tfBRARY B.E.P.Q. '385, Fourth RevisidSKTATC Effective January 2k, I9U5 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AORICULTUPE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE DOMESTIC QUARANTINE . NOTICES BLACK STEM RUST QUARANTINE (QUARANTINE NO. 38) ' Introductory Note Under this revision of Circular B.E.P.Q. 385, Hahonia dictyota , M. and M, pin na ta have "been added to the list of species which nay he S3 ipped into or between the protected States, inasmuch as these three species, which may he horticulturally desirable for use in' some of the Western States, have "been thoroughly tested and found to he either immune or highly resistant to ,the "black stem rust. . • Administrative Instructions § 301.38-3 (c) Cla ssification of barberry and mahonia plants . — Pursuant to the authority conferred on the chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine hy regulation 3 (c) of the black stem rust quarantine (§ 301.38-3 (a), ), there are hereby designated the species, varieties, or hybrids of "barberries and mahonias. 'that are known to be (l) sufficiently resistant to. black' stem rust to involve', no danger of spread of the rust and which may be shipped under permit, and (2) the rust-resistant varieties of the Japanese "barberry. r ■ (a) Rust-resistant species which may he shipped to or "between the protected States under permit: Berheris beaniana • Berber is Tyuxi'Tolia .•••.... .«,-*.' Berheris cr^Miula *"' '"' ' .. Berheris chenaulti (hybrid) Berheris eirpomserrata . . . , ... . Berheris concinna ■ Berheris darwini Berheris edgeworthiana Berheris gagiiepaini Berheria gilgiana Berheris julianae Berheris koreana. B erb er i s mentor ens i s Berheris potanini Berheris sangainea Berheris sargontlana Berheris stcnophylla (hybrid) Berheris triacanthonhora - 2 - ffillili'ilniii?r FL0RIDA 3 1262 09245 2654 ■ Berberis verruculosa Mahonia aquif oliuri (Berberis J „ Mahonla bealei (Berberis) Mahonia dictyota (Berberis) Mahonla gracilis (Berberis) Mahonia nervosa (Berberis) Mahonia pinnata (Berberis) Mahonia repens (Berberis) (b) Rust-resistant varieties' of -Japanese barberry which may be shipped to any State without periai:k~crrr , esii^tioiis^i2cdBr v 't^ Berberi3 thunbergi Berberis thunbergi var. Atropurpurea Berberis thunbergi var. iSaximoviczi Berberis thunbergi var. minor Berberis thunbergi f . erecta Paragraph (b) of I 301.33-3 further provides that no permit is required for cuttings (without roots) of mahonia -when shipped for decorative purposes and not for propagation. Barberry and mahonia plants other than those listed in paragraph (a) and (b) above may not be shipped interstate into any of the protected States. .The protected States as listed in the black stem rust quarantine regula- tions as revised effective December 26, 19^, are: Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan^ Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Penaajivania, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, .Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Application for permit should be addreased to the Division of Damestid Plant Quarantines, Bareau of Entomology and Plant* Quarantine,,.. United States , J)epartment-of J^griOjlturoj- Washington 25, D. C. (Se«, 8, 39 Stat. H65, kh Stat. 250; 7 IT.S'.C". 19^> ed^ l6l; 7 CER § 301*38-3) Dona .at Washington^ D« Cj this 15th day of January 19^5. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine