1 3 oyltf . e. i tut ^ -^ '^//./r^ _ c USES OF WOOD WaSTES IN PULP aND PAPER PRODUCTS By C. E. HRUBESKY, Chemist •i Forest Products Laboratory,* Forest Service U. S. Department oi' Agriculture Wood waste from logging and the manufacture of wood products often presents a problem of disposal. Since the quantities produced in single operations are frequently too small to consider developing a new pulping operation, a logical procedure in such cases is to investigate the possibilities of supplying the material to pulp and paper mills that may be operating in the area. Wood waste in the form of slabs, edgings, trim, chips, shavings, and veneer- mill waste as produced in various woodworking operations, is acceptable to 2 many mills.— This type of waste is likely to be more acceptable if it is prepared or processed to a uniform size or graded into different sizes « Shipping distance is also an important factor in determining the accepta- bility of a waste wood material. Methods of handling, bundling, baling, and the like, must be considered with the view to reducing transportation and handling costs. The types of products in which wood wastes are being utilized at present are chemical, semichemical, and groundwood pulps, and coarsely fiberized wood, all of which are used in the manufacture of various kinds of paper, roofing and saturating felt, container board, insulating boar d, mm UBRARV ihard- Chemical Pulp 1 1972 Although wood wastes frequently produce pulpa inferior to those made irrom round wood, they may offer an important source of raw material to supplement the wood supply of a pulpmill. This waste will generally .incf^erKjsaties less desirable for pulping and will come to tfoaFmil^- ifr* var'jnii i fnrm r such as slabs, edgings, trims, chips, shavings, and verieer^Cores from plywood plants. Some of the waste material can undergo routine barking and chipping and be Hiaaintained at iviadison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin* 2 —Various uses of these wood wastes are described in Forest Products Laboratory Reports Nos. R1666-1, "Uses for Sawdust and Shavings" and R1666-2, "Uses for Slabs, Edgings, and Trims •" Report No. R1666-6 -1- May 1953 Agriculture-kadis on used along with the regular supply of pulpwood chips. It may be necessary, however, to subject material that is difficult to bark and chip to a separate digestion under conditions adjusted to the material at hand. a waste material available in the pulpmill itself is a residue of coarse sawdust and pin chips from the slashing and chipping operations. This material has received only limited consideration because it is dirty and contains only short fibers. Although the fiber loss in operations subsequent to pulping may be high, low-quality pulp can be obtained from sawdust. 2 It appears advisable, however, to mix sawdust with at least 25 percent of ordinary-sized chips for satisfactory operation. Experiments at the Forest Products Laboratory and elsewhere have shown that the pulp from sawdust is strong enough to be used in mill wrap and low-grade board* Soda pulp is being produced from both hardwood and softwood veneer-mill waste. Veneer trim is passed through special chippers, usually at the veneer mill, and is sold to pulpmills in the form of chips. The veneer cores, being easily handled in round form, are sold to pulpmills where they are chipped in the mill chippers. The sawmill waste used by sulfite mills in the Pacific Northwest in 1951 amounted to about 5 percent of their total wood supply.ii Approximately 1-l/U million air-dry tons of sulfite pulp were produced; the amount of pulp derived from sawmill waste was estimated at 60,000 air-dry tons* A considerable tonnage of kraftpulp is being produced from sawmill waste in the form of slabs and edgings, /which is unsuited for lumber because of low grade or decay, and the residue from plywood plants. This material is either chipped at the wood mill and sold to the pulpmill as chips or is transported to the pulpmill in whole form where it is chipped in special chippers and made into pulp for use in bag stock, toweling, and kraft specialty papers. In 19522, sulfate mills in the Pacific Northwest replaced much of their log and pulpwood requirements by chips from mill residues that would otherwise have been burned. in utilizing slabs and edgings for chemical pulps, the amount of bark present affects the type of pulp and the end product for which the waste material can be used, for the production of clean light-colored pulps by the sulfite process, a very little bark is objectionable. For the production of kraft pulp to oe used in container board and cheap wrappings, where cleanliness of the pulp is not of major importance, considerable bark can be tolerated. i-riill, £i. H. Substitutes for Round Pine v'"artin, J. S., and Brown, K. J. Effect of Bark on Yield and Quality of Sulphate Pulp from Southern Pine. Tappi Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 7-10, 1952. 7 -^llo, G. F. Review of Alkaline Pulping Procedures in Canadian toills. Pulp and Paper Ind. Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 62-63. 19U6„ p -Kelte r, E. L. Effect of Bark in the Neutral Sulfite Semichemical Pulping of Aspen, Hickory, and Slash Pine. Tappi Vol. 33, No. 11, pp. 556-560. 1950. 9 —Anonymous, b/aste wood -- a Challenge that Built the Longview Fibre Company. Pacific Pulp and Paper Ind. Vol. 15, No. 3, p. 10. 19lil. Report No. R1666-6 -3- Hoofing Felt There is considerable demand at present for coarse fibers for u«e in roofing and saturating felts. Roofing felt mills procure their wood in several forms: logs, mill waste, chips, and coarse fiber. Where it is obtained as log and mill waste, it is first reduced to chips, then reduced to coarse fiber in an Asplund Defibrator. when received in chip form, the wood goes directly to the fiberizing machine. Although Asplund fiber can be pressed to remove free water and be baled for shipment in a damp condition, it is not known that this is being done at present. The fiber is ordinarily used in the felt mill where it is produced. Several plants in this country supply to roofing felt mills in their vicinity a coarsely fiberized wood product, which is produced by a dry shredding process. Among manufacturers of machines adaptable to the manufacture of coarsely fiberized wood are:i2 Allis-Chalmers ^fg. Co., West nllis, wis. American Defibrator, inc., Chrysler Bldg., w ew fork, N. Y. Bauer Bros Co., Springfield, Ohio Pandia, Inc., 122 £. Forty-second St., ^ew York, N. Y. Sprout-./aldron and Co., Muncy, Pa. Sutherland itefiner Corp., Trenton, N, J. Fine sawdust (6 to 8 mesh) is finding some use in saturating felts where it acts as a filler and probably increases the absorptive po.ver of the felt for asphalt. For making these fibers, it is said to be desirable that the wood waste be in a green or moist condition rather than dry. Some manufacturers claim that the fiber obtained from air-dry v/ood causes the felt to be brittle and weak. Insulating Board and Structural Board Wood waste has assumed importance in the production of insulating board and hardboards. Low-density softwoods and hardwoods are mostly used, tilth new developments in fiber processing equipment, the denser types of hardwoods will probably come into greater use. The wood wastes used consist of cull sawlogs and pulp.'ood logs, slabs and edgings, byproduct chips from naval stores extraction, and pulpmill screenings. In addition to wood, several agricultural waste materials and waste paper are used in the manufacture of some wall boards. A modern insulating-board plant usually requires from 150 to 200 cords of wood per day and costs from 2 to 3 Billion dollars. The output of such a mill will be from uOO to 500 thousand square feet of l/2-inch board per day. Io~ —inclusion of names in this list, which is undoubtedly incomplete, implies no endorsement as to quality or prices. rteport wo. R1666-6 -U- Sawmill waste in the form of chips is being supplied to several insulating- board mills as raw material for insulating-board stock. In some instances wood chips are steamed or given a mild digestion for a short time in a digester and then passed through refiners, Asplund pulp is also used for insulating board. Processed raw wo od offers possibilities as a cheap component of insulating board or hardboard. The waste in the form of slabs, edgings, or round wood can be fiberized, or chips or hogged wood can be passed through a disk refiner without any previous treatment other than wetting with water. Although fibers produced directly by these methods may have low strength characteristics, they are suitable as fillers for boards where strength is of secondary importance. One advantage of this type of material is that wood wastes can be fiberized in small quantities, baled, and shipped to mills for conversion into boards. Work at the Forest Products Laboratoryii has sh own that pulps suitable for insulating board and hardboard can be made from slabs, edgings, planer ends, and hogged veneer of western hemlock, i>ouglas-fir, or white fir. The waste was chipped, steamed mildly to soften the chips, and fiberized in a disk refiner. In 1952, ten hardboard plants in operation or under construction in Oregon and 'Washington, with a rated capacity of approximately h£0 million square feet of l/8-inch board per year, based their production on a raw material supply otherwise wasted.— One plant will operate on cull white fir timber, while the rest will use either sawmill or plywood residues. A satisfactory insulating board can be made from wood-mill sawdust held together with a binder of highly beaten wood pulp.±2 Following methods described in United States patents issued to Howard Weiss in 1927 > boards were made at the Forest Products Laboratory containing as much as 8$ per- cent sawdust previously processed in an attrition mill, and 1$ percent hydrated pulp. Since these boards were hand made on a small scale, no major difficulties were encountered in their formation, pressing, and drying. Be- cause of the low drainage and felting properties of this type of material, these mixtures might not run well on conventional continuous board machines but probably would be suitable for small-scale batch operations. Although the effect of heat-treating structural board (hardboard) to increase its breaking strength has been recognized for many years, it is only recently that it has been applied in general practice. ±f£ In this treatment the board is carried from the press and held for k to $ hours in a chamber heated at —Schwartz, S. L., Pew, J. C., and Schafer, E. R. Production of Insulating Board and Hardboard from Sawmill and Logging Waste, abstract in Paper Trade J. Vol. 12h, No. 8, p. 36. 19U7. 12 —Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. Annual Report - 1952, pp. 9-10. =2-U. S. Forest Products Laboratory. Insulating Boards from Mill Wastes, Forest Thinnings, and Cull Trees. Forest Products Laboratory Report No. R1762, 15 pp. 1950, ikLowgren, Uno. Wallboard Manufacture in Sweden by the Defibrator System. Pulp and Paper Ind. Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 50. 19U6. Report No. R1666-6 -S- 120* to 1U0* C. It is then passed through a section with circulating moist air to stabilize it for atmospheric conditions. The heat treatment usually increases the modulus of rupture about 25 to 30 percent, but at the MM time increases the brittleness. >'ith prolonged neat treatment, the modulus ci rupture increases to a maximum, after which it drops rapidly. The rate of increase and drop in strength increases as the temperature increases. Hardboard can also be made by a dry-forming process. The pulp, instead of being carried as a water suspension onto a screen for formation, can be formed in a dry or semidry condition and hot pressed into a board which is usually given an additional heat treatment. The properties of the board are greatly influenced by additives such as waxes and resins. In preliminary work at the Forest Products Laboratory, several structural boards were made by dry-forming mixtures of sawdust with rosin and coal-tai pitch. Although the strength of these boards was below that required by ' Federal Specification LLL-F-311 for a Class A hard-pressed fiberboard, the product had a resistance to abrasion equal to that of eak wood, which might maKe it suitable for molded tiles to be used as a prefinished floor covering. Corrugating Board Since strength and color can be quite variable in a satisfactory corrugating board, this type cf product forms a ready outlet for wood wastes, hs mentioned previously, kraft and semichemical pulps from wastes are being used for large tonnages of corrugating board. Current experiments at the Forest Products laboratory indicate that furniture-mill waste, mostly hardwoods, can be made into a product comparing favorably with commercial corrugating board by converting the waste into a semichemical pulp and processing it in a disk refiner. Boxboard -Lt is reported±5 that a satisfactory fiber for conversion into boxboard and coarse payers was prepared from wood waste, shavings, and r>av/dust by treatment in an Asplund Defibrator-Chemipulper followed by refining in a stone-roll beater. _ ^_^_ ^^^^" OJ ^= c z K) < o> to ~ (/> o ~*^— _< oo — -< (O O M -= T1 *k 1 CJ o ~ . X o> o K) ^^ > ==^ — Church, J. ... Fibre from Waste '.Vood, Pulp & Paper uag. Can. Vol. U7, No. 3, p. 275. 19U6. Report No. R1666-6 -6-