/MA"fP\'\iif'] NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1367 HEAT TRANSFER, DIFFUSION, AND EVAPORATION By Wilhelm Nusselt Translation "Warmeiibergang, Diffusion und Verdunstung. " Z.a.M.M. , Bd. 10, Heft 2, Apr. 1930. Washington March 1954 UNIVERSOY OF H OOm DOCUMr-r-: "jgovFTinr ^^^n^rt ^ircpo-, NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMDRANDUM 1367 HEAT TRANSFER, DIFFUSION, AND EVAPORATION"'- By Wilhelm Nusselt Although it has long been known that the differential equations of the heat-transfer and diffusion processes are identical, application to technical problems has only recently been made. In 1916 it was shown (ref . l) that the speed of oxidation of the carbon in iron ore depends upon the speed with which the oxygen of the combustion air diffuses through the core of gas surrounding the carbon surface. The identity previously referred to was then used to calculate the amount of oxygen diffusing to the carbon surface on the basis of the heat transfer be- tween the gas stream and the carbon surface. Then in 1921, H. Thoma (ref. 2) reversed that procedure; he used diffusion experiments to de- termine heat-transfer coefficients. Recently Lohrisch (ref. 3) has extended this work by experiment. A technically very important appli- cation of the identity of heat transfer and diffusion is that of the cooling tower, since in this case both processes occur simultaneously. A relation obtained in the course of such an analysis was given by Lewis (ref. 4) and checked by Robinson (ref. 5), Merkel (ref. 6), and Wolff (ref. 7). In the following it will be shown that more accurate equations must be substituted for those used in the previous investigations of the relation between the quantity of matter exchanged by diffusion and the quantity of heat transferred by conduction. A rigid body having a uniform surface temperature T^ is cooled by an air stream having a speed wq and a temperature Tq. According to Fourier, a quantity of heat d^Q = -X^ dF dt (1) then flows into the air stream in the direction n normal to the sur- face element through a surface element dF in the time dt. In this -'-"Warmeubergang, Diffusion und Verdunstung. " Z.a.M.M. , Bd. 10, Heft 2, Apr. 1930, pp. 105-121. 2 NACA TM 1367 St equation, -r— is the instantaneous temperature gradient at the surface in the direction of the normal, and X is the thermal conductivity of air. If equation (l) is applied to an element of space in a gas stream, the following differential equation is obtained for the temperature field in an air stream: TCp § = Xv't (2) p where y density of air Cp specific heat of unit mass X thermal conductivity of air Therefore, the Navier-Stokes equations of motion involving u, v, and w are to be understood. For the diffusion problem, air can be treated approximately as a homogeneous body, since the molecular weights of its components nitrogen and oxygen are only slightly different. Air is now considered to be mixed with the diffusing gas, for example, ammonia or water vapor . The concentration of the water vapor at an arbitrary point in the air stream is designated c; that is, for exan^ile, there are c kilograms of ammonia in 1 cubic meter of air. In the similarity ex- periment of Thoma (ref . 2), the surface of the rigid body was made of blotting paper saturated with concentrated phosphoric acid. Ammonia is absorbed very actively by such a surface, so that the partial pressure and, hence, the concentration of ammonia is very small. In a cooling tower the diffusion stream proceeds in an outward direction from the water drops. The vapor pressure and, hence, the water-vapor concen- tration at the surface of the drop is accordingly dependent upon the water temperature. If p^ is the partial pressure of the diffusing gas at the surface of the body and pq that in the air stream, then the driving force of the diffusion stream is the partial-pressure difference p^ - pq. ^The following nomenclature is used herein in the case of variables dependent upon time and the three coordinates x, y, and z: ^=^+u$+v^+w^ dt ot ox oy oz Sx^ Sy2 Sz2 V^T = NACA TM 1367 If now, again, n is a running coordinate representing the normal to the surface element dF, then the quantity of vapor diffusing through the surface dF is given by the basic relation of Fick; d^G. = -k 1^ dF dt (3) -■- on in which c vapor concentration, kg/cu m Sc/Sn gradient of vapor concentration in direction normal to surface k diffusion coefficient, sq m/sec If an element of space is taken in the air stream, exchange of vapor between such an element and its environment occurs partly through diffusion and partly through streaming (sensible motion) . This fact leads to the differential equation: ^ = kV^c (4) dt The agreement between equations (l) and (3) as well as between (2) and (4) is immediately recognizable. Accompanying a calculation of temperature field from diffusion field or vice versa, there must also exist, however, an equivalence of boundary conditions. The temperatures T^ and Tg of the heat transfer correspond to the gas concentrations c^ and cq of diffusion. But, while during heat transfer the gas velocity is zero at the surface of the cooled body, there exists at that point, in the case of diffusion, a finite gas-velocity component normal to the body surface. This difference is easy to see if a one- dimensional diffusion process is studied in a tube under steady-state conditions. Suppose a tube I meters long is filled with air and ammonia. Suppose also that by certain experimental means the concen- trations at the ends of the tube are held at different, although con- stant, values. Then a quantity G-|_ kilograms per hour of ammonia diffuses through the tube in one direction, and a quantity of air Gg in the other direction. If x is a running coordinate, c-|_ the ammonia, and cg the air concentration, then ^1 = -^1 dF (5) and G2 = ^2 ^ (5a) dc2 4 NACA TM 1367 where k^^ and kg are the diffusion coefficients. If the partial pressures of ammonia and of air are p-, and pg, respectively, then dpi GiRiT = -ki -^ (6) and dp 2 GgRgT = ^2 -^ ^g^j Integration of equations (6) and (6a) yields GiRiT = -kipi + Ci (7) and G2R2T = kgpg + Cg (7a) hence a linear variation of partial pressures. If gravitational in- fluence is now ignored, the total pressure pg in the tube is constant. Hence, Pi + P2 = PO (8) It then follows from equations (7) and (7a) that ki = k2 = k (9) and G^RiT = G2R2T = Vpo (10) that is, the same volume, evaluated at the total pressure, diffuses in both directions. "^ Moreover, with the notation of figure 1, V=| (pi- -Pi") = I (P2" -V2') (11) and ^1 = I (ci' - ci") (12) 3 These are obviously in error; x lacking. 4 ki and k2 are equal, but it does not follow from this argument. NACA TM 1367 as well as G2 = f (C2" - C2') (12a) Therefore, according to this example, the partial pressure and the con- centration of ammonia vary linearly along the tuhe axis. Now, the experimental situation in the case of the cooling tower and in the diffusion research of Thoma (ref . 2) was otherwise. In the case of the tube, the boundary conditions are different at one tube end. If that end is closed with blotting paper saturated with phosphoric acid, there is set up, for the case of linear (axial) diffusion, the equivalent of Thoma 's experiment; or, if that end is closed and the bottom covered with water, a situation corresponding to that of the cooling tower is obtained. Further, Stefan (ref. 8) and Winkelmann (ref. 9) determined the diffusion coefficient k for the diffusion of water vapor in air with this arrangement. It will now be shown that in this instance linear variation of the partial pressure along the tube axis is not attained in the case of the stationary diffusion stream. Once again, air and ammonia, or water vapor, are counter diffusing. Since, however, one end is impermeable to air, no transport of air along the tube can take place. Because of the gradient of partial pressure of air, air must diffuse in the axial direction. This molecular air transport must work against a convective air transport; that is, a sensible flow of gas in the direction of the tube axis must occur. This flow will be represented by the symbol u. Then, for the flow of air the equation is dcp Gg = = UC2 + k -^ (13) or, after introduction of the partial pressure, fi .Qdr in which the value of the parameter e is uncertain. It lies between 1.1 and 1.75. NACA TM 1367 19 From the last equations, a ^'^p^ ^ = a - (1-a) -T (65) There is obtained, therefore, the desired relation: G X k rc„k a + (i-a) — ^ w -0 -w (66) If this is compared with equation (23a), it is seen that the two functions can be distinguished only with respect to the dependency on the fraction ycpk/\. Since n > and < a< 1, both relations lead to increasing values [of Q/G] with increasing values of ircpk/x. In the case of gases, only a small range of variation of this fraction, in the vicinity of unity, occurs and is, therefore, of significance. If agreement of the two relations is demanded, there is obtained as the connection between two constants the expression^ n = 1 (67) Then, if n = 0.4, a = 0.6. II. EVAPORATION OF WATER Stefans should be credited with having first recognized that the evaporation of water is a problem of diffusion. At the same time, he developed the theory of diffusion. It is necessary to distinguish among several different cases in connection with diffusion. Consider first a quiet surface of water at the same temperature as the overlying air. If the relative humidity of the air is less than 100 percent, water evaporates; that is, superheated water vapor diffuses into the air from the water surface. Since, under the same conditions, water is lighter than air, an air-streaming occurs. Above the water a , rising current of air develops that sucks dry air over the water sur- face. Through that mechanism the evaporation is increased. If a wind blows over the water surface, a further increase in evaporation occurs as a consequence of turbulence. If the water temperature differs from This, from a + (l-a) (l+A) = (l+A)'^, ora+l+A-a-aA= l+nA+.. .etc. 20 NACA TM 1367 the air temperature, an intrinsic influencing of the evaporation occurs, while because of the resulting heat exchange the convection is influenced. Evaporation in Still Air and in Uniform Temperature Field Above a surface of water of area F having a representative dimension L, a layer of air exists, the density of which, at some distance away, is xq and the specific humidity of which is Cq. At the water surface the humidity content of the air is c^. At any point above the [water] plane the vapor content of the air increases as a consequence of evaporation; it becomes lighter and suffers a lift Z in the amount Z = (c (68) where |j. is the apparent molecular weight of dry air and \i-^ that of damp air. For the diffusion field, diffusion equation (4) then applies, The Navier -Stokes equations of motion are required for the determina- tion of the velocity components appearing therein (eq. 4); in these equations, the lift Z appears as an external force acting in the direction of negative gravity; and, therefore, ^0 dw _ ■g" dt - ^ + TlV^W (69) In this expression, the air density Xq can be assumed constant. A similarity consideration leads to the expression for the concentration gradient at the water surface: dc dz ^w - Cq $ 3 fJL ^ A^l - 1 )(cw Co) BT 0' gTl (70) The vapor mass evaporating per unit time from the water surface G is calculated according to equation (14). If the value of u accord- ing to equation (l9) and the following value of c-. ^ ~ RT (VI) NACA TM 1367 21 are substituted in equation (14), then -kF dc G = where p is the total pressure. Pw dz ("72) ~ P~ If the concentration gradient is now replaced by its equivalent according to equation (70), the rate of vapor evaporation becomes G = k -; r «- F^ 1) (cw • - co) Tig ' kr g.^ (73) Evaporation in Wind and in Uniform Temperature Field Over a water surface a wind passes whose speed at some distance from water has the uniform value Wq. The air and water temperatures are identical. Gravitational influences can accordingly be ignored if the airspeed exceeds several meters per second. Therefore, the ob- servations and formulas of section I apply (ref. 17). It follows that, by equation (22), the rate of water evaporation is w G=kL(c„ - Cq) f (^, ^) (22) If the assumption is now made that the velocity u arising from the evaporation normal to the water surface can be ignored, the function f of equation (22) can be taken over from the corresponding heat- transfer problem in accordance with equation (21). The results of reference 17 should be considered here. A copper plate heated elec- trically to 50° C, and having a dimension on a side of 0.5 meter is cooled by an air stream having a temperature of 20° C. For w > 5 meters per second, the following value was obtained: 7ft a= 6.14WQ ' kcal/(m2)(hr)(°C) (74) It follows that in equation (24), if m = n, .0.78 (^) f = 0.065 I ^ I (75) 22 NACA TM 1367 In equation (22) there is obtained, accordingly, 0.78 m f = 0.065 [-T- I (75a) Therefore, the expression for the amount of water evaporating from a water area of F square meters in an hour becomes , .0.22 fk\ 0.78 , , , , , G = 39F [j^j Wq (cw - Cq) kg/hr (76) where k is the diffusion coefficient according to the research of Mache (ref. 18): k = Z8(_T_j- 3,,/,, („) in which the total pressure p is to he used. Evaporation with Heat Exchange in Still Air It will now be assumed that the temperature T of the water sur- face is different from the temperature Tq of the air. Hence, heat transfer occurs in addition to diffusion. In this instance, both processes are coupled through the resulting air stream to the extent that air-lifting is caused by both the lesser specific gravity of the water vapor and the heating of the air. Instead of equation (68) of section II, the lift Z per cubic meter has the value Z = ror(T - Tq) + (c - Cq)^^ - ij (68a) Here T and c are the temperature and specific humidity at any place in the field, Xq is the specific gravity of dry air at a great dis- tance from the water surface at which the conditions pg and Tq pre- vail, and r is the coefficient of expansion of air: r = 1/t (78) In the case of excesses of temperature that are not too great, r = 1/Tq (78a) NACA TM 1367 23 approximately. Then -^0 To) + (^ - Co) ik - ^) (68b) "becomes the value of the body force in the equation of motion (69). Moreover, equation (2) of heat conduction and equation (4) of diffusion must be used. With the abbreviations and E = ■D L-'tq '(Tw - To) c = gCpTl 'o (^ C w =o' gTl D = kTo > similarity considerations lead to the relations (79) G = kL(c^ - Cq) #1 (B,E,C,D) (80) and Q = XL(T„ - Tq) $2 (B,E,C,D,) (80a) where $ -^ and $2 are initially unknown functions of the variables B, E, C, and D. The formulation is significantly simpler and clearer if it is assumed that equation (28) applies, that is. k = p' for then C = D (28) (28a) 24 NACA TM 1367 In this case T and c are proportional to each other. Equation (29) applies and, then. G = k(c, - Cq) = ^O^P^^T^ (81) The exchanged heat and evaporated moisture stand, therefore, in a very simple relation to each other. If the values of G and Q according to equations (80) and (80a) are substituted in equation (81), $-^ = $2 (81a) which is valid only if equation (28) obtains. For the determination of the function * there is introduced, as a matter of expediency, a new dependent variable: To /n \ S = T - Tq + — ^- -ij (c - Co) (82) which then leads to the differential equations To dw To 2 Tdt = T^^ + ^'^ and y (83) rocp ^ = XV2S2 from which, through consideration of similarity involving the gradient at the water surface, it follows that ,) ^ T„ - To + ^ (^ - ^) (=v - co^ This gradient can also be calculated by the use of equation (82), from which it follows that aa dT , ^0 dK ^ dT _^ ;^ /M_ _ -j^\ dc 5n Sn Y'o \^-\ J ^ (85) MCA TM 1367 25 If the divergence ("speed of expansion") u at the water surface is considered negligible, equations (l) and (3) apply: Q = -XT T- on and G = -KF 5^ (1) (3) From equations (l), (3), (81), (84), and (85 l^(cw - Co) G = f (B+E), D and ^ ^ XF(T^^_-Co) ^ b+E), cl (86) The second of the equations (86) must also apply for the case c^ - cq = 0, and therefore when E = 0. The equation then goes over into the usual form for heat transfer. If the latter is known, the rate of evaporation G can thus be calculated. On the basis of heat-transfer research (ref. 19), for large values of B/c, the following can be written: Q = ClX I (§) (T^ F "L5r^Cp(T^ - Tq)^" 1/4 XTlT, (87) in which the coefficient C-, is dependent upon the form and orientation with respect to gravity. With equation (87), one now obtains from equation (86) ^ , F ^ Ib + E , s L^ro(T, -To) l'(^- i)K - Cq) kTiT Tlk (c^ - Cq) (88) 26 NACA TM 1367 It should be observed, above all, that this equation is valid only if equation (28) is valid, and, hence, C = D. The values k, X, j, t]j and Cp pertain to the vapor-air mixture and, indeed, are to be taken as mean values over the whole field. The term k is given by equation (77). The thermal conductivity of air X is in the following form in reference 10: 0.00167(1 + 0.000194T) Vt' , , , ^ X = ^ 117 ^ ^ kcal/ (m) (hr ) (°C ) (89 ) Since the thermal conductivity of water vapor in the germane tem- perature range is only slightly less than that of air, the thermal conductivity of the vapor-air mixture can be assumed equal to that of air. The terms x and Cp are to be calculated according to the relation appropriate for a mixture of gases. Thus, there are obtained at t = 50° C (90) ^ =0.87 0.84 kyc P This fraction is different from unity for this vapor-air mixture. Accordingly, equations (80) and (80a) apply. Since equations (30) and (80a) become equations (87) and (88) in the limiting case C = D, in general, in the first approximation, the following can be written: G = and CikF(c„ - cq) f^ (91) XF(T^ - Tq) -1/¥ Q = Ci L y — (92) Then the following is obtained: 4 l=^xtl^ (-) or X ^w - ^0 k^^p^O T„ - To (94) NACA TM 1367 27 If the temperature within the domain falls "below the dewpoint, fog formation is initiated and the equations become invalid. Equation (87), along with equations (88), (91), and (93), is applicable only at large differences of temperature and water-vapor concentration. For small differences, the function f(B/C) can be expressed only by means of a graphical representation. By such a representation, it can be shown that for B + E = 0, f approaches a constant value. If the air temperature Tq is greater than the temperature of the water surface T^, it is possible, for finite values of Tq - T-^^ and Cw " cq, that B + E = 0. In this case, no convective streaming occurs, but rather only a molecular transport of heat and vapor. Hence, for B = -E (95) or there is obtained and ^^^=^f^-l) (95a) G = CnkL(c^ - Crs) (96) Q = C2XL(Tq - T^) (97) Therefore, G k cw - cq (98) Q ^ Tq - Tv The coefficient Co is dependent upon the shape of the water surface. Evaporation with Heat Exchange and Air Flow As in the case of Evaporation in Wind and in Uniform Temperature Field, a wind having a speed Wq flows by a water surface. However, the water temperature T^ and the air temperature Tq are now dif- ferent. With a small partial pressure of water vapor assumed, equations (21), (22), and (23) of section I apply here as well. Since, however, 28 NACA TM 1367 at 50° C the partial pressure of water vapor has already attained a value of 0.125 atmosphere, they must be modified. For the Reynolds number the following will, for brevity, be used: Lworo Re = —^ (79a) On the basis of similarity theory one has again, first of all, the relations and In these, in the case of a smooth water surface such as a tank,-*-^ L is the principal dimension; and for a water drop, it is the diameter. At the water siirface there exists, further, between the rate of evaporation and the concentration gradient the following relation: F = uc^ - k 3^ (14^ where, according to equation (l9), u = -^ (19a) and R-i , in this equation, is the gas constant of water vapor, and p is the total pressure. There is then obtained uc^ = ^ (100) in which p^ is the partial pressure of water vapor at the water surface. If the value of equation (lOO) is used in equation (l4a), the concen- tration gradient at the water surface becomes . ^ . ^ ^\- ^ ^ (101) dn kF lOor pond or pool. MCA TM 1367 29 By the same reasoning, the following applies for heat transport: Q = UTc„ (T^ - To) - X 3t (14b) and, with equation (19a), -i = xT[^-^^^p(^w-To)] (102) From equations (99), (99a), (lOl), and (102), the relation sought between Q and G is Q _ / Pw \ X(T. - To)f(Re,C) ^^ G- [^ p j Mo^ - Co)f(Re,D) ^ n^ ^P^^w '^q) U03) If the value of f given by equation (24) is substituted in equation (103), (24), From equations (lOl) and (99a) there is obtained, with equation G = bkF(c^ - Cq) k, m (i-2?) ">" and, at the same time, from equation (l03a), (104) Q = bF(T^ - Tq) 2_ ^^gp^(cw - ^o) Re m (105) If c-^f = Cqj no evaporation occurs and equation (105) becomes equation (24). 30 NAG A TM 1367 Vapor Pressure at Water Surface It is natural to assume that, at the evaporating water surface, the vapor pressure is equal to the pressure at the saturation value corre- sponding to the water temperature T^, and that, therefore, Pw "= Ps* At the same time, the vapor concentration at the water surface then becomes c - r - ^w ' Trn (106) that is, it is equal to the saturation density. That this, however, is not the case has already been conjectured by Winkelmann (ref . 9) and then demonstrated by Mache (ref. 18), who found, on the basis of a thorough research on evaporation in a cylindrical tube, that the follow- ing relation exists between the rate of evaporation and the pressure in question: |T = Kb(Ps - Pw) (107) that is, the vapor pressure over the water surface, during evaporation, is always smaller than the saturation pressure corresponding to the temperature of the water surface. The coefficient Kq is a temperature function that unfortunately has not yet been precisely determined. If the density of vapor instead of the partial pressure is introduced in equation (107), F=Pi(^"- -w) (108) where is the saturation concentration of water vapor at the water temperature T^j and |3-|^ is a constant dependent upon temperature, which, according to the researches of Mache, assumes values dependent upon the water temperature as indicated in the following table of values; t,, °c Ko, 1/hr Pi, m/hr 92.4 87.8 82.1 27.5 0.0086 .0080 .0084 .084 148 133 108 925 Unfortunately, it is precisely in the technically important temperature NACA TM 1367 31 range between 0° and 50° C that only a single experimental value is available. Application to Psychrometer of August For many technical applications of the diffusion relations pre- viously developed, it is appropriate to calculate the evaporation coefficient on the basis of the heat-transfer analog, as has already been done in the treatment of burning and vaporization of the carbon in iron ore (ref. l) . Set G = pF(c" - cq) kg/hr (109) from which the dimensions of the evaporation coefficient are p = m/hr (110) In the case of August's psychrometer, evaporation takes place from a moist thermometer in still air. In such an instance, equation (91) applies in the calculation of the mass of water evaporating per unit time. If, further, an evaporation coefficient p_ is inserted, where 4 k P2 = CiJa5^ (111) ^— then, equation (91) becomes G = p2F(c^ - Cq) (91a) Further, equation (108) still applies. If the unknown concentration c-jj is eliminated between equations (l08) and (91a), the evaporation coefficient p in equation (109) becomes When the heat transferred along the stem of the thermometer is ignored, the heat balance of the wetted thermometer may be expressed as Q = G fr + Cp(T^ - Ts)J (113) In this expression, T^ is the temperature of the wetted thermometer, Ts the saturation temperature corresponding to the partial pressure 32 NACA TM 1367 p of the water vapor at the surface of the wetted thermometer, r the heat of vaporization at the pressure p^, and c the specific heat of the limiting curve [?] at the same pressure. If Tq is the environment temperature, as measured with a dry thermometer, the heat extracted from the surroundings is Q = aF(To - T^) (114) The heat-transfer coefficient a consists of two parts, several terms of a sum a^, covering the heat conveyed by thermal conduction to the thermometer, and a portion as that gives the magnitude of heat radia- tion. The latter is ^s = Cs -^ i -T — (115) where Cg is the radiation coefficient of water, that is, Cg = 3.35 kcal/(m2)(°C*) (116) and Tq ' is the mean temperature of the fixed body surrounding the wetted thermometer with which radiation is exchanged. It is certainly approximately equal to the ambient-air temperature Tq, yet surely not quite precisely equal. Herein, under certain conditions, exists a not unimportant source of error in psychrometry. This source of error can successfully be eliminated (as was communicated to the author by Dipl.-Ing. Kaissling) by surrounding the wet thermometer by a radiation shield, which consists, as does the wet thermometer itself, of a wetted surface. If Tq ' = Tq and the attainment of room temperature is assumed, equation (115) becomes, approximately, ag = Cg (115a) 11 "This does not seem to be correct. Dimension time"! apparently missing in equation (116), 12n NACA TM 1367 33 The heat-transfer coefficient a. is dependent upon the flow conditions in the vicinity of the thermometer. If the psychrometer is hanging in a region in which the air is quiet, then, according to equation (92), x' a-b = Ci ^ /^ K^ (117) in which the constant C-j^ 1^ dependent upon the configuration of the thermometer well. For a cylindrical well of height H, Ci = 0.83 (118) In equation (116 [117]), L is replaced by H. If the wetted thermometer is placed in a current of air, there is obtained, for example, for a plate-shaped thermometer, the following relation (ref. 20): ^ ^„ ^, 0.000028Re X 0-^8 X A B + E , , a^ = 0.069 L Re + 0.83 jj '\ I — q — e (119) wherein it is supposed that the wind flows along the thermometer well in a horizontal direction. If, in the energy equation (113), the value of G from equation (109) is inserted, and that of Q from (114), the following psy- chrometer formula is obtained: ^r + Cp(T^ - Tj] (c" - Cq) = (c^ + Cg) ^^ + ^ j (Tq - T^) (120) For the diffusion constant of a plate-shaped, wetted thermometer, the following is obtained with equations (119), (ill), and (117): 0.78 /wol\ .0.78 4 -0.000028 [-^ J 32 = 0.063 Ht) * 0.83 I /\[iire (121) Equation (120 ) gives a decrease of the psychrometer constant with increase of airspeed, which has been well confirmed by the investi- gations of Edelmann, Sworykin, and Recknagel. 34 NACA TM 1367 Application to Theory of Cooling Tower In this [ apparatus] , finely divided warm water trickles downward and is cooled by a rising current of cold air. If, at some point, Wq is the relative speed of the water and air with respect to each other, equations (103), (104), and (105) apply for the heat transfer and evaporation. If the heat-transfer coefficient a and the evaporation coefficient Pg ^^^ now evaluated according to equations (26) and (92a), e-'^ and, with equation (112), (122) n a / Pw\ X f TqC k ^ hX 3lL rgCpTjA ^Cpk(Cy - Cq) / gT^ \ Re m (123) Material on the technical applications of the formulas here pre- sented will soon be published elsewhere.-'-'^ Translated by H. H. Lowell National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 13 Since the transmission of the original manuscript to the editor's office on May 16, 1929, the following papers have appeared: E. Schmidt, Verdunstung und Warmeiibergang, Gesundheitsing. , 1929, p. 525.; R. Mollier, Das ix-Diagramm fiir Dampf luf tgemische, Stodolafestschr . , Zurich, 1929, p. 438; H. Thiesenhusen, Untersuchungen uber die Wasserverdunstungsgeschwindigkeit in Abh'dngigkeit von der Temperatur des Wassers, der Luf tf euchtigkeit und Windgeschwindigkeit, Gesundheitsing., 1930, p. 113. NACA TM 1367 35 REFERENCES 1. Nusselt, W.: Die Verbrennung und die Vergasung der Kohle auf dem Rost. Z.V.D.I., 1916, p. 102. 2. Thoma, H. : Hochleistungskessel. Berlin, Springer, 1921. 3. Lohrisch, H.: Bestimmung von Warmeubergangszahlen durch Diffusions- versuche, Diss., Munchen, 1928. 4. Lewis: The Evaporation of a Liquid into a Gas. Mech. Eng., 1922, p. 445. 5. Robinson: The Design of Cooling Towers. Mech. Eng., 1923, p. 99. 6. Merkel: Verdunstungskiihlung . Forsch. -Art. , VDI, Heft 275, 1925. 7. Wolff: Untersuchungen uber die Wasseruckkilhlung in kiinstlich beliifteten. Kiiiilwerken. Munchen, Oldenbourg, 1928. 8. Stefan: Versuche uber die Verdampfang. Wiener Ber., Bd. 68, 1874, p. 385. 9. Winkelmann, A.: Uber die Diffusion von Gasen und Dampfen. Ann d. Phys., Bd. 22, 1884, p. 1. 10. Nusselt: Das Grundgesetz des Warmeuberganges . Gesundheitsing. , 1915, p. 477. 11. Nusselt: Der Warmeubergang im Rohr. Forsch. -Arb. , VDI, Heft 89, 1910. 12. 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Z.V.D.I., Bd. 70, 1926, p. 763. NACA TM 1367 37 o P( o ■• o y B^ ^^ "^o "*■ >» ^^-^"^ ^^ ^ >— ==*c '— ^ CO •H NACA-Langley - 3-26-54 - 1000 S2 S soil's S Z Z IS) M 3 ^ i-J B H < n O 2 W _ ^ P « z 5z 5 fe Bh o Q O ^ 2 > z 1 ■**• z z « a ■So S .2 rt < XI "o t, - ■= E; *5 = m .-co" S3 in =2 • •;?<».- > Q -H . I o 3 , T3 S S £ S ^ .2 ■" 111 SI C "-I — -e CO % 03 ja Qi U CO rt S£ •a rt o Si ■c 3 o- o o-a ^ ? cu — s: 01 ■" -ii' MO. ' B O hO QQ -■2.2 s §1 •^ QJ ■as o S3 ■o " U T3 = .2 ■^ £ .° ,« « a, « Q) S t« 2 ^ -^ 01 rt .^ <- 'Tl o >• 0) !; ti y 0) a a " S E rt ? 2 0-. § g oa - C ; .^ CO Q, QJ *** u. •*■ OJ < < z o S 4) o Z N rt < m O 13 e U o _ ^ P 41 Z <:< «BH Z (U O ii m a» o P t- 2 Sh 2 > z < §H u-2 «; •< rt W Z Z K boCJ s <: « o 5 Z -a " 01 ^-^ c 55 C rt "^ 3 . a ^ ■2 £ S -c t^ t-f bD S (1) bO e S- >.2 rt < •a ■a u - ti rt '-' ;: 01 o £ .5 C Tl ■" T3 D. >> 01 2.= ^- 01 £ S -J .S •" rt .15 c 1- td -S S n, O T3 a, ts t; c ■ £g2| ■S .S .P p ^ 01 c o £ "2 » .-CO 3 .^ O -H !a in » ^• •;:; o> S > P -H _ ••§-; "S CD -r, S "o S*.2 ; >> 01 ■o 3 ; O i3 o 01 ^ c o o > ■^ 4) .2 C 2£ i3 <" " ,1, TO m rt 2 ^ 01 -• £ P-O'... 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H S d S (U o • -• - nl "U b m .5 I. — Q rt » 3£.a C -rl ■" T3 « -S -w *j s *^ .■ ■a xT ■"' S S "2 g S « S « 3 a o v u c c . £ 0) g 41 >,.2 o o. ■■? 01 ^ 5 c 0) c o •3 ? o o £ ■s o "o >s (U iOli c o o > " £ >> ^ .2 JJ 01 nl :3 to — ' a S aj g CJ r" 3 - ^ Q, O I- 3 O" ■ m . o ^ K u 5 rt Q, c z a g rt o a rt g- i 0—3 h u c 2 - _ 01 * 01" ■- rt 3 c 01 «^ M o !S o .S 2 ^ *j 2 rt o .a 3 -. (U o ■H rt -*- tn 5 S£ u -& 5 M i< «5 ^ rt _2 « 5 « ^ 3 S :3 -^ ta r> '"^ ^ 01 fi r -1 > *j § S=2 H^^ ^- rt 00 y .ti 01 3 a S 01 rt •0 jfi c u rt 11 01 s bina acM < . K m O o _ ^ p 0) z << 2z" "2 2w ■a 3 o Q O . P^K t- 2 [K 2 > z S ^ DC < rt W z z a §2 bOO s <;2o 5 Z -a « 3 . % . ■2 2 « M *^ " ho — 01 bD S' 9. >.5 rt < •a T) u, . fi ~ *^ fi P -H 0) . -J- ISl J• 01 -5 ^ • rt .13 fi I a *^ "2 ■D '" S a* 2 rt 01 -S ^ 01 ^ rt 3 a 01 u fi j= 01 fi 3 O T3 ^ rt) V rt '- 2 •" a t s -^ .. d ai fi rt fi o £ S > ^ § fi 0) >- S fi il ^ o o ^ » " - " "^ o z5 o bo 03 1^.2| ^ o a ■a 5 x> .t: 01 o rt^^-a art §5 ¥ m 5 "O :rt 3 rtl r^ C 7 c ai rt C 01 Lh I (• 01 Lh ' ;rt 3 ^ J _ t-' rt M as a T §|"|s 2- S rt- H ^ H S d •r* 01 ^ i; ai o rt 01 rt :Z m ^ c 01 ai " 2- rt °-2 sis 01 m ^ •;; o rt I o _ t, i ai g g - rt S £ ^ 3 o" ™ ai • 3 :3 ai 3 rt N t- o c ai o a s "" - rt 2 0. 0, 01 o ■" ^- rt Q. r > fi 01 T3 01 anjs S « 2 "" rt o u ^ 01 rt . ^ T. ° fr 01 !; t. " l*-! rt Q. fi 01 a S rt s a rt S" rt r o u o *- 3 ~ -. 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