Ul^ITilD STATES DEPARTMENT OF AuHICULTURE Burcc-^u of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C 3. E. p. Q~421 November 30, 193S PLAllT-qUAILVNTmE II IPO ST RESTRICTIONS OP THE KINGDOM OF BULGARIA Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/buolgariak36unit UiM^ITED STATES DfiPAHTMENT OE AOEICULTUHE B-areau of Entonoloaj and Plant Quarantine Washington, D- C- 3. E. P. Q.โ€” 421 November 30, 193 S. FLANT-QUABAFTIlvIS E'POHT RESTRICTIONS OF THE KINGDOM OE BULGARIA This siimmary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Zin^idom of Bul^'aria has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of lolants and plant products to that country. It "as prepared by Harry 3- Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Chari^e of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from his translations of the Geiman texts of the Bul- garian plant Protection Law of Avjril 25, 1930, and the decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Public Domains of September 29, 1932, and it has been reviewed by that Ministry. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and com.plete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. ^S A. STROrlG.i \:kireau^of Entomology>''anA Plant Quarantine. PLANT-QUA5MTIME IMPORT HESTHICTIONS OF THE KINGDOM OF BULC-ARIA CONTENTS Page 3as,Lc legislation -------------------- 2 3"uira:iary ---------_----_-_-------- 2 Importation prohibited ------------- -.2 Im-Qorta.tion restricted -------------- 3 Transit unrestricted --------------- 3 Irn-Qortation and transit of plants ------------ 3 Purpose of the decree ---------------3 All plants subject to control -----------3 Phytosanitary certificate required -------- 4 Shipments must "be free from earth, straw, or hay โ€” 4 Transit of plants unrestricted ---------- 4 Importation of damaged fruits and vegetables prohibited - 5 Restrictions on im-oortation of seeds -----------5 Basis of the decree ----------------5 Importation of inferior seeds prohibited ----- 5 Entry of small quantities of seeds unrestricted - - 6 Special restrictions on certain seeds -------6 Importation of infected seeds -orohibited ----- -6 _. ':> โ€” PLMT-QUAPANTINS IMPORT HZ3THICTI0NS OF THE KINGDOM OF BULGAJJA BASIC LZaiSLATION The plant Protection Law of April 26, 19Z0 (Derzhaven Vestnik ITo. 29, Hay 9, 1930). This law -provides for the orotoction of cultivated and use- ful lolants from diseases and pests, organization and direction of com- Dat against plant diseases and pests, and authorizes the Jlinistry of Agriculture and Public Domains to -nromulgate decrees to prevent the introduction and distribution of nlant diseases and pests by prohibiting or restricting the importation nnd distribution of plants and plant products. SIJMMAEY Im-nortation Prohibited PLAIITS A^ID PI^\KT FP0DUCT3, including seeds, fruits, and vegetables infected or infested v.'ith injurious plant diseases or insect pests v;hich are not ar r r.f"; Ir--- to treatment. (Decree of Sept. 29, 1932, art. 7 (c).) PEUITS AliD VEGETABLES and products thereof, vvhicn are spoiled, dirty, woiTry, or dcir.aged by insects or other animals, or v;hich have undergone undesirable changes ^r contain metallic compo"ands injurious to health. (Dccrcf of -Jan. 21, 1931, p. 5 .) SEEDS CP ALFALFA, CLOYS?., TIMOTHY, EIKDSFOOT TREFOIL, A^D Fl^ilX: Impor- tation pi'ohibited if rontominatod with dodder seeds. (Decree 1-To. 2, published Ftb. 14, 19S6, art, 2\, soe p. 6 .) SAU'EOIii SEEDS that coritain r;i0rr than 50 seeds of small burnct oer kilogram: Importation prohibited. (Decree No. 2 published Feb. 14, 1936, prt. 21, seep. 6 .) niFECTED SEEDS ArlD MIXED GH.ISS SEEDS: Importation prohibited. (Decree l;o. 2, published Feb. 14, 1936, arts. 21 and 22, n. 6.) - .'^ - Importation Restricted LIVING- PLANTS OF ALL KINDS, .and parts thereof, including scions, cuttings, buds, roots, "bulbs, seeds, fruits, vegetables, etc: Each shipment must be f'ccompanied by a phytosanitary certificate, issued by phytopatho logical and entomological authorities of the country of origin, affirming freedom from injurious pests and diseases. (Decree of Sept. 29, 1932, art. 4. p. 4.) Transit Unrestricted PLANTS A}ID PLANT PRODUCTS in tightly packed containers in sealed cars may be transported through Bulgaria without restriction. (Decree of Sept. 29, 1932, art. 11, p. 4.) IMPORTATION AND TRANSIT OF LIVING PLANTS AND PARTS OF PLANTS (Decree of Sept. 29, 1932; Derzhaven Vestnik No. 168, Oct. 5, 1932) Purpose of the Decree Article 1. This decree was promulgated on the basis of articles 2 and 32 of the plant Protection Law of April 26, 1930, and its purpose is to regulate the sanitary control of the importation, transit, and exportation of all living plants, such as trees, shrubs, roses, scions, stocks, buds, decorative and wild and cultivated plants, perennial roots, bulbs, seeds, fruits, vegetables, etc. Art. 2. Relates to the Bulgarian plant protection service. All plants and Parts Thereof Subject to Control Art. 3. A phytosanitary control applies to all living plants and parts of plants imported into or in transit through Bulgaria. _ 4 - Phytosanitary Certificate Required Art. 4. Each shipment from abroad must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by official phytopathological and entomological authorities of the coiintry of origin. The cer- tificate must affirm that the shipment carries no infectious dis- eases or injurious insect pests. If the shipment proceeds directly from. iTorth or South America, Australia, China, Japan, or Hav;aii, it m.ust be expressly affirmed in the certificate that the shipment is free from the following parasites: Potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticurn (Schilb.) Perc.)> powdery scab (S'oongospora subterranea ('"alk. ) Lsng), potato tuber worm (Phthorimsea) '3-norimo schema o'oerculella Zell.)> Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) ยป dry rot of corn (Drolodia zeae (Schw.) Lev.)> fire blight of apple and pear (Bacillus amylovorus (Burr.) DeToni) , chestnut blight (gndothia -para- sitica (Murr.) And. and And.), black knot (Plov.-rightia moroosa (Schw. Sacc.)> v.-hite peach scale (Pias-pis) Aulacas-jois oentagona Targ.), San Jose scale (Aspidiotus T?'erniciosus Com.st.). pink bo 1 Iwo rm ( P laty e dra ) Pectino'ohora gossypiella Saund. ) , boll weevil (Anthonomus grand! s Boh. ) , and the Japanese beetle (Po-pillia japonica Newin. ) . Arts. 5, 5, 7, and 8 relate to entry procedure. Shipments I'ust Be Free from Earth, Straw, or Hay Art. 9. Imported shipments must be quite free from earth, straw, and hay which are in a condition to convey diseases and insect pests. Art. 10. The inspection of imported shipments is made without charge, but the expenses incidental to inspection are charged to the importer. Transit of Plants Unrestricted Art. 11. The transit of living plants, parts thereof, etc., mentioned in article 1, thi'ough Bulgaria is \inrestricted. However, ship- ments must be tightly packed, the cars sealed, and the containers so isolated that an introduction of diseases and pests into the country is precluded; in the lack of these -precautions the shipment will be inspected at the proposal of the custoir.s ofxicials. - 5 - IIvIPOHTATION OF DAl^.lAGED FBJJITS AND V^CrETABLES PROHIBITED (Decree Ho. 8 of Jan. 21, 1931; Derzhaven Vestnik Ko . 269 of Mar, 5, 1931) Article 23. The importation, prodiiction, and holdinja; for sale are prohibited of fruits and vegetables, and products thereof, that are spoiled, v.'onny, dirty, gnawed by insects or other animals, those which have uiidergone any other change, and those which do not ;oos- sess their characteristic taste or odor, or which contain metallic com- pounds injurious to health. The importation, storage, and sale of sprouted potatoes also is ;prohibited. PJISTRICTIONS ON THE IITOHTATION OF SEEDS (Decree No. 2 published in Derzhaven Vestnik No. 34, Feb. 14, 1936) Bnsis of the Decree Article 1. This decree on the supervision of the quality of seeds for propagation, imported and introduced into the interior, was promul- gated on the basis of article 229 of the lav/ on the improvement of agri- cultural production and the maintenance of agricultural property, and of article 1 of the decree-law on the Agricultural Sampling and Control Institute. Importation of Inferior Seeds Prohibited Art. 2. The importation and the sale of agricultural seeds of poo quality is prohibited (Article 5 of the law on the improvement of agri- cultural production, etc.). Ai'ts. 3 to 12 relate to domestic procedure. Art. 13. Procedure if imported shipments of seeds are not accom- panied by a seed-control certificate issued in the country of export. - 6 - Art. 14. If analysis of ynported seeds establishes that they are not of good quality, the holder is required to reexport them v/ithin ten days. If exportation is not effected within that time the seed will he rendered useless for r:owing, or destroyed. Arts. 15 to 19. Administrative procedure. Entry of Small Quantities of Seeds Unrestricted Art. 2C. Flower, vegetahlc, forest, and agricultural seeds in small quantities, and vegctahle and flower seeds up to 100 gms of each species, in packets not exceeding 10 gms, and other seeds up to 500 gras of each species, imported from ahroad, are free from control. Such seeds m.ust net be contained in sealed and tagged receptacles and need not be accompanied by certificates of origir, purity, and health. The quality of such seeds, however, may be subject to test. Special Restrictions on Certain Seeds Art. 21. The importation and entry into traffic is prohibited of: 1. Seeds of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. ) , clover (Trifoliun spp.), timothy (Phleum pratense L. ) , birdsfoot trefoil ( Lo tus corniculatus L. ) , and flaxseed (Lin"jm usitatissim'um L. ) mixed v/ith dodder seed (Cuscuta spp.)* 2. Sainfoin seed (Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop.) that contains more than 50 seeds of small burne.t (Sanguisorba m.inor Scop.) per kilo- gram. The importation , sowing and introduction into traffic of comm.on hemp (Cannabis (indica) sativa L. ) is likewise prohibited. Art. 22. The importation of mixed grass seeds is prohibited. Importation of Infected Seeds Prohibited Art. 23. The importation and introduction into traffic of seeds attacked by plant diseases and pests designated by the Minister of Agri- culture and Public Domains is prohibited. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09242 1923