector in charge at the port of entry or by certi- ficate of the shipper or importer satisfactory to said inspector to have been treated (1) by heat, (2) by acidulation, or (3) by soaking in a milk of lime or a lime paste, or, ( b ) Glue stock may be imported without other restriction if it be shown upon inspection by the bureau inspector in charge at the port of entry or by certi- ficate of the shipper or importer, satisfactory to said inspector, to have been dried so as to render each piece of the hardness of a dried hide, or, (c) Glue stock may be imported without other restriction if taken from animals slaughtered under National Government inspection in a country * and in an abattoir in which is maintained an inspection service found by the secretary to be substantially equivalent to the Federal meat-inspection service of the United States, and accompanied by a certificate signed by a recognized official veterinary inspector of such country showing that it was taken from animals slaughtered in such abattoir and found free from anthrax, foot-and- mouth disease, and rinderpest. Sec. 2. No glue stock which does not meet the conditions or requirements of section 1 of this regulation shall be imported into the United States except in compliance with the requirements of Regulation 2 and upon the following conditions: (1) That it be consigned from a coast or border port of arrival to an estab- lishment discharging drainage into an approved sewerage system or having equipment adequate for the proper disinfection of effluents: Provided, how- ever, That, upon special permission by the chief of bureau, it may be stored for a temporary period in approved warehouses under bond and under the supervision of a bureau inspector ; and provided further, That I. T. or in-bond shipments of glue stock may go forward under customs seals from a coast or border port of arrival with the approval of a bureau inspector at said port to another port in the United States for consumption entry subject, after arrival at the latter port, to the other provisions of this section ; (2) That it be moved from the coast or border port of arrival, or in case of I. T. or in-bond shipments, mentioned in paragraph 1 of this section, from the interior port, to the establishment in cars or trucks, or, when especially permitted by the bureau, in vessel compartments, with no other materials contained therein, sealed with seals of the department which shall not be broken except by bureau inspectors or other persons authorized by the chief of bureau so to do, or without sealing as aforesaid, and with other freight, when packed in tight cases or unbroken casks acceptable to the bureau in- spector in charge at port of entry ; and (3) That it be handled at the establishment under the direction of a bureau inspector in a manner approved by the chief of bureau to guard against the dissemination of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest, and the discharge of anthrax-infected effluents. * Names of countries of this character will be furnished upon request. ! REGULATION 8.— BONES. HOOFS, AND HORNS Section 1. No bones, hoofs, or horns shall be imported into the United States except in compliance with the conditions or require- ments set forth in this regulation and in Regulation 2. Section 2. Bones, hoofs, or horns which are clean, dry, and free from pieces of hide, flesh, and sinews may be imported into the United States without other restriction than in Regulation 2 if in bulk or in clean bags, burlap, or other containers which have not been previously used. Section 3. Bones, hoofs, or horns which are clean, dry, and free from pieces of hide, flesh, and sinews, and which are in bags, burlap, or containers which have been previously used, may be imported without other restriction than in Regulation 2 if shipped from port of entry to destination in cars or trucks as required by paragraph (Z>), section 4 of this regulation, and the bags, burlap, or containers disinfected or burned as required by paragraph ( used as packing material for the merchandise covered by in- voice No. has been disinfected prior to use by placing it loosely in a tight compartment and subjecting it to the action of live steam, maintaining in all parts of the compartment a temperature of not less than 185 degrees Fah- renheit (85° C.) for a period of at least 10 minutes. ( b ) I hereby certify that satisfactory evidence has been presented to me that the \ , f iay [ used as packing material for the merchandise covered by invoice No. has been disinfected prior to use by placing it loosely in a tight com- partment having a temperature of not less than 65 degrees Fahrenheit (19° C.) and spraying over and into the wi^f 10 fluid ounces of formaldehyde solu- tion (containing not less than 37% formaldehyde by weight) for each 1,000 cubic feet of space in the compartment, which was immediately closed in a manner to prevent the escape of the formaldehyde vapor, and kept closed for not less than eight hours. (c) I hereby certify that the merchandise covered by this invoice was packed at the factory or establishment of , of (Name of manufacturer or shipping firm) which I am , and that all / hay j uged in packing the said (Official relation) (Straw J merchandise was obtained from the disinfecting station at methods of disinfection at which have been approved by the United States Department of Agriculture. Section 6. Hay or straw used as packing material (other than for meats) which does not meet the requirements of section 5 of this regulation may be admitted into the United States only upon the conditions that it be burned or disinfected at the expense of the_ im- porter or consignee, disinfection to be by one of the methods specified in paragraph (a) or (b) of section 5 of this regulation, or by such other method or methods as may be approved by the chief of bureau, and that the requirements of Regulation 2 are met. 10 REGULATION 12.— METHODS FOR DISINFECTION OF HIDES, SKINS, AND OTHER MATERIALS Hides, skins, and other materials required by these regulations to be disinfected shall be subjected to disinfection by methods found satisfactory and approved from time to time by the chief of bureau. The chief of bureau is authorized to change or discontinue from time to time any methods which have been approved by him. REGULATION 13.— PLACARDING CARS AND MARKING BILLING Section 1. Transportation companies shall securely affix to and maintain upon both sides of all cars carrying imported hides, skins, and parts thereof, hair, wool, and other animal by-products, except such as are mentioned in and permitted entry into the United States subject to Regulation 4; section 1, Eegulation 5 ; section 1, Regulation 6; section 1, Regulation 7; section 2, Regulation 8; paragraph (//). Regulation 9; and Regulation 11, durable placards not less than 5% by 6 inches in size, on which shall be printed with permanent black ink and in boldfaced letters not less than iy 2 inches in height the words "RESTRICTED IMPORT ANIMAL BY-PRODUCT/' These placards shall also bear the words " CLEAN AND DISIN- FECT THIS CAR." Each of the waybills, conductors' manifests, memoranda, and bills of lading pertaining to such shipments shall have the words " RESTRICTED IMPORT ANIMAL BY-PRODUCT, CLEAN AND DISINFECT CAR," plainly written or stamped upon its face. If for any reason the placards required by this regulation have not been affixed to each car, or the billing has not been marked by the initial or the connecting carrier, or the placards have been removed, destroyed, or rendered illegible, the placards shall be immediately affixed or replaced and the billing marked by the initial or connecting carrier, the intention being that the billing accompanying the shipment shall be marked and each car placarded as herein specified from the time such shipment leaves the port of entry until it is unloaded at final destination and the cars are cleaned and disinfected as required by Regulation 14. Section 2. If it is necessary to unload en route any of the by- products specified in this regulation, the car from which the transfer is made and any part of the premises in or upon which the by- product may have been placed in the course of unloading or reload- ing shall be cleaned and disinfected by the transportation company, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 14, and the trans- portation company shall immediately report the matter, by telegraph, to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. Such report shall include the following information : (a) Nature of emergency; (b) place where product was unloaded; (c) original points of shipment and destination; and (d) number and initials of the original car, and number and initials of the car into which the product is reloaded in case original car is not used. REGULATION 14.— DISINFECTION OF CARS, BOATS, OTHER VEHICLES, AND PREMISES Section 1. Cars, boats, other vehicles, yards, and premises which have been used in the transportation, handling, and storing of im- ported hides, skins, and parts thereof; hair, wool, and other animal 11 by-products : and hay, straw, forage, or similar materials, permitted entry into the United States subject to these regulations, except such as are permitted entry subject to Regulation 4; section 1, Regula- tion 5: section 1, Regulation 6; section 1, Regulation 7; section 2, Regulation 8; paragraph (