ATE PLANT BOARD United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarauitine ENTOMOLOGICAL TECHNIQUE (ET) CIRCULARS 1$1 TO 233 (This list and index include the ET circulars that were issued from August 1939 to the end of 19A6. Three previous lists and in- dexes for this series have been issued: 1 to 50 in October 1935, 51 to 100 in December 1937, and 101 to 150 in September 1939.) ET-151. A dust delivery tube for laboratory experiments with con- tact ineecticides. R. A. Fiaher. August 1939. ET-152* A method for testing the ralue of chemical mixtures as repellents of the Gulf Coast tick. A. L. Brody. October 1939. ET-153. A portable wind-direction recorder. R. A. Fulton. January 19^0. ET-15i^. A low-cost water seal funigator. A. C. Johnson. January 1940. ET-155. A laboratory method for the study of insects in their cocoons. L. C. Fife. February 19^0. ET-156. A methyl bromide dispenser for use in the fumigation of quarantined products. C. A. Cain. February 19i^0« ET-157. Modified Berlese funnel for collecting thrips. F. F, Bondy. February 19-40. ET-153. A technique for the recovery of very small dead insects in mortality experiments. F, R. Lawson. April 194-0. ET-159. Tempera ture-4iumidity controlled cabinets for the study of insects. P. S. Annand and F. H. Harries. April 194-0. ET-160. A system of classifying cabbage according to the extent of caterpillar injury. W. J. Reid, Jr. August 1940. ET-161. A rearing method for the mass production of Microplectron fuscipennis (Zett.), cocoon parasite of the European spruce sawfly, Gilplnia polytoma (Htg.). F. E. Miller, Jr. August 1940. ET-162. Construction of a hair-hygrostat with magnetic switch for humidity control in an incubator room. K. D. Arbuthnot. September 1940. ET-163. A mechanical trap for the sampling of aerial insect popula- tions. J. C. Chamberlin and F. R. Lawson. October 1940. APR 1 6 19^7 ET-16^« Two convenient and easily stored knock>doiro cages for laboratory and field studies. J. M. Jiagner and R. A. Blanchard. November 19iiO. ET-165* A measured drop method of applying liquid insecticides. E. R. McGovran, G. L. Phillips^ and E. L. Mayer. November 19iC0. ET-166. Transparent cellophane cocooning units for observing the development of codling moth pupae. W. Machado and D. Collins. November 1940. ET-167. Temperature and humidity regulation in small incubators. W. G. Bradley and 0. E. Bemdt. November 19i^0. ET-168. A mobile sample-carrying rack. H« W. Rusk. December 19A0* ET-169* Improvements in the standard insect sweep net. W. C. Cook and E. W. Davis. December 19i^0. ET-170. Technique employed in producing uniform pea aphid stock for insecticide tests at Madison, Wis. P. V. Stone. December 19^0. ET-171. A scoop for collecting large numbers of small insects from their host plants. W. C. Cook. December 1940. £1-172. Percentage tables for numbers from 1 to 250. C. A. Clark. December 1940. ET-173* The technique of photographing insect specimens. A. E. Lants. January 1941. ET-174. A demountable isolation cage for field use. L. S. Jones. June 1941. ET-175. Foot-operated punch. W. G. Bradley and 0. £. Bemdt. July 1941. ET-176. An improved spring cage fastener. E. W. Davie and C. H. Feltas. August 1941. ET-177. Apparatus and method for reinforcing maps for field use. L. B. Parker and R. W. Evans. August 1941. ET-178. A device for estimating thrips population on citrus foliage. £. A. McGregor. August 1941* ET-179. A mechanical 'timing device for laboratory spraying tests, F. W. Carlson and M. A. Yothers. August 1941. -3- ET-180. A duet gun for laboratoiy experiments with insecticides* F. H, Harries. September 19^^. ET-181. A power-driven soil-sifting machine. F. W. Carlson and H. A. Yothers. September 19215. Experimental metiiods in making orchard tests for codling moth control in the West. E. J. Newcomer, F. P. Dean, and C. C. Cassil. November 1943* ET-216. Dispenser for aerosols and highly volatile fumigants. F. F. Smith, L. D. Goodhue, and W. R. Ballinger. March 19U. ET-217. A small injector for use in mixing sprays. F. P. Dean. June 1944. ET-213. An air-press\ire tank for use in the field application of liquid sprays. F. F. Smith, ?• H. Lung, and A. L. Boswell. July 1944. ET-219. Injector for fumigants in liquid form. R. D. Chisholm, W. C. Fest, and A. C. Mason. October 1944-. ET-220. A sticky trap board used in scouting for pear psylla* G. H. Kaloostian and H. S. Yeoaans. November 1944. ET-221. A shipping container for adult insects, C. A. Clark. May 1945. ET-222. Microscope lan^). F. Munger. June 1945. ET-223. The evidence required to show synergistic action of insecti- cides and a short cut in analysis. F. M. Wadley. June 1945. ET-224. A method of rating fumigation chambers for tightness. R. D. Chisholm and L. Koblitsky. September 1*^4^ ^,«SSS=°"« ET-225. A Bethod of estiaiating beet leafhopper populations from the proportion of unlnfeeted plants. M. F. Bowen. Noveaber 19i^. ET-226* A hibernation cage for the pink boUwom. I. Shlller. Januaxy 1946. ET-227. An laproved ovlposltlon cage for moths of the European com borer, A. M. Vance and H. R. Painter. February 19A6. ET->22d. Equij^xaent for the dispersal of insecticides by means of aircraft. C. H. Husman, 0. M. Longcoy, and H. S. Hensley. ET-229* A special chamber for testing insecticidal sprays. A. W. Llndqulst and A. H. Madden. July 19^46. ET-230* A single cage for testing DDT residual treatments. A. H. Madden and A. W. Llndqulst. July 19^6. ET'-231« A power sprayer for applying concentrated insecticides. J. N. Tenhet. August 19^6. ET-232. Growth stages of com as related to Euiropean com borer infestation. C. H. Batchelder. August 19i;6. £T-233* A system of filing and routing sas^les of chemicals for insecticide testing. M. W. Oberg, H. A. Jones, and £. F. Knipling* August 19^6. -7- Numbers following item signify ET Circulars (not pages). AGREE, FRED, Jr., and HaLLER, fl. L.: A Simple Method for Preparing Lantern Slides 194 Aerial-insect populations, trap for... 163 Aerosols — dispenser for 216 liquefied-gas preparation method.. ..190 Aircraft, equipment for insecticide dispersal 228 Airplane, hopper for distributing baits and dxists 212 Air-pressure tank, use in application of liquid furaigants 210 Amblyomma ma culatum . See Gulf Coast tick. ANNAND, P. IT., and HARRIES, F. H,: Temperature-Humidity Controlled Cabinets for the Study of Insects... 159 A9ftidiej,3,» »mrqni^ii. £ee Scale, California red. Aphid trap, construction 196 ARBUTflNOT, K. D. : Construction of a Hair-Hygrostat With Magnetic Switch for Humidity Control in an Incuba- tor Room ....• 162 Bacillus pop j.lliae f spore-dust mixtures in type A milky disease.. ..192 BACON, OSCAR G.: A Fast-Motion Sifting Machine 209 Baits, distributing by airplane 212 BALLINGER, W. R. , SMITH, FLOYD F. , and GOODHUE, L. D. : Dispenser for Aerosols and Highly Volatile Fumi- gants / 216 Bark beetle control work, nozzle for... 187 BARRE, H. J., and WALKDEN, H. H. : An Air-Pressure Tank for the Pneumatic Application of Liquid Fumigants .210 BATCHELDER, C. H.; Growth Stages of Com as Related to European Com Borer Infestation. 232 and COSENZA, A. V.: Hand-Oper- ated Equipment for Precision Dusting. 200 Beet leafhopper — collecting scoop for , .171 population estimation method. ....... .225 population measuring devices 183 portable wind-direction recorder for use in dispersal studies 153 repellent sprays for. 20^^ trap for .163 Berlese funnel, modified, for col- lecting thrips 157 BERNDT, 0. E., and BRADLEY, W. G. : Foot-Operated PuBch .175 Temperature and Humidity Regalartion in Small Incubators 167 Bollworm, pink, hibernation cage 226 BONDY, FLOYD F.: Modified Berlese Funnel for Collecting Thrips 157 BOSWELL, ANTHONY L., SMITH, FLOYD F. , and LUNG, PAUL H.: An Air-Pressure Tank for Use in the Field Appli- cation of Liquid Sprays 218 BOWEN, M. F.: A Method of Estimating Beet Leafhopper Populations from the Proportion of Uninfested Plants.. 225 BRADLEY, W. G. , and BERNDT, 0. E.; Foot-Operated Punch .175 Temperature and Humidity Regulation in Small Incubators .167 -8- BRINDLEY, T. A., and HINMAN, F. G.: Sweeping With an Insect-Collecting Net to Determine When and Where to Dust for Pea Weevil Control 193 PEAY, W. E., and HIWMAN, F. C: A Duet-Mixing Apparatus for Pre- paring Small Quantities of Coated or Impregnated Dust for Laboratory Use 4 188 BKODY, ARTHUR L.: A Method for Testing the Value of Chemical Mixtures as Repellents of the Gulf Coast Tick 151 BRUBAKER, R. W. , and POLURD, H, N.: Determining the Catches of Ciga- rette Beetles and Tobacco Moths MAde in Insect Traps 186 Bruchos pisorum . See Pea weevil. Cabbage, classification system ac- cording to caterpillar injury 160 Cabinets, temperature-humidity controlled, .h... ••... 159 Cage— demoimtable isolation 17^ fastener, improved spring 176 for DDT residual tests 230 fxsnigation tests with Japanese beetles 205 hibernation, for pink bollworm. . .....226 knock-down , for field studies • .164. selectivity for testing plant repellence 20i^ tree-trunk screen 182 CAIN, CHAS. A.: A Methyl Bromide Dis- penser for Use in the Fumigation of Quarantined Products I56 CARLSON, F. W., and YOTHERS, U. A.: A Mechanical Timing Device for Laboratory Spraying Tests 179 A Power-Driven Soil-Sifting Machine 181 A Satisfactory Tree-Trunk Screen Cage 132 Carpocaosa pomonella . See Codling moth. CASSIL, C. C, NEWCOMER, E. J., and DEAJ^, F. P.J Experimental Methods in Making Orchard Tests for Codling Moth Control in the West 215 Caterpillar injury, classifying cabbage by I60 CHAMBERLIN, JOSEPH C. : A Mechanical Trap for the Sajnpling of Aerial Insect Populations I63 Chemicals, filing and routing system. .233 CHISHOLM, BOBERT D. , and KOBLITSKY, LOUIS: A Method of Batiixg Fumi- gation Chambers for Tightne88...«»..22i^ FEST, W. C, and MASON, A. C: Injector for Fumigants in Liquid Form 219 Cigarette beetle — determining catches in insect traps. 186 fumigating with hydrocyanic acid gas 191 Citrus thrips, population estimation device 178 CLARK, CHARLES A. ; A Shipping Con- tainer for Adult Insects 221 Percentage Tables for Numbers from 1 to 250 172 Cocoons — cellophane, for observing codling moth pupae 166 insects in, laboratory study method ,., I55 Codling moth — cellophane cocoon for observation of pupae .166 orchard control tests in West 215 -9- ;00K, TV. C: A Scoop for Collecting Large Numbers of Small Insects From Their Host Plants 171 and DAVIS, E. W.: Improvements in the Standard Insect Sweep Net.... 169 LAWSON, F. R., and FOX, i». E. : Three New Devices for Measuring Insect Pop\ilations 1^3 Jom, infestation by European com borer 232 3orn borer, European — infestation of corn 232 oviposition cage for 227 shipping container for 221 COSENZA, A. v., and BATCHELDER, C. H. : Hand-Operated Equlpioent for Preci- sion Dusting 200 Counting plates for low-power magnification •••• 206 Curly-top disease, method for field inoculations l^A DDT— chemical determination 211 residual treatments, testing 230 DAVIS, E. W., and COOK, W. C: Im- provements in the Standard Insect Sweep Net 169 and FELTES, C. H. : An Improved Spring Cage Fastener 176 and YORK, G. T.: An Insect Selectivity Cage for Testing Plant Repellence 20A DEAN, F. P.: A Small Injector for Use in Mixing Sprays 217 NEWCOMER, E. J., and CASSIL, C. C: Experimental Methods in Making . Orchard Tests for Codling Moth Control in the West 215 Dispenser — for aerosols 216 methyl bromide, for fumigating quarantined products I56 DONOHOE, HEBER C. : Cages Used in Fumi- gation Tests With Adult Japanese Beetles, Their Distribution and Recovery 205 DORST, HOWARD E. : Method for Securing Direct Field Inoculations in Studies of Curly-Top Disease , ..13^ DUNN, WILUAM J., and EASTER, STEPHEN S.: A Methyl Bromiae Soil Injector. .203 DUPREE, MINTER, and tAATHIS, WILLIS; A Power-Driven Mixer for Making Oil Emulsions 199 Dust- delivery tube, for contact insecticides I5I gun, construction 200 gun, for testing insecticides 180 hopper, for airplane distribution of baits 212 mixer, for making small quantities ,.188 removal by suction from wheelbarrow power duster. .207 Duster — for laboratory use.., •••214. suction attachment for......... 207 Dusting, precision, equipment ..•200 Dusts, coated or impregnated, mixing apparatus for 188 DUTKY, S. R.: Method for the Pre- paration of Spore-Dust Mixtutes of Type A Milky Disease of Japanese Beetle Larvae for Field Inoculation .192 EASTER, STEPHEN S. , and DUNN, WILUAM J.: A Methyl Bromide Soil Injector.. 203 Epitrix parvula: . See Tobacco flea beetle. -10- Exiropean com borer. §sa Com borer, European. Eutettix tenelluB . fififi Beet leafhopper. EVAMS, R. W., and PARKER, L. B.; Apparatixs and Method for Reinforcing Maps for Field Use 177 EVEKDEN, JAMES C: An Adjustable Noxzle for Use in Bark Beetle Control Work 187 FELTES, C. H., and DAVIS, £. W.: An Improved Spring Cage Fastener 176 FEST, W. C, CHISHOLM, R. D., and MASON, A. C: Injector for Fumigante in Liquid Form 219 nFE, L. COURTNEf: A Laboratory Method for the Study of Insects in Their Cocoons 155 Filing system, chemical samples for insecticide tests 233 FISHER, ROBERT A.: A Dust Delivery Tube for Laboratory Experiments With Contact Insecticides 151 Flea beetles , recovery cage .197 FLECK, ELMER E. , and HALL, S. A., and SCHECHTER, MILTON S.: Chemical Determination of DDT 211 Flowmeter, construction 191 FOX, D. E., UWSON, F. R. , and COOK, W. C; Three New Devices for Measuring Insect Populations 183 FULTON, ROBERT A.: A Leaf Punch for Use in Insecticidal Residu* Studies 189 A Portable Wind-Direction Recorder ,.,153 and HENDERiJON, CHARLES F.» A Constant Levelling Device for An Atomizer Type Sprayer 202 Fumigants — liquid, application by air-pressure tank 210 liquid, injector for 219 volatile, dispenser for 216 Fumigation — chambers, gas tightness ..•.22i^ hydrocyanic acid gas, apparatus for .191 quarantined products, methyl bromide dispenser for .156 tests with cages of Japanese beetles 205 Fumigator, low-cost water seal 154. Funnel, modified Berlese, for collecting thrips .157 GETZENDANER, C, F.'.: Suction Attachment for Removing Dust from Hopper of Wheelbarrow Power Duster. 207 GILMORE, J. U., and LEVIN, CLEi\iENCE: A Recovery Cage to Determine the Numbers of Flea Beetles Emerging From Soil Surrounding Host Plants... 197 Qilpinia polvtoma . §ee Spruce sawfly, European. GOODHUE, L. D. : The Preparation of Insecticidal Aerosols by the Use of Liquefied Gases 190 and SMITH, FLOYD f . , and BALLlNGliiK, W. R. : Dispenser for Aerosols and Highly Volatile Fumigants 216 Gulf Coast tick, repellents, testing method 152 Hair-hygrostat , construction 162 HALL, b. A., bCHECHTLK, Mli^TGN b. , and FLECK, ELrJEK E. : Chemical Determination of DDT 2ii HALi.ER, H. i.., and AGREE, FIUlD, Jr.: A Simple Method for Preparing Lantern Slldeb 19A -n- HARRIES, F. fl.: A Dust Gun for Labora- tory Experiments With Insecticides.. 180 A Dtister for Laboratory Experiments With Insecticides 2H and ANNAWD, P. N.: Temperature- Humidity Controlled Cabinets for the Study of Insects , 159 HENDERSON, CHAS. F. , and FULTON, ROBERT A.: A Constant LeveUing De- vice for An Atomizer Type Sprayer.. .202 — 6TUCKER, CALVIN L., and MCBURNIE, HORACE V.; A Laboratory Method for Rearing and Parasitizing the California Red Scale for Toxico- logical Studies 213 HENSLEY, H. S., HUSMAN, C. M. , and LONGCOY, 0. M.: Equipment for The Dispersal of Insecticides by Means of Aircraft ,, 228 Hibernation cage for pink bollworm. ...226 HINMAN, F. G., and BRINDLEY, T. A.: Sweeping With An Insect-Collecting Net To Determine "flhen and Where To Dust for Pea Weevil Investigations.. 193 B8INDLEY, T. A., and PEAI, W. E.j A Dust-Mixing Apparatus for Preparing Small Quantities of Coated or Impregnated Dust for Laboratory- Use 188 Hopper — dust distribution by airplane.. •^».«. 212 dust removal by suction attachment ..207 House flies, DDT testing cage 230 Humidity control, hair-hygrostat......l62 Humidity -temperature — controlled cabinets 159 regulation in incubators 167 HUSMAN, CHESTER N.: A Hopper and Mechanism for Distribution of Baits and Dust by Airplanes for Insect Control * 212 LONGCOY, 0. M., and HENSLEY, H.S. : Equipment for DispersfiQ. of Insec- ticides by Means of Aircraft 228 Hydrocyanic acid gas, fumigation apparatus 191 Incubator — room, humidity control 162 temperatirre and humidity regulation 167 Inj ector for mixing sprays •....,.. 217 Insecticides — apparatus for testing spray suspensions .208 concentrated, sprayer for 231 contact, dust delivery tube for 151 dispersal by aircraft.,.....,.' 228 dust gun for 180 duster for laboratory use ,21^4 filing and routing system 223 measxired-drop method of application.. 165 soil pupating insects, experiments for testing against 201 synergistic action, evidence of 223 testing chamber • 229 insects — collecting scoop • 171 in cocoons, stu^ method. .^« ........ .155 photograpldaac^ technique... ....173 populations, aerial, trap for*..,.,.. 163 populations, measuring devices 183 shipping container for 221 small dead, recovery t/echnique......,158 Isolation cages, demountable 17^ Japanese beetle — cages for fumigation tests 205 spore-dust mixtures of typ« A milky disease for c 192 JOHNSON, A. C: A Low-Cost Water Seal Fumigator , , , ,15^ JONES, HOWARD A., OBERG, ilARION W. , and KNIPLING, E. F. : A System of Filing and Routing Samples of Chemicals for Insecticide Testing.... 233 JONES, LAURENCE S. : A Demountable Isolation Cage for Field Use 174. KALOOSTIAN, GEORGE H. , and YEOMANS, MANNING, S.: A Sticky Trap Board Used in Scouting for Pear Psylla....,2a0 12- KNIPLING, t. f., OBERG, MARION W., and JONES, HOWAftD A.: A System of Filing and Routing Samples of Chemicals for insecticide Testing 233 KOBLITSKY, LOUIS, and CHI6H0LM, BOBmT h, : A Method for Rating Fumigation Chambers for Tightness 22i; Lamp , microscope 222 Lantern slides, preparation ••.«. • 19A UiI.TZ, A. E.: The Technique of Photographing Insect Speciments 173 I^asjoderma p^rrj-Cgrfl^. beetle. See Cigarette ^ATHRUP, F. H., SHAi^DS, W. A., and SliiPSOW, G. W,: An Aphid Trap 196 iJ^VVSOiN, F. R.: A Teclmique for the Recovery of Very SdmlLI Dead Insects in Mortality Experiments 158 TOX, D. E., and COOK, W. C; Three New Devices for Measuring Insect Populations 183 Leaf punch, for insecticidal residue studies 189 Leveling device, atomizer type sprayer 202 LEVIN, CLEMEliCE, and GILMORE, J. U.: A Recovery Cage to Determine the Numbers of Flea Beetles Emerging From Soil Surrounding Host Plants... .197 bINDQUIST, ARTHUR W. , and MADDEIL, A. H. : A Simple Cage for Testing DDT Residual Treatunts 230 A Speclail Chamber for Testing Insecticidal Sprays 229 LIVINGSTONE, E. il.; An Apparatus for fumigating Insects With Hydrocyanic Acid Gas in the Laboratory 191 LONGCOY, 0. M., HUSMAU, C. M. , and HEWSLEX, H. S.: Eq\iipment for the Dispersal of Insecticides by Means of Aircraft. 228 LUNG, PAUL H., SMITH, FLOYD F. , and BOSWELL, ANTHONY L.; An Air-Pressure Tank for Use in the Field Application of Liquid Sprays 218 MACHADO, WILLIAM: Transparent Cellophane Cocooning Units for Observing the Development of Codling Moth Pupae 166 Ma(?r(?siphim (l3rl-iiK>i») £i§i. See Pea aphid. MADDEN, A. H., and LINDQUIST, ARTHUR W.: A Simple Cage for Testing DDT •^ Residual Treatments 230 and LINDQUIST, ARTHUR W.; A Special Chamber for Testing Insecticidal Sprays 229 MAGNER, J. MARSHALL: Two Convenient and Easily Stored Knock-Down Cages for Laboratory and Field Studies.... l6i; Magnetic switch for humidity control.. 162 Maps , reinforcing apparatus .177 MASON, A. C, CHISHOL^J, R. D. , and FEST, W. C: Injector for Furaigants in Liquid Form 219 MTHIS, WILLIS, and DOPREE, MIMTER: A Power-Driven Mixer for Making Oil Emulsions 199 MAYER, E. L., and MCGOVRAN, E. T?. : A Laboratory Apparatus and Procedure for Testing Aqueous Spray Suspensions as Ineecticiaes 208 MCGOVRAN, E. R., and PHILLIPS, G. L. : A iileasured Drop Method of Applj»ing Liquid Insecticides 16^ ■13- aCGKEGOR, E. A.: A Device for Estimating Thrips Population on Citrus Foliage 178 Methyl bromide — dispenser for fumigation of quaran- tined products 156 soil injector 203 Microplectron fuscjLpennis — rearing method 161 Microscope lamp 222 Milky disease, type A, spore-dust mixtures for Japanese beetle larvae 192 MILLER, FKAIiK E., Jr.: A Rearing Method for the Mass Production of Microplectron fuscipennis (Zett.)> Cocoon Parasite of the European Spruce Sawfly, Gilpinia polvtoma (Htg.) 161 Mixer, power-driven, for oil emulsions 199 Mortality experiments, recovery technique for small dead insects.. I58 MUNGER, FRAl^CIS: Microscope Lamp.... 222 Musc a domestlca . See Houseflies. NEWCOMER, E. J., DEAN, F. P., and CASSIL, C. C: Experimental Methods in Making Orchard Tests for Codling Moth Control in the West «*.215 Nozzle for bark beetle control work. 187 OBERG, MARION W., JONES^ HOWARD A., and KNIPLING, E, F.: A System of Filing and Routing Samples of Chemicals for Insecticide Testing. 233 Oil emulsions, power-driven mixer for 199 Orchard tests for codling moth control in West 215 Oviposition cage, European com borer... --.227 PAINTER, H. R., and VANCE, A. M.: An Improved Oviposition Cage for ijlothe of the European Corn Borer. 227 Parasitization studies, percentage tables for 172 PARKER, L. B.: Procedure for Mass Rearing of Adults af Tiphia vernalis , a Japanese Beetle Parasite 195 and EVANS, B. W. : Apparatus and Method for Reinforcing Maps for Field Use .177 Pea — aphids, stock plants, production teclinique 170 weevil, sweeping to detemiiU' ^d^re to dust .193 weevil, trap for 163 Pear psylla, trap board as control measure .• 220 Pectinophora gossypiella . See Pink bollworm. Percentage tables, numbers 1-250 172 PEAY, W. E., BRINDLEY, T. A., and HINMAN, F. G.: A Dust-Mixing Apparatus for Preparing Small Quantities of Coated or Impregnated Dust for Laboratory Dee 188 Pectinophora gossypiella . £eg Bollworm, pink. PHILLIPS, G. L., MCQOVRAN, E. R., and MAYER, £. L.: A Measured Drop Method of Applying Liquid Insecticides I65 Photography, technique for insects 173 Plant repellence, selectivity cage for testing 20^ Plates, counting, for low-power magnification .208 -u- POLLaED, H, N., and BRUBaKER, K. W.: Deterralnning the Catches of Ciga- rette Beetles and Tobacco Moths in Insect Traps 186 fopillia .lapofiica^ Sag Japanese beetle. POTTS, S. F.: A Wheelbarrow Assembly for Applying Concentrated Sprays to Experimental Plots 198 Psvlla DYricoIa. See P ear psylla. P\inch, foot-operated 175 Quarantined products, for methyl bromide dispenser fumigating. 156 Rack, sample-carrying • 168 fiEID, W. J., Jr.: A System of Classifying Cabbage According to the Extent of Caterpillar injury 160 Repellents, Gulf Coast tick, testing method . . .152 Residue studies , leaf punch for 189 Routing system, chemical samples for Insecticide tests 233 RUSK, H. W.: A Mobile Sample-Cariying. Rack 163 Sample-carrying rack • 168 Sampling devices for insect population measurement 183 Scale, California red, resuring and parasitizing method • . . • .213 SCHECHTEh, MILTON 5., and HALL, S. A., and FLECK, EliUER E.: Chemical Determination of DOT , ,211 Scirtothrips cltri. See Cttrus thrips. Scoop for collecting insects 171 Shaker, hand-operated, for sifting soil 185 SHAI^BS, W. A., SIMPSON, G. W., and LATHROP, F. K.: An Aphid Trap 196 SHILLER, IVAN: A Hibernation Cage for the Pink Bollworm 226 Shipping container for adult insects... 221 SHIRCK, F. H.: A Hand-Operated Shaker for Sifting Soil 185 Counting Plates for Use With Low- Power Magnification 206 Sifting machine, fast-motion. 209 SIMPSON, G. W., SHANDS, W. A., and LATHROP, F. H.: An Aphid Trap 196 SMITH, FLOYD F., GOODHUE, L. D. , and BALLINGER, W. R. : Dispenser for Aerosols and Highly Volatile Fumigaats • 216 LUNG, PAUL H., and BOSWELL, ANTHONY L.: An Air-Pressure Tank for Use in the Field Application of Liquid Sprays 218 SNAPP, PLIVER I.: Method and Equipment for Conducting Laboratory ^E^eriments With Insecticides far the Control of Insects Thit Pupat* in the Soil '. 201 Soil- injector, methyl broaid* 203 sh&ker for sifting 185 sifting machine, power-driven 181 Sprayer — leveling device for 202 power, for concentrated insecticide. 231 Sprays — air-pressure tank for field application 218 injector for mixing 217 suspensions, apparatus for testing. .208 testing chamber. ,229 wbeelbarxx>« assembly for applying. . .198 STONE, PHILIP ?.: Technique Employed in Producing Uniform Pea Aj.hld Stock for Insecticide Tests at Madison, Wis 1/ -15- STUCKER, CALVIW L. , HENUER^ON, CHAb. F., and mCBURNIE, HOKACE V.: A Labora- tory Method for Rearing and Parasitizing the California Red Scale for Toxicological Studies 213 Suction attachment, for wheelbarrow power duster 207 Sweep net — improvements 169 use in pea weevil control 193 Synergism and insecti'ciae analysis.... 223 Tank, air-pressure — appLication of liquid fumigants 210 application of sprays 213 Temperature-humidity — controlled cabinets 159 regulation in incubators 167 TENHET, JOSEPH N.; A Power Sprayer for Applying Concentrated Insecticides 231 A Special Chamber for Testing Insecticidal bpraya 229 Thrips — Berlese funnel for collecting 157 population estimation device 173 Tick, Gulf Coast, repellents, testing method 152 Tiphia vemalis , rearing method 195 Tobacco — flea beetles, recovery cage ....197 moths, determining catches in insect traps. 186 Trap— aphiid ' 196 board for pear psylla scouting 220 mechanical, for sampling aerial insect populations 163 Tree- trunk screen cage 132 VAWCE, A. M., and PAINTEh, H. R.: An Improved Oviposition Cage for Moths of the European Corn Borer 227 WADLEY, F. M.: The Evidence Required to Show Synergistic Action of Insecticiaes and a Short Cut in Analysis 223 WALKDEN, fi. H., and BARRE, H. J.: An Air-Pressure Tank for the Pneumatic Application of Liquid Fumigants 210 l/ater-seal fumigator, low-cost 154. Wheelbarrow — assembly for spraying 193 power dvister, suction attachment for dust removal , ,207 Wind-direction recorder, portable 153 YBOMAl^S, 1/lAI^lNG S, , and KALOOSTIAN, GEORGE H. : A Sticky Trap Board Used in Scouting of Pea Psylla 220 YORK, G. T., and DAVIS, E. W. : An Insect Selectivity Cage for Testing Plant Repellence. • .204 YOTHERS, M. A., and CARLSOiv, F. W.: A Power-Driven Soil-bifting Macliine..l31 A Satisfactory Tree-Trunk Screen Cage 182 o o o o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llilililiililiilli 3 1262 09242 9587