UBRARt fTATE PL/.NT BOAR© Technical Series, No. 20, Part II. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BTJRE^XJ OF" K::N^a:oM:oLo&Y. L. 0. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. TECHNICAL PAPERS ON MISCELLANEOUS TOEEST INSECTS. II. THE GENOTYPES OF THE SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS, OR THE SUPERFAMILY TENTHREDINOIDEA. S, A. ROHWER, Agent and Expert. Issued ^Iabch 4, 1911. AVASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1911. Technical Series, No. 20, Part II. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BTJREATJ OW ENTOIMOLOG^Y. L. 0. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. TECHNICAL PAPERS ON MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. II. THE GENOTYPES OF THE SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS, OR THE SUPERFAMILY TENTHREDINOIDEA. BY S. A. ROHWER, Agent and Expert. Issued March 4, 1911. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1911. BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. C. L. Marlatt, Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chief. R. S. Clifton, Executive Assistant. W. F. Tastet, Chief Clerk. F. H. Chittenden, in charge of truck crop and stored product insect investigations. A. D. Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. W. D. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect investigations. F. M. Webster, in charge of cereal and forage insect investigations. A. L. QuAiNTANCE, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. E. F. Phillips, in charge of bee culture. D. M. Rogers, in charge of preventing spread of moths, field icork. RoLLA P. Currie, in charge of editorial work. Mabel Colcord, librarian. Forest Insect Investigations. A. D. Hopkins, in charge. H. E. Burke, J. L. Webb, Josef Brunner, S. A. Rohwer, T. E. Snyder, W. D. Edmonston, W. B. Turner, agents and experts. Mary E. Faunce, preparator. William Middleton, Mary C. Johnson, slvdent assistants. II LETTER OE TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C, October 22, 1910. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a manuscript entitled ^^The Genotypes of the Sawflies and Woodwasps, or the Superfamily Tenthredinoidea." These insects belong to this superfamily of the order Hymenoptera and include some of the important enemies of North American forest trees. The true sawflies, in their larval stage, destroy the foliage of coniferous and other trees and forest growths and some of them are exceedingly destructive, as, for example, the larch sawfly, which feeds upon the foliage of the larch timber of Europe and North America. The woodwasps, in their larval stage, bore in the wood of dying and dead standing and felled trees, causing defects and rapid deterioration. In addition to the large number of species which are native to this country, there are some very destructive species which have found their way here from other countries, so that it is of the greatest importance to know all of the species and to guard against further introductions. Both the systematic and economic knowledge of these insects is notably limited, especially as regards North American species, and it is of the utmost importance, as a basis for the best results in investi- gations of these insects in their relation to economic problems, that considerable purely technical work should be done on them. Mr. Rohwer has been engaged to work on the sawflies on account of his extended expert knowledge of this group of insects and the work he had done on them before he came to the Bureau. As a collaborator of this Bureau, but at his own expense, Mr. Rohwer visited the principal collections of Europe in the summer of 1909 to study the types of described species and genera, all of which puts him in a position to carry on the research work assigned to him in the most thorough manner. Mr. Rohwer has found it necessary to devote considerable time to preliminary work on the entire group and on the genera of the world in order to have an authoritative basis for the further work of a monographic nature on the more III IV LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. important groups represented by species which depredate on trees and forest growths. The present paper includes the partial results of his preliminar}^ work, which has been prosecuted with such energy as to leave little more to be done in this line. Mr. Rohwer's future papers will deal with special groups which will be treated in a monographic manner in order that a basis may be formed for special papers on the economic features. I recommend the publication of this manuscript as Technical Series No. 20, Part II, of the Bureau of Entomology. Respectfully, L. O. Howard, Chief of Bureau . Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. CONTENTS Page. Introduction 69 An alphabetical catalogue of the generic names used in the Tenthredinoidea, with their type species 69 The designation of the type species of genera 69 Rules of zoological nomenclature for the designation of type species 71 Catalogue 72 An index to the genotypes 92 Synonymy of certain genera 98 The work of William H. Ashmead on the Tenthredinoidea 102 An alphabetical list of the genera of Tenthredinoidea described by William H. Ashmead, with the determined synonymy 103 Bibliography of the more important writings of William H. Ashmead on Tenthredinoidea 104 Description of the genera and species 104 V Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/technicalpapersoOOunit U. S. D. A., B. E. Tech. Ser. 20, Pt. II. F. I. I., March 4, 1911. TECHNICAL PAPERS ON MISCELLANEOUS POREST INSECTS. II. THE GENOTYPES OF THE SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS, OR THE SUPERFAMILY TENTHREDINOIDEA. By S. A. RoHWER, Agent and expert. INTRODUCTION. The following paper deals with the sawfiies and horntails and comprises the superfamilies Tenthredinoidea and Siricoidea of Ash- mead's classification; the Chalastogastra of Rev. F. W. Konow; the Phyllophaga ( = Phytophaga) and Xylophaga of Cressonand authors; or the genera Tenthredo and Sirex of Linnaeus. It is divided into two parts; the first part is an alphabetical catalogue of the generic names used in Tenthredinoidea and Siricoidea with their type species; the second part is composed of descriptions of the briefly characterized genera and species described by the late William 11. Ashmead. An effort has been made to include all the generic names used in these two saperfamilies. In case of any omissions the author will be most pleased to have these called to his notice. '^ AN ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF THE GENERIC NAMES USED IN THE TENTHREDINOIDEA, WITH THEIR TYPE SPECIES. THE DESIGNATION OF THE TYPE SPECIES OF GENERA. The necessity of having the types of genera fijced is now recog- nized by almost every working systematic entomologist. In the designation of the following genotypes the rulings and recommen- dations of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature have been followed. As these rulings and recommendations have never been finally codified, and there are in a few cases apparently contradictory statements, the personal equation has entered into « Address Bureau of Entomology, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 69 70 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. fhe interpretation to some extent. In all such cases an effort is made to follow the consensus of opinion. Article 2, page 11, of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature as applied to medi- cine'^ says: ''The scientific designation of animals is uninominal for subgenera and all higher groups, binominal for species, and trinominal for subspecies." Does this mean that a genus can be founded without included species ? In article 30, page 26, and the correction in Science for October 18, 1907, pages 521-522, it is stated that a genus must have a type and the type must be an included species. In this paper a genus is considered to be without standing until it contains a species; and genera which were founded without species take the first species placed in them as the type and date from the time when that species was placed in them. In such cases the name of the first author of the genus is given first in paren- theses, and, following the parenthesis, the name of the author who first included a species.^ With the exception of monobasic genera the first designation of genotypes in Tenthredinoidea and Siricoidea was done by Latreille in 1810.^ This has been definitely ruled on by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature as follows: The Designation of Genotypes by Latreille 1810. — The "Table des genres avec I'indication de I'espece qui leur sert de type" in Latreille's (1810) "Considerations Generales" should be accepted as designation of types of the genera in question. <^ The next entomologist to fix the types of genera was John Curtis, in his British Entomology, which was published from 1824 to 1839. In this work Curtis says '^t5^e of the genus," which makes it very evident that the author endeavored to fix the types of the genera he treated. J. O. Westwood, in his Synopsis of the Genera of British Insects,'' gives after each genus what he calls a ^'typical species."^ In most cases this species can be taken as the type of the genus in question, and in many it is the first indication of the fixing of a type for many of the genera. Inasmuch as the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature^ has said ''the meaning of the expression * select type' is to be rigidly construed; mention of a species as an illustration or example of a genus does not constitute a selection of a Bui. no. 24, Hygienic Laboratory, Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of United States, September, 1905. & See synonyms of Hartigia Schiodte and Boie, p. 80. c Considerations GiSn^rales sur I'Ordre Naturel des Animaux composant les Classes des Crustac^s, des Arachnides et des Insectes, Paris, 1810. d Science, n. s. vol. 31, no. 787, p. 150, January 28, 1910. « Published as an appendix to "An Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects," vol. 2, London, 1840. / Synopsis, p. 1, footnote. 0 Science, n. s. vol. 2G, no. GG8, p. 521, October 18, 1907. THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS. 71 a type," the 'Hypical species" of Westwoorl are not given as the types of genera except in those cases where no type has been given and the species given by Westwood can be the genotype according to the rules. In the following list, however, the words ''Westwood 1840" are placed after the genotypes of certain genera, for the convenience of the student, should any ruling be given on these ''typical species." With the exception of a few types designated by Brulle^ and Shipp,^few genot3rpes were named except in the works of the two American writers Ashmead and MacGillivray. It was hoped to verify every reference given, but in some few cases this was not possible. In such cases the reference is that given by Dalla Torre. The original descriptions of the following genera have not been seen: XipMura Fallen, Hyhonotus Klug, Nycteridium Fischer- Waldheim, Pow/phohjx Freymuth. RULES OF ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE FOR THE DESIGNATION OF TYPE SPECIES OF GENERA. The ruling of the International Commission on Zoological Nomen- clature^ is reprinted here for ready reference. Some of the recom- mendations which do not deal with any cases found in Tenthredinoidea and which are not of general importance have been omitted. Art. 30. The designation of type species of genera shall be governed by the following rules {a-g), applied in the following order of precedence: I. Cases in which the generic type is accepted solely upon the basis of the original publication. (a) When in the original publication of a genus, one of the species is definitely desig- nated as type, this species shall be accepted as type regardless of any other considera- tions. (Type by original designation.) (6) If, in the original publication of a genus, typicus or typus is used as a new specific name for one of the species, such use shall be construed as "type by original designation." (c) A genus proposed with a single original species takes that species as its type. (Monotypical genera.) (d) If a genus, without originally designated (see a) or indicated (see b) type, con- tains among its original species one possessing the generic name as its specific or sub- specific name, either as valid name or synonym, that species or subspecies becomes ipso facto type of the genus. (Type by absolute tautonomy.) II. Cases in which the generic type is not accepted solely upon basis of the original publication : (e) The following species are excluded from consideration in selecting the types of genera: (a) Species which were not included under the generic name at the time of its original publication. « Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Hymenopteres, vol, 4, Paris, November, 1846. b Entomologist, vol. 27, pp. 339-340, 1894. c See Science, n. s. vol. 26, no. 668, pp. 521-522, October 18, 1907. 67595°— No. 20, pt 2—11 2 72 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. (^) Species which were species inquirendx from the standpoint of the author of the generic name at the time of its publication. (7-) Species which the author of the genus doubtfully referred to it. (/) In case a generic name without originally designated type is proposed as a sub- stitute for another generic name, with or without type, the type of either, when established, becomes ipso facto type of the other. {g) If an author, in publishing a genus with more than one valid species, fails to designate (see a) or to indicate (see 6, d) its type, any subsequent author may select the type, and such designation is not subject to change. (Type by subsequent des^- nation.) The meaning of the expression "select a type " is to be rigidly construed. Mention of a species as an illustration or example of a genus does not constitute a selection of a type. III. Recommendations. — In selecting types by subsequent designation, authors will do well to govern themselves by the following recommendations: Qi) In the case of Linnsean genera select as type the most common or the medicinal species. (i) If a genus, without designated type, contains among its original species one pos- sessing as a specific or subspecific name, either as valid name or synonym, a name which is virtually the same as the generic name, or of the same origin or same mean- ing, preference should be shown to that species in designating the type, unless such preference is strongly contra-indicated by other factors. (Type by virtual tautonomy.) (k) If some of the original species have later been classified in other genera, prefer- ence should be shown to the species still remaining in the original genus. (Type by elimination.) (n) Show preference to the best described, best figured, best known, or most easily obtainable species, or to one of which a type specimen can be obtained. (o) Show preference to a species which belongs to a group containing as large a number of the species as possible. {q) All other things being equal, show preference to a species which the author of the genus actually studied at or before the time he proposed the genus. (r) In case of WTiters who habitually place a certain leading or typical species first as "chef de file," the others being described by comparative reference to this type, this fact should be considered in the choice of the type species. {s) In case of those authors who have adopted the "first species rule" in fixing generic types, the first species named by them should be taken as types of their genera. {t) All other things being equal, page precedence should obtain in selecting a type. CATALOGUE. The various genera accredited to Jurine (Nouv. Meth. Hym. Ins., vol. 1, 1807) have been accredited to Panzer (Krit. Revis., vol. 2, 1806). Panzer accredits the genera to Jurine, but they are in none of Jurine's earlier papers, while he treated them rather fully in 1807. All references to Encyclopedic Methodique, Insectes, vol. 10. 1825, have been changed to ''vol. 10, pt. 2, 1828." Volume 10 came out in two numbers, the second, containing the Tenthredinidse, appearing in 1828. The word ' ' isogenotypic " is used when two genera have the same species as the genotype. The word ''monobasic" is used to indicate that a genus was founded on one originally included species. THE genotype:s of sawflies and wood wasps. 73 The plan in the following list is to give the generic name first, the name of the author second, the original reference third, the type species fourth, the authority for the type fifth. In case the genus was monobasic, an asterisk is placed after tlie type species; in case the genotype was originally designated, the word '^ designated" is placed in parentheses; in case the genus was not monobasic and no genotype has been designated, the type has been chosen and no au- thority is given (see Amauronematus Konow) . Certain apparent syn- onymy, as in the case of isogenotypic genera, is also given. All such synonymy has been verified, and synonymy not verified is not given. The list of genera is believed to be complete, in as far as publications have been received in Washington, D. C, up to January 1, 1911. All the new generic names proposed in this paper are included in the alphabetical catalogue with the reference, ''see p. — .'[ Abia Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 113, no. 5, 1817. Type: Tenthredo sericea Linnseus (Curtis, 1825). Acantholyda A. Costa, Pros. Hym. Ital., vol. 3, p. 232, 1894. Type: Tenthredo erythrocephala Linnaeus (Rohwer, 1910). Acanthoperga Shipp, Ent., vol. 27, pp. 338, 339, 1894. Type: Perga cameroni Westwood (designated). Acanthoptenos Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 212, 1898. Type: Acanthoptenos weithii Ashmead (designated). Acherdocerus W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 92, no. 42, 1882. Type: Acherdocerus fumipennis W. F. Kirby.* Acidiophora Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 361, 1899. Type: Acidiophora decora Konow.* Acordulecera Say, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, no. 3, p. 209, 1836. Type: Acordulecera dorsalis Say.* Adirus Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 74, 1899. Type: Cephus trimaculatus Say.* Agenocimbex Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 39, no. 1777, p. 104, 1910. Type: Cimbex maculata Marlatt (designated). Aglaostigma W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 325, no. 104, 1882. Type: Aglaostigma eburneiguttatum W. F. Kirby.* Allantus Panzer, Krit. Revis., vol. 2, p. 25, 1806. Type: Tenthredo scrophularix Linnseus (Curtis, 1839; Brulle, 1846; Westwood, 1840). =Tenthredo Linnaeus (isogenotypic). Allomorpha Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 463, 1876. Type: Allomorpha incisa Cameron.* Amasis Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 114, no. 6, 1817. Type: Tenthredo obscura Linnseus (Westwood, 1840). Amauronematus Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 237, 1890. Type: Nematus fallax Lepeletier. Ametastegia A. Costa, Rendic. Accad. Sci. Fis. Napoli, vol. 21, pt. 10, p. 198, 1882. Type: Ametastegia fulvipes A. Costa.* = Tenthredo glabrata Fallen. =Taxonus Hartig. 74 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. Anachoreta Gistel, "Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs, " p. ix, 1848 (n. n. ior Lophyrus Latreille). Type: Tenthredo pini Linnaeus. =Diprioii Schrank. Anapeptamena Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 24, p. 271, 1898. Type: Anapeptamena albipes Konow.* Ancyloneura Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 91, 1877. Type: Ancyloneura varipes Cameron.* Aneugmenus Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 253, 1837. Type: Tenthredo (Emphytus) coronata King.* Anisoarthra Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 461, 1876. Type: Anisoarthra coerulea Cameron.* (preocc., = Senoclia Cameron.) Anisoneura Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 463, 1876. Type: Anisoneura stigmaticalis Cameron.* (preocc.,=Beleses Cameron.) Anoplolyda A. Costa, Pros. Hym. ItaL, vol. 3, p. 233, 1894. Type: Lyda alternans O. Costa (Rohwer, 1910). Anoplonyx Marlatt, U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent., Tech. Ser. no. 3, p. 18, 1896. Type: Nematus pectoralis Lepeletier . Antholcus Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hjth. Dipt., vol. 4, p. 3, 1904. Type: Tenthredo varinervis Spinola.* Aomodyctium Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 309, December, 1898. A genus mthout a species. Aphadnurus O. Costa, Fauna Napoli, Tenthred., p. 40, 1859. Type: Aphadnurus tantillus O. Costa.* = Emphytus pumila Klug. =Feiiusa Leach. Aphanisus MacGillivray, Can. Ent., p. 295, August, 1908. Type: Aphanisus lobatus MacGillivray (designated). Aphilodyctium Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 310, 1898. Type: S trongy log aster ruhripes Cresson (designated). Aprosthema Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 149, 1899. Type: Ilylotoma brevicornis Fallen. • Ardis Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 5, pp. 184, 188, no. 4, 1886. Type: Tenthredo (Allantus) bipunctata Klug. Arge Schrank, Fauna Boica, vol. 2, p. 209, no. 231, 1802. Type: Tenthredo enodis Linnaeus. Astatus Jurine, Fauna Insect. Germ., vol. 7, p. 83, fig. 12, 1801. Type: Sirex troglodyta Fabricius. Asticta E. Newman, Ent. Mag., vol. 5, p. 484, 1838. Type: Asticta ianthe E. Newman.* =Harpiphorus lepidv^ Klug. =Harpiphorus Hartig (isogenotypic). Ateuchopus Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 15, p. 174, 1896. Tj^pe: Ateuchopus armenius Konow. AthaUa Loach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 128, no. 2, 1817. Typo: Tenthredo spinarum Fabricius (Curtis, 1836). Athermantus W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 54, no. 32, 1882. Type: Ilylotoma imperalis F. Smith.* THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLTES AND WOODWASPS. 75 Athlophorus Burmeister, Athlophorus, eineneue Gattung der Blattwespen, pp. 1-9, 1847. Type: Athlophorus klugii Burmeister.* Atocus Scudder, Bui. U. S. Geol. Surv., vol. 93, p. 24, pi. 2, fig. 5, 1892. Type: Atocus defessus ^cndder * Atomacera Say, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vol, 1, no. 3, p. 212, 1836. Type: Atomacera debilis S2iy * Aulacomerus Spinola, Ann. Ent. Soc. France, vol. 9, p. 137, 1840. Type: Aulacomerus buquetii Spinola.* Bactroceros Konow, Ann. k. k. Hofmus., Wien., vol. 12, p. 21, 1897. Type: Tenthredo vafer Linnaeus (Rohwer, 1910). =Anoplolyda A. Costa. Bathyblepta Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 6, p. 123, 1906. Type: Bathyblepta procer Konow.* Beldonea Cameron, Mem. & Proc. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc vol. 43, no. 3, p. 35, 1899. Type: Beldonea rugifrons Cameron.* Beleses Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 88, 1877 (n. n. for Anisoneura Cameron, 1876). Type: Anisoneura stigmaticalis Cameron.* Bergiana Konow, Anal. Mus. Buenos Aires, vol. 6, p. 397, 1899. Type: Syzygonia cyanocephala Klug (designated, p. 398). = Syzygoma Klug (isogenotypic). Bivena MacG.illivray, Can. Ent., vol. 26, p. 327, 1894. Type: Bivena maria MacGillivray (designated). = Tenthredo delta Provancher. Blasticotoma Klug, Jahrb. Insectenkunde, vol. 1, p. 270, no. 7, 1834. Tj^e: Blasticotoma filiceti Klug.* Bleimocampa Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 266, 1837. Type: Tenthredo (Allantus) pusilla Klug. Brachycolus Konow, Termes. Fuzetek, vol. 28, pt. 3, p. 166, 1895. Type: Nematus viduatus Zetterstedt. Brachjrphatnus Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 6, p. 250, 1906. Type : Brachyphatnus debilicornis Konow. Brachytoma Westwood, Thes. Ent. Oxon., p. 109, 1874 (non Swainson, 1840). Type: Brachytoma furhipennis Westwood (Ashmead, 1898). Brachyxiphus Philippi, Stett. ent. Zeit., vol. 32, p. 285, 1871. Type: Brachyxiphus grandis Philippi. Braunsiola Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 312, 1899. Type: Braunsiola truculenta Konow.* =Micrarge Ashmead. Busarbia Cameron, Mem. & Proc. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc, vol. 43, no. 3, p. 37, 1899. Type: Busarbia viridipes Cameron.* Cacosyndia W. F. Kirby, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 203, 1883 (n. n. for Pompholyx Freymuth). Type: Pompholyx dimorpha Freymuth (designated). Caenocephus Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 15, p. 151, 1896. Type: Caenocephus jakowleffi Konow.* Caenolyda Konow, Ann. k. k. Hofmus., Wien., vol. 12, p. 15, 1897. Type: Tenthredo reticulata Linnaeus (Rohwer, 1910). 76 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. Caenoneura Thomson, Opusc. Ent., vol. 2, p. 270, 1870. Type: Caenoneura dahlhomi Thomson.* Calaraeuta Konow, \Yien. ent. Zeit., voL 15, p. 159, 1896. Type : Cephus Jiliformis E versmann . Caliroa O. Costa, Fauna Napoli, Tenthred., p. 59, 1859. Type: Caliroa sehetia 0. Costa.* =Allantus cinxia Klug. Caloptilia Ashmead, Can. Ent., voL 30, p. 212, 1898. Type: Caloptilia townsendi Ashmead (designated). Calozarca Ashmead, in Dyar, Joum. N. Y. Ent. Soc, p. 129, 1898; also Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 252, October, 1898. Type: Selandriafascipennis Norton (designated). =Parazarca Ashmead. Camponiscus E. Newman, Ent., vol. 4, p. 215, 1869. Type: Camponiscus healaei E . 'N ewman .* = Tenthredo luridiventris Fallen. =Platycainpus Schiodte. Camptoperga Shipp, Ent., vol. 27, pp. 339-340, 1894. Type: Per^a cressoni Westwood (designated). Camptoprium Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, vol. 9, p. 134, 1840. Type: Camptoprium leprieuri Spinola.* Canonias Konow, Termes. Fuzetek, vol. 24, p. 65, 1901. Type: Canonias inopinus Konow.* Celidoptera Konow, Ann. k. k. Hofmus., Wien., vol. 12, p. 20, 1897. Type: Lyda maculipennis Stein.* Cephaleia Panzer, Fauna Ins. Germ., vol. 8, p. 36, 1805. Type: Tenthredo signata Fabricus (Rohwer, 1910). Cephalocera Klug, Jahrb. Insectenkunde, vol. 1, p. 251, no. 8, 1834. Type: Cephalocera pumila Klug.* (preocc.,=Corynophilus W. F. Kirby). Cephites Heer, Denkschr. schweiz. Ges. Naturwiss., vol. 11, p. 173, no. 18, 1850. Type: Cephites oeningensis Heer. Cephosoma Gradl, Ent. Nachr., vol. 7, p. 294, 1881. Type: Cephosoma syringx Grsidl* =Hartigia Schiodte and Boie. Cephus Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., vol. 3, p. 303, 1802. Type: Sirex pygmxus Linnaeus (Latreille, 1810; Brulle, 1846; Westwood, 1840). Ceratulus MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 454, 1908. Type: Ceratulus spectabilis MacGillivray (designated). Cerealces W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 31, no. 11, 1882. Type: Cerealces scutellata W . F. Kirby.* Cerobactrus O. Costa, Fauna Napoli., Cephid., p. 9, 1860. Type: Cerobactrus major 0. Costa.* = Astatus satyrus Panzer. =Hartigia Schiodte and Boie. Cerospastus Konow, Anal. Mus. Buenos Aires, vol. 6, p. 404, 1899. Type: Cerospastus volupis Konow.* Chalinus Konow, Termee. Fuzetek, vol. 20, j). 605, 1897. T\'[)c: Oryssus plumicornis Guc'tiu. Characophygus Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 73, 1899. Type: Characophygus moricei Konow,* THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFT.TES AND WOODWASPS. 77 Cibdela Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 76, 1899. Type: Hylotoma jantheria King. Cimbex Olivier, Encyl. Method., Ins., vol. 5, p. 762, 1790. Type: Tenthredo lutea Linnaeus (Latreille, 1810). Cladiucha Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 389, 1902, Type: Cladiucha insolita Konow * Cladius Rossi, Fauna Etrusca, ed. 2^, vol. 2, p. 27, 1807. Type: Tenthredo difformis Panzer (Latreille, 1810). Cladomacra F. Smith, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) vol. 6, p. 256, ]860. Type: Cladomacra macropus F. Smith.* Claremontia Rohwer, Can. Ent., vol. 41, p. 397, November, 1909. Type: Claremontia typica Rohwer (designated). Clarissa W. F. Kirby, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) vol. 14, p. 46, 1894. Type: Clarissa divergens W. F. Kirby.* Clavellaria Lamarck, Syst. des Animaux san vertebres, p. 264, 1801. Type: Tenthredo lutea Linnaeus.* = Cimbex Olivier. ClaveUarius Olivier, Encycl. Method., vol. 4, p. 22, 1789; vol. 0, p. 18, 1791. No species. Clydostomus Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 8, p. 19, 1908. Type: Clydostomus cestatus Konow. Cockerellonis MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 365, October, 1908. Type: Cockerellonis occidentalis MacGillivray (designated). =Eriocainpidea Ashmead. Colochelyna Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 24, p. 280, 1898. Type: Colochelyna magrettii Konow. Conaspidia Konow, Ent. Nachr,, vol. 24, p. 279, 1898. Type: Conaspidia sikJcemensis Konow.* Corymbas Konow, Ann. Mus, St. Petersbourg, p. 120, 1903, Type: Corymbas koreana Konow, Coryna Lepeletier, Encyl. Method., Ins., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 567, 1828. Type: Tenthredo (Coryna) scapularis Lepeletier. = Tenthredo Jlavans Klug, = Selandria Leach. Corynia Imhof et Labram, Insect, Schweiz., vol. 1, pi. 23, 1836. Type : Corynia rosarum Imhof et Labram . =Arge Schrank, Corynophilus W, F, Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 32, no. 15, 1882 (n. n, for Cephalocera Klug, non Latreille). Type: Cephalocera pumila Klug.* CrcBsus Leach, Zool, Misc., vol, 3, p. 129, no. 1, 1817. " Type: Tenthredo septentrionalis Linnaeus.* =Neinatus Jurine, Cryptocampus Hartig, Fam, Blatt, Holzwesp., p. 221, March, 1837. Type: Nematus {Cryptocampus) medullaris Hartig. =Euura Newman. Cryptus Panzer, Krit. Revis., vol. 2, p. 21, 1806 (non Fabricus, 1804). Type: Tenthredo furcata Villers (Curtis, 1825). = Schizocera Lepeletier (isogenotypic). 78 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. Cyphona Dahlbom, Conspect. Tenthred. Scand., p. 6, 1835. T^-pe: TenthredofurcataYiWers. = Schizocera Lepeletier. Decameria (Lepeletier) W. F. Kirby, Lepeletier, Encycl. Method., Ins., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 371, 1828; W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 93, no. 43, 1882. Type: Decameria testacea W. F. Kirby (designated). Decatria Stephens, lUustr, Brit. Ent., Mandib., vol. 7, p. 94, 1835. Tj-pe: Eeterarthus ochropoda Stephens. Derecyrta F. Smith, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) vol. 6, p. 255, 1860. Type: Derecyrta pictipennis F. Smith.* Dictynna BruUe, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., vol. 4, p. 662, 1846. Type: Dictynna westwoodii Brulle.* =Decaineria (Lepeletier). Dictynna Westwood, Arcana Ent., vol. 1, p. 24, pi. 7, fig. 4, 1841. Type: Dictynna Iseta Westwood.* =Eurys Newman. Didocha Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 7, p. 306, 1907. Type: Didocha hraunsi Konow.* Didymia Lepeletier, Encycl. Method., Ins., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 574, 1828. Type: if?/ Zotoma martini Lepeletier.* Dielocerus Curtis, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., vol. 19, pt. 1, p. 248, 1844. Type: Dielocerus ellisii Curtis. Dimorphopteryx Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 308, 1898. Type: Strongylog aster pinguis Say (designated). Dinax Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 16, p. 182, 1897. Type: Dinax jahowleffi Konow.* Dineura Dahlbom, Conspect. Tenthred. Scand., p. 13, no. 6, 1835. Type: Tenthredo degeeri Klug (Westwood, 1846). Diphadnus Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 225, 1837. Type: Nematusfusdcornis B-Sirtig* = Nematus appendiculatus Hartig. Diphamorphos Rohwer, Ent. News, vol. 22, p. 473, 1910. Type: Diphamorphos nigrescens Rohwer (designated). Diprion Schrank, Fauna Boica, vol. 2, pp. 209, 252-254, 1802. Type: Tenthredo pini Linnaeus (Rohwer, 1910). Dipteromorpha W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 324, no. 102, 1882. Type: Macrophya rotundiventris Cameron.* Distega Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 4, p. 224, 1904. Type: Distega sjostedti Konow.* Dolerus Panzer, Krit. Revis., vol. 2, p. 40, 1806. Type: Dolerus gonager J urine (Latreille, 1810). Dosytheus Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 128, no. 4, 1817. Type: Tenthredo eglanterix Fabricius (Brull6, 1846). =Dolerus Panzer. Dniida E. Newman, Ent. Mag., vol. 5, p. 484, 1838. Type: Druida parviceps E. Newman.* =Phyllotoma nemorata Fallen. Dulophanes Konow, Z(nt8chr. synt. Hym. Dipt., vol. 7, p. 132, 1907. Type: Dulophanes morio Konow.* THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS. 79 Ebolia O. Costa, Fauna Napoli, Tenthred., p. 105, 1859. Type: Ebolia floricola 0. Costa.* Electrocephalus Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 23, p. 37, 1897. Type: Electrocephalus strahlendorffi Konow * Emphytoides Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 24, p. 274, 1898. Type: Emphytoides perplexus Konow. =Athlophorus Burmeister. Emphytus Klug, Mag. Ges. naturf. Berlin, vol. 7, p. 273, 1813. Type: Tenthredo cincta Linnaeus (Curtis, 1833; Westwood, 1840). Empria Lepeletier, Encycl. Method., Ins., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 571, 1828. Type: Dolerus (Empria) pallimacula Lepeletier (Brulle, 1846). Encarsioneura Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 239, 1890. Type: Tenthredo sturnii Klug. "^ = Siobla Cameron. Endelomyla Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 256, 1898. Type: Monostegia rosse Harris (designated). = Caliroa xthiops (Fabricius). =Caliroa 0. Costa. Eniscia Thomson, Opusc. Ent., pt. 2, p. 299, 1870. Type: Tenthredo consobrina Klug. Entodecta Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 5, pp. 184, 243, 1886. Type: Tenthredo (Allantus) pumila Klug (MacGillivray, 1909). Epitactus Forster, Verh. naturh. Ver. preuss. Rheinl., vol. 11, p. 435, 1854. Type: Epitactus prxcox Forster.* Ephippinotus 0. Costa, Fauna Napoli, Cephid., p. 10, 1860. Type: Ephippinotus luteiventris O. Costa. =Sirex compressus Fabricius. Epitaxonus MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 365, October, 1908. Type: Taxonus albodopictus Norton (designated). Eriglenum Konow, Termes. Fuzetek, vol. 24, p. 60, 1901. Type: Eriglenum crudum Konow.* Eriocampa Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 279, 1837. Type: Tenthredo ovata Linnaeus. Eriocampidea Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 256, 1898. Type: Eriocampidea arizonensis Ashmead (designated). Eriocampoides Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 239, 1890, Type: Tenthredo limacina Retzius (MacGillivray, 1908). Ermilia 0. -Costa, Fauna Napoli, Tenthred., p. 106, 1859. Type: Ermilia pulchella 0. Costa.* = Tenthredo agrorum Fallen. =Taxonus Hartig (isogenotypic). Erythraspides Ashmead, in Dyar, Joum, N. Y. Ent. Soc, p. 128, 1898; also Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 252, 1898. Type: Blennocampa pygmsea 8ay (designsited) . Eiimetabolus Schulz, Spolia Hymen., p. 211, 1906. Type: Sirex troglodyta Fabricius. =Sirex niger Harris. =Astatus Panzer. 67595°— No. 20, pt 2—11 3 80 MISCELLAXEOUS FOREST INSECTS. Euryopsis AY. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 95, no. 45, 1882. Type: Euryopsis nitens W. F. Kirby.* Eurys E. Xewman, Ent., p. 90, 1841. T^'pe: Eurys aeratus E. Newman.* Euura E. Newman, Ent. Mag., vol. 4, p. 259, January, 1837. T\-pe: Euura gall se'SevnnsiJi. Eversmannella Jakowlew, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross., vol. 26, p. 15, no. 3, 1891. T}-pe: Cephus cruentatus Eversmann.* Fenella Westwood, Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., vol. 2, Gen. S}Tiop., p. 54, 1840. Type: Fenella nigrita Westwood.^ Fenusa Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 126, no. 4, 1817. Type: Tenthredo {Emphytus) pumila King.* Fethalia Cameron, Journ. Bombay Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 14, p. 439, 1902. Type: Fethalia nigra CameTon.'^ Gongylocorsia Konow, Ann. k. k. Hofmus., Wien, vol. 12, p. 19, 1897. Type: Lyda mandibularis Zaddach.* Gymnia Spinola, Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino, (2) vol. 13, p. 23, 1851. Type: Gymnia apicalis Spinola. Gynmiopterus Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 213, 1898. T^-pe: Gynmiopterus singularis AshmesLd (designated). Gymnonychus Marlatt, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Tech. Ser. 3, p. 122, 1896. Type: Gymnonychus calif ornicus Marlatt (designated). =Diphadnus Hartig. Haplosteg-us Konow, Termes. Fuzetek, vol. 24, p. 70, 1901. Type: Haplostegus epimelas Konow. Harpiphorus Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 253, 1837. T^-pe: Tenthredo (Emphytus) lepidus King.* Hartigia (Schiodte) Boie. Schiodte, Kroyers Natnrhistorisk Tidskrift., vol. 2, p. 332, 1838; Boie, Stett. Ent. Zeit., vol. 16, p. 49, 1855. Type: Astatus satyrus Rossi. Hemichroa Stephens, Illustr. Brit. Ent., Mandib., vol. 7, p. 55, no. 18, 1835. Type: Tenthredo alni Linnaeus (Westwood, 1840; Brull^, 1846). Hemidianeura W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 48, no. 28, 1882. Type: Ilemidianeura nigricornis ^ . F. Kirby. Hemitaxonus Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 311, 1898. Type: Taxonus duhitatus Norton (designated). Hennedyia Cameron, Mem. & Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc, vol. 4, no, 4, p. 9, 1891. Type: Hennedyia annulitarsis ('ameron* Heptacola Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 5, p. 167, 1905. T)pe: Heptacola buyssoni Konow. Heptamelus Haliday, Nat. Hist. Rev., vol. 2, p. 60, 1835. Type: Melicerla ochroleuca Stephens.* Heterarthus Stephens, Illustr. Brit. Ent., Mandib., vol 7, p. 94, no. 25, 1835. Type: Tenthredo (Emphytus) ochropoda King.* Holcocneme Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 238, 1890. Type: Tenthredo crassa Fallen. Homoeoneura Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 313, 1898. Type: Tenthredo delta Provancher (designated). =Bivena MacGillivray. THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPb. 81 Hoplocampa Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 276, 1837. Type: Tenthredo (AUantus) brevis Klug. Hybonotus Klug, Mon. Siric. Germ., p. 8, no. 2, 1803. Type: Ichneumon camelus Linnaeus. =Xiphydria Latreille. Hylotoma Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., vol. 3, p. 302, 1802. Type: Tenthredo rosx Linnaeus.* =Arge Schrank. Hypargyricus MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 290, August, 1908. Type: Hypargyricus infuscatus MacGillivray (designated). Hyperoceros Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 6, p. 369, 1906. Type: Hyperoceros peruanus Konow. ^ Hypolsepus W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 324, no. 103, 1882. Type: Hypolsepus abbotii \V. F. Kirby.* Hypotaxonus Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 311, 1898. Type: Strongylogaster pallipes Say (designated). Incalia Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 143, 1878. Type: Incalia hirticornis Cameron.* Iscliyrocersea Kiaer, Tromoso Mus. Aarsk., vol. 19, p. 67, 1896 (pub. 1898). Type: Ischyrocerxa hyperborea Kiaer.* Isodyctium Ashmead, in Dyar, Joum. N. Y. Ent. Soc., p. 127, 1898; Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 251, October, 1898. Type: Isodyctium coryicolum Dyar (designated). Itycorsia Konow, Ann. k. k. Hofmus., Wien, vol. 12, p. 13, 1897. Type: Tenthredo hieroglyphica Christ. (Rohwer, 1910). Janus Stephens, Illustr. Brit. Ent., Mandib., vol. 7, p. 107, no. 30, 1835. Type: Janus connectus Stephens (Westwood, 1840). = Janus cynosbati (Fabricius). Jermakia Jakowlew, Horae Ent. Soc. Ross., vol. 26, pts. 1-2, p. 58, no. 68, 1891. J'ype: Allantus cephalotes Jakowlew.* Kaliofenusa Viereck, Ann. Rep. N. J. State Mus., p. 591, 1909 (1910). Type: Fenusa ulmi Sundevall. Kaliosysphinga Tischbein, Stett. ent. Zeit., vol. 7, p. 79, 1846. Type: Kaliosysphinga dohrnii Tischbein.* =Fenusa Leach. Kelidoptera Konow, Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien, vol. 12, p. 20, 1897. Type: Z2/(/a macuZipenms Stein.* Kokujewia Konow, Rev. Ent. Russe, vol. 2, p. 3, 1902. Type: Kokujewia ectrapela Konow. Konowia Brauns, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 3, p. 220, 1884. Type: Konowia megapolitana Brauns.* Labidarge Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 309, 1899. Type: Labidarge bolivari Konow. =Caloptilia Ashmead. Labidia Provancher, Addit. Faune Can. Hym., p. 21, 1886. Type: Labidia columbiana Provancher.* =Allantu^ opinus Cresson. Lagideus Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 5, p. 160, 1905. Type: Lagideus crinitus Konow.* 82 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. Lagium Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 4, p. 246, 1904. Type: Tenthredo atroviolaceum Norton (designated). Laurentia A. Costa, Rendic. Accad. Sci. Fis., Napoli, (2) vol. 4, p. 173, 1890. Tj'pe: Laurentia craverii A. Costa.* = Tenthredo gibhosa Fallen. Leptocerca Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 228, 1837. Tj^e: Tenthredo alni Linnseus. =Heniicliroa Stephens. Leptocercus Thomson, Hym. Scand., vol. 1, p. 76, 1871 (an emended spelling of Leptocerca). Type: Tenthredo alni Linnseus. =Heiiiich.roa Stephens. Leptocimbex Semenow, Ann. Mus. St. Petersbourg, p. 95, 1896. Type: Leptocimbex potanini Semenow. Leptopus Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 104, 1837 (non Latreille, 1809). Type: Nematus {Leptopus) hypogastricu^ Hartig.* = Tenthredo luridiventris Fallen. =Platycainpus Schiodte. Liolyda Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 209, 1898. Type: Ly da frontalis Westwood (designated). =Cephaleia Panzer. Lisconeura Rohwer, Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 24, p. 529, 1908. Type: Scolioneura vexabilis Brues (designated). Lithoryssus Brues, Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist, vol. 20, p. 492, fig. 1, 1906. Type: Lithoryssus parvus Brues (designated). Lithracia Cameron, Journ. Bombay Soc, vol. 14, p. 441, 1902. Type: Lithracia Jlavipes Cameron.* Loboceras W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 79, no. 35, 1882. Type: Loboceras mexicanum W. F. Kirby. Loderus Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 240, 1890. Type: Tenthredo pratorum Fstllen. Lophyridea Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 226, 1898. Type: Lophyrus tropicus Norton (designated). =Lophyroides Cameron. Lophyroides Cameron, Ent. Monthl. Mag., vol. 19, p. 133, 1882. Type: Lophyrus tropicus Norton (designated), liophyrotoma Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 230, 1898. Type: Pterygophorus interruptus Klug (designated). =Pterygophorus Klug. Lophyrus Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., vol. 3, p. 302, 1802 (non Poli). Type: Tenthredo pini Linnseus.* =Diprion Schrank (isogenotypic). Lycaota Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 3, p. 147, 1903. Type: Selandria sodalis Cresson.* Lycosceles Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 5, p. 159, 1905. Type: Lycosceles herbsti Konow * Lyda Fabricius, Syst. Piez., p. 43, no. 5, 1804. Type: Tenthredo syliatica Linnseus (Curtis, 1831). =Painphilius Latreille. THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS. 83 Lygeeonematus Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 238, ]890. Type: Nematus pini^etziua. Macgillivraya Aahmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 257, 1898 (preoccupied). Type: Macgillivraya oregonensis Ashmead (designated). =Macgillivrayella Ashmead. Macgillivrayella Ashmead, in Smith, Cat. Ins. N. J., p. GOG, 1899 (n. n. for Macgil- livraya Ashmead). Type: Macgillivraya oregonensis Ashmead. Macremphytus MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 368, October, 1908. Type: Harpiphorus varianus Norton (designated). Macrocephus Schlechtendal, Ent. Nachr., vol. 4, p. 153, 1878. Type: Macrocephus ulmarix Schlechtendal.''^ = Tenthredo linearis Schrank, 1781. =Hartigia Schiodte and Boie. Macroclada Konow, Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 29, p. 46, 1906. (An emended name for Cladomacra F. Smith.) =Cladoinacra F. Smith. Macrophya Dahlbom, Conspect. Tenthred. Scand., p. 11, no. 3, 1835. Type: Tenthredo rusticus Linnaeus (Westwood, 1840). Macroxyela W. F. Kirby, List. Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 351, no. 109, 1882. Type: Xyela ferruginea Say (designated). Manoxyela Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 206, 1898. Type: Manoxyela calif ornica Ashmead (designated), =Pleroneura Konow. Marlattia Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 287, 1898. Type: Hoplocampa laricis Marlatt (designated). Mastigocera Klug, 18 — Reference unknown, a synonym of Xyela by Lepeletier, Encycl. Method., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 577, 1828. Megalodontes Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust, et Ins., vol. 3, p. 302, 1802. Type: Tenthredo cephalotes Fabricius (Latreille, 1810). Megaxyela Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 206, 1898. Type: Xyela major Cresson (designated). Melanopus Konow, Ann. k. k. Hofmus., Wien., vol. 12, p. 12, 1897. Type: Tarpafabricii Leach* Melanoselandria (Ashmead) MacGillivray, in Smith, Cat. Ins. N. J., p. 606, 1899; Can. Ent., vol. 41, p. 404, November, 1909. Type: Melanoselandria zabrisJciei Ashmead."'^ =Hypargyricus MacGillivray, 1908. MeUcerta Stephens, Illustr. Brit. Ent., Mandib., vol. 7, p. 95, no. 26, 1835 (preocc). Type: MeUcerta ochroleucus Stephens.* =Heptainelus Haliday, 1855. Melinia O. Costa, Fauna Napoli, Tenthred., p. 41, 1859. Type: Melinia minutissima O. Costa. Mesoneura Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 229, 1837. Type: Tenthredo opaca Fabricius.* Messa Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 126, no. 3, 1817. Type: Tenthredo {Emphytus) hortulana Klug.* MetaUus Forbes, 14th Rep. St. Ent. 111. for 1884, p. 87, 1885. Type: MetaUus rubi Forhes* '. 84 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. Micrarge Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 213, 1898. Tj-pe: Atomocera rujicollis Norton (designated). Miocephala Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., voL 7, p. 162, 1907. T}q)e: Miocephala chalyhea Konow.* Micronematus Konow, Deutsch, ent. Zeitschr., p. 239, 1890. T}-pe: Nematus pullus Forster. =Nematus monogynix Hartig. Mocsarya Konow, Termes. Fuzetek, voL 20, p. 608, 1897. Type: Oryssus metallicus Mocsary.* Mogerus MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 27, p. 281, October, 1895. Type: Tenthredo (Allantus) lineolata Klug. =Periclista Konow. Monoctenus Dahlbom, Conspect. Tenthred. Scand., p. 7, 1835. Type: Tenthredo juniperi Linnaeus.* Monophadnoides Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 253, October, 1898. Type: Monophadnus ruhi Harris (designated). Monophadnus Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 271, 1837. Type: Ten^/?rec?o aZ6i/)es Gmelin (Ashmead, 1898). Monoplopus Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 15, p. 173, 1896. Type: Tenthredo saltuum Linnaeus. Monosoma ^^iereck, Ann. Rep. N. J. State Mus., p. 583, 1909 (1910). Type: Pcecilostoma infer entia Norton.* =Monsoina MacGillivray. Monostegia 0. Costa, Fauna Napoli, Tenthred., p. 60, 1859. Type: Tenthredo abdominalis Fabricius (MacGillivray, 1908). Monsoma MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 368, October, 1908. Type: Pcecilostoma inferentia Norton (designated). Nematoceros Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 15, pp. 54, 52, 1896. Type: Tenthredo luteola Klug.* =Monostegia Costa (isogenotypic). Nematoneura E. Andre, Spec. Hym. Europe, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 576, no. 7^, 1881. Type: Nematoneura violaceipennis Andre.* Nematinus Rohwer, see p. 99. Type: Tenthredo abdominalis Panzer (designated). Nematus Panzer, Krit. Revis., vol. 2, p. 44, 1806. Type: Tenthredo septentrionalis Linnaeus (Latreille, 1810).. Neocharactus MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 293, August, 1908. Type: Neocharactus 6a^m MacGillivray (designated). Neoeurys Rohwer, Ent. News, vol. 22, p. 472, 1910. Type: Neoeurys mctallica Rohwer (designated). Neopareophora MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 289, August, 1908. Type: Neopareophora martini MacGillivray (designated). Neoperga Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 232, 1898. Type: Perga amenaida Kirby (designated). NeoptiUa Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 213, 1898. Type: NeoptiUa mexicana Ashmead (designated). Neopus Viereck, Ann. Rep. N. J. State Mus., p. 585, 1909 (1910). Type: Tenthrcdopsis quatuordecimpunctata Norton. Neotomostethus MacGillivray, Can. P]nt., voL 40, p. 290, August, 1908. Type: Neotomostethus hyalinus MacGillivray (designated). THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS. 85 Nesodiprion Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 39, no. 1777, p. 101, 1910. Type: Lojphyrus japonicus Marlatt (designated). Nesoselandria Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 38, no. 1722, p. G57, 1910. Type: P araselandi'ia imitatrix Ashmend (designated). Nesotaxonus Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 39, no. 1777, p. Ill, 1910. Type: Phyllotomaf fiavescens Marlatt (designated). Nesotomostethus Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 39, no. 1777, p. 106, 1910. Type: Blennocampa religiosa Marlatt (designated). Netroceros Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 15, p. 51, 1896. Type: Eriocampa (Netroceros) rufiventris Konow. Neurotoma Konow, Ann. k. k. Hofmus., Wien, vol. 12, p. 18, 1897. Type: Tenthredo Jlaviventris Linnaeus (Rohwer, 1910). Nortonella Rohwer, Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 24, p. 582, 1908. Type: Nortonella typica Rohwer (designated). Nycteridium Fischer- Waldheim, Mem. Soc. Nat. Moscou, vol. 1, p. 286, 1806. Type: Nycteridium fischeri Fischer. Odontophyes Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 18, p. 42, 1899. Type: Pleroneura avingrata Dyar.* Ophrynopus Konow, Termes. Fuzetek, vol. 20, p. 605, 1897. Type: Ophrynopus andrei Konow. Opisthoneura Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 287, 1898. Type: Opisthoneura crevecoeuri Ashmead (designated). = iloplocampa montana Cresson. =Zaschizonyx Ashmead. Oryssus Latreille, Prec. Car. Gener. Ins., p. Ill, no. 10, 1796. Type: Oryssus coronatus Fabricius (Latreille, 1810). Pachycephus J. P. Stein, Stett. ent. Zeit., vol. 37, p. 60, 1876. Type: Pachycephv^ smyrnensis Stein.* Pachylosticta Klug, Ent. Mon., p. 171, 1824. Type: Pachylosticta tibialis Klug. Pachylota Westwood, Arc. Ent., vol. 1, p. 24, pi. 7, fig. 3, 1841. Type: Pachylota audouinii Westwood.* Pachynematus Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 238, 1890. Type: Nematus caprex Panzer. =Nematus trisignatus Forster. Pachyrotasis Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 295, 1837. Type: Tenthredo rapx Linnaeus (Westwood, 1840). Palseotaxonus Brues, Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 51, no. 10, p. 266, March, 1908. T^'pe: Palseotaxonus typicus Bruea (designated). Pamphilius Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust Ins., vol. 3, p. 303, 1802. Type: Tenthredo silvatica Linnaeus.* Pampsilota Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 76, 1899. Type: Pampsilota afer Konow. Parabatus MacGillivray, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vol. 2, p. 262, 1909. Type: Parahates histrionicus MacGillivray (designated). Parabia Semenow, Horse. Soc. Ent. Ross., vol. 25, p. 174, 1890. Type: Parabia jokowlewi Semenow (designated). Paracharactus MacGillivray, Can. Ent., p. 292, August, 1908. Type: Paracharactus obscuratus MacGillivray (designated). 86 MISCELLAXEOUS FOREST INSECTS. ParalypiS/ V\'. F. Kirby, List. Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 33, no. 17, 1882. T}-pe: Paralypia picipes Kirby.* Paraperga Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 232, 1898. T^-pe: Perga jucunda Kirby (designated). Paraselandria Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 255, 1898. Type: Tenthredo flavans Klug (designated). » = Selandria Leach. Parasiobla Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 308, 1898. Type: Strongylogaster rufodnctus Norton (designated). Parastatis W. F. Kirby, Ent. Monthly Mag., vol. 18, p. 107, 1881. Tj-pe: Parastatis indica W. F. Kirby.* Parasyzygonia Rohwer (see p. 102). Type: Syzygonia cyanoptera Klug (designated). Parataxonus MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 367, October, 1908. Type: Taxonus multicolor Norton (designated). =Apliilodyctiuiii Ashmead. Parazarca Ashmead, in Dyar, Jonm. N. Y. Ent. Soc, p. 128, 1898; also Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 252, October, 1898. Type: Parazarca fumipennis Ashmead (designated). Paremphytus Bnies, Bui. Mus. Comp. ZooL, vol. 51, no. 10, p. 264, March, 1908. Type: Paremphytus ostentus Brues.* Pareophora Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 5, pp. 184, 187, no. 3, 1886. Type: Pareophora luridiventris Konow. = Tenthredo {Allantu^) nigripes Klug. Paururus Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 15, p. 43, 1896. Type: Sirex juvencuslAnnsdns. Pectinia Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., vol. 4, p. 664, 1846. Type: Tenthredo {Allantus) aterrima Klug (designated). =Phyinatocera Dahlbom. Pelmatopus Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 244, 1837. Type: Dolerus (Pelmatopus) minutus Hartig.* Perantherix Westwood, Thes. Ent. Oxon., p. 109, 1874. Type: Perantherix pumilio Westwood.* Perga Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 115, 1817. Type: Perga dorsalis Leach (Shipp, 1894), Pergadopsis Shipp, Ent., vol. 27, pp. 339, 340, 1894. Type: Perga dahlbomi Westwood (designated). Periclista Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 5, pp. 184, 186, no. 2, 1886. Type: Tenthredo (Allantus) lineolata Klug. Periclistoptera Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 255, 1898. Type: Monostegia quercus-alha Norton (designated). Ashmead gave the type as alba. =Eriocanipoides Konow. Perineura Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 303, 1837. Type: Tenthredo ruhi Panzer.* Peronistilus Chigi, Ann. Mus. Zool. R. Univ. Napoli, ii. s. vol. 1, no. 21, p. 26,1904. Type: Cephus politissimus \. Costa.* Perreyia Brull6, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., vol. 4, p. 061, 1846. Type: Perreyia lepida Brull6.* Peus Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 3, p. 315, 1903. Type: Plus pr'ivus Konow.* THE GENOTYPES OF SAVVFLIES AND WOODWASPS. 87 Phaenusa Cameron, Ent. Monthly Mag., vol. 12, p. 131, 1875. Type: PhxniLsa albipes Cameron. =Messa Leach. Philomastix Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, (2) vol. 5, p. 4G7, 1890. Type: Philomastix naucarrowi Froggatt. Phlebatrophia MacGillivray, Can. Ent., p. 345, October^ 1909. Type: Phlebatrophia mathesoni MacGillivray (designated). Phenacoperga Cockerell, Science, n. s. vol. 27, p. 113, 1908. Type: Perga coloradensis Cockerell (designated). Phrontosoma MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 40, p. 366, October, 1908. Type: Phrontosoma atrum MacGillivray (designated). Phylacteophaga Froggatt, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, vol. 24, p. 130, 1899. Type: Phyladeophaga eucalypti Froggatt.* Phylloecus E. Newman, Ent. Mag., vol. 5, p. 485, 1838. Type: Phylloecus f annus E. Newman. =Janus Stephens. PhyllGtoma Fallen, Mon. Tenthred. Suec, p. 25, 1829. Type: Phyllotoma vagans Fallen. Phymatocera Dahlbom, Conspect. Tenthred. Scand., p. 11, no. 2, 1835. Type: Tenthredo (Allantus) aterrima Klug.* Pinicola Brebisson, Bui. Soc. Philom. Paris, p. 116, 1818 (non Vieillot, 1805). Type: Pinicola julii Brebisson. =Xyela Dalman. Plagiocera King, Jahrb. Insectenkunde, vol. 1, p. 227, no. 2, 1834. Type: Plagiocera thoradca King.* Plagioperga Shipp, Ent., vol. 27, pp. 339, 340, 1894. Type: Perga mayrii\^^ estwood (designated). Platycampus Schiodte, Mag. Zool., vol. 9, p. 20, 1839 (footnote). Type: Nematus (Leptopus) hypogastricus Hartig. Pleroneura Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 23, p. 56, 1897. T>^e: Xyela dahli'K2iit\g. Poecilosoma Thomson, Scand. Hym., vol. 1, p. 227, 1871. Emended spelling of Poedlostoma. Pcecilostoma Dahlbom, Conspect. Tenthred. Scand., p. 13, no. 8, 1835. Type: Tenthredo guttatum Fallen. =Enipria Lepeletier. Pcecilostomidea Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 256, 1898. Type: Poedlostoma maculata Norton (designated). =Einpria Lepeletier. Polybates MacGillivray, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vol. 2, p. 264, 1909. Type: PoZyfta^es sZosson^e MacGillivray (designated). Polyclonus W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 97, no. 48, 1882. Type: Polyclonus atratus W. F. Kirby.* Polystichopbagus Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 310, 1898. Type: Tenthredo jilicis Klug (designated). =Pseudotaxonus A. Costa. Pompholyx Freymuth, Protoc. 47™^ Seance Soc. Anthrop. Moscou, vol. 8, p. 216, 1870. Type: Pompholyx dimorpha Freymuth.* preocc.,=Cacosyndia Kirby. 88 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. Pontania O. Costa, Fauna Napoli, Tenthred., p. 20, 1859. Type: Nematus gallicola Stephens (Marlatt, 1896). Poppia Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 4, p. 263, 1904. Type: Poppia athaloides Konow."* Praia (Wankowitz) Andre, Spec. HjTn. Europe et Algerie, vol. 1, pt. 6, 1880; p. 572, n. 3^ 1881. Tj^De: Praia taczanowskii (Wankowitz) Andre.* Priophorus Dahlbom, Conspect. Tenthred. Scand., p. 4, no. 1, 1835. Type: Priophorus pilicornis Dahlbom. = Tenthredo padi Linnaeus. Pristiphora Latreille, Consid. Generales, p. 294, 1810. Type: Pteronus testaceus Jurine (designated). Pristis Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., vol. 4, p. 665, 1846. Type: Tenthredo punctigera Lepeletier. = Tenthredo opaca Fabricius. =Mesoneura Hartig. Probleta Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 8, p. 161, 1908. Type: Probleta langei Konow. Prototaxonus Rohwer, Can. Ent., vol. 42, p. 49, February, 1910. Type: Prototaxonus typicus Rohwer (designated). Protemphytus Rohwer, Can. Ent., vol. 41, p. 92, March, 1909. Type: Emphytus coloradensis Weldon (designated). Pseudabia Schrottky, Ent. Rundschau, vol. 27, no. 23, p. 168, December 1, 1910. Type: Pseudabia fusca Schrottky (designated). Pseudoclavellaria Schultz, Spolia Hym., p. 87, 1906. Type: Tenthredo amerinx Linnaeus. Pseudocimbex Rohwer, Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 24, p. 526, 1908. Type: Pseudocimbex clavatus Rohwer (designated). Pseudocyphona Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 211, 1898. Type: Pseudocyphona mexicana Ashmead (designated). Pseudodineura Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 4, p. 297, 1885. Type: Tenthredo (Allantus) parvula Klug. Pseudoperga Gu^rin, Icon. Regne Anim., vol. 7, Insectes, p. 398, 1845. Type: Perga lewisii Westwood (Shipp, 1894). Pseudoperga Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 232, 1898 (non Gu^rin). Type: Perga polita Leach (designated). Pseudosiobla Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 308, 1898. Type: Macrophy a excavata Norton (designsited). Pseudosirex Weyenbergh, Arch. Mus. Teyler, vol. 3, p. 238, 1873. Type: Pseudosirex darwinii Weyenbergh. Pseudotaxonus A. Costa, Proc. Sist. Imenott. Ital., p. 157, 1894. Type: Tenthredo Jilicis Klug. ^ Ptenos Norton, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, vol. 4, p. 77, 1872. Type: Ptenos niger Norton. Pteronidea Rohwer (see p. 98). Type: Nematus ventralis Say (designated). Pterontis Panzer, Krit. Revis., vol. 2, p. 46, 1806 Tyj>o: Tenthredo pini Linnaeus. =Diprion Schrank. THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS. 89 Pteryg-ophorinus Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 230, September, 1898. Type: Plerygojphorus analis O. Costa (designated). =Pterygophorus King. Pterygophorus King, Mag. Ges, naturf. Freunde Berlin, vol. G, p. 276, 1812. Type: Pterygophorus cinctus Klug (Ashmead, 1898). PtiHa Lepeletier, Mon. Tenthred., p. 49, 1823. Type: Ptilia braziliensis Lepeletier. Rethrax Cameron, Mem, & Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., vol. 43, no. 3, p. 32, 1899. Type: Rethrax carinata Cameron.* Khadinoceraea Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 5, pp. 184, 211, no. 5, 1886. Type: Tenthredo (Allantus) micans Klug. B/hagonyx Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 3, p. 108, 1903. Type: Rhagonyx lituratus Konow.* Rhipidioceros Konow, Ann. k.k. Hofmus., Wien., vol. 12, p. 2, 1897. Type: Tar pa flabellicornis Germsir. Khogogaster Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 338, 1884. Type: Tenthredo viridis 'Linnseus. Rhogogastera Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 4, p. 123, 1885. (An emended spelling for Rhogogaster .) Rhopographus Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 79, 1899 (n, n. for Rhoptroceros). Type: Rhoptroceros prodnctus Kono-w . Rhoptroceros Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 24, p. 276, 1898. Type: Rhoptroceros procinctus Konow.* preocc.,=Rhopograph.us Konow. Rusobria Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 150, 1878. Type: Rusobria carinata Caimeron. Schizocera Lepeletier, Encycl. Method., Ins., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 572, 1828. Type: Eylotoma fuscata Yillers (Westwood, 1840). Sciapteryx Stephens, Illustr. Brit. Ent., Mandib., vol. 7, p. 56, no. 19, 1835. Type: Tenthredo costalis Fabricius.* Sciopteryx is an incorrect spelling. Scobina Lepeletier, Encycl. Method., Ins., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 574, 1828. Type: Hylotoma melanocephala Lepeletier.* Scolioneura Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 249, 1890. Type: Tenthredo {Allantus) betuleti Klug (MacGillivray, 1909). Selandria Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 126, no. 3, 1817. Type: Tenthredo serva Fabricius (Brulle, 1846). Senoclia Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 88, 1877 (n. n. for Anisoarthra Cameron). Type: Anisoarthra cosrulea Cameron. Sericocera Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., vol. 4, p. 669, 1846. Type: Sericocera spinolm Brulle. Siobla Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 88, 1877. Type: Siobla mooreana Cameron (Ashmead, 1898). Sirex Linnseus, Fauna Suec, ed. 29, p. 396, 1761. Type: Sirex gigas Linnaeus. Sjoestedtia Konow, Schwed. Zool. Exp., Kilimandjaro, p. 1, 1907. Type: Sjoestedtia meruensis Konow.* Sphaecophilus Provancher, Addit., Faun. Canad., p. 427, 1889. Type: S phxcophilus crawii FroYamcher* 90 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. Stevenia Brulle, Hist. Xat. Ins. HjTn., vol. 4, p. 667, 1846. No species. Stirocorsia Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 23, p. 372, 1897. Type: Stirocorsia kohli Konow.* Stelidarge Konow, Tennes. Fuzetek, vol. 24, p. 58, 1901. T}"pe: Stelidarge diptycha Konow.* Stromboceros Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 4, pp. 19, 20, 1885. Type: Tenthredo delicatulus Fallen. Strongylogaster Dahlbom, Conspect. Tenthred. Scand., p. 13, no. 7, 1835. Tj-pe: Tenthredo cingulata Fabricius (MacGillivray, 1908). Strongylogasteroidea Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 308, 1898. Type: Strongylogaster aprilis Say (designated). Sunoxa Cameron, Mem. & Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc, vol. 43, no. 3, p. 39, 1899. Type: Sunoxa purpureifrons Cameron.* Synairema Hartig, Fam, Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 314, 1837. Type: Tenthredo delicatula Klug.* Synaptoneura Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 8, p. 160, 1908. Type: Synaptoneura boliviensis Konow.* Syrista Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 15, p. 152, 1896. Type: Cephus parreyssi Spinola.* Syzygonia Klug, Ent. Monogr., p. 175, 1824. Type: Syzygonia qjanocephala Klug (Ashmead, 1898). Syzygonidea Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 230, September, 1898. Type: Syzygonia cyanea Brulle (designated). Tanymeles Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 6, p. 244, 1906. Type: Tanymeles hilarulus Konow.* Tanyphatna Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 6, p. 187, 1906. Tj-pe: Tanyphatna pellos Konow. Tarpa Fabricius, Syst. Piez., p. 19, no. 2, 1804. Type: Tarpa cephalotes Fabricius (Westwood, 1840). =Megalodontes Latreille. Taxonus Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 297, 1837. Type: Tenthredo {Allantus) nitida Klug) {^ Tenthredo agorumYdW^n) (Konow,1896). Rohwer's remarks (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 39, no. 1777, p. Ill, 1910) are incorrect. The type must be Tenthredo agorum Fallen. Ermilia O. Costa is a synonym, being isogenotypic with Taxonus. TenthredeUa Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 39, no. 1777, p. 117, 1910. Type: Tenthredo atra Linnaeus (designated). =Tenthredo authors, not Linnaeus. Tenthredina Rohwer, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 39, no. 1777, p. 116, 1910. Type: Tenthredo Jiavida Marlatt (designated). Tenthredo Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 343, no. 213, p. 555, no. 214, 1758. Type: Tenthredo scrophulariae Linnaeus (Latreille, 1810). Tenthredopsis O. Costa, Fauna Napoli, Tenthred., p. 98, 1859. Type: Tenthredo tessellata Klug. Teredon Norton, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, vol. 2, p. 366, 1869. Type: Tremex cubensis Cresson. Teredonia W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 386, no. 7, 1882 (n. n. for Teredon Norton). Type: Treinex cubensis Cresson. THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS. 91 Tetratneura Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 256, 1898. Type: Monostegia ignota Norton (designated). =Enipria Lepeletier. Themes Norton, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, vol. 1, p. 58, no. 19, 1867. Type: Themos hyalinus Norton.* Thomsonia Konow, Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., p. 227, 1884. Type: Perineura thomsonia Konow. Thrlnax Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 4, pp. 19, 22, 1885. Type: Sirongylogaster contigua Konow (MacGillivray, 1908). Thulea Say, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, no. 3, p. 214, 1836. Type: Thulea nigra ^d^y * Tomostethus Konow, Wien. ent. Zeit., vol. 5, pp. 184, 214, no. 7, 1886. T^-pe: Tenthredo nigrita Fabricius. Topotrita W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 48, no. 27, 1882. Type: Eylotoma (Schizocera) leucocephala Klug.* Trachelus Jurine, Nouv. Method. Class. Hym., p. 70, pi. 2, fig. 9, 1807. T^-j^e: Sirex tabidus Fabricius. Trailia Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 148, 1878. Type: Trailia analis CsLmeron. Tremex Jurine, Nouv. Method. Class. Hym., p. 80, 1807. Type: Sirex fuscicornis Fabricius (Latreille, 1810). Trichiocampus Hartig, Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 176, 1837. Type: Nematus grandis Lepeletier. = Tenthredo viminalis Fallen. Trichiosoma Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 108, no. 2, 1817. Type: Tenthredo lucorum Linnaeus (Curtis, 1824). Trichiosomites Brues, Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 51, no. 10, p. 259, March, 1908. Type : Trichiosomites ohliviosus Brues.* Trichorhachus W. F. Kirby, List Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 39, no. 21, 1882. Type: Trichorhachus nitidus W. F. Kirby. Tiichorrhachus Konow, Genera Insectorum, fasc. 29, p. 15, 1906. Misspelling of Trichorhachus. Trichotaxonus Rohwer, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 12, p. 30, 1910. Type: Trichotaxonus readi Rohwer (designated). Tristactus Konow, Ann. k. k. Hofmus., Wien., vol. 12, p. 12, 1897. Tyj>e: Ly da judaicus Lepeletier * Tristegus Konow, Zeitschr. syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 6, p. 370, 1906. Type: Tristegus mimarius Konow.* Tritokreion Schilling, Ubers. Arbeit, schles. Ges. Vaterl. cultur., i, j, p. 43, 1825. No species. Trochoph.ora Konow, Zeitschr. eyst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 5, p. 158, 1905. Type: Trochophora duckei Konow.* TJrocerltes Heer, Denkschr. schweiz. Ges. Natur., vol. 22, p. 36, 1867. Type: Urocerites spectabilis Heer. Urocerus (Geoffroy) Latreille. Geoffrey, Hist. Abr. Ins., vol. 2, p. 264, 1762; Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., p. 304, 1802. Type: Sirex gigas Linnaeus (Westwood, 1840). = Sirex Linnaeus. Waldheimia Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., vol. 4, p. 665, 1846. Type: Waldheimia braziliensis Lepeletier (designated). 92 MISCELLAXEOUS FOREST INSECTS. Xenapates W. F. Kirby, List. Hym. Brit. Mus., vol. 1, p. 180, no. 67, 1882. Type: Dineura {?) africana Cameron,^ Xeris A. Costa, Prosp. Sist. Imenn. Ital., vol. 3, p. 259, 1894. Tj-pe: Ichneumon spectrum Linnaeus.* Xiphidion Provancher, Nat. Can., vol. 7, p. 374, 1875. T}'pe: Xiphidion canadense Provancher.* —Xiphydria provancheri Cresson. XipMura Fallen, Spec. Nov. Hym. Disp. Method, p. 11, no. 7, 1813. Xo species included. Xiphydria Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., vol. 3, p. 304, 1802. Type: Ichneumon camelus Linnaeus.* XyelaDalman, Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl., vol. 40, p. 122, no. 3, pi. 6, figs. 1-11, 1899. Tj-pe: Xyela pu^illa Dalman (Curtis, 1824). Xyloecermatium L. Heyden, Berl. ent. Zeitschr., vol. 12, p. 227, 1868, (n. n. for Xyloterus Hartig, non Erichson). Type: Sirex fuscicornis Fabricius. =Treinex Jurine. Xyloperga Shipp, Ent., vol. 27, pp. 339, 340, 1894. Type: Perga hallidayi Westwood (designated). Xyloterus Hartig, Earn. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 385, 1837 (non Erichson, 1836). Type: Sirex fuscicornis Fabricius. =Treniex Jurine. Zaraea Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 113, no. 4, 1817. Type Tenthredo fasciata Linnaeus.* Zarca Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 142, 1878. Type: Zarca apicalis Cameron.* Zaschizonyx Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 257, 1898. Type: Hoplocampa montana Cresson (designated). AN INDEX TO THE GENOTYPES. EXPLANATORY. The following index includes (1) the name of the species, (2) the name of its author, (3) the name of the genus in which it was origi- nally described, and (4) the name of the genus of wliich it is the genotype. When a species given in the index is a synonym of another genotype, a cross-reference is given to the genotype of which it is a synonym. When a species was originally placed in the genus of which it is the genotype, only one generic name is given. Species placed in subgenera by older writers are cited in the subgenus only. abbotii W. F. Kirby (Ilypolaepus). agrorura Fallen (Tenthredo, Ermilia). abdominalis Fabricius (Tenthredo, Mono- "alba" Norton (Monostegia, Periclistop- etegia). tera). abdominalis Panzer (Tenthredo, Nema- albipes Cameron (Phsenusa). tinus). albipes Konow (Anapcptamona). aeratus Newman (Eurys). albipes Gmelin (Tenthredo, Monophad- sethiops Fabricius (Tenthredo, Endelom- nus). yia). albiventris Klug (Allantus, Periclista). afer Konow (Pampsilota). albodopictus Norton (Taxonus, Epitaxo- africana Cameron (Dineura?, Xenapates). nus). THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS. 93 alni Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Ilemichroa). alni Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Leptocerca [=Hemichroa]). alni Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Leptocercus [=Hemichroa]). alternans A. Costa (Anoplolyda). amenaidaW. F. Kirby (Perga, Neoperga). amerinae Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Pseudo- clavellaria). analis Cameron (Trailia). analis 0. Costa (Pterygophorus, Pterygo- phorinus). andrei Konow (Ophrynopus). annulitarsis Cameron (Hennedyia). apicalis Cameron (Zarca). apicalis Say (Strongylogaster, Strongy- logasteroidea). apicalis Spinola (Gymnia). armenius Konow (Ateuchopus). arizonensis Ashmead (Eriocampidea). arizonensis Ashmead (Eriocampidea, Cockerellonis [= Eriocampidea]). aterrima Klug (Allantus, Pectinia). athalioides Konow (Poppia). atra Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Tenthredella). atratus W. F. Kirby (Polyclonus). atroviolaceum Norton (Tenthredo, Lagium). atrum MacGillivray (Phrontosoma). aterrima Klug (Allantus, Phymatocera) . audouinii Westwood (Pachylota). avingrata Dyar (Pleroneura, Odonto- phyes). bakeri MacGillivray (Neocharactus). betuleti Klug (Allantus, Scolioneura). bipunctata Klug (Allantus, Ardis). boliviensis Konow (Synaptoneura). bolivari Konow (Labidarge). braunsi Konow (Didocha). braziliensis Lepeletier (Ptilia). braziliensis Lepeletier ( Waldheimia) . brevicornis Fallen (Hylotoma, Apros- thema). brevis Klug (Allantus, Hoplocampa). buquetii Spinola (Aulacomerus). buyssoni Konow (Heptacola). calif ornica Ashmead (Manoxyela). calif ornicus Marlatt (Gymnonychus). camelus Linnaeus (Ichneumon, Hybono- tus). camelus Linnaeus (Ichneumon, Xiphy- dria). cameroni Westwood (Perga, Acantho- perga). canadense Provancher (Xiphidion). capreae Panzer (Tenthredo, Pachynema- tus). carinata Cameron (Rethrax). carinata Cameron (Ilusobria). cephalotes Fabric! us (Tarpa). cephalotes Fabricius (Tenthredo, Mega- lodontes). cephalotes Jakowlew (Allantus, Jerma- kia). cestatus Konow (Clydostomus). chalybea Konow (Miocephala). cinctus Klug (Pterygophorus). cinctus Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Emphytus). cingiilata Fabricius (Tenthredo, Strongy- logaster). cinxia Klug (Allantus, Caliroa). clavatus Rohwer (Pseudocimbex). ccerulea Cameron( Anisoarthra [Senoclia]) . coerulea Cameron (Anisoarthra, Senoc- lia). coloradensis Cockerell (Perga, Phenaco- perga). coloradensis Weldon (Emphytus, Pro- temphytus). Columbiana Provancher. (Labidia. See opimus Cresson.) compressus Fabricius (Sirex, Ephippi- notus). connectens Stephens (Janus), consobrina Klug (Tenthredo, Eniscia). contigua Konow (Strongylogaster, Thri- nax). coronatus Fabricius (Tenthredo, Orys- sus). coronatus Klug (Emphytus, Aneugme- nus). coryicolum Dyar (Isodyctium). costalis Fabricius (Tenthredo, Sciap- teryx). crassa Fallen (Tenthredo, Holcocneme). craverii A. Costa (Laurentia). crawii Provancher (Sphacophilus), cressoni Westwood (Perga, Camptoperga). crevecoeuri Ashmead (Opisthoneura. See montana Cresson). crinitus Konow (Lagideus), crudum Konow (Eriglenum). cruentatus Eversmann (Cephus, Evers- mannella). cubensis Cresson (Tremex,Teredon[ = Ter- edonia]). cubensis Cresson (Tremex, Teredonia). cyanea BruUe (Syzygonia, Syzygonidea). 94 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. cyanoeephala Klug (Syzygonia). cyanocephala Klug (Syzygonia, Bergi- ana). cyanoptera Klug (Syzygonia, Parasyzygo- nia). cynosbati Linnaeus (Cephus, Janus), cynosbati Linnaeus (Cephus, Phylloecus [=Janus]). dahlbomi Thomson (Caenoneura). dahlbomi Westwood (Perga, Pergadop- sis). dahli Hartig (Xyela, Pleroneura). darwinii Weyenbergh (Pseudosirex). debilicornis Konow (Brachyphatnus). debilis Say (Atomacera). decora Konow (Acidiophora). defessus Scudder (Atocus). degeeri Klug (Allantus, Dineura), delicatulus Fallen (Tenthredo, Strombo- ceros). delicatula Klug (Tenthredo, Synairema). delta Provancher (Tenthredo, Bivena). delta Provancher (Tenthredo, Homoeo- neura [=Bivena]). difformis Panzer (Tenthredo, Cladius). dimorpha Freymuth (Pompholyx [=Ca- cosyndia]). dimorpha Freymuth (Pompholyx, Caco- syndia). diptycha Konow (Stelidarge). divergens W. F. Kirby (Clarissa). dohrnii Tischbein (Kaliosysphinga). dorsalis Say (Acordulecera), dorsal is Leach (Perga). dubitatus Norton (Taxonus, Hemitaxo- nus). duckei Konow (Trochophora). eburneiguttatum \V. F. Kirby (Aglao- stigma). ectrapela Konow (Kokujewia). eglanteriae Fabricius (Tenthredo, Dosy- theus). ellisii Curtis (Dielocerus). epimelas Konow (Ilaplostegus). equiseti Fallon (Tenthredo, Taxonus). erythrocephala Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Acantholyda). eucalypti Froggatt (Phylacteophaga). excavata Norton (Macrophya, Pseudosio- bla). fabri(;ii Leach (Tarpa, Melanopus). fallax Lopcletior (Nematus, Amauronc- matus). fasciata Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Zaraea). fascipennis Norton (Selandria, Calozarca. f annus Newman. (Phylloecus. See cynos- bati Linnaeus), ferruginea Say (Xyela, Macroxyela). filiceti Klug (Blasticotoma). filiformis Eversmann (Cephus, Calameu- ta). filicis Klug (Tenthredo, Polystichopha- gus [=Pseudotaxonus]). filicis Klug (Tenthredo, Pseudotaxonus). flabellicornis Germar (Tarpa, Rhipidio- ceros). X flavescens Marlatt (Phyllotoma?, Neso- taxonus). flavida Marlatt (Tenthredo, Tenthredina). floricola 0. Costa (Ebolia). flavens Klug (Tenthredo, Paraselandria). flavipes Cameron (Lithracia). flaviventris Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Neuro- toma). frontalis Westwood (Lyda, Liolyda). fulvipes A. Costa (Amestastegia). fumipennis Ashmead (Parazarca). fumipennis Westwood (Brachytoma). fumipennis W. F. Kirby (Acherdocerus). furcata Fabricius (Hylotoma, Cyphona). furcata Villers (Hylotoma, Schizocera). fusca Schrottky (Pseudabia). fuscicornis Hartig (Diphadnus). fuscicornis Fabricius (Sirex, Tremex). fuscicornis Fabricius (Sirex, Xyloecer- matium [=Tremex]). fuscicornis Fabricius (Sirex, Xyloterus [== Tremex]). gallicola Stephens (Nematus, Pontania). gallae Newman. (Euura. See medullaris Hartig). gigas Linnaeus (Sirex). gigas Linnaeus (Sirex, Urocerus [=Sirex]). gonager Jurine (Dolerus). grandis Lepeletier. (Trichocampus. See viminalis Fallen.) grandis Philippi (Brachyxiphus). guttatum Fallen (Tenthredo, Pa^cilo- stoma). hallidayi Westwood (Perga, Xyloperga). healaeiE. Newman. (Camponiscus. S^e luridiventris Fallen.) horbsti Konow (Lycoscelcs). hieroglyphica Christ (Tenthredo, Itycor- eia). hilarulus Konow (Tanymeles). hirticornis Cameron (Incalia). histrionicua MacGillivray (Parabatea). THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASI'S. d5 hortulana Klug (Emphytus, Messa). hyalinus MacGillivray (Neotomostethus). hyalinus Norton (Themos). hyperborea Kiaer (Ischyroceraea). hypogastricus Hartig. (See luridiventris Fallen.) ianthe E. Newman (Fenusa, Asticta). ignota Norton (Monostegia, Tetratneura) . imitatrix Ashmead (Paraselandria, Ne- soselandria). imperialis Smith (Hylotoma, Atherman- thus). incisa Cameron (AUomorpha). indica W. F. Kirby (Parastitis). inferentia Norton (Poecilostoma, Mon- soma). inferentia Norton (Poecilostoma, Mono- Boma [=Monsoma]), infuscatus MacGillivray (Hypargyricus). inopenus Konow (Canonias). insolita Konow (Cladiucha). interruptus Klug (Pterygophorus, Lo- phyrotoma). jakowleffi Konow (Caenocephus). jakowleffi Konow (Dinax). jakowlewi Semenow (Parabia). jantheria Klug (Hylotoma, Cibdela). japonica Marlatt (Lophyrus, Nesodi- prion.) jucunda W. F. Kirby (Perga, Paraperga). judaicus Lepeletier (Lyda, Tristactus). julii Brebisson (Pinicola [=Xyela]). julii Brebisson (Pinicola, Xyela). juniperi Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Monoc- tenus). juvencus Linnaeus (Sirex, Paururus). klugii Burmeister (Athlophorus). kohli Konow (Stirocorsia). koreana Konow (Corymbas). laeta Westwood (Dictynna). langei Konow (Probleta). laricis Marlatt (Hoplocampa, Marlattia). lepida Brulle (Perreyia). lepidus Klug (Emphytus, Asticta [=Har- piphorus]). lepidus Klug (Emphytus, Harpiphorus) . leprieurii Spinola (Camptoprium). leucocephala Klug (Schizocera, Topo- trita). lewisii Westwood (Perga, Pseudoperga) . limacina Retzius (Tenthredo, Eriocam- poides). lituratus Konow (Rhagonyx). lobatus MacGillivray (Aphanisus). lucorum Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Trichio- soma). luridiventris Fallen (Tenthredo, Campo- niscus [=Platycampus]). luridiventris Fallon (Tenthredo, Lepto- pus [=Platycampus]). luridiventris Fallen (Tenthredo, Platy- campus). luridiventris Konow. (Pareophora. See nigripes Klug.) lutea Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Clavellaria). lutea Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Cimbex). luteola Klug (Tenthredo, Nematoceros). luteiventris 0. Costa. (Ephippinotus. See compressus Fabricius.) macropus Smith (Cladomacra). maculata Marlatt (Cimbex, Agenocim- bex). maculata Norton (Poecilostoma, Pcecilos- tomidea). maculipennis Stein (Lyda, Celidoptera), maculipennis Stein (Lyda, Kelidoptera). magrettii Konow (Colochelyna). major Cresson (Xyela, Megaxyela). major 0. Costa. (See satyrus Panzer.) mandibularis Zaddach (Lyda, Gongylo- corsia) . maria MacGillivray. (Bivena. See delta Provancher.) martini Lepeletier (Hylotoma, Didymia). martini MacGillivray (Neopareophora). mathesoni MacGillivray (Phlebatrophia). mayrii Westwood (Perga, Plagioperga). medullaris Hartig (Cryptocampus). megapolitana Brauns (Konowia). melanocephala Lepeletier (Hylotoma, Scobina). meruensis Konow (Sjoestedtia). metallica Rohwer (Neoeurys). metallicus Mocsary (Oryssus, Mocsarya), mexicana Ashmead (Neoptilia). mexicana Ashmead (Pseudocyphona). mexicanum W^. F. Kirby (Loboceras). nigripes Klug (Allantus, Pareophora). mimarius Konow (Tristegus). minutissima 0. Costa. (Melina. See nigrita Westwood.) minutus Hartig (Pelmatopus). montana Cresson (Hoplocampa, Opistho- neura [=Zaschizonyx]). montana Cresson (Hoplocampa, Zaschiz- onyx). mooreana Cameron (Siobla). moricei Konow (Characophygus). 96 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. morio Konow (Dulophanes). multicolor Norton (Taxonus, Parataxo- nus). naucarrowi Froggatt (Philomastix). nemorata Fallen (Phyllotoma, Driiida). niger Norton (Ptenos). nigra Cameron (Fethalia). nigra Say (Thiilea). nigrescens Rohwer (Diphamorphos). nigrita Fabricius (Tenthredo, Tomoste- thus). nigrita Westwood (Fenella). nigrita Westwood (Fenella, Melinia). nigricornis W. F Kirby (Hemidianeura). nitens W. F. Kirby (Euryopsis). nitidus W. F. Kirby (Trichorhachus). obliviosus Brues (Trichiosomites). obscura Linnseus (Tenthredo, Amasis). obscuratus MacGillivray (Paracharactiis). occidentalis MacGillivray. (Cockerel- lonis. See arizonensis Ashmead.) ochroleucus Stephens (Melicerta [=Hep- tamelus]). ochroleiica Stephens (Melicerta, Hep- tamelus). ochropoda Stephens (Heterarthus, De- catria). ochropoda Klug (Emphytus, Heterar- thus). oeningensis Heer (Cephites). opaca Fabricius (Tenthredo, Mesoneura). opaca Fabricius (Tenthredo, Pristis [=Me- soneura]). opimus Cresson ( Allan tus, Labidia). oregonensia Ashmead (Macgillivraya [= Macgilli vray ella] ) . oregonensis Ashmead. (Macgillivraya, Macgilli vray ella) . ostentus Brues (Paremphytus). ovata Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Eriocampa). padi Linnseus (Tenthredo, Priophorus). parreyssi Spinola (Cephus, Syrista). pallimacula Lepeletier (Empria). pallipes Say (Strongylogaster, Ilypotaxo- nus). parviceps Newman. (See nemorata Fallen.) parvuhis Klug (Allantus, Pseudo- (lineura). parvus Brues (Lithoryssus). pe(;toralis Lepeletier (Nematus, Ano- plonyx). pelloa Konow (Tanyphatna). perplexus Konow (Emj)hyoideH). peruanus Konow (Hyperoceros). picipes W. F. Kirby (Paralypia), pictipennis Smith (Derecyrta). pilicornis Dahlbom. (Priophorus. See padi Linnaeus.) pinguis Say (Strongylogaster, Dimorpho- pteryx). pini Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Anachoreta [=Diprion]). pini Linnseus (Tenthredo, Diprion). pini Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Lophyrus [=Diprion]). pini Retzius (Nematus, Lygaeonematus) . plumicornis Guerin (Oryssus, Chalinus). polita Leach (Perga, Pseudoperga) . politissimus A. Costa (Cephus, Peronis- tilus). pratorum Fallen (Tenthredo, Loderus). praecox Foerster (Epitactus). privus Konow (Pens). procer Konow (Bathyblepta). procinctus Konow (Rhoptroceros [=Rho- pographus]). procinctus Konow (Rhoptroceros, Rhopo- graphus). pulchellaO. Costa. (Ermilia. Seeagorum Fallen.) pullus Foerster (Nematus, Micronema- tus). pumila Klug (Allantus, Entodecta). pumila Klug (Cephalocera [=Corynophi- lus]). pumila Klug (Cephalocera, Corynophi- lus). pumila Klug (Emphytus, Aphadnurus [=Fenusa]). pumila Klug (Emphytus, Fenusa). pumilio Westwood (Perantherix). punctigera Lepeletier. (Pristis. See opaca Fabricius.) purpureifrons Cameron (Sunoxa). pusilla Dalman. (Xyela. See julii Br6- bisson). pusilla Klug (Allantus, Blennocampa). pygmaeus Linnaeus (Sirex, Cephus). pygmaea Say (Blennocampa, Erythra- spides). (luattuordecimpuncUita Norton (Ten- thredo, Neopus). rapae Linntjuus (Tenthredo, Pachyrotasis). reedi Rohwer (Trichotaxonus). reitteri Konow (Rhadinoceraea). religiosa Marlatt (Blennocampa, Neso- tomostethus). reticulata Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Caeno- lyda). THE GENOTYrES OF SAWELIES AND WOOD WASPS. 97 rosse Harris. (Endelomyia. See sethiopa Fabricius.) rosae Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Corynia [=Hy- lotoma]). rosae Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Hylotoma). rosarum Imhof et Labram. (See rosae Linnaeus.) rotundiventris Cameron (Macrophya, Dip- teromorpha). rubi Forbes (Metallus). rubi Harris (Hoplocampa, Monophad- noides). rubi Panzer (Tenthredo, Perineura). rubripes Cresson (Strongylogaster, Aphilo- dyctium). rufocinctus Norton (Strongylogaster, Para- . siobla). ruficollis Norton (Atomacera, Mierarge). rufiventris Konow (Netroceros). rugifrons Cameron (Beldonea). rusticua Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Ma- crophya). saltuum Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Monoplo- pus). satyrus Panzer (Astatus, Cerobactrus [=Hartigia]). eatyrus Panzer (Astatus, Hartigia), scapularis Lepeletier (( -oryna). scrophularise Linnaeus (Tenthredo). scrophulariae Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Allan- tus [=Tenthredo]). scutellata W. F. Kirby (Cerealces). sebetia O. Costa (Caliroa). septentrionalis Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Croesus [=Nematus]). septentrionalis Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Ne- matus). sericea Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Abia). serva Fabricius (Tenthredo, Selandria). signata Fabricius (Tenthredo, Cephaleia). sikkemensis Konow (Conaspidia). siilgularis Ashmead (Gymniopterus). sjostedti Konow (Distega). slossonae MacGillivray (Polybates). smyrnensis Stein (Pachycephus). sodalis Cresson (Selandria, Lycaota). spectabilis Heer (Urocerites) . spectabilis MacGillivray (Ceratulus). spectrum Linnaeus (Ichneumon, Xeris). spinarum Fabricius (Tenthredo, Athalia). spinolae Brulle (Seriocera). etigmaticalis Cameron (Anisoneura [=Be- leses]). stigmaticalis (Cameron (Anisoneura, He- leses). Rtrahlendorffi Konow (Electrocephalus). sturnii Klug (Tenthredo, Encarsioneura). sylvatica Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Lyda [=Pamphiliu8]). sylvatica Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Pamphil- ius). syringae Gradl (Cephosoma). tabidus Fabricius (Sirex, Trachelus). taczanowskii Andre (Praia), tantillus 0. Costa (Aphadrmrus). tessellata Klug (Tenthredo, Tenthre- dopsis). testaceus Jurine (Pteronus, Pristiphora). testacea W. F. Kirby (Decameria). thomsoni Konow (Perineura, Thomsonia). thoracica Klug (Plagiocera). tibialis Klug (Pachylosticta). trimaculatus Say (Cephus, Adirus). troglodytes Klug (Astatus). tropicus Norton (Lophyrus, Lophyridea [=Lophyroides]). tropicus Norton (Lophyrus, Lophyroides). truculenta Konow (Braunsiola). townsendi Ashmead (Caloptilia). typica Rohwer {Claremontia). typica Rohwer (Nortonella). typicus Brues (Palaeotaxonus). typicus Rohwer (Prototaxonus). ulmi Sundevall (Fenusa, Kaliofenusa). vafer Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Bactroceros) . vagans Fallen (Phyllotoma). varianus Norton (Harpiphorus, Macrem- phytus). varinervis Spinola (Tenthredo, Antho- leus). varipes Cameron (Ancyloneura). ventralis Say (Nematus, Pteronidea). vexabilis Brues (Scolioneura, Lisconeura) . viduatus Zetterstedt (Nematus, Brachy- colus). viminalis Fallen (Tenthredo, Trichio- campus). violaceipennis Andre (Nematoneura). viridipes Cameron (Busarbia). viridis Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Rhogogaster) . volupis Konow (Cerospastus). ulmariae Schlechtendal (Macrocephus). ustulatus Linnaeus (Tenthredo, Cryptus). weithii Ashmead (Acanthoptenos). westwoodii Brulle (Dictynna). zabriskiei Ashmead (Melanoselandria). 98 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. SYNONYMY OF CERTAIN GENERA. By cross-reference in the index to the genot^^pes it was found that certain genera were isogenotypic. In some of these cases new names were needed. New names and certain synonymy are given below. THE SYNONYMS OF HARTIGIA SCHIODTE AND BOIE. Schiodte (Kroyers Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, voL 2, p. 332, 1838) gave the name Hartigia for a certain cephid insect which differed from CepJius pygxmus in characters of the antennae. This species was not named, however, so the genus was without standing until 1855, when F. Boie (Stett. ent. Zeit., vol. 16, p. 49) stated that Astatus satyrus was the species which Schiodte had. This gives Hartigia standing and makes satyrus the type — the genus being monobasic. The genotypes of the genera Cerohactrus O. Costa and Ccphosoma Gradl are identical specifically with satyrus; consequenth^ these generic names fall to the older name Hartigia. The species satyrus is also congeneric with MacrocepJius ulmarise Schlechtendal {=Ten' thredo linearis Schrank), so Macroccphus is a synonym of Hartigia. The synon3^my, therefore, is as follows : Hartigia Schiodte and Boie, 1855. Cerohactrus O. Costa, 1860. Macrocephus Schlechtendal, 1878. Cephosoma Gr3id\, ISSl. PTERONUS Panzer =DIPRION Schrank. Panzer, in the original description of Pteronus, included the fol- lowing species in the order named : Hylotoma frutetorum Fabricius, Hylotoma dorsata Fabricius, Hylotoma juniperi Fabricius, TentJiredo pini Linnaeus, and TentJiredo difformis Panzer. As the present-day conception of Pteronus has to be changed, no species originally included belonging to Pteronus Konow and authors, TentJiredo pini Linnaeus has been chosen as the type, making Pteronus Panzer and Diprion Schrank isogenotypic. Diprion is the older name, so Pteronus Panzer is a synonym of Diprion Schrank. • Diprion Schrank, 1802. Pteronus Panzer, 1800. PTERONIDEA, N. N. FOR PTERONUS Konow and authors. Pteronus Panzer being a synonym of Diprion Schrank, Pteronus Konow and authors is without a name. For this the name Pteron- IDEA may be used. The type of Pteronidea is Nematus ventralis Say, whicli is congeneric with Konow's interpretation of TentJiredo my osotides P^abricius. THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPiS. 99 THE SYNONYMS OF PLATYCAMPUS SCHIODTE. Hartig, in 1837 (Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 184), described the subgenus Leptopus for a new species, Tiypogastricus , which has proved to be the same as Tenthredo luridiventris Fallen (1808). The name Leptopus had already (Latreille, 1809) been used for a genus of Hemiptera. Schiodte (Magasin de ZooL, vol. 9, p. 20, footnote, 1889) proposed the name Platycampus for Leptopus Hartig. E. Newman (Ent., vol. 4, pp. 215-217, 1869) describes the lai-va and adult of a sawfiy under the name Camponiscus Jiealdei. The adult is very poorly characterized and unrecognizable, but in 1873 (Ent. Monthl. Mag., vol. 10, p. 84) P. Cameron says he has reared the same larva as Newman describes, and that the adult is the same as Nematus (Leptopus) Tiypogastricus Hartig. This synonymy establishes the genus Camponiscus and makes it the same as Leptopus Hartig, the two genera being isogenotypic. F. W. Konow (Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 29, p. 48, 1906) uses the name Leptocercus Thomson (a changed spelling for Leptocerca Hartig) for this genus, but in this he is wrong, because Thomson divides Leptocercus into Leptocercus s. s., which contains Tenthredo alni Linnaeus, Tenthredo rufa Panzer, and Leptocercus nigriceps Thomson, and is Hartig's genus Leptocerca. The second division of Thomson's Leptocercus is Leptopus Hartig and contains Tenthredo luridiventris Fallen. The Leptocercus Thomson s. s. is Leptocerca Hartig, not Leptopus Hartig as Konow would have it. The synonymy of this group is as follows : Platycampus Schiodte, 1839. Leptopus Hartig, 1837 (non Latreille, 1809). Camponiscus E. Newman, 1869. Leptocercus Konow, 1906 (non Thomson, 1871). CR(ESUS Leacli=NEMATTJS Jurine. Latreille (Considerations Generales, p. 435, 1810) fixed the type of Nematus as Tenthredo septentrionalis Jurine. Nematus septentrionalis Jurine is the same as Tenthredo septentrionalis Linnaeus. Leach (Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. 129, no. 1, 1817) based his genus Croesus on Tenthredo septentrionalis Linnaeus ; so Croesus Leach is a synonym of Nematus, the genera being isogenotypic. Nematus Jurine, 1807. Croesus Leach, 1817. NEMATINUS, N. N. FOR NEMATUS Konow. The fixing the type of Nematus as Tenthredo septentrionalis Linnaeus and making Croesus synonym of it necessitates a new name for Nematus of Konow and authors. For Nematus Konow and authors the name Nematinus may be used. The type of Nematinus is Tenthredo ahdominalis Panzer. 100 MISCELLANEOUS FOEEST INSECTS. GYMNONYCHTJS Marlatt=DIPHADNTJS Hartig. In 1837 Hartig (Fam. Blatt. Holzwesp., p. 225) formed a new sub- genus (DipJiadnus) of Nematus for a species he called fuscicomis- Later European writers have proved that Nematus {Diphadnus) fuscicornis Hartig is an aberrant form of his Nematus appendiculatus, which for some time was placed in the genus PristipJiora. Mr. C. L. Marlatt,^ in his Revision of the Nematinse of North America, described a new genus, Gymnonychus, for certain species near PristipJiora, which have simple tarsal claws. Nematus appendicu- latus Hartig belongs to this genus, but in 1837 a generic name was given to an aberrant form of this species, so Mr. Marlatt's name must fall as a synonym of DipJiadnus Hartig. Diphadnus Hartig, 1837. Gymnonychus Maria tt, 1896. CALIROA O. Costa AND ERIOCAMPOIDES Konow. In 1859 (Fauna Napoli, Tenthred., p. 59) O. Costa described the genus Caliroa and included one species, C. sehetia O. Costa, which is therefore the genotype. Later it was proved that Caliroa sehetia is the same as TentJiredo (Allantus) cinxia Klug. Rev. F. W. Konow in 1890 (Deutsch. ent. Zeitschr., 1890, p. 239) described his genus Eriocampoides and in his list of species, page 248, considers sehetia O. Costa as a synonym of cinxia Klug, but makes no mention of the genus Caliroa. Dr. WiUiam H. Ashmead in 1898 (Can. Ent., p. 256) divided Konow' s genus Eriocampoides into two genera, naming Monostegia rosse Harris as the type of his new genus Endelomyia. The group of species placed in the genus Eriocampoides by Konow can well be separated into two distinct sections, one of which, Konow to the contrary notwithstanding (for he says Caliroa was founded on a male and not sufficiently characterized. Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 29, p. 75, 1906), must be called Caliroa. The type of Eriocampoides being the common pear slug limacina, that subgenus will contain those species which have the clypeus emarginate, the pedicel subequal in length with the scape, and the hind wings with usually two closed discal cells in the female. The type of Endelomyia Ashmead is Monostegia rosse Harris, which is the same as the European rose slug setJiiops Fabricius. The subgenus Endelomyia is characterized as having the clypeus truncate, the pedicel shorter than the scape (much wider than long), and the hind wings with usually only one discal cell in the female. Endelomyia is, however, a synonym of Caliroa, their genotypes being strictly congeneric. aV. S. Dept. A^^r., Div. Ent., Tech. ser. 3, 1896. THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOOD WASPS. 101 The differences between these two f^roups are hardly of generic importance and could better be treated as subgenera, the arrangement being as follows : Genus Caliroa O. Costa, 1859. Subgenus Caliroa O. Costa, 1859. Endelomijia Ashmead, 1898. Subgenus Eriocampoides Konow, 1890. (See Peridistoptera, p. 86.) CIMBEX AND ALLIES. Olivier (Encycl. Method., vol. 4, p. 22, 1789) characterized his genus Clavellarius, but included no species in it. No species was ever placed in the genus, but in 1791 (Encycl. Method., vol. 6,, p. 18) Olivier says that he changed the name to Cimhex because of the resemblance to the botanical genus Clavaria. In the Encyclopedic Methodique, volume 5, page 764, 1790, the genus Cimbex is described and sixteen species are placed in it. Since Clavellarius had no standing until 1791 it must rank as a synonym of Cimhex as Olivier would have it. Lamarck (Systeme des Animaux sans vertebres, p. 264, 1801) char- acterized the genus Clavellaria, accrediting it to Olivier, but Olivier' s genus was Clavellarius. The only species placed in Clavellaria by Lamarck was Tenthredo lutea Ijinnadus, the genus being monobasic with Tenthredo lutea as the type. Latreille (Considerations Generales, 1810), however, gave, as the type of Cimhex, Tenthredo lutea Linnaeus, so Clavellaria Lamarck is a synonym of Cimhex, the genera being isogenotypic. W.A.Schultz (Spolia Hymenopterologica, p. 87, 1906) proposed the name Pseudoclavellaria for Clavellaria Leach and authors. The synonymy is as follows : Cimbex Olivier (Encycl. Method., vol. 5, p. 764, 1790). Clavellarius Olivier (Encycl. Method., vol. 4, p. 22, 1789; Encycl. Method., vol. 6, p. 18, 1791). Clavellaria Lamarck (Syst. Anim. sans. Vert., p. 264, 1801). Pseudoclavellaria Schultz (Spolia Hym., p. 87, 1906). Clavellaria Leach {Zool. Misc., vol. 3, p. Ill, 1817; and authors). The above conclusions differ somewhat from those reached by Schultz (SpoUa Hym., 1906), but it is believed that they are correct. SYZYGONIA AND ALLIES. Klug (Ent. Mon., p. 175, 1824) described his genus Syzygonia and included two species, cyanoptera Klug and cyanocepJiala Klug. Dr. William H. Ashmead (Can. Ent., p. 230, September, 1898) fixed the type of King's genus as cyanocepJiala and described a genus which he called Syzygonidea for Syzygonia cyanea Brulle. Brulle (Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., vol. 4, p. 671, 1846), in his remarks on ^S'^sy^oma, mentions no species, but refers to plate 48 (fig. 2), where he figures Syzygonia 102 MISCELLANEOUS FOEEST INSECTS. cyanea and accredits it to Klug, but K^ug described no such species and the figure must stand as a description of cyanea Brulle, as it does not agree with any described species. Rev. F. W. Konow (Anal. Mus. Buenos Aires, vol. 6, pp. 397, 398, 1899) argues that Syzygonia cyanoptera Klug should be taken as the type of Syzygonia, as this species came first in the list and forms the first group. On these grounds he makes a new genus, Bergiana, for Syzygonia cyanocepJiala Klug. Bergiana and Syzygonia are isogeno- typic, so Bergiana falls as a synonym of Syzygonia. PARASYZYGONIA, N. N. FOR SYZYGONIA Konow. Since Bergiana Konow is a synonym of Syzygonia, Syzygonia Konow must have a new name, as it is different irom. Syzygonidea Ashmead. For Syzygonia Konow Parasyzygonia may be used. The above-mentioned genera may be separated in the following manner: Radial cell of the fore wings not appendiculate (four cubital cells, the second and third each recei\dng a recurrent nervure; antennae 6-jointed, the third joint longer than the fourth, and the club gradually formed) Syzygonidea Ashmead. Radial cell of the fore wings distinctly appendiculate. Antennae 5-jointed; third cubital cell receiving the second recurrent nervure Syzygonia Klug. Antennae 6-jointed; the second recurrent nervure interstitial with the second transverse cubitus Parasyzygonia Rohwer. Syzygonidea Ashmead. Syzygonia qjanea Brulle. Syzygonia Klug (Syn., Bergiana Konow). Syzygonia cyanocephala Klug. Parasyzygonia n. Syzygonia cyanoptera Klug (type). Syzygonia aenea Perty. THE WORK OF WILLIAM H. ASHMEAD ON THE TENTHRED- INOIDEA. The late Dr. William H. Ashmead's work on Tentliredinoidea was confined almost entirely to the genera, very little being done on the species. It was Doctor Ashmead's desire to give generic tables to all the genera of Hymenoptera. Such an enormous task would never have been undertaken by one less enthusiastic or energetic than Doctor Ashmead. With all the routine duties connected with the position hold by this untiring worker there was but a limited time for his researches, so of necessity a great deal of the work was done in a hurry. This hurry caused mistakes, and the founding of genera on what would seem to be trivial characters; but the greater number of the genera founded by Ashmead are at least of subgeneric impor- tance. In unpublished manuscript many of the mistakes and omis- THE GENOTYPES OF SAWFLIES AND WOODWASPS. 103 sions were corrected by Doctor Ashmead, and it is most unfortunate that these were not left in condition in which they couhl be pubhshed. In the tables of the genera of Tenthredinoidea many genera were described as new, and some of these were based on species hitherto undescribed. The characters given in the tables are sufficient to satisfy the technical requirements, so the generic and specific names should date from their publication in the tables. Various writers have considered the characters given in the tables to be of no value, and in some cases this is correct. On this basis they have sunk into the synonymy genera which have as good standing as many which they recognize. In the present paper the new genera founded on new species in the tables in the Canadian Entomologist for 1898 are characterized more completely, and a list of all the genera described, with the synonymy, as far as it has been determined, is given. Unless other- wise stated the types have been studied, and the conclusions based on these studies. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE GENERA OF TENTHREDINOIDEA DESCRIBED BY WILLIAM H. ASHMEAD, WITH THE DETERMINED SYNONYMY. 1. Acanthoptenos Ashmead. (=Arge Schrank.) 2. Aomodyctium Ashmead. (A genus without a species.) 3. Aphilodyctium Ashmead. (Syn.: Parataxonus MacGillivray.) 4. Caloptilia Ashmead. (Syn.: Labidarge Konow.) 5. Calozarca Ashmead. (=Parazarca Ashmead.) 6. Dimorphopteryx Ashmead. 7. Endelomyia Ashmead. (=Caliroa 0. Costa.) 8. Eriocampidea Ashmead . (Syn.: Cockerellonis MacGillivray.) 9. Erythraspides Ashmead. 10. Gymniopterus Ashmead. (Type species lost.) 11. Hemitaxonus Ashmead. 12. Homoeoneura Ashmead. (=Bivena MacGillivray.) 13. Hypotaxonus Ashmead. 14. Liolyda Ashmead. (=Cephaleia Panzer.) 15. Lophyridea Ashmead. (=Loph5rroides Cameron.) 16. Lophyrotoma Ashmead. (=Pterygophorus Klug.) 17. Macgillivraya Ashmead. (=Macgillivrayella Ashmead.) 18. Macgillivrayella Ashmead . 19. Manoxyela Ashmead. (=Pleroneura Konow.) 20. Marlattia Ashmead. 21. Megaxyela Ashmead. 22. Melanoselandria Ashmead. (=Hypargyricus MacGillivray.) Listed in Catalogue of Insects from New Jersey and without standing until 1909, when Doctor MacGillivray stated that it was a synonym of Hypargyricus MacGillivray. The synonymy is: Melanoselandria (Ashmead) MacGillivray, 1909, =Hypargyricus MacGillivray, 1908. 23. Micrarge Ashmead. (Syn.: Braunsiola Konow.) 24. Monophadnoides Ashmead. 104 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. 25. Neoperga Ashmead. 26. Neoptilia Ashmead. 27. Opisthoneura Ashmead . (=Zascliizonyx Ashmead.) 28. Paraperga Ashmead. 29. Paraselandria Ashmead. ( = Selandria Leach.) 30. Parasiobla Ashmead. 31. Parazarca Ashmead. (Syn.: Calozarca Ashmead.) 32. Peiiclistoptera Ashmead. (=Eriocainpoides Konow.) 33. Poecilost oroide a Ashmead. (=Einpria Lepeletier.) 34. Polystichophag-us Ashmead. (=Pseudotaxonus A. Costa.) 35. Pseudoperga Ashmead (non Gnerin). 36. Pseudosiobla Ashmead. 37. Pterygophorinus Ashmead. ( = Pterygophorus Klug.) 38. Strongylogasteroidea Ashmead. 39. Syzygonidea Ashmead. 40. Tetratneura Ashmead. (=Einpria Lepeletier.) 41. Zaschizonyx Ashmead. In all, Ashmead described 41 genera of Tentliredinoidea. Of these 41 genera, 17 have been determined to be synonyms of older genera and 5 have later genera for synonyms. Some of the segregates of Perga defined by Ashmead will be classed as synonyms of the segre- gates formed by Shipp. These will be discussed in a later paper. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MORE IMPORTANT WRITINGS OF WILLIAM H. ASHMEAD ON TENTHREDINOIDEA. Table of genera of Xyelidse. < In Dyar: Psyche, vol. 8, p. 214, 1898. A generic table of the Blennocampinse. < In Dyar: Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, vol. 6, pp. 127-129, 1898. Classification of the horntails and sawflies, or the suborder Phytophaga. In 7 parts. < Can. Ent., vol. 30, 1898 (1), pp. 141-145; (2) pp. 177-188; (3) pp. 205-213; (4) pp. 225-232; (5) pp. 249-257; (6) pp. 280-287; (7) pp. 305-316. Order Hymenoptera. < In Smith: Insects of New Jersey, pp. 501-613, 1900. A new oryssid from Chatham Islands, Bismarclc Archipelago. < Psyche, vol. 10, p. 73, 1903. Two new phytophagous Hymenoptera. < Can. Ent., vol. 35, p. 233, 1903. Descriptions of four new horn-tails. < Can. Ent., vol. 36, pp. 63-64, 1904. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERA AND SPECIES. MANOXYELA Ashinead=PLERONEURA Konow. The type of Manoxyela calif ornica Ashmead belongs to the genus Pleroneura Konow, so Manoxyela is a synonym of Pleroneura. Pleroneura Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 23, p. 56, 1897. Manoxyela Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 206, 1898. PLERONEURA CALIFORNICA (Ashmead). Manoxyela californica Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 206, 1898. Length to the end of the second abdominal segment, 2.5 mm.; length of fore wing, 4 mm. Lateral angles and middle i)roduction of the clypeus rounded; autennal furrows wanting above the anterior ocellus; middle fovece elongate; anterior ocellus in a slightly depressed Imsiti, whicli is sl)ar])ly angled nbovo: postocellar line slightly THE CENOTVPKS OI^ SAWFLTES AND WOODWASPS. 105 shorter than the ocellocular line, but lonj^er than the ocelloccipital line; right mandible with 2 inner teeth; head and parts of the thorax irregularly granular; tarsal claws with a long bristle near the middle; stigma more than twice as long as wide, angled below; venation very like Xyela julii; four posterior legs and abdomen beyond the third segment wanting. Black; antennae, palpi, and legs reddish-yellow; wings hyaline, venation pallid. Type locality. — Alameda County, California. Ono specimen col- lected in June. Type.—Csit. No. SS^7, U. S. National Museum. Related to Pleroneura fulvicornifi Rohwer. ACANTHOPTENOS Ashmead=AIlGE Schrank. Aslimead (Can. Ent., p. 212, 1898) described his genus Acan- tlioptenos for Acanthoptenos weitliii Ashmead. The genus is founded upon an abberant specimen of Arge macleayi authors, the intercostal vein being absent in the only perfect fore wing. Acanthoptenos is therefore a synonym of Arge. Arge Schrank, 1802. Acanthoptenos Ashmead, 1898. CALOPTILIA Ashmead. Caloptilia Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 212, 1898. Type. — Caloptilia towns endi Ashmead. Ashmead placed liis genus Caloptilia in his subfamily Schizoceringe, but in this he is wrong. The type of Caloptilia townsendi Aslmiead has the cross- vein in the intercostal cell present and belongs to his Hylotominse. It is the same as Lahidarge Konow. LABIDARGE Konow=CALOPTILIA Ashmead. The error of Doctor Aslimead in placing Caloptilia in the Schizo- ceringe caused Rev. F. W. Konow to form a new genus Lahidarge for tlie same group of species. As Konow's genus was described a year later than Ashmead's, it must rank as a synonym of Caloptilia. Caloptilia Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 212, 1898. Lahidarge Konow, Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 309, 1899. CALOPTILIA TOWNSENDI Ashmead. Caloptilia toumsendi, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 212, 1898. Reddish-yellow; head, spot on lateral lobe, four posterior tibiae and tarsi, and apex of abdomen black; wings dusky hyaline with a broad yellow band behind the stigma. Female. — Length, 8 mm. Labrum arcuately emarginate anteriorly; clypeus with a V-shaped notch in the middle; supracly peal area in cross section triangular; the usual frontal basin sharply defined, the middle fovea! area separated from the upper area by a low, complete, transverse carina; the middle fovea with a spherical tubercle; postocellar furrow angled; the postocellar area with longitudinal impressed line; flagellum hairy, very slightly thickening apically; transverse median vein received beyond the middle of the first discoidal cell; stigma elongate, rounded on the lower 106 MISCELLANEOUS FOREST INSECTS. margin; saw with regular triangularly-shaped teeth; sheath at the apex obliquely truncate. Reddish-yellow; flagellum, head (labrum and palpi excepted), a spot on the lateral lobe of the mesonotum, four posterior tibise and tarsi, and apical four abdominal segments black; anterior tarsi dusky. Wings dusky hyaline, \\dtha broad yellow band behind the stigma; venation in the dusky part brown, in the yellow part yellowish, basal part of the stigma yellowish. Male. — Length, 8 mm. The male agrees with the characters given for the female except that the supraclypeal area and clypeus are pale. Hypopygidium rounded apically. Type locality. — San Rafael, Jicoltepec, Mexico. Five females and one male collected by C. H. T. Townsend (from the Ashmead collec- tion). Also two females from Cordoba, Mexico, collected by Mr. Frederick Knab. Type.— Ca,t. No. 13134, U. S. National Museum. PSEUDOCYPHONA Ashmead. Pseudocyphona Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 211, 1898. Type. — Pseudocyphona mexicana Ashmead. This genus belongs to the Schizocerinse and is related to Schizocera, but is readily separated from Schizocera and allies by the toothed tarsal claws. Habitus similar to Schizocera. Clypeus and labrum emarginate; antennal carina present; eyes elongate oval, slightly converging to the clypeus; malar space almost wanting; ocelli in a low triangle, the lateral ones very little before the supraorbital line; antennse inserted near the middle of the face, the third joint simple in the female and somewhat flat- tened; thorax and abdomen normal for the group; tibise without lateral spurs; post- basitarsis shorter than the following joints; claws with an erect inner tooth near the middle; radial cell not appendiculate; four cubital cells, the second receiving both recurrent veins; basal vein joining the subcosta at the origin of the cubitus; trans- verse median received near the middle of the first discoidal cell; anal cell broadly contracted; radial cell of the hind wings open at the apex; two closed discal cells in the hind wing; the anal cell longly petiolate, the petiole longer than the cell. PSEUDOCYPHONA MEXICANA Ashmead. Pseudocyphona mexicana Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 211, 1898. Black; mesonotum, scutellum, and upper part of the pleurte reddish; legs black; wings dark. Female.— Length, 7 mm. Labrum and clypeus very slightly arcuately emarginate; supraclypeal area convex, triangular in outline, meeting the prominent middle carina between the antennse; antennal fovese large and joining the supraclypeal fovea; antennal furrows not well defined; ocellar basin represented by a gently depressed area; postocellar fuiTow almost wanting; postocellar line shorter than the ocellocular line; antennseshort, the third joint broad, flattened; thorax normal; transverse median slightly beyond the middle of the first discoidal cell; third cubital cell about one- third longer on the radius than on the cubitus; stigma robust, broadest at the base; sheath with the lower margin marginate; saw with very small, close teeth. Black; pronotum, mesonotum, scutellum, tegulse, and upper part of the mesopleurae reddish; wings apd venation blackish-brown. Type locality. — San Rafael, Jicoltepec, Mexico. One female from the Ashmead collection, collected by Mr. C. H. T. Townsend. Type. — Cat. No. 13135, U. S. National Museum. THE GENOTYPES OE SAWELIES AND WOODWASPS. 107 NEOPTILIA Ashmead. Neoptilia Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 213, 1898. Type. — Neoptilia mexicana Ashmead. Belongs to the Schizocerides of Konow, and runs, in Konow's tables (Genera Insec- toriim, Fasc. 29, p. 13, 1906), in with Jfemidianeura W. F. Kirby and Ptilia TiCpclotier, or to Rhagonyx Konow. Elongate, robust species; head not especially small or trans- verse, not as wide as the thorax, much broader than high; clypeus and labrum emargi- nate anteriorly; ocelli in a curved line, the lateral ones in front of the supraorbital line; eyes slightly converging to the clypeus; malar space very narrow, antennal furrows present; ocellocular line subequal with the postocellar line; antennae inserted in the middle of the face, ciliate, furcate in the male, simple in the female and scarcely thickening apically; tibise without lateral spurs; post-basitarsis not as long as the following joints; tarsal claws cleft, the inner tooth larger and shorter in the female; thorax normal for the group. Venation of females as follows: Intercostal cell without a cross- vein; radial cell with a strong appendiculation; four cubital cells, the second receiving both recurrent veins, the second near the middle, the first near the base ; basal vein slightly basad of the origin of the cubitus, bent basally and not exactly parallel with the first recurrent; transverse median slightly basad of the middle of the first discoidal; anal cell very broadly contracted; in the hind wings the radial cell is long and not closed at the apex; two closed discal cells, the upper one much longer; trans- verse median at right angles with the anal vein ; anal cell shorter than the rest of the anal vein. The venation of the male differs from that of the female in the absence of the second transverse cubitus. Basal plate with a narrow longitudinal suture. Rhagonyx Konow (Zeitschr. syst. Hyin. Dipt., vol. 3, p. 108, 1903) has the claws cleft, and is perhaps related to Neoptilia Ashmead. NEOPTILIA MEXICANA Ashmead. Neoptilia mexicana Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 213, 1898. Colored similarly to Hylotoma hiramosa Klug, which has been placed in different genera by different authors. There are some minor dif- ferences, however, and the standing of hiramosa is so uncertain that mexicana should be held distinct until King's type can be studied. Female. — Length, 11 mm. Labrum deeply arcuately emarginate; clypeus with a deep V-shaped notch; labrum, clypeus, and supraclypeal area with rather large punc- tures; front with small well-separated punctures; vertex impunctate; supraclypeal area broadly convex, triangular; carina between the antennae high but not sharp; postocellar area parted, with a median furrow, wider than the cephalocaudad length; postocellar furrow not sharply defined; postocellar line subequal with the ocellocular line; thorax shining; third cubital cell more than twice as long on the radius as on cubitus. Black; angles of the pronotum broadly pallid; abdomen, except the black second and third dorsal segments, pallid at the base and reddish yellow at the apex; legs, except the anterior tibise at base beneath, black; wings beyond the basal nervure distinctly brown, basad hyaline; venation black; head with pale hair. Male. — Length, 9.5 mm. The male differs from the female in the usual sexual characters and the arcuately emarginate clypeus. Hypopygidium very large, apex truncate. Type locality. — San Rafael, Jicoltepec, Mexico. Three females and one male in the collection of Dr. William H. Ashmead. Type.—CsiL No. 13133, U. S. National Museum. 108 MISCELLANEOUS FOEEST INSECTS. MARLATTIA Ashmead. Marlattia Ashmead, Can. Ent., voL 30, p. 287, 1898. Tyjpe. — Hemichroa laricis Marlatt. Clypeus shallowly emarginate; malar space present; pentagonal area present; antennae slender, filiform, fourth joint longer than the third; thorax normal for the group; legs normal except for the simple tarsal claws; venation normal except the intercostal vein, which is interstitial with the basal, and the third cubital cell, which is short as in Pteronus. Easily known from Hemichroa by the simple tarsal claws. OPISTHONEURA Ashmead=ZASCHIZONYX Ashmead. The type of Opisihoneura crevecoeuri Ashmead is the same as Hop- locampa montana Cresson, which is the type of Zaschizonyx Ashmead. Zaschizonyx Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 257, 1898. Opisthoneura Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 287, 1898. PARAZARCA Ashmead. Parazarca Ashmead, in Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, p. 128, 1898; Can. Ent., p. 252, October, 1898. (Type, Parazarca fumipennis Ashmead.) CaZozarm Ashmead, in Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, p. 129, 1898; Can. Ent., p. 252, October, 1898. (Type, Selandria fascipennis Norton.) Eyes large, subparallel or slightly converging to clypeus; malar space very narrow so as to be nearly wanting; clypeus truncate, rather large as is the labrum; lateral ocelli below the supraorbital line, the posterior orbits therefore rather narrow; antennae hairy, pedicellum much longer than wide, third joint the longest, apical joints short and narrowing apically; mesosternum with a distinct, triangular-shaped prsesternum; mesopleurae without a suture separating off a prepectus, metanotum with a distinct "scutellum;" tarsal claws with a large inner tooth appearing cleft, also a small post- basal tooth, basitarsis subequal with the following joints; wings of the normal blenno- campid type; transverse median in the middle of first discoidal cell; third cubital cell longer on the radius than the first and third combined; radial cell of the hind wings appendiculate; no closed discal cell in the hind wings and the anal cell distinctly petiolate. PARAZARCA FUMIPENNIS Ashmead. Parazarca fumipenniH Anhmend, through Dyar, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, p. 128, 1898. Female. — Length, 7 mm. Lateral angles of the clypeus rouiuhMl; frontal fovese broad, shallow, the lateral ones somewhat circular in outline; the middle fovea joining with the ocellar basin and forming a broad, shallow, depressed area; antennal furrows obsolete; postocellar furrow faintly indicated; lateral boundaries of the postocellar area sharply defined; postocellar line a very little shorter than the ocelloccipital line; stigma broadest at base, tapering gradually to the a])ex; second recurrent vein quite free from the second transverse cubitus; sheath very robust, straight above, the apex truncate, the oblique lower part emarginate; saw obliquely ribbed, the teeth small; sharp, and regular. Shining reddish yellow; flagellum, spot inclosing ocelli, apex of saw, and four posterior legs below middle of tibioe black; anterior tarsi brownish, wings ])i'own, venation l)rowniHh black. Male. — Length, 6 ram. Almost exactly as in female. Hypopygidium one and one-fourth times as long as wide, the apex gently rounded. THE GENOTYPES OF SAWELIES AND WOODWASPS. 109 Type locality. — Frontero, Tabasco, Mexico. A male and female from the Ashmead collection. Type.— Csit. No. 13136, U. S. National Museum. COCKERELLONIS MacGillivray=ERIOCAMPIDEA Ashmead. Comparison of a specimen, from the original lot collected by Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell and sent to the U. S. National Museum, of CocJc- erellonis occidentalis MacGillivray proves that this species is the same as Eriocampidea arizonensis Ashmead. Cockerellonis MacGillivray is therefore a synonym of Eriocampidea Ashmead. Eriocampidea Ashmead, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 256, 1898. Cockerellonis MacGillivray, Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 365, 1908. Inasmuch as MacGillivray has described Coclcerellonis occidentalis (Can. Ent., p. 365, 1908) completely, a description of Eriocampidea arizonensis is not given here. HYPOTAXONUS Ashmead. Rohwer ^ gave this genus as a synonym of Ermilia O. Costa. As his remarks on the type of Taxonus Hartig ^ are incorrect, this is wrong, and for the present Hypotaxonus should be treated as a good subgenus. a Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 38, no. 1739, p. 203, 1910. 6 Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 39, no. 1777, p. Ill, 1910. Q UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini 3 1262 09229 6036